User:Cooper Kid/Misc image generator
< User:Cooper Kid
Revision as of 12:07, 16 January 2012 by Cooper Kid (talk | contribs) (moved User:Cooper Kid/Misc of the Month to User:Cooper Kid/Misc image generator: Changing from monthly to weekly.)
This template's purpose is to select a random hat of the month to be displayed on the misc page.
The Misc of the Month template can then be changed manually.
Current month: January 2025 (this is here to avoid any discrepancies between client time and server time).
The misc items are listed in the code in chronological order, making it easy to add more. However the mod digit must be altered to reflect the new number of items.
The program changes whenever new items are added; as such the list should only be updated at the end of each month to avoid confusion.
Template:Misc of the month image
See Also: User:Cooper Kid/Hat of the Month