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La Spia mentre diventa invisibile.
La Spia sull'apparire silenziosamente davanti ai nemici

L'Occultamento, o invisibilità, è un'abilità speciale della Spia che è influenzata da Orologio dell'Invisibilità, Orologio Mimetico, Cipollotto Letale e Orologio del Fanatico. L'Occultamento permette alle Spie di diventare invisibili per un breve periodo di tempo, in base all'orologio che si usa, permettendo di muoversi tra le linee nemiche senza essere notati o fuggire quando attaccati. Mentre è occultata, la Spia non può attaccare per tutta la durata dell'invisibilità.

Attributi generali

Anche se l'Occultamento non permette di attaccare, il giocatore può usare il Kit di Travestimento. Se ci si traveste mentre si è occultati il fumo attorno al giocatore non verrà mostrato, permettendo alla Spia di travestirsi senza essere notati. Durante l'occultamento la Spia è completamente invisibile ai nemici. I compagni di squadra vedranno la Spia come una silhouette semitrasparente del colore della squadra: questo permette ai giocatori di determinare se un'area è sorvegliata da una Spia amica e di strutturare azioni future tenendone conto.

Una Spia BLU che si scontra con un Cecchino RED.

Colpire o scontrarsi con una Spia occultata renderà la silhouette del colore della squadra visibile a tutti i giocatori di entrambe le squadre. La Spia rimarrà visibile per 0,5 secondi in più quando si usa il set di oggetti della Spia d'Arabia. Mentre si è sotto l'effetto della riduzione del danno del Cipollotto Letale, venire ferito o incrociato da un nemico non farà mostrare la silhouette.

Le Spie occultate non eseguono la maggior parte dei suoni, come le urla quando si viene colpiti e il rumore dei passi. I comandi vocali possono essere usati senza problemi, e certe frasi vengono lo stesso eseguite dalla Spia. Gli effetti speciali naturali, come gli effetti dei cappelli, sono nascosti. Quando una Spia occultata è colpita con un'arma che produce effetti visivi, come Giarate, Latte Pazzo, sanguinamento, e fuoco, gli effetti vengono applicati normalmente, rendendo l'Occultamento inefficace. Similarmente, uscire dall'acqua farà cadere dalla Spia delle goccioline d'acqua anche se è invisibile, e cadere da una certa altezza renderà visibile l'effetto del sangue e produrrà un "crack".

Tornando visibile la Spia produce un rumore unico e apparirà per breve tempo come una silhouette del colore della propria squadra, nonostante il travestimento, prima di diventare visibile. A causa di ciò, bisogna stare attenti e tornare visibili fuori dal raggio visivo dei nemici e bisogna fare attenzione per sentire i nemici che si avvicinano.

Ogni orologio mostrerà l'indicatore di Occultamento sul modello dell'arma mostrata al giocatore. L'indicatore è anche visibile nell'HUD.

Una Spia non può attivare l'Occultamento 0,5 secondi prima che si cerchi di pugnalare alle spalle ma, tuttavia, può occultarsi immediatamente dopo aver usato l'Elettro Sabotatore su una costruzione o aver sparato con l'arma primaria.


L'Orologio dell'Invisibilità è l'orologio di default della Spia.
Vedi anche: Basic Spy strategy/it

La natura e la strategia dell'Occultamento dipendono dal tipo di orologio che si usa in un combattimento. In più, il nemico potrebbe cambiare il suo comportamento per proteggersi contro un certo tipo di orologio. Perciò, una Spia deve essere abile con tutti i tipi di Occultamento per adattarsi ad ogni situazione.

Invisibility Watch

Articolo principale: Invisibility Watch

With the Invisibility Watch, the default watch in the Spy loadout, and the Enthusiast's Timepiece, a promotional variation, can Cloak for a maximum of 9 seconds, during which they can move through enemy lines, across Sentry Gun paths, or away from attackers while remaining completely invisible. Picking up ammo in the form of boxes or dropped weapons will replenish the Cloak at the default rate. Map layout and location of various ammo points, therefore, are important to players who wish to remain cloaked for a longer period of time. Dispensers on either team can also fill the Cloak meter even when the Spy is cloaked. Be advised, however, that using an enemy Dispenser will require the correct disguise, and that the Spy may be discovered if bumped into by Engineers collecting their metal or any other class whom are healing themselves at the Dispenser.

Uncloaking will produce a quiet 'whooshing' sound that can be heard by other players in the immediate vicinity. Experienced Spies should therefore uncloak in an isolated location, preferably with an appropriate disguise, in order to avoid enemies who may start searching the area upon hearing the noise. Anyone using the Saharan Spy item set will have a reduced, almost silent decloak sound.

While cloaked, the Spy moves at his normal movement rate regardless of what class he is disguised as.

The direct counter of the Cloak is the Pyro. If set on fire while cloaked, the Spy will be rendered visible and will burn with a team-colored ambiance. Spies should avoid Pyros when cloaked; if bumped into, a Pyro may begin to Spycheck the vicinity in which case it can prove difficult to escape unharmed.

Dead Ringer

The Dead Ringer allows the Spy to feign his own death.
Articolo principale: Dead Ringer

The Dead Ringer watch is unique in terms of cloaking. The watch does not produce a Cloak when the correct bound key is pressed, but rather it will be held up in the player's view in a ready position. Subsequently, the next time the Spy is dealt damage, either by enemies or environmental damage, he will drop a fake corpse and send a fake death to the 'kill list' and immediately become cloaked for a total of 6.5 seconds. During this time any damage received by the player will be reduced by 90% (potentially averting death from some normally fatal attacks such as a backstab or headshot), and will not shimmer if attacked or bumped into by enemies.

The corpse dropped is dependent on the disguise the player was using at the time. Dropping a friendly disguise as a corpse, therefore, may allow the Spy to move into enemy territory without arousing suspicion. It should be noted however that occasionally the dropped ragdoll is somewhat bugged and noticeable by experienced players, who may alert their team of a Dead Ringer Spy being present. Furthermore, activating the Dead Ringer upon being attacked once will almost immediately be suspicious to the enemy. Players should therefore wait a couple of seconds if under continuous fire before cloaking to provide a more convincing fake death. This should not apply to competent Snipers, Stickybomb traps or forms of critical attacks.

Spies with the Dead Ringer can collect ammo and use Dispensers to replenish the Cloak, albeit at a reduced amount compared to the Invisibility Watch. Once cloaked for longer than 6.5 seconds, however, the Spy will shimmer upon damage or contact with the enemy as with any other watch. Making a run through the map with the Dead Ringer, therefore, is just as risky as with the default watch. A level 3 Dispenser however can fully replenish a Dead Ringer within seconds, allowing the Spy to re-use the cloaking ability with remaining in close proximity to an enemy Engineer's nest.

The main disadvantage of the watch is the loud and distinctive decloaking sound, however, this can be negated with the Saharan Spy Set, which greatly reduces its volume. Players should therefore utilize cover or remote locations to uncloak. Should the Dead Ringer be heard, enemies may begin searching the area for the Spy. Due to the Cloak taking a long time to recharge without nearby ammo, uncloaking far from enemies is a priority if the player wishes to remain alive.

While the Dead Ringer Cloak is activated, the Spy can still be set on fire by a Pyro. The damage reduction, however, may allow the player to seek out water and extinguish themselves where otherwise they would have died. Many Pyros will continue to chase the Spy once alight, making escape more difficult. Should the Pyro prowl the area outside the water, players may consider hiding in the water for as long as the Cloak permits until the Pyro leaves. Shooting at the Pyro from the water is also a viable option, as his Flamethrower is ineffective underwater. On the other hand, leading the Pyro into a friendly Sentry Gun or experienced teammate may prove successful.

The length of the initial Cloak by the Dead Ringer can be valuable to teammates as a way of defending them from incoming projectiles, or blocking enemies. With a 90% reduction in damage, the player can prevent an ÜberCharged couple from advancing, or absorbing damage for a teammate of vital importance.

Aside from providing normal Cloak espionage, the Dead Ringer can serve as a paranoia tool. Making an obvious fake death can lead to enemies spending more time spychecking, possibly even causing Medics to deploy their ÜberCharge early in anticipation of being backstabbed. This can allow teammates an opportunity to advance on an objective under the Spy's command, or wait for the enemy ÜberCharge to end before activating their own.

Cloak and Dagger

The Cloak and Dagger's battery can be recharged by remaining still or decloaking.
Articolo principale: Cloak and Dagger

The Cloak and Dagger watch serves as a sidegrade for the default watch. The Cloak will last for 6.2 seconds when the Spy is running, and cannot be replenished by ammo boxes. Instead the Cloak is recharged by standing completely still, or by decloaking.

Due to the nature of the recharge, a Cloak and Dagger Spy will mostly conduct his espionage standing still. Objects in the map such as boxes or corners will therefore provide strategic points from which to crouch and relay enemy movement to the team through chat or microphone. Additionally, these areas provide points from which players can backstab slow moving classes or sap buildings. Once the Spy performs these quick assassinations, they can return to their vantage point for the next unsuspecting victim. This can effectively cut off high traffic areas, as the enemy will become wary of using the route. Alternatively, they may send in a Pyro to flush out the Spy; should this happen, the player may want to seek a different place to hide.

Once the Cloak meter is drained, the Spy will have a clear visible outline, similar to being bumped into by an enemy. Coming to a halt will resume full invisibility, but any enemy players nearby that see this will attack. A crouch-walking Spy will drain the Cloak at a slower rate, but will move more slowly; because Cloak is drained based on movement speed this method does not provide any advantage in terms of how long it takes to travel long distances.

Related achievements

Articolo principale: Achievements

Leaderboard class pyro.png Piro

Combustione Spontanea
Combustione Spontanea
Dai fuoco a 10 Spie mimetizzate.

Leaderboard class demoman.png Demolitore

Pelo E Contropelo
Pelo E Contropelo
Decapita una Spia mimetizzata.

Leaderboard class heavy.png Grosso

Materialismo Spialettico
Materialismo Spialettico
Uccidi o aiuta ad uccidere 10 Spie mimetizzate.

Leaderboard class engineer.png Ingegnere

Motore Di Ricerca
Motore Di Ricerca
Uccidi 3 Spie mimetizzate con una Torretta comandata dal tuo Attaccabrighe.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Cecchino

La Giara Rivelatrice
La Giara Rivelatrice
Usa il Giarate per smascherare una Spia mimetizzata.

Sparare Al Vento
Sparare Al Vento
Uccidi con un solo colpo una Spia completamente invisibile.

Leaderboard class spy.png Spia

Duro A Morire
Duro A Morire
Sopravvivi 30 secondi dopo aver preso fuoco mentre eri mimetizzato.

Spie Come Noi
Spie Come Noi
Mentre sei mimetizzato, imbattiti in una Spia nemica mimetizzata.

Update history

October 9, 2007 Patch

  • Spies can no longer reload their Revolver while cloaked.

October 25, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed flailing at the low end of the Cloak meter when the player gets uncloaked automatically

December 20, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed first person spectator view of the Spy watch not showing the correct Cloak value

December 21, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed cloaked/disguised/disguising Spy reporting his achievements to everyone else

December 31, 2007 Patch

  • Removed an obscure rendering setting that would allow players to make cloaked Spies appear fully black

April 29, 2008 Patch (Gold Rush Update)

  • Teleporter effect no longer shows up on invisible or disguised Spies.

December 11, 2008 Patch

  • Spies will be able to recharge their Cloak by picking up ammo off of the ground or visiting health cabinets.

December 15, 2008 Patch

  • Fixed overheal particle effect showing up incorrectly on disguised or cloaked Spies.

January 28, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed cloaked Spies having a particle-beam effect while standing next to a Dispenser that's healing them.

February 2, 2009 Patch

  • Cloaked Spies are no longer able to pick up the intelligence.

June 8, 2009 Patch

  • Fixed Spies being able to automatically Cloak after uncloaking at the moment of a weapon switch.

August 13, 2009 Patch

  • Cloaked Spies standing in valid backstab positions no longer raise their knife.

May 7, 2010 Patch

  • Fixed players seeing cloaked Spies when they should be fully cloaked.

May 19, 2010 Patch

  • Fixed a case where the Spy could start taunting and Cloak at the same time.


  • Cloaking was developed by the Australians sometime before 1850.[1]

See also