Obtaining Eye-chievements

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Optical Defusion
Optical Defusion
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Monoculus disappears after one minute and thirty seconds has passed so you and the enemy team have to work together if you want to obtain this achievement. Monoculus can shoot projectiles that are guaranteed Critical Hits.When he is enraged he can shoot 3 projectiles at a quick succession. When he does this it is best to use the Pyro class as his eyeballs can be reflected like normal rockets.

When it teleports it leaves behind a purple portal. To deal maximum damage, jump into the portal and get to the other side as this will stun Monoculus for as long as it takes for it to get to the ground, and you will be invulnerable, crit boosted, overhealed, and having a speed buff as if hit by the Disciplinary Action. Damaging Monoculus while in this state will stun it, so attack it while you have this open opportunity.

Completeing this Achievement gives the player the Headgear item MONOCULUS!

Dive Into a Good Book
Dive Into a Good Book
Get to Loot Island and claim your reward!
Reward: Bombinomicon
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: When you defeat Monoculus, he leaves behind a red portal. Take the portal to the area with the skull on a hill. Climb up the hill and wait for the cage to lower, jump into the book to unlock the achievement and return back to the area with a health buff and crits.

Completeing this Achievement gives the player the Misc item Bombinomicon