Template:PatchDiff/October 17, 2011 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf spanish.txt
< Template:PatchDiff/October 17, 2011 Patch
Revision as of 03:04, 18 October 2011 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf_spanish.txt" for patch October 17, 2011 Patch.)
60136013"[english]Store_Weapons" "Weapons"
60146014"Store_Misc" "MISC."
60156015"[english]Store_Misc" "Misc"
6016N/A"Store_Tools" "Herramientas"
N/A6016"Store_Tools" "Útiles"
60176017"[english]Store_Tools" "Tools"
60186018"Store_Crafting" "FABRICACIÓN"
60196019"[english]Store_Crafting" "Crafting"
61576157"[english]StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "Unable to confirm success. If successful, your items will be delivered at a later date."
61586158"StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "No tienes suficiente espacio en la mochila para adquirir tantos objetos."
61596159"[english]StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "You don't have enough room in your backpack to buy that many items."
6160N/A"Store_NextWeapon" "Arma siguiente"
6161N/A"[english]Store_NextWeapon" "Next Weapon"
N/A6160"Store_NextWeapon" "Arma"
N/A6161"[english]Store_NextWeapon" "Weapon"
61626162"Store_StartShopping" "EMPIEZA LA COMPRA"
61636163"[english]Store_StartShopping" "START SHOPPING"
61646164"Store_IntroTitle" "¡LA TIENDA ESTÁ ABIERTA!"
64516451"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Duel" "This �Action Item� enables the �Dueling Mini-Game�. When used, it allows you to challenge a player on the opposite team to a duel. If they accept, the duel begins. This item will not be consumed if the other player refuses the duel.\n\nAt the end of the round, whoever has more duel points wins. Kills and assists against your opponent are worth 1 point.\n\nThis item will not be consumed if the server changes level or the score is tied 0-0 at the end of the round."
64526452"TF_Armory_Item_Supply_Crate" "Esta caja contiene �uno� de los objetos enumerados en su descripción. Para abrirla debes utilizar una �llave de caja de suministros de Mann Co.�, que podrás adquirir en la tienda de Mann Co. Estas cajas contienen los objetos más raros y más valiosos del juego, ¡cruza los dedos antes de abrirla!"
64536453"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Supply_Crate" "This crate contains �one� of the items listed in its description. To unlock the crate and retrieve the item, you must use a �Mann Co. Supply Crate Key�, which can be purchased inside the Mann Co. Store. These crates contain one of the rarest and most valuable items in the game, so cross your fingers before you unlock them!"
6454N/A"TF_Armory_Item_Key" "Esta �Llave� permite abrir una �caja de suministros de Mann Co.�. Cuando abras la caja, recibirás �uno� de los objetos de la lista de la caja de suministros."
N/A6454"TF_Armory_Item_Key" "Esta �Llave� permite abrir una �caja de suministros de Mann Co.� Cuando abras la caja, recibirás �uno� de los objetos de la lista de la caja de suministros."
64556455"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Key" "This �Key� can be used to open one �Mann Co. Supply Crate�. When opened, you will receive �one� of the items on the Supply Crate's item list."
64566456"TF_Armory_Item_NameTag" "Esta �Etiqueta de Nombre� permite modificar permanentemente el nombre de un objeto individual. Los demás jugadores verán el nombre que tú elijas en lugar del nombre original."
64576457"[english]TF_Armory_Item_NameTag" "This �Name Tag� can be used to permanently modify the name of a single item. Other players will see the name you choose instead of the original name."
1033110331"[english]BackpackShowRarities" "Show Quality Colors"
1033210332"TF_FreezeCamHide" "Ocultar el HUD al capturar una instantánea."
1033310333"[english]TF_FreezeCamHide" "Hide HUD during freezecam screenshots."
10334N/A"Store_Popular" "Los más vendidos"
N/A10334"Store_Popular" "Los más\nvendidos"
1033510335"[english]Store_Popular" "Top Sellers"
1033610336"Tooltip_FreezeCamHide" "Si se activa, el HUD se ocultará al tomar una instantánea al morir."
1033710337"[english]Tooltip_FreezeCamHide" "If set, the HUD will be hidden during freezecam screenshots."
10338N/A"Store_MostPopular" "Los objetos más populares de hoy:"
N/A10338"Store_MostPopular" "Los objetos más\npopulares de hoy:"
1033910339"[english]Store_MostPopular" "Today's Most Popular Items:"
1034010340"TF_Popularity_Rank" "#%s1"
1034110341"[english]TF_Popularity_Rank" "#%s1"
1059910599"[english]AbuseReport_TooMuchFailedMessage" "You have either already submitted an abuse report for this player, or have submitted several abuse reports in a short time period."
1060010600"TF_ClassMenu_Go" "¡YA!"
1060110601"[english]TF_ClassMenu_Go" "GO!"
10602N/A"TF_ClassMenu_Cancel" "CANCELAR"
10603N/A"[english]TF_ClassMenu_Cancel" "CANCEL"
N/A10602"TF_ClassMenu_Cancel" "CANCELAR (&0)"
N/A10603"[english]TF_ClassMenu_Cancel" "CANCEL (&0)"
1060410604"Econ_Bundle_Double" "%s1, %s2"
1060510605"[english]Econ_Bundle_Double" "%s1, %s2"
1060610606"Econ_Bundle_DoubleContinued" "%s1, %s2,"
1060710607"[english]Econ_Bundle_DoubleContinued" "%s1, %s2,"
N/A10608"Econ_GreyOutReason_ToolCannotApply" "( No se puede aplicar a este objeto. )"
N/A10609"[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_ToolCannotApply" "( Tool cannot apply to this item. )"
N/A10610"Econ_GreyOutReason_CannotBeUsedByThisClass" "( Esta clase no puede usar este objeto. )"
N/A10611"[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_CannotBeUsedByThisClass" "( Item cannot be used by this class. )"
N/A10612"Econ_GreyOutReason_CannotBeUsedInThisSlot" "( No se puede usar en este espacio. )"
N/A10613"[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_CannotBeUsedInThisSlot" "( Item cannot be used in this slot. )"
1060810614"Econ_GreyOutReason_EquipRegionConflict" "( Interfiere con otros objetos equipados. )"
1060910615"[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_EquipRegionConflict" "( Item conflicts with other equipped items. )"
N/A10616"Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemNotCraftable" "( El objeto no es fabricable. )"
N/A10617"[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemNotCraftable" "( Item is not craftable. )"
N/A10618"Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemNotTradable" "( Objeto no intercambiable. )"
N/A10619"[english]Econ_GreyOutReason_ItemNotTradable" "( Item is not tradable. )"
N/A10620"TF_Weapon_Sign" "Señal"
N/A10621"[english]TF_Weapon_Sign" "Sign"
N/A10622"TF_Wearable_Conscience" "Conciencia"
N/A10623"[english]TF_Wearable_Conscience" "Conscience"
N/A10624"TF_Wearable_Flair" "¡Estilo!"
N/A10625"[english]TF_Wearable_Flair" "Flair!"
N/A10626"TF_Wearable_Blueprints" "Planos"
N/A10627"[english]TF_Wearable_Blueprints" "Blueprints"
N/A10628"TF_Wearable_Shoes" "Zapatos"
N/A10629"[english]TF_Wearable_Shoes" "Shoes"
N/A10630"TF_Wearable_Scarf" "Bufanda"
N/A10631"[english]TF_Wearable_Scarf" "Scarf"
N/A10632"TF_Wearable_Necklace" "Collar"
N/A10633"[english]TF_Wearable_Necklace" "Necklace"
N/A10634"TF_Wearable_PocketSquare" "Pañuelo de Bolsillo"
N/A10635"[english]TF_Wearable_PocketSquare" "Pocket Square"
N/A10636"TF_Wearable_Stethoscope" "Estetoscopio"
N/A10637"[english]TF_Wearable_Stethoscope" "Stethoscope"
N/A10638"TF_Wearable_Bombs" "Bombas Decorativas"
N/A10639"[english]TF_Wearable_Bombs" "Decorative Bombs"
1061010640"TF_NoiseMaker_Vuvuzela" "Generador de Ruidos - Vuvuzela"
1061110641"[english]TF_NoiseMaker_Vuvuzela" "Noise Maker - Vuvuzela"
1061210642"TF_Bundle_FM2012Promo" "Equipación de Futbolista"
1061710647"[english]TF_ManniversaryPaperHat" "Manniversary Paper Hat"
1061810648"TF_ManniversaryPackage" "Paquete de Manniversario"
1061910649"[english]TF_ManniversaryPackage" "Manniversary Package"
N/A10650"TF_ManniversaryPackage_Desc" "De tus amiguetes en Mann Co., celebrando nuestro primer aniversario.\n\nEste paquete contiene una muestra gratuita de nuestro catálogo otoñal y puede ser abierto desde tu mochila."
N/A10651"[english]TF_ManniversaryPackage_Desc" "From your fine friends at Mann Co., celebrating our one-year anniversary.\n\nThis contains a free sample from our fall lineup and can be opened from your backpack."
N/A10652"TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive" "Burla: ¡Choca esos cinco!"
N/A10653"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive" "Taunt: The High Five!"
N/A10654"TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive_Desc" "No dejes colgados a tus colegas.\n\nPara hacer esta burla debes mantener el botón pulsado. Mantén presionado el botón de acción para permanecer en la posición de la burla."
N/A10655"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_HighFive_Desc" "Don't leave your friends hanging.\n\nThis is a press-and-hold taunt. Hold down the action slot key to remain in the taunt's pose."
N/A10656"TF_ConscientiousObjector" "El Manifestante Concienzudo"
N/A10657"[english]TF_ConscientiousObjector" "The Conscientious Objector"
N/A10658"TF_ConscientiousObjector_Desc" "Probamos por las buenas. No funcionó.\n\nSe pueden aplicar adhesivos personalizados a este objeto."
N/A10659"[english]TF_ConscientiousObjector_Desc" "We gave peace a chance. It didn't work.\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item."
N/A10660"TF_SniperHat1" "Tu Peor Pesadilla"
N/A10661"[english]TF_SniperHat1" "Your Worst Nightmare"
N/A10662"TF_SniperHat1_Desc" "Esta bandana te enseñará a comer cosas que harían vomitar a un macho cabrío. Como por ejemplo, otro macho cabrío."
N/A10663"[english]TF_SniperHat1_Desc" "This bandanna will teach you to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. Like another billy goat."
N/A10664"TF_HeavyHat1" "Bandana de Tipo Duro"
N/A10665"[english]TF_HeavyHat1" "The One-Man Army"
N/A10666"TF_HeavyHat1_Desc" "Antes de enviar a tantos hombres a luchar contra esta bandana, recuerda una cosa: te harán falta muchas bolsas para cadáveres."
N/A10667"[english]TF_HeavyHat1_Desc" "You send that many men against a bandanna like this, don't forget one thing: A good supply of body bags."
N/A10668"TF_SpyHat1" "El Bombín Falsificado"
N/A10669"[english]TF_SpyHat1" "The Counterfeit Billycock"
N/A10670"TF_SpyHat1_Desc" "Este sombrero es un spy."
N/A10671"[english]TF_SpyHat1_Desc" "This hat is a spy."
N/A10672"TF_HeavyHat2" "El Amante de la Naturaleza"
N/A10673"[english]TF_HeavyHat2" "The Outdoorsman"
N/A10674"TF_HeavyHat2_Desc" "Cortar leña. Tomar sirope. Vivir en Canadá. Este sombrero te permite hacer todo eso."
N/A10675"[english]TF_HeavyHat2_Desc" "Chop wood. Eat syrup. Live in Canada. This hat lets you do it all."
1062010676"TF_DemoHat1" "La Experiencia Tavish DeGroot"
1062110677"[english]TF_DemoHat1" "The Tavish DeGroot Experience"
1062210678"TF_DemoHat1_Desc" "Hey, Joe, ¿a dónde vas con ese lanzabombas lapa en tu mano?"
1062310679"[english]TF_DemoHat1_Desc" "Hey, Joe, where you going with that sticky launcher in your hand?"
N/A10680"TF_EngineerHat1" "El Lápiz del Listillo"
N/A10681"[english]TF_EngineerHat1" "The Pencil Pusher"
1062410682"TF_EngineerHat1_Desc" "Mide dos veces, corta una, dispara primero."
1062510683"[english]TF_EngineerHat1_Desc" "Measure twice, cut once, shoot first."
1062610684"TF_EngineerBlueprints" "Los Planos del Constructor"
1062910687"[english]TF_EngineerBlueprints_Desc" "Never bring a gun to a blueprint fight."
1063010688"TF_BuccaneersBicorne" "El Bicornio del Bucanero"
1063110689"[english]TF_BuccaneersBicorne" "The Buccaneer's Bicorne"
N/A10690"TF_BuccaneersBicorne_Desc" "¡Izad la mayor! ¡Pasadlo por la quilla! ¡Al abordaje! Los capitanes piratas gritan cosas así todo el tiempo, y ahora tú también puedes."
N/A10691"[english]TF_BuccaneersBicorne_Desc" "Hoist the mainsail! Buckle those swashes! Get into a swordfight! Pirate captains yell stuff like this all the time, and now you can too."
1063210692"TF_Bootlegger" "El Patapalo"
1063310693"[english]TF_Bootlegger" "The Bootlegger"
1063410694"TF_Bootlegger_Desc" "¡Sorprende a tus amigos! ¡Impresiona a las mujeres! ¡Cojea de por vida! ¡Es grotesco!"
1063510695"[english]TF_Bootlegger_Desc" "Amaze your friends! Impress women! Walk with a limp for life! It's grotesque!"
N/A10696"TF_ScottishHandshake" "El Saludo Escocés"
N/A10697"[english]TF_ScottishHandshake" "The Scottish Handshake"
N/A10698"TF_ScottishHandshake_Desc" "Tus enemigos pensarán que quieres hacer las paces, ¡hasta el terrorífico momento en el que tengan en su mano un serio corte! Aquí está el truco: ¡una botella rota!"
N/A10699"[english]TF_ScottishHandshake_Desc" "Your enemies will think you're making peace, right up until the terrifying moment that their hand is very seriously cut! Here's the trick: It's a broken bottle!"
N/A10700"TF_OldBrimstone" "El Tufillo del Azufre Viejo"
N/A10701"[english]TF_OldBrimstone" "A Whiff of the Old Brimstone"
N/A10702"TF_OldBrimstone_Desc" "Tus enemigos aplaudirán con deleite la caricaturesca inocencia de estas antiguas bombas, haciendo más dulce el momento en el que les vuelas los brazos."
N/A10703"[english]TF_OldBrimstone_Desc" "Your enemies will clap in delight at the cartoonish innocence of these old-timey bombs, making it that much sweeter when you blow their arms off."
N/A10704"TF_SoldierHat1" "El Perro Sarnoso"
N/A10705"[english]TF_SoldierHat1" "The Salty Dog"
N/A10706"TF_SoldierHat1_Desc" "¡Obtén todo el respeto que merece un capitán de barco sin tener que cargar con la responsabilidad de capitanear un barco o soportar el enorme trabajo que conlleva mantener uno!"
N/A10707"[english]TF_SoldierHat1_Desc" "Get all of a boat captain's respect without the crushing responsibility of actually captaining a boat or the enormous amount of ongoing maintenance a boat requires!"
N/A10708"TF_PyroHat1" "El Coleguilla"
N/A10709"[english]TF_PyroHat1" "The Little Buddy"
N/A10710"TF_PyroHat1_Desc" "La gente pensará que eres de la Armada. ¡Pero nunca sabrán QUE NO LO ERES! Ése es sólo uno de los posibles beneficios de este sombrero."
N/A10711"[english]TF_PyroHat1_Desc" "People will think you're in the Navy. But the joke is on them, BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT! That is just one possible benefit of this tricky hat."
1063610712"TF_HeavyHat3" "La Rata de Gimnasio"
1063710713"[english]TF_HeavyHat3" "The Gym Rat"
N/A10714"TF_HeavyHat3_Desc" "Vamos a ponernos físicos. Físicos."
N/A10715"[english]TF_HeavyHat3_Desc" "Let's get physical. Physical."
N/A10716"TF_ScoutHat1" "El Perrito Caliente"
N/A10717"[english]TF_ScoutHat1" "The Hot Dogger"
N/A10718"TF_ScoutHat1_Desc" "¡Ha habido una terrible explosión en la fábrica de perritos calientes! Eso es lo que le puedes decir a la gente, y te creerán porque pareces un experto en perritos calientes."
N/A10719"[english]TF_ScoutHat1_Desc" "There's been a terrible explosion at the hot dog factory! That's what you can tell people, and they'll believe you because you will look like an expert on hot dogs."
N/A10720"TF_PyroHat2" "La Jaula para Pájaros"
N/A10721"[english]TF_PyroHat2" "The Birdcage"
N/A10722"TF_PyroHat2_Desc" "Todo el mundo se preguntará cuál es el significado secreto de este misterioso sombrero. El secreto es que eres idiota."
N/A10723"[english]TF_PyroHat2_Desc" "Everyone will wonder what the secret meaning of this mysterious hat is. The secret is you're an idiot."
N/A10724"TF_MedicHat1" "El Stahlhelm del Cirujano"
N/A10725"[english]TF_MedicHat1" "The Surgeon's Stahlhelm"
N/A10726"TF_MedicHat1_Desc" "Técnicamente, los médicos de campo están protegidos como no combatientes bajo la Convención de Ginebra. La próxima vez que te disparen asegúrate de decírselo a tu asesino. ¡Una manera de empezar una conversación!"
N/A10727"[english]TF_MedicHat1_Desc" "Technically, field medics are protected as noncombatants under the Geneva Convention. The next time you get shot be sure to tell your killer. It's a conversation starter!"
N/A10728"TF_ScoutHat2" "Gorra de Béisbol del Revés"
N/A10729"[english]TF_ScoutHat2" "The Backwards Ballcap"
N/A10730"TF_ScoutHat2_Desc" "Mófate de la Liga Superior de Béisbol al no llevar bien su gorra."
N/A10731"[english]TF_ScoutHat2_Desc" "Stick it to Major League Baseball by not wearing their hat the right way."
N/A10732"TF_SniperNecklace" "La Sonrisa del Cocodrilo"
N/A10733"[english]TF_SniperNecklace" "The Crocodile Smile"
N/A10734"TF_SniperNecklace_Desc" "¿Cuántos cocodrilos han muerto para hacer este collar? Muchos. Esa es la gracia."
N/A10735"[english]TF_SniperNecklace_Desc" "How many crocodiles had to die to make this necklace? A lot. That's the point."
N/A10736"TF_FlairButtons" "¡Estilo!"
N/A10737"[english]TF_FlairButtons" "Flair!"
N/A10738"TF_FlairButtons_Desc" "¡Muestra entusiasmo por tus cosas favoritas!\n\nSe pueden aplicar adhesivos personalizados a este objeto."
N/A10739"[english]TF_FlairButtons_Desc" "Show enthusiasm! For your favorite things!\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item."
N/A10740"TF_MedicPocketSquare" "Pañuelo Primoroso"
N/A10741"[english]TF_MedicPocketSquare" "Couvre Corner"
N/A10742"TF_MedicPocketSquare_Desc" "A veces ponemos chistes en las descripciones. Pero, bromas aparte: Esto es bonito. Muy chulo."
N/A10743"[english]TF_MedicPocketSquare_Desc" "Sometimes we put some jokes in these descriptions. But, no joke: This looks good. Really sharp."
1063810744"TF_MedicStethoscope" "El Estetoscopio del Cirujano"
1063910745"[english]TF_MedicStethoscope" "The Surgeon's Stethoscope"
N/A10746"TF_MedicStethoscope_Desc" "Parece que sabes lo que haces cuando declaras muerta a la gente."
N/A10747"[english]TF_MedicStethoscope_Desc" "Look like you know what you're doing when you pronounce people dead."
N/A10748"TF_SpyHat2" "El Inspector"
N/A10749"[english]TF_SpyHat2" "L'Inspecteur"
N/A10750"TF_SpyHat2_Desc" "Nadie se asusta al ver un policía francés. De ahí la eficacia de este sombrero."
N/A10751"[english]TF_SpyHat2_Desc" "Nobody is not scared of a policeman from France. That is why this hat is so effective."
1064010752"TF_PhotoBadge" "Insignia Fotográfica"
1064110753"[english]TF_PhotoBadge" "Photo Badge"
N/A10754"TF_PhotoBadge_Desc" "Evita el robo de identidad.\n\nSe pueden aplicar adhesivos personalizados a este objeto."
N/A10755"[english]TF_PhotoBadge_Desc" "Discourage identity theft.\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item."
1064210756"TF_IDBadge" "Insignia de Identificación"
1064310757"[english]TF_IDBadge" "ID Badge"
N/A10758"TF_IDBadge_Desc" "Pon tu nombre en ella.\n\nSe pueden aplicar adhesivos personalizados a este objeto."
N/A10759"[english]TF_IDBadge_Desc" "Put your name on it.\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item."
N/A10760"TF_StampableMedal" "Orgullo del Clan"
N/A10761"[english]TF_StampableMedal" "Clan Pride"
N/A10762"TF_StampableMedal_Desc" "Porque es más barato y menos doloroso que un tatuaje.\n\nSe pueden aplicar adhesivos personalizados a este objeto."
N/A10763"[english]TF_StampableMedal_Desc" "Because it's cheaper and less painful than a tattoo.\n\nCustom decals can be applied to this item."
N/A10764"TF_SniperHat2" "El Espantamoscas del Vagabundo"
N/A10765"[english]TF_SniperHat2" "The Swagman's Swatter"
N/A10766"TF_SniperHat2_Desc" "Éste es el mejor sombrero. No lo diríamos si no fuera cierto. Éste es el mejor."
N/A10767"[english]TF_SniperHat2_Desc" "This is the best hat. We couldn't say it if it weren't true. This one's the best."
N/A10768"TF_PyroHat3" "El Flamenco Flamante"
N/A10769"[english]TF_PyroHat3" "The Flamboyant Flamenco"
N/A10770"TF_PyroHat3_Desc" "Ayuda a tus enemigos a celebrar el Día de los Muertos llevando este sombrero y matándolos."
N/A10771"[english]TF_PyroHat3_Desc" "Help your enemies celebrate Day of the Dead by wearing this hat and then killing them."
1064410772"TF_EngineerHat2" "El Casco de Realidad Virtual"
1064510773"[english]TF_EngineerHat2" "The Virtual Reality Headset"
N/A10774"TF_EngineerHat2_Desc" "Con esto puesto, puedes fingir que vais ganando."
N/A10775"[english]TF_EngineerHat2_Desc" "With these on, you can pretend you're winning."
N/A10776"TF_SpyGlasses" "Las Lentes del Ente"
N/A10777"[english]TF_SpyGlasses" "The Spectre's Spectacles"
N/A10778"TF_SpyGlasses_Desc" "Tan misteriosas. Tan letales. Tan miopes."
N/A10779"[english]TF_SpyGlasses_Desc" "So mysterious. So deadly. So nearsighted."
N/A10780"TF_ScoutGlasses" "Las Gafas Estereoscópicas"
N/A10781"[english]TF_ScoutGlasses" "The Stereoscopic Shades"
N/A10782"TF_ScoutGlasses_Desc" "Si cierras un ojo, uno de los equipos se esfumará. Así que no lo hagas."
N/A10783"[english]TF_ScoutGlasses_Desc" "If you close an eye, one of the teams will disappear. So don't do that."
N/A10784"TF_SoldierHat2" "El Sombrero Sin Nombre"
N/A10785"[english]TF_SoldierHat2" "The Hat With No Name"
N/A10786"TF_SoldierHat2_Desc" "Un sombrero sin nombre para un hombre sin nombre."
N/A10787"[english]TF_SoldierHat2_Desc" "A nameless hat for a nameless man."
N/A10788"TF_PyroConscience" "La Conciencia del Carbonizador"
N/A10789"[english]TF_PyroConscience" "The Cremator's Conscience"
N/A10790"TF_PyroConscience_Desc" "'¡Quémalo con fuego!' '¡No, quémalo con fuego y métele un hachazo después!'"
N/A10791"[english]TF_PyroConscience_Desc" "'Burn him with fire!' 'No, burn him with fire, then hit him with an axe!'"
N/A10792"TF_ScoutHat3" "Hermes"
N/A10793"[english]TF_ScoutHat3" "The Hermes"
N/A10794"TF_ScoutHat3_Desc" "No dispares al mensajero. No, espera. Inténtalo. ¡No puedes, colega! ¡Demasiado rápido!"
N/A10795"[english]TF_ScoutHat3_Desc" "Don't shoot the messenger. Actually, go ahead and try. Can't be done, pal! Too fast!"
N/A10796"TF_Football_Boots" "Botas Patea-Pelotas"
N/A10797"[english]TF_Football_Boots" "Ball-Kicking Boots"
N/A10798"TF_Football_Boots_Desc" "Enséñales quién tiene las pelotas."
N/A10799"[english]TF_Football_Boots_Desc" "Show balls who is the boss."
N/A10800"TF_Football_Scarf" "La Bufanda del Orgullo del Mercenario"
N/A10801"[english]TF_Football_Scarf" "Merc's Pride Scarf"
N/A10802"TF_Football_Scarf_Desc" "Lleva tu lealtad a modo de un brillante y colorido lazo alrededor de tu cuello."
N/A10803"[english]TF_Football_Scarf_Desc" "Wear your loyalty like a brightly-colored noose around your neck."
1064610804"cp_gullywash_final1_authors" "Jan 'Arnold' Laroy"
1064710805"[english]cp_gullywash_final1_authors" "Jan 'Arnold' Laroy"
1064810806"TF_Gullywash" "Gullywash"
1064910807"[english]TF_Gullywash" "Gullywash"
N/A10808"TF_MapToken_Gullywash" "Sello de Mapa - Gullywash"
N/A10809"[english]TF_MapToken_Gullywash" "Map Stamp - Gullywash"
N/A10810"TF_MapToken_Gullywash_Desc" "Un mapa de Puntos de Control\n\nCreado por Jan 'Arnold' Laroy\n\nAl comprar este objeto ayudas directamente al creador del mapa de la comunidad Gullywash. ¡Muestra tu apoyo ya!"
N/A10811"[english]TF_MapToken_Gullywash_Desc" "A Control Point Map\n\nMade by Jan 'Arnold' Laroy\n\nPurchasing this item directly supports the creator of the Gullywash community map. Show your support today!"
1065010812"NewItemMethod_PreviewItem" "Ahora estás �probando�:"
1065110813"[english]NewItemMethod_PreviewItem" "You are now �Testing�:"
N/A10814"NewItemMethod_PreviewItemPurchased" "Has �comprado�:"
N/A10815"[english]NewItemMethod_PreviewItemPurchased" "You �Purchased�:"
1065210816"TF_NextCarat" "SIGUIENTE >>"
1065310817"[english]TF_NextCarat" "NEXT >>"
1065410818"RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureTitle" "¿Eliminar pegatina?"
1065510819"[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTextureTitle" "Remove Decal?"
N/A10820"RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTexture" "¿Eliminar el adhesivo de este objeto?"
N/A10821"[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveCustomTexture" "Remove the decal applied to this item?"
N/A10822"ToolCustomizeTexturePickImage" "Elegir Imagen"
N/A10823"[english]ToolCustomizeTexturePickImage" "Select Image"
1065610824"ToolCustomizeTextureTitle" "Selecciona una imagen"
1065710825"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureTitle" "Select Image"
N/A10826"ToolCustomizeTextureError" "Error"
N/A10827"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureError" "Error"
N/A10828"ToolCustomizeTextureErrorMsg" "Error al aplicar el adhesivo al objeto. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."
N/A10829"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureErrorMsg" "Failed to apply decal tool to the item. Try again later."
N/A10830"ToolCustomizeTextureBrowseButton" "Buscar imagen..."
N/A10831"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureBrowseButton" "Browse for image..."
N/A10832"ToolCustomizeTextureOKButton" "Aplicar"
N/A10833"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureOKButton" "Apply"
N/A10834"ToolCustomizeTextureBrowseDialogTitle" "Selecciona un archivo de imagen personalizado."
N/A10835"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureBrowseDialogTitle" "Select custom image file."
N/A10836"ToolCustomizeTextureConfirmWarning" "Esta acción consumirá tu herramienta de adhesivos y no puede revertirse.\n\nLa imagen debe cumplir con el Acuerdo de Suscriptor de Steam. El uso de imágenes ofensivas o hirientes podría resultar en la eliminación de la imagen o del objeto. No se ofrecerá reembolso del dinero ni sustitución por otro objeto.\n\nSi no estás seguro de que la imagen cumple estos requisitos, no la subas."
N/A10837"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureConfirmWarning" "This action will consume your decal tool and cannot be undone.\n\nYour image must comply with the Steam Subscriber Agreement. Uploading images containing offensive or infringing material may result in the removal of the image or the item. No refund or replacement will be offered.\n\nIf you're aren't sure it's OK, don't upload it."
1065810838"ToolCustomizeTexturePleaseWait" "Espera mientras se aplica tu calco."
1065910839"[english]ToolCustomizeTexturePleaseWait" "Please wait while your decal is applied."
1066010840"ToolCustomizeTextureStep1" "1. Seleccionar imagen"
1066910849"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStep2" "2. Team Fortressize!"
1067010850"ToolCustomizeTextureStep3" "3. Confirmación final"
1067110851"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStep3" "3. Final confirm"
N/A10852"ToolCustomizeTextureDragToRotate" "(Arrastrar para girar)"
N/A10853"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureDragToRotate" "(Drag to rotate)"
N/A10854"ToolCustomizeTextureColorPalette" "Paleta de colores:"
N/A10855"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureColorPalette" "Color palette:"
N/A10856"ToolCustomizeTexturePainterlyDescription" "Funciona con la mayoría de imágenes."
N/A10857"[english]ToolCustomizeTexturePainterlyDescription" "Works for most images."
N/A10858"ToolCustomizeTextureStencilDescription" "Funciona mejor con iconos, símbolos y texto."
N/A10859"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStencilDescription" "Works best on icons, symbols, and text."
1067210860"KillEaterEventType_Humiliations" "Humillaciones"
1067310861"[english]KillEaterEventType_Humiliations" "Humiliations"
N/A10862"TF_SupplyCrateRare" "Caja de salvamento de Mann Co."
N/A10863"[english]TF_SupplyCrateRare" "Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate"
N/A10864"TF_SupplyCrateRare_Desc" "Necesitarás una llave de caja de suministros de Mann Co. para abrirla.\nPuedes hacerte con una en la Tienda Mann Co."
N/A10865"[english]TF_SupplyCrateRare_Desc" "You need a Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this.\nYou can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
N/A10866"TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem" "Herramienta de Adhesivos"
N/A10867"[english]TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem" "Decal Tool"
N/A10868"TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem_Desc" "Añade un adhesivo personalizado a objetos seleccionables."
N/A10869"[english]TF_Tool_CustomTextureItem_Desc" "Add a custom decal to eligible items."
N/A10870"TF_Set_Swashbucklers_Swag" "Botín del Bucanero"
N/A10871"[english]TF_Set_Swashbucklers_Swag" "Swashbuckler's Swag"
1067410872"Attrib_CustomTexture" "Textura Personalizada"
1067510873"[english]Attrib_CustomTexture" "Custom Texture"
1067610874"Attrib_ExpirationDate" "Este objeto caducará el %s1."
1067710875"[english]Attrib_ExpirationDate" "This item will expire on %s1."
N/A10876"Attrib_PreviewItem" "Prueba de funcionamiento - No se puede intercambiar, utilizar en la fabricación o modificar."
N/A10877"[english]Attrib_PreviewItem" "Test Run - Cannot be traded, crafted, or modified."
1067810878"Attrib_AirBlastPushScale" "Empuje de aire comprimido aumentado"
1067910879"[english]Attrib_AirBlastPushScale" "+%s1% increased airblast pushback"
N/A10880"TF_TreasureHat_3_Style" "S.D.R.Y.R.I."
N/A10881"[english]TF_TreasureHat_3_Style" "H.O.U.W.A.R."
1068010882"MMenu_SteamWorkshop" "Steam Workshop"
1068110883"[english]MMenu_SteamWorkshop" "Steam Workshop"
N/A10885"[english]Store_Maps_Title" "SUPPORT COMMUNITY MAP MAKERS AND GET A HAT!"
N/A10886"Store_Maps_SubTitle" "Todos los fondos (neto de cualquier impuesto aplicable) obtenidos de los Sellos de Mapa van directamente a los creadores de mapas."
N/A10887"[english]Store_Maps_SubTitle" "All Map Stamp proceeds (net any applicable taxes) go directly to the creators of the map."
1068210888"Store_LearnMore" "MÁS INFORMACIÓN"
1068310889"[english]Store_LearnMore" "LEARN MORE"
N/A10890"Store_TryItOut" "PRUÉBALO"
N/A10891"[english]Store_TryItOut" "TRY IT OUT"
N/A10892"Store_SortType_DateOldest" "El más antiguo primero"
N/A10893"[english]Store_SortType_DateOldest" "Oldest First"
1068410894"Store_ItemDesc_Slot_None" "Ninguno"
1068510895"[english]Store_ItemDesc_Slot_None" "None"
N/A10896"TF_HighFive_TooHigh" "Estás demasiado alto como para poder chocar los cinco."
N/A10897"[english]TF_HighFive_TooHigh" "You are too high up for any potential high five partner."
N/A10898"TF_HighFive_Blocked" "Hay un obstáculo."
N/A10899"[english]TF_HighFive_Blocked" "There is something in the way."
N/A10900"TF_HighFive_Hint" "Pulsa '%taunt%' frente a un jugador para chocar los cinco."
N/A10901"[english]TF_HighFive_Hint" "Press '%taunt%' in front of this player to perform a high five."
N/A10902"TF_Armory_Item_DecalToolTag" "Esta herramienta puede ser utilizada para poner una imagen personalizada en determinados objetos, como el Orgullo del Clan, El Manifestante Concienzudo y ¡Estilo! (Si todavía no tienes ninguno de estos objetos, cómpralo primero; incluye una herramienta de adhesivos gratis.)"
N/A10903"[english]TF_Armory_Item_DecalToolTag" "This �Tool� can be used to put a custom image on �certain items�, such as Clan Pride, The Conscientious Objector, and Flair! (If you don't already have such an item, buy the item first; it includes one free decal tool.)"
N/A10904"TF_Armory_Item_CanCustomizeTexture" "Puedes aplicar una imagen personalizada a este objeto usando la �Herramienta de Adhesivos�. ¡Compra este objeto y recibe una herramienta de adhesivos �GRATIS� para comenzar!"
N/A10905"[english]TF_Armory_Item_CanCustomizeTexture" "You can apply a custom image onto this item using the �decal tool�. Purchase this item and get a �FREE� decal tool to get started!"
1068610906"IT_Bodygroup_Shoes_Socks" "Zapatos/calcetines (Scout)"
1068710907"[english]IT_Bodygroup_Shoes_Socks" "Shoes/Socks (Scout)"
1068810908"IT_Bodygroup_Bullets" "Balas (Sniper)"
1069110911"[english]IT_Bodygroup_Arrows" "Arrows (Sniper)"
1069210912"IT_Bodygroup_RightArm" "Mano derecha (Engineer)"
1069310913"[english]IT_Bodygroup_RightArm" "Right Hand (Engie)"
N/A10914"IT_KeyboardCommand_ItemTest" "[F7] Mostrar interfaz de prueba de objetos"
N/A10915"[english]IT_KeyboardCommand_ItemTest" "[F7] Show Test Item UI"
N/A10916"IT_KeyboardCommand_ItemTestBots" "[F8] Mostrar interfaz de control de bots"
N/A10917"[english]IT_KeyboardCommand_ItemTestBots" "[F8] Show Bot Control UI"
1069410918"Tooltip_SteamScreenshots" "Si se activa, las capturas se guardarán automáticamente en Steam."
1069510919"[english]Tooltip_SteamScreenshots" "If set, screenshots will automatically be saved to Steam."
1069610920"Store_TryItem" "¡Pruébalo!"
1069710921"[english]Store_TryItem" "Test It Out!"
N/A10922"ItemPreview_Confirm" "¿Estás seguro de que quieres probar este objeto?\nPodrás utilizar el objeto durante una semana.\nPasado ese tiempo, el objeto desaparecerá. ¡En cualquier momento\ndurante ese periodo podrás comprar el objeto a un 25% de descuento!"
N/A10923"[english]ItemPreview_Confirm" "Are you sure you want to take this item on a test run?\nYou will be able to use the item for one week.\nAfter that time, the item will expire. At any time\nduring the test period you can buy the item for a 25% discount!"
1069810924"ItemPreview_PreviewStartedTitle" "¡Conseguido!"
1069910925"[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartedTitle" "Success!"
N/A10926"ItemPreview_PreviewStartedText" "El objeto ha sido añadido a tu inventario. Podrás usar este objeto durante una semana; después caducará. ¡Diviértete!"
N/A10927"[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartedText" "The item has been added to your inventory. You'll be able to use this item for one week, after which it will expire. Have fun!"
1070010928"ItemPreviewDialogTitle" "%s1"
1070110929"[english]ItemPreviewDialogTitle" "%s1"
1070210930"ItemPreview_PreviewStartFailedTitle" "No se puede probar el objeto"
1070310931"[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartFailedTitle" "Can't Test Item"
1070410932"ItemPreview_PreviewStartFailedText" "Debes esperar hasta que finalice tu periodo de prueba para poder probar otro objeto. Podrás probar otro objeto de nuevo el:\n%date_time%"
1070510933"[english]ItemPreview_PreviewStartFailedText" "You must wait until your test run period has ended to take another item on a test run. You will be able to test an item again on:\n%date_time%"
N/A10934"TF_PreviewDiscount" "¡Cómpralo ya!"
N/A10935"[english]TF_PreviewDiscount" "Buy it now!"
N/A10936"TF_PreviewItem_Expired" "¡Tu periodo de prueba de %item_name% ha finalizado!"
N/A10937"[english]TF_PreviewItem_Expired" "Your test run period for the %item_name% has expired!"
N/A10938"TF_PreviewItem_Expired_Title" "Periodo de Prueba Agotado"
N/A10939"[english]TF_PreviewItem_Expired_Title" "Test Run Expired"
N/A10940"TF_Previewitem_Expired_Text" "Tu prueba del %item_name% ha finalizado. El objeto fue eliminado. Si compras el objeto en las próximas 24 horas obtendrás un 25% de descuento -- ¡O puedes probar algo nuevo!"
N/A10941"[english]TF_Previewitem_Expired_Text" "Your test run of the %item_name% has ended. The item has been removed. If you buy the item in the next 24 hours you will receive a 25% discount -- Or you can try testing something new!"
1070610942"TF_PreviewItem_BuyIt" "¡Cómpralo ya!"
1070710943"[english]TF_PreviewItem_BuyIt" "Buy it now!"
1070810944"TF_PreviewItem_NotNow" "Quizá más tarde"
1070910945"[english]TF_PreviewItem_NotNow" "Maybe later"
N/A10946"TF_PreviewItem_ItemBought" "¡Tu versión de prueba de %item_name% ha sido reemplazada por una versión permanente!"
N/A10947"[english]TF_PreviewItem_ItemBought" "Your test run version of the %item_name% has been replaced with a permanent version!"
1071010948"ItemPreview_AlreadyPreviewTitle" "¡Obtén un descuento!"
1071110949"[english]ItemPreview_AlreadyPreviewTitle" "Get a Discount!"
1071210950"ItemPreview_AlreadyPreviewText" "Ya estás probando este objeto. ¡Si lo compras durante el periodo de prueba, obtendrás un 25% de descuento!"
1074510983"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_YourItems" "Your Items:"
1074610984"TF_SteamWorkshop_ViewPublished" "Ver todos"
1074710985"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_ViewPublished" "View All"
N/A10986"TF_SteamWorkshop_Edit" "Editar"
N/A10987"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Edit" "Edit"
N/A10988"TF_SteamWorkshop_View" "Ver"
N/A10989"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_View" "View"
N/A10990"TF_SteamWorkshop_Delete" "Borrar"
N/A10991"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Delete" "Delete"
1074810992"TF_SteamWorkshop_Test" "Cargar mapa de pruebas"
1074910993"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_Test" "Load Test Map"
1075010994"TF_SteamWorkshop_Legal" "Ver acuerdo legal"
1076711011"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_ErrorText" "There was a problem communicating with the Steam Workshop server."
1076811012"TF_SteamWorkshop_DeletingFile" "Eliminando artículo de Steam Workshop."
1076911013"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_DeletingFile" "Deleting Steam Workshop item."
N/A11014"TF_SteamWorkshop_CannotDeleteFile" "El objeto de Steam Workshop ha sido marcado como \"en uso\" y no se puede borrar en este momento."
N/A11015"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_CannotDeleteFile" "The Steam Workshop item has been marked in-use and cannot be deleted at this time."
N/A11016"TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmTitle" "Borrar Archivo"
N/A11017"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmTitle" "Delete File"
N/A11018"TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmText" "¿Estás seguro de que quieres borrar este objeto de Steam Workshop?"
N/A11019"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmText" "Are you sure you want to delete this Steam Workshop item?"
N/A11020"TF_SteamWorkshop_BrowseTheWorkshop" "Mostrar Workshop"
N/A11021"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_BrowseTheWorkshop" "Browse the Workshop"
1077011022"TF_PublishFile_Title" "Publicar archivo"
1077111023"[english]TF_PublishFile_Title" "Publish Your File"
1077211024"TF_PublishFile_Tags" "Etiquetas:"
1077311025"[english]TF_PublishFile_Tags" "Tags:"
10774N/A"TF_PublishFile_Preview" "Imagen de previsualización:"
N/A11026"TF_PublishFile_Preview" "Previsualización:"
1077511027"[english]TF_PublishFile_Preview" "Preview Image:"
1077611028"TF_PublishFile_Browse" "Buscar..."
1077711029"[english]TF_PublishFile_Browse" "Browse..."
1078711039"[english]TF_PublishFile_Error" "Error"
1078811040"TF_PublishFile_NoFileSelected" "<archivo no seleccionado>"
1078911041"[english]TF_PublishFile_NoFileSelected" "<no file selected>"
N/A11042"TF_PublishFile_PreviewDesc" "Haz clic en Buscar para seleccionar una imagen de previsualización.\n\n\nSerá transformada a 256x256 .jpg"
N/A11043"[english]TF_PublishFile_PreviewDesc" "Click Browse below to select a preview image.\n\n\nWill be resized to a 256x256 .jpg"
N/A11044"TF_PublishFile_BrowseDesc" "Comprime tus archivos en zip y selecciónalos mediante el botón 'Buscar'."
N/A11045"[english]TF_PublishFile_BrowseDesc" "Zip your files up and select via the browse button above."
1079011046"TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPublishFile" "Error al publicar el archivo. Comprueba que no tienes más artículos con el mismo nombre."
1079111047"[english]TF_PublishFile_kFailedToPublishFile" "Failed to publish file! Check to see if you have another item that has the same name."
1079211048"TF_PublishFile_kFailedToUpdateFile" "Error al actualizar el archivo publicado."
1082311079"[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Edit" "Edit"
1082411080"TF_PublishedFiles_Refresh" "Actualizar"
1082511081"[english]TF_PublishedFiles_Refresh" "Refresh"
N/A11082"ToolCustomizeTextureStretch" "Expandir"
N/A11083"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStretch" "Stretch"
N/A11084"ToolCustomizeTextureCrop" "Cortar"
N/A11085"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureCrop" "Crop"
N/A11086"ToolCustomizeTextureStencilMatchByIntensity" "Usar gradiente"
N/A11087"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStencilMatchByIntensity" "Use gradient"
N/A11088"ToolCustomizeTextureStencilMatchByColor" "Igualar colores"
N/A11089"[english]ToolCustomizeTextureStencilMatchByColor" "Match colors"