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Revision as of 03:14, 28 October 2011 by The Fat Bastid (talk | contribs)
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Kill Icon
Killicon monoculus.png
Basic Information
Damage Done:
Affected By:
• Battalion's Backup:
• Bonk! Atomic Punch:
• Candy Cane:
• Chargin' Targe:
• Dead Ringer:
• Gunboats:
• Mini-Crits:
• ÜberCharge:
Found On: Eyeaduct

Monoculus is the RED Demoman's missing eye, haunted by the Bombinomicon. It was summoned by Merasmus when the RED Soldier broke his staff.

In the Bombinomicon comic, it is depicted as a large floating eye that fires purple rocket-like eyeballs.

His projectiles can be deflected, similar to Soldier Rockets. At random intervals, he will teleport, leaving a swirling, purple vortex where he last was. Players are able to enter this vortex, and will be taken to the Underworld. Upon entering the Underworld, the player spawn on an island and continually take periodic damage, with a portal on another island. The first player who enters this portal will stun the Monoculus for as long as it takes for him to reach the ground.

Upon the Monoculus' defeat, he will drop an opened Bombinomicon, surrounded by a red swirling vortex. Players who enter this will again spawn in the Underworld, at the base of a hill. Ontop of the hill is a large skull, and a cage, containing the Bombinomicon. The cage slowly descends into the ground where players can collect the Bombinomicon.

He has a life bar.



  • Monoculus is Latin for "one eye".

See also