Hi there, I'm Pieman. I'm a moderator here on the wiki. But enough about all that nonsense, let's talk about me and my hats. I have a lot of hats. More than YOU. Does that make you angry? (Yes it does) Do you want to know what it's like to talk to someone with so many hats? You've got some nerve. But hey, go ahead anyways. I've got nothing but time to spare, since I'm a pretty big loser IRL with no friends. But that means more TF2 for me, and thus even more hats.
Template:Item checklist
"The Filthy Communist" Level 100 Effect: Massed Flies "Because communism only works on paper. TOILET PAPER!!"
"Dr. Greenthumb" Level 55 Effect: Green Confetti "I'd like to tell you just where I'm from"
"The Pyronomicon" Level 24 Effect: Green Energy "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh S'xtn H'le R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"
Level 20 Given to valuable Community Contributors Effect: Community Sparkle "If you ask me to trade you this, I will KILL YOU"
( Not Tradable )