Template:Self-Made item owner

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Documentation for Self-Made item owner

This template is for populating List of Self-made item owners.


{{Self-Made Item owner
 | communityid = Community ID of receipient from steamcommunity.com (excluding the steamcommunity.com/profiles/ bit), their name will be pulled from Template:Dictionary/steam ids

 | item1       = Name of first item. Required.
 | item2       = Name of second item. 
 | item3       = Name of third item. 
 | item4       = Name of fourth item. 
 | item5       = Name of fifth item.
 | item16      = Name of sixteenth item. 

 | serial1     = Item serial for item 1
 | serial2     = Item serial for item 2
 | serial3     = Item serial for item 3
 | serial4     = Item serial for item 4
 | serial5     = Item serial for item 5
 | serial16     = Item serial for item 16

 | notes       = Notes, other information, if relevant.
 | wiki        = Wiki username, if any

Item serials are obtainable by dragging and dropping an item in the Steam inventory into your browser's URL bar or using a 3rd party backpack viewer.

See also