Team Fortress Wiki talk:Competitive representation/UGC Highlander League
Is that 9:30 PM or AM? Regardless, why would you have the matches on a MONDAY? People have other things to do, you know.. -- Firestorm 23:46, 3 December 2010 (UTC)
- 9:30PM, I should clarify that. As for the day, it's what's said on the UGC site: All Matches must be played Monday at approx. 9:30pm ET. I'll ask if it has to be Monday, or whether we can stick to weekends as we currently do. -RJ 23:49, 3 December 2010 (UTC)
- hmmm, that MIGHT work for me, it depends on my classes. --
Firestorm 00:04, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
- Well crap... I would have offered my services as a reserve, but there's no way I can play on a Monday, at least not at that hour. I presume the EU times would be different though. It wouldn't really be fair to make Europeans play at 2:00AM (or later depending where they are). --
- (talk | contribs) -- 00:11, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
- Well crap... I would have offered my services as a reserve, but there's no way I can play on a Monday, at least not at that hour. I presume the EU times would be different though. It wouldn't really be fair to make Europeans play at 2:00AM (or later depending where they are). --
- hmmm, that MIGHT work for me, it depends on my classes. --
- Just got an update, may as well copy/paste for now.
[00:12] <Snowblindfrog> There will be a NA and EU div [00:13] <Snowblindfrog> THe default day of Monday is not mandatory. There is a match comm thread for every matchup and you will be free to schedule the matches to be played whenever you want. However, if the 2 teams can't agree on a time, then the default time will be used [00:13] <Snowblindfrog> The same goes for the time really. Since you're free to schedule the match on your own, you;re free to set the time with the other team. [00:14] <Snowblindfrog> We'll likely have a deadline day each week to have the match played. Most likely Fridays.
-RJ 00:19, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
US Team leader
If we want to enter a US team too, we'll have to have a leader for the US team. I will be busy with the EU team, and won't be capable of managing the US team (and it may violate the no multi-team players rule). I wish to limit this role to those who have been on the Wiki for a while and thus can be trusted with the task. The US team members, I ask you to discuss the "leader" role below and make your decision as to who the leader is - the leader will be responsible for getting your team together, signed up, and organised for every match. The US and EU teams will function as seperate entities in the league. -RJ 17:00, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
Are applications still open for this?
Because I would love to be on the team again. Last season I only got to play the pre-season and then my computer broke for 4 months, but thats aside from the point. 15:53, 5 September 2011 (PDT)
- For the new season, yes. This page was essentially just created today, so you aren't even late. — Armisael (T | C) 15:54, 5 September 2011 (PDT)
Devotion of Time
Firstly, my current computer is only good for casual play; I get the occasional lag spikes that lead to dropped Ubers, which I deem unacceptable, so there's not much chance of me being on the team.
So, I remember signing up for UGC's highlander last winter thinking, "Eh, cool - tournament level play with Wiki pals." I recall that our US team regulars had some MAJOR attendance issues last winter, me included. I am of the honest opinion that the Wiki shouldn't field a team if we're forced to call in mercenaries almost every game, skill levels of said mercenaries not mentioned. It looks completely unprofessional to have half of the OFFICIAL WIKI's roster not show up. There cannot be a "I might play." - If someone signs up, they MUST make sure they can commit to the required times. Regular players, who will always be there, and Backup players, the equivalent of a mercenary, need to be separated. From what I can observe, only 7 out of 15 listed players have a remote chance of showing up to least 80% of practice and games all the time.
Additionally, this is NOT casual play. Tournament games are for winning - this means that you learn how to play your class on each map. Yes, Viaduct is a pain when you're Pyro - find a way around it. Potential team members need to be tested, and specialized roles assigned. I highly disliked switching from Pyro to Sniper in the middle of the season just because the team would perform more efficiently as a result (I'll be blunt, it's because the Sniper impacts the battlefield more than the Pyro). The team Demoman, for example, should be able to attain a decent score against Senor Laggesto in MGE, maybe around a 20-2 loss (I kid, but skill is required). The Soldier should be able to airshot, the Pyro should be able to combo weapons, the Sniper should be able to quickscope, etc. Players should additionally always use the most optimal loadout; no fooling around with your Sydney Sleeper. The lack of serious players last season was aggravating enough that several key figures didn't want to return. If you can't commit, you are wasting slots for better team members.
Heck, I'm willing to test people. My skill level is rather terrible, but if you can defeat me, you're better than what they've got in Tin League. InShane 22:04, 11 September 2011 (PDT)
- I too, was unable to play for most of the season, and as second team captain, that was really, really embarrassing. Unfortunately, my schedule at the time of signup was open- I figured I had enough time be effective, but then a required class was slotted right in on match day, over match time. As such, I won't be returning. I let down the team once, and I don't want to risk it again. I also had no idea where else to put this. Here seemed fine.
Medik <3 [Talk/Contribs] 17:51, 12 September 2011 (PDT)