Team Fortress Wiki:Archived discussions/Category talk:Community scripts

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Revision as of 07:58, 4 September 2010 by RJackson (talk | contribs) (Do we need to host scripts?)
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Do we need to host scripts?

In my opinion, using scripts are a bad practise as it emulates skills others have instead of teaching the skills. Irrelevant of my personal opinions, I'm unsure if scripts belong in the wiki? They can't really be classed as information about the Team Fortress series, and there are other sites (fpsbanana, tf2mods) that are suited for user-submitted content - including scripts, and are able to moderate them more effectively than we. What do you guys think? Should we drop this category and it's included articles? -RJackson 07:58, 4 September 2010 (UTC)