![]() | 這頁目前正處於被翻譯至繁體中文的狀態。 如果你會說繁體中文,請在討論頁中留下你的大名,或透過查看歷史紀錄跟有編輯這頁的用戶聯繫。 |
“ | 妳就是那個,脾氣很壞又在我們戰鬥時鬼吼鬼叫的女人身邊工作的人吧。
— 紅隊爆破兵對寶琳小姐說道
” |
非玩家角色(NPC),亦即不在九個可玩兵種之內的人物。雖然大部分 NPC 在遊戲中沒出現,他們在絕地要塞2的故事線中仍舊有一定的重要性。
薩凡尼亞.曼恩(Zepheniah Mann)是一個非常、非常有錢的英國男子,因為受他那兩個笨蛋兒子雷德蒙得和藍特哈克的說服,在美國的邊疆地帶買下了一大片的土地。薩凡尼亞的夢想是要將他買來的地方,變成一塊超巨大、用來製造大批軍火的碎石坑。但是,就在他前去視察他最新買到的土地時,他染上了非常嚴重的病,而且非常震驚的發現他買來的地方竟然只是一片荒涼又沒用的沙漠。到了臨終之際,他在病到從身體上脫落下來的皮膚,寫了一張最終的遺屬:
- 針對他的侍女伊莉莎白,薩凡尼亞將他所有所有的地契、銀行帳戶、政府公債、種菸草的農地...等財產全部留給了她。伊莉莎白長得跟海倫(也就是管理員)非常的相似,因此伊莉莎白極有可能是海倫的祖先。
- 針對他的助理兼獵手巴拿巴(也就是薩克斯頓.海爾的祖先),薩克斯頓留下了曼恩企業的完全控制權給他。
- 針對他「智力有缺陷」的兩個兒子,雷德蒙得和藍特哈克,他為他們留下了「合伙關係」。所有經過他們的說服而買下來的土地,將會被公平地分成兩半留給他們,這樣他們兩個人就會永無止境地爭鬥下去了。從薩凡尼亞死後過了將近 100 年,雷德蒙得和藍特哈克靠著拉迪根製造的維生裝置,到現在都還活著並互相鬥爭。
- 薩凡尼亞最後一句的遺言被別的東西蓋住了,玩家只能看到:「最後...我留下我完整的...並且要保證其受到最大程度的保密。」最後一句到底是寫給誰的,目前不得而知,不過很有可能是在家族照中被擋住的那個人。
- 此外,除了薩凡尼亞所留下的遺言之外,他的兄弟席拉斯.曼恩也有出現在家族照中。但是,他只會在毀損的照片右半邊出現之後,才被玩家們知道。
薩凡尼亞同時也對接近他墳墓附近的人施以可怕的詛咒,他宣稱受到詛咒的人,將會感受到前所恐未有的恐怖。他說的沒錯,在更新期間的地圖 Harvest,也就是他墳墓的所在地,會看到一個戴著驚悚大禮帽的薩凡尼亞鬼魂在裡面遊蕩。任何跟鬼魂靠得太近的角色會被嚇到,變得無法攻擊、無法跳躍,並且會害怕地逃跑,跟被睡魔棒球擊中的情況類似。 薩凡尼亞跟上述的所提到的遺言,在2009萬聖節更新時首次被提到。
- 薩凡尼亞.曼恩於曼恩家族照中首次登場。
- 請連同參閱連馬都沒有的無頭騎士。
“ | 席拉斯.曼恩長眠於此
— 席拉斯.曼恩不怎麼準確的墓碑碑文
” |
據推測,席拉斯.曼恩(Silas Mann)是薩凡尼亞的兄弟,他在家庭中活動的歷史被謎團籠罩。目前所知的是他也是薩凡尼亞.曼恩父子季刊(曼恩企業前身)的合夥人之一。他對該公司的貢獻包含了製造補給箱鑰匙和名稱標籤。席拉斯在他兄弟死後不久也跟著離世,然而死亡對他而言似乎還不是終點。他現在會以連馬都沒有的無頭騎士的身分現身,並在曼恩莊園遊蕩,就像薩凡尼亞會在 Harvest 地圖中以發藍光的鬼魂現身一樣。席拉斯‧曼恩的肖像可以藉由點擊2010萬聖節更新網頁裡的墓碑上面的「Silas」看到。
- 席拉斯.曼恩的名字最早出現於工程師更新網頁中,被釘在牆上的薩凡尼亞.曼恩照片頁面上。
“ | 我發動了一場極致又輕鬆,且我的手下都做不到的戰鬥...用歲月的流逝來摧毀掉我哥哥。但是到了最後...他...還是沒死... !
— 藍特哈克.曼恩說到對抗他哥哥的一連串戰爭時。
” |
雷德蒙得(Redmond)和藍特哈克.曼恩(Blutarch Mann)是薩凡尼亞.曼恩的雙胞胎兒子。他們分別是紅隊和藍隊的老闆。這兩位為了爭奪他們老爸留下來的大片土地,已經爭鬥了快一輩子。在薩凡尼亞死後,藍特哈克和雷德蒙得分別雇了 9 名傭兵,想要將另一方徹底消滅,奪取對方的土地。由於雙方傭兵的實力均等,戰況很快就變成了冗長的僵局,使得藍特哈克和雷德蒙得兩人都找了拉迪根.柯納亨爾(Radigan Conagher),要求他製造生命維持系統。既然用武力打不贏,活得比另一方還要久就成了他們的策略。看到藍特哈克因為維持系統的關係而沒有變得極老,雷德蒙得想必是跟他做了一模一樣的行動。所以,他們持續地互相爭鬥,直到 1960 年代也是如此。
- 藍特哈克和雷德蒙得,首次在曼恩家族照中現身。
- 在萬聖節地圖曼恩莊園中,可以在紅隊重生點一個無法進入的房間看到雷德蒙得坐在一張椅子上並面對某種機械(很可能是拉迪根建造的生命延續裝置)的剪影。使用 Noclip 指令穿牆進去觀察的話會發現雷德蒙得的身體只有手臂和頭(也就是從外面觀看可以看到的部份)有實際做出模型而已。換句話說,重生點房間裡的雷德蒙得沒有軀幹和下盤。
- 在曼恩莊園內的控制點 C 的房間中,可以看到一幅咧嘴而笑的健壯雷德蒙得畫像(掛在紅隊右側出口的牆上),而站在他旁邊的是看起來像個邪惡妖怪的藍特哈克。在脫韁野馬(Loose Canon)漫畫中藍特哈克房間裡可以看到一幅相似的肖像畫,只是兄弟兩人的形象對調了。
“ | 給他點時間吧,親愛的。他只是死掉了。
— 藍特哈克的助理每天會遇見的狀況
” |
藍特哈克的助理是一個姓名未知的女士,為藍特哈克工作了超過 60 年。她在 1950 年代時以 80 多歲的樣子登場,更新漫畫的另外一頁則顯示出她在 1890 年代 20 多歲的樣子,當時助理正要介紹拉迪根.柯納亨爾給藍特哈克知道。在她多次稱呼工程師(戴爾)為「柯納亨爾先生」之後,工程師禮貌地告訴助理女士只要稱呼他為「戴爾」就好了,因為「柯納亨爾先生」是他祖父使用的名稱。助理女士的回應是「啊,是的,我還記得。」
- 藍特哈克的助理首次在 Loose Canon 漫畫中現身。
“ | 我是誰應該和你無關吧。
— 對關係未知的伊莉莎白提問所得的回應
” |
伊莉莎白(Elizabeth),姓氏未知,是薩凡尼亞.曼恩 (Zepheniah Mann) 的僕人。自從她的主人死掉以後,薩凡尼亞將他所有的財產(包含所有的地契、銀行帳戶、和政府公債)全部留給了伊麗莎白。她是目前已知最早,也是現在這個與藍隊和紅隊關係錯綜複雜的管理員海倫的祖先。
- 伊莉莎白第一次登場是在曼恩家族照中。
在漫畫 Loose Canon 之中,有一位和伊莉莎白長相極為相似的女性說服拉迪根建造兩部生命延續裝置,而非照藍特哈克所要求的只幫他製造而已。她應該是用了澳元素賄賂拉迪根誘使他改變計畫的,但她是如何取得重達一百磅的澳元素則無從得知。有一說提到伊莉莎白是她的母親,儘管她的名字和族譜尚屬不明。假如此說屬實,則管理員海倫可能是她的孫女,而絕地要塞工業的營運權有可能代代相傳到了海倫手裡。
- 原始的紙本漫畫顯示了伊莉莎白被稱作「愛蜜莉」,讓人以為這是設定給伊莉莎白女兒的名字,因為這很可能是排版編輯不清楚這兩個角色的緣故,所以造成誤植。另外,愛蜜莉看來似乎對雷德蒙得.曼恩有淡淡的愛慕,因為雷德蒙得在曼恩莊園中擺了一幅隱藏的愛蜜莉肖像畫(地圖製作群的彩蛋),兩人的關係似乎沒那麼簡單。但是這說法未經官方證實,因此真實度尚無法考證。
- 請參見管理員這頁。
“ | 就是這裡了。
— 管理員的信差找到藍隊火箭兵的公寓時
” |
管理員的信差(Administrator's messenger)是由管理員雇來的神秘人物,負責用掛在身上的小型電視幫管理員傳達訊息。他們第一次出現是在戰爭更新時,想辦法找到藍隊火箭兵的公寓,並傳達管理員想說的話。
- 管理員的信差首次在戰爭!更新中現身。
“ | 啊,對了鮑羅先生,你朋友的雇主也對他下了同樣的命令。
— 寶琳小姐正煽動塔維許鮑羅,和無名氏先生之間的戰爭。
” |
寶琳小姐(Miss Pauling)是管理員忠心的助理。她平常有很多事要做,包括「不尋常背景調查」、訂購和運送貨物,和啟動廣播系統之類的事。她就是在某一次例行背景調查時,發現了紅隊爆破兵和藍隊火箭兵的友誼,寶琳小姐之後立刻讓管理員知道此事。為以防管理員發飆,即使寶琳小姐不全不同意她的看法,大部分時間她還是遵從管理員的命令。當她被管理員問到朋友間都在"做"什麼時,她的答覆是「嗯...滑雪...看槍枝型錄....有時只是在聊天...。」另外,她堅持「只要多了解管理員,她其實沒那麼壞」。在漫畫專訪導演之中,偵查兵似乎是想搭訕站在一旁的寶琳小姐。
- 寶琳小姐首次於戰爭!更新中現身。
“ | 蒙帝先生,如果你能挑一個字形容自己的話,那會是什麼呢?我來幫你回答好了:是「被害者」。
— 導演跟狙擊手的談話
” |
但是,搞不清狀況的導演,卻被騙說是要來拍攝給平民看的紀錄片,以證實在 Badlands 裡面的人不是「一群只會拿起武器在裡面亂發射的瘋子」。
- 導演首次於重播更新的漫畫,「專訪導演」中現身。
- 這位不明人物最早出現於曼恩家族照中。
“ | 我喜歡這隻美洲獅的嗆辣個性!
— 巴拿巴.海爾擊退兇猛動物的攻擊時說道
” |
巴拿巴.海爾(Barnabas Hale)是一個 19 世紀的美洲拓荒者,也是薩凡尼亞.曼恩的手下之一,他在薩凡尼亞死後繼承了曼恩企業。他是薩克斯頓.海爾的祖先,最有可能是他的祖父。他也有和薩克斯頓一樣非常具男子氣概的性格。
- 巴拿巴‧海爾首次出現於曼恩家族照中。
- 請參見薩克斯頓.海爾這一頁。
“ | 我感動到眼淚都快掉下了,先生。這是您的牛排早餐。
— 畢威爾先生展現他的廚藝。
” |
畢威爾先生(Mr. Bidwell)和雷迪先生一樣,是薩克斯頓.海爾的助手之一。他的職責有準備海爾的三餐(包括牛排早餐),以及處理客戶回饋的相關事務。畢威爾先生是新的「曼恩企業武器型錄」的設計者,並扮演各項商品的製造商間的聯絡角色。在他初次登場時,畢威爾先生留了兩撇八字鬍,不過在稍後刮掉了。
- 畢威爾先生首次於戰爭!更新中現身。
“ | 您現在是美國第六富有的人了,海爾先生。
— 雷迪先生發揮他的會計知識
” |
雷迪先生(Mr. Reddy),就如同畢威爾先生,是薩克斯頓.海爾的助手之一。他的職責包含了接海爾的電話和管理曼恩企業的財產。在海爾的命令下,雷迪先生寄出了附上寫著《你已經死了》的卡片與花束給美國前五富有的人。在他第一次現身時,他的臉上有一大把八字鬍,但之後已經刮掉了。在遊戲《螺旋騎士團》中完成成就「Mission Accomplished」後,雷迪先生會寄送一封信和中古螺旋頭盔,和恭喜玩家達成任務。
- 雷迪先生首次在戰爭!更新中現身。
“ | 每個人類的創新發明現在都來自於被啤酒浸腦的澳洲人。
— 管理員的祖先在一個鬍子運動風行,人人痛飲啤酒,還有死亡射線正在被發明的澳大利亞中說道
” |
曾經一度被認為是蠢材的國家,從1850年開始,澳大利亞人在科技方面成為了全世界中最先進的國家,創新發明包含隱形以及傳送科技,全都出自於這個超愛啤酒的國家。到了 1890 年代,雪梨已經成為了超先進城市,飛行汽車,巨型飛艇以及自我整容的鬍子隨處可見。至於他們的國家英雄,薩克斯頓‧海爾和他的大鬍子,已經變成每個澳大利亞男人女人小孩的模仿對象(有一個人例外)。管理員的祖先認為整個國家不可思議的科技水平都來自稀有的澳元素。這個理論似乎被證明是正確的,因為這個元素將拉迪根‧柯納亨爾的智力提昇到了驚人的程度,而且也導致了一些副作用,包含生長快速的鬍子,變得超 Man,以及在原始的衝動下會脫掉上衣的舉動。
- 澳大利亞人首次出現於Loose Canon 漫畫。
荒野鬧事者隊(Badland Brawlers)是一個來自 Badlands 的棒球隊。他們的球隊隊徽可以在偵查兵的狂歡帽上見到。
- 荒野鬧事者隊首次在戰爭!更新中被提到。
“ | ...我召集了世界上最危險的傭兵們用武力搶奪那塊土地,但我沒想到的是我那個智障哥哥竟然也作了同樣的事。
— 藍特哈克‧曼恩講述前代藍隊的成員。
” |
前代藍隊是在 1850年代時由藍特哈克‧曼恩雇請一些傭兵而組成的,目的是要搶奪他哥哥雷德蒙德的那一塊父親留下的廣大土地。但對藍特哈克來說,不幸的是紅隊也在同一時期組成,所以兩隊戰鬥的結果就是無限冗長的僵局。前代的隊伍也是由九個各司其職的職業組成。偵查兵(比利小子)是一個年輕的牛仔槍手,腳上穿著一雙馬靴。火箭兵-士兵(石牆傑克森)看起來像是南北戰爭時期的南軍軍人,配備的不是火箭發射器而是一把步槍。至於爆破兵(阿弗雷德‧諾貝爾)是一個只有一隻眼睛,對炸藥有異常狂熱的採礦者。不像1960年代的俄羅斯人版本,1850 年代的重裝兵(約翰‧亨利)是個美國黑人,喜歡用他的巨大鐵鎚幹掉敵人。狙擊手(大衛‧克拉克)則是帶著他最愛的長槍,還有一頂用浣熊毛製成的帽子。至於身為前任的美國總統,火焰兵(亞伯拉罕‧林肯)在藍隊中則是使用實驗型的火焰槍幫助他的隊友。藍隊的醫護兵(西格蒙德‧佛洛伊德)似乎非常喜愛用他的骨鋸來砍殺敵人,隊裡的工程師(尼古拉‧特斯拉)則使用一袋藍圖而不是PDA,來建造輔助建築物。最後,間諜(傅滿州)戴上了隱藏身份的面罩,留著長長的黑色鬍子,專門執行刺殺工作。
- 前代藍隊成員首次於 Loose Canon 更新漫畫中出現。
“ | 藍隊偵查兵:「怎麼?難道你是他的頭號粉絲?」
藍隊間諜:「不...那個人應該是你媽才對。」 — 藍隊偵查兵和藍隊間諜正在討論紅隊間諜的性醜聞
” |
偵查兵的媽媽曾經在影片專訪間諜中短暫現身。她在南波士頓獨自扶養了偵查兵和他的其他七個「厲害」的哥哥長大,還能神奇地保持身材不致走樣。她和紅隊的間諜有一段非常浪漫的關係。間諜稱呼偵查兵的媽媽為 "ma petite chou-fleur"(法文直譯為「我的小花椰菜」,意思就是「我的甜心」),甚至在他的愛槍全能大使的槍管上刻下她的姿態。當藍隊的偵查兵發現了這段情時,顯得非常震驚,但當時的藍隊偵查兵其實是紅隊間諜假扮的,所以真正的反應不得而知。偵查兵的媽媽的穿著和頭髮皆是 1960 年代晚期婦女的標準風格,在照片中,她穿的是藍色的衣服,所以可以推測紅隊偵查兵的媽媽的衣著會跟她兒子一樣是紅色的。七張藍隊偵察兵媽媽和紅隊間諜的秘密照片,被夾在 "偵查兵的媽媽" 的檔案中,放置於藍隊的基地裡。此外,如果不把火焰兵的性別考慮進去的話,她也是目前遊戲中唯一有模型的女性角色。
- 藍隊偵察兵的媽媽首次出現於專訪間諜影片中。
工程師的父親曾跟他的兒子戴爾一起出現在一張照片上。戴爾的父親似乎就是絕地要塞經典版裡面的工程師,而他的兒子則是絕地要塞 2 的工程師。
- 工程師的父親首次於工程師更新中現身。
“ | 你爸爸為了五分錢,在滂沱大雨中走了 15 哩,去轟炸英國女皇!
— 鮑羅夫人講述家族的貿易事業。
” |
爆破兵的母親,鮑羅夫人(Mrs. DeGroot),是一位盲眼,上了年紀的女性,經常追憶爆破兵過世的父親。即使她的兒子擁有一棟豪宅,和數百萬美金的薪水,鮑羅夫人仍舊認為爆破兵沒有認真在工作,並稱說曾擁有 26 份工作的爆破兵的父親會從墳墓再爬出來譴責兒子的懶惰。此外,她堅持要把爆破兵教導成一名蘇格蘭的爆破兵,也很不希望看到他兒子「浪費掉自己天生的才能」。她也說過:「過了三十歲腦袋裡還剩一顆眼珠的爆破兵實在太愧對他的硫磺了!」
- 鮑羅夫人首次於戰爭!更新中現身。
“ | 我老實地跟你說:我爸媽才不在乎這些哩。
— 狙擊手評論他自己的工作
” |
蒙地夫婦(Mr. & Mrs. Mundy)是狙擊手的父母,他們首次於影片專訪狙擊手被提到過。狙擊手為了要當一個好兒子,經常會打電話或者是透過信件來跟父母保持聯絡和噓寒問暖,通常也會提到自己最近的冒險和發現。不過,住在阿德雷德街左側的紅色屋子裡的蒙帝夫婦,對狙擊手的職業選擇並不是很滿意,尤其狙擊手的老爸還經常譴責兒子只是一個「瘋狂槍手」,即使狙擊手堅持自己是一個「專業的殺手」。在這樣的爭執之下,有次狙擊手寫信給老媽,請她跟爸爸說「我賺得比醫生還多」,最後甚至乾脆寫說「我現在就是醫生」,試圖要化解父母的嘮叨。在狙擊手被導演訪問過後,狙擊收了一封有他父母照片的信。
“ | 「...好吧。」
— 拉迪根.柯納亨爾聽到怪物般的製造委託時
” |
工程師的爺爺,拉迪根.柯納亨爾(Radigan Conagher),在 1890 年代時被藍特哈克.曼恩雇來建造一台能勝過雷德蒙德的生命維持系統。不過拉迪根在之後被一名和管理員長得很相像的女子找上,要求他必須要作一台一樣的生命維持系統給雷德蒙德,並說會給他稀有的澳元素礦做為報酬。最後拉迪根同意了這項要求。從第一版的工程師更新頁面來看,拉迪根‧柯納亨爾似乎非常支持亞伯拉罕‧林肯,因為裡面的許多發明和設計圖顯示出他當時企圖幫助林肯在戲院逃脫約翰.威爾克斯.布思的暗殺。這些設備包括:一頂會射擊敵人的帽子,一張會往地板下移動、逃離敵人的椅子,還有傳送設備。
拉迪根在工程師更新頁面的照片中,可讓人看出他有很誇張的外表轉變。他似乎變得更高、長了鬍子、多了肌肉和對啤酒有莫名的狂熱。這轉變的外表剛好跟 TF2 中澳洲人的形象相符,因此目前最有可能是因為長期接觸澳元素的關係,才會讓他有如此轉變。在工程師更新頁面的照片中,顯示出拉迪根拿著一根剛開發出來的南方盛情。在他的身體轉變的後期時,照片上顯示出他瘋狂到用一個機械手臂來取代他原本的左手、長了一搓很大的八字鬍、而且胸毛長成了德州的樣子(很像海爾的胸毛,只不過海爾身上的是澳洲的樣子)。種種跡象顯示出拉迪根變得更像一名快活開朗的澳洲人,跟他之前保守的性格有很大的對比。他似乎變得很愛喝藍色條紋品牌的啤酒,和他的孫子戴爾有一樣的喜好。此外,有一個油漆罐的顏色是以拉迪根來命名的,那種顏色被稱作「拉迪根‧柯納亨爾棕色」。
- 拉迪根.柯納亨爾首次於 Loose Canon 漫畫中現身。
“ | 導演:「給我他們的照片。」
紅隊重裝兵:「不。這是我的槍。我喜歡拿它來射擊。你知道這些就好了。」 — 紅隊重裝兵被導演問到童年的事。
” |
紅隊重裝兵的家人首次在專訪導演的漫畫中被提到,但是透漏得不多。身為一個反革命份子,重裝兵的父親因為不明的原因被殺死。在 1941 年的秋天,重裝兵的父親死後,重裝兵和他的母親以及兩個姐姐,都被關進西伯利亞的勞改營裡面。重裝兵和他的家人在那裏工作了三個月後,勞改營在 1941 的十二月因不明原因被完全毀掉,所有的囚犯全數逃出。之後的調查發現勞改營裡的獄卒全部被凌虐致死。根據之後死靈炸彈魔書漫畫中的台詞,重裝兵仍舊有跟他的家人連繫,並用當傭兵所賺來的錢維持她們的生活。
- 紅隊重裝兵的家人首次於專訪導演漫畫中提到。
- 維基百科本站條目:Template:W
In addition to being the nation's 16th President, Abraham Lincoln might also have been the BLU team's first Pyro when the war began in the 1850s. Abraham Lincoln is noted for his love of Arena Mode as shown in the Sniper vs Spy update. According to the WAR! Update, he was the inventor of stairs. The Engineer Update states Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John "Tower of Hats" Booth, although the WAR! Update attributes his death to rocket-jumping up stairs. Furthermore, according to the Loose Canon comic, there were blueprints for three "life-extender machines", the last one apparently built on the day of Lincoln's death. Whether or not Abraham Lincoln is still alive is open to debate.
- 維基百科本站條目:Template:W
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, or Franklin D. Roosevelt as he is commonly called, found Abraham Lincoln's plans for stairs in 1821. Recovering from a rocket jumping accident, Franklin D. Roosevelt perfected Lincoln's plans for stairs, freeing the world from the tyranny of the second floor.
Franklin D. Roosevelt first appeared in the WAR! Update.
- 維基百科本站條目:Template:W
George Washington invented America, but historians agree his greatest failure was his inability to be permanently invisible. With the advent of the Cloak and Dagger, the Spy can succeed where the inventor of America failed.
George Washington first appeared in the Sniper vs Spy Update.
- 維基百科本站條目:Template:W
Fred Astaire, born Frederick Austerlitz, was an American film and Broadway stage dancer, choreographer, singer, and actor. His stage and subsequent film career spanned a total of 76 years, during which he made 31 musical films. He was particularly susceptible to projectile weapons fire.
- Fred Astaire first appeared in the WAR! Update.
- 維基百科本站條目:Template:W
John "Tower of Hats" Booth was the assassin of beloved president Abraham Lincoln. His last known photograph depicts him wearing his eponymous tower of hats. A wanted poster of him was published after the assassination, including an altered photograph depicting what he may look like after adding Abraham Lincoln's fearsome hat to said tower.
- John "Tower of Hats" Booth first appeared in the Engineer Update.
- 維基百科本站條目:Template:W
Sun Tzu was an ancient Chinese tactician and philosopher who wrote a book called Template:W, detailing innovative Chinese strategy in warfare. He gained fame for his remarkable strategies and many policies on warfare, particularly in the West. His work continues to influence warfare and politics today.
Sun Tzu is mentioned in the Meet the Soldier short. While talking to his collection of heads, the Soldier claims that Sun Tzu "invented fighting, and then perfected it so that no man could best him in the ring of honour."
The Soldier asks the Director if Sun Tzu ever wrote any books on punching through a man's ribcage. When the Director gives a negative answer, the Soldier is clearly disappointed and resolves to stop threatening his local bookstore.
- 孫子首次於專訪火箭兵中被提到。
- 維基百科本站條目:Template:W
William Prescott was a Revolutionary War general who notably led the Battle of Bunker Hill and won. He loved hats, and reportedly said at that battle: "Don't fire till you see the tops of their heads". True to his word, he only fired at enemies who were poor and possessed no hats.
- William Prescott was first mentioned in the Classless Update.
“ | Let me see your manager.
— Saxton Hale on blowing up the moon with Apple's latest product
” |
The Apple Store manager is the manager of the Apple store located on the outskirts of Dustbowl, and presumably the employer of Trent and Jessica.
When Saxton Hale wants to buy out the company, he denied the request with the words "No sale, Hale!" Hale immediately recognises him and insults him, saying the store 'had his curvy stink all over it'. He is presumably one of Hale's long time rivals.
- The Apple Store manager first appeared in the non-canon Mac Update comic, A Visual History.
Archimedes appears in Meet the Medic as one of the Medic's feathered friends. He has an eerie habit of getting in the way of most procedures, including wallowing in the innards of the Heavy. Archimedes is last heard cooing from inside the Scout's chest cavity after his new Übercharged heart-implant surgery leaves the curious bird stuck inside. A dove, which may be meant to be Archimedes, will sometimes fly out of a gibbed Scout in-game.
Bob Cratchit, a "kindly community map maker", and Scrooge, a "billionare hat magnate", are characters in a Christmas play.
- Bob Cratchit & Scrooge were first mentioned in the Australian Christmas update.
丹上尉(Captain Dan)是一個美國本地的罐頭湯製造商。在其他大批的問題湯品被召回的時候,他很慷慨地自願來幫忙處理餿掉的產品,因問題解決而安心的總統據此頒發了市民貢獻獎以及殺人牌照給他。火箭兵是這個品牌的番茄湯的愛好者。
- 丹上尉首次在戰爭!更新中被提到。
“ | A hunter needs his trophies, Saxton. You of all people should understand that. You were my best student, once. Before you gave it all up, for her.
— Charles Darling on hunting
” |
Charles Darling is the former hunting mentor of Mann Co. owner Saxton Hale. Formerly a hunter, Darling decided to give up a life of savagery for a more comfortable one of zoo-keeping. His and Hale's falling-out appeared to occur following Saxton's decision to abandon his training for 'her'. He is currently the owner and proprietor of Darling Zoos, whose collection of animals includes such rare species as pygmy rabbits, quaggas, tasmanian wolves, dodos, giraffes and sea cows. He is also thought to be based off of the famed evolutionist Charles Darwin.
- Charles Darling first appeared in the Bidwell's Big Plan comic.
“ | They sound complicated enough that Valve decided they had no business judging cinéma.
— Francis the Talking France on French vocabulary
” |
Francis the Talking France seems to be a sentient manifestation of France with an apparent knowledge of cinema. He claims to be the inventor of the French terms "Mise en scene! Auteur! Avante-garde! Montage! Even cinéma!". Valve put him in charge of judging all the Saxxy entries, but realizing that the job would be too big even for himself, he opened the voting to the public.
- Francis the Talking France first appeared on the website Old Man Murray, co-written by Valve writer Eric Wolpaw.[1]
- The character appeared on the TF2 Official Blog on the 20th of May.[2]
- Francis is actually a mirror image of France, with its west in the east and vice versa.
- A child dresses as Francis for Halloween in the Bombinomicon comic.
“ | A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.
— The Gentle Manne of Leisure commenting to Smelly Unfortunate
” |
The Gentle Manne of Leisure is a Victorian Englishman who was rich enough to buy a tower of hats. He traveled the streets of a Victorian English city with his Companione, informing Smelly Unfortunate that he were presumptuous, poor, and Irish. The Gentle Manne of Leisure wore a tuxedo, carried a cane, and was never seen without his most prized possession – his tower of hats. It is possible that he is referred to as "Sinclaire" by his Companione as they spectate their 'Hatless Commoners' boxing.[來源請求] Also, the quote above is used as the description for the Towering Pillar of Hats.
- The Gentle Manne of Leisure was first shown in the Classless Update.
- He, his Companione, and Smelly Unfortunate can be found in the June 1814 edition of Gentle Manne's Monthly.
- Gentle Manne of Leisure and Smelly Unfortunate are also in the list of random bot names.
“ | 呃、那個...這不是踢卡索的原畫嗎?
— 戴爾.柯納亨爾對藍特哈克的藝術收藏說道
” |
A painter whose work is on display in the lobby of BLU's headquarters, and recognized by Dell Conagher. At one point, he went through a "Hunted in the Jungle" period of artwork. Most likely a play on the name of the famous artist, Picasso. The Artwork is a parody adaptation of Picasso's 'Self-portrait with Cloak', painted during his "blue period", which is a humorous reference within itself considering that the Kicasso is a part of Blutarch's Mansion.
- Kicasso first appeared in the Loose Canon comic.
“ | 然後我想要一個薩克斯頓模型,還有一個薩克斯頓打扁嬉皮戰鬥擂台,還有一個拯救噗皮喬太空火箭,還有我要一個...
— 小傑克的聖誕禮物清單
” |
Little Jack is a young boy who first encounters the mercenaries while they are doing community service work at the Teufort Mall. After asking Santa (the BLU Soldier) for various Saxton Hale toys, the Soldier decides that what he really needs for Christmas is a sensible haircut. He is then thrilled to watch the Soldier and his father fight each other, right before Old Nick bursts in, announcing his intent to kidnap the children of Teufort to work in his factory. Frightened, he turns to the BLU Spy, who breaks off an icicle and hands it to the boy. The Spy tells Jack to do exactly as he says, and ignore the protests of Ms. Pauling on the phone, telling the young boy to hide instead.
After being beaten by the BLU Scout and Soldier, Old Nick procedes to grab little Jack. The Scout warns him that that particular child is more than he seems, right as little Jack drives the icicle into Old Nick's jugular vein, killing him. The Scout congratulates the Spy on his cunning child disguise, only to realize the Spy was elsewhere, and it was actualy the small boy himself who did the deed.
Little Jack is last seen sitting next to the Spy, deciding that he is no longer scared. He sits atop his shoulders for a front-page photograph on the Teufort Times.
“ | 切勿直視那根掃帚,喔,沒錯,是用那根掃帚。
— 摩拉斯莫斯指派年幼爆破兵做打掃工作時說道
” |
Merasmus the Magician is the RED Soldier's roommate and keeper of the Bombinomicon. When the RED Demoman was seven years old, his mother told him that the dead rose on All Hallow's Eve and would have work for him. Having traveled to the moors to seek out this work, he discovered Merasmus, who hired him to sweep his vast library for a nickel, but cautioned him not to touch the Bombinomicon. Ultimately, the Demoman was goaded by the book into opening it, causing the tome to possess his left eye. Merasmus was forced to remove it from the boy and when the Demoman awoke, Merasmus had vanished along with his castle. In the present day, he invites himself to the RED team's halloween party and reveals his tumultuous relationship with the Soldier, as they have disagreements on whose turn it is to do household chores. When the Soldier breaks his staff over his knee, he angrily summons MONOCULUS for them to fight. In A Smissmas Story, he somehow allowed the Soldier to become a lawyer.
- Merasmus first appeared in the comic Bombinomicon
- Merasmus is the magician that the Soldier angered, causing both teams to be sent back in time to DeGroot Keep.
- Referenced to Erasmus, a leading humanist.
“ | The nice children are given the greatest gift of all -- they are not abducted along with the naughty ones and carted off to the South Pole.
— Robin Walker on the story of Old Nick
” |
On December 18, 1788, a man named Nicholas Crowder was on a voyage to Australia, but upon witnessing the heat and privations he decided to turn the boat around. He instead set course to conquer the South Pole, where, according to legend, he still lives. Every December 18th, "Old Nick" (as he is now known) returns to Australia to judge whether or not the children have been naughty or nice. The nice children get the gift of not being abducted and taken to the South Pole to work in Old Nick's workshop. The bad children make hats and weapons for Old Nick which are delivered to his mansion on December 17. Old Nick sells any duplicate weapons and hats he has received online, "practically giving them away".
During the events of A Smissmas Story, Nicholas Crowder is killed by the Soldier, Scout, Spy, and a small child when he tries to abduct the children at a shopping mall.
- Old Nick first appeared in the Australian Christmas update.
- Crowder rides a sleigh pulled by at least three reindeer, one of which has an eye-patch, and a Kangaroo with a red nose and wearing Prancer's Pride.
“ | I have no idea what you're - ooo, right. That poor monkey.
— Saxton Hale takes a moment to fondly remember the pioneering primate astronaut
” |
Poopy Joe was a monkey astronaut who tragically died in an explosion before taking off, caused by Mann Co. in their unsuccessful attempt to rid themselves of weapons involved in a Senate investigation. Mann Co. took no blame for his death, and actually created commemorative plates that remembered Poopy Joe and America's dream of conquering space. These plates were actually hints of the then-upcoming War! Update, depicting the Eyelander, Equalizer and Buff Banner's bugle.
- Poopy Joe first appeared in the WAR! Update.
Salty Pete, Iron Eye, and Pepper Pot Pete are supposedly a group of old war buddies that the Soldier goes camping/has tea parties with. They are almost instantly revealed, however, to be merely cardboard cutouts who the Soldier has made up imaginary backstories for. The Soldier mentions that Salty Pete once dug a trench that inadvertently killed a lot of their own side, but this story's validity is put into question once the Soldier forgets his name, calling him 'Salsa Pete'. He also forgets Pepper Pot Pete's name, calling him Peter Pepper-Pants. By the end of the strip, he declares that the "four" of them will be joining the 'Space Marines'.
- Salty Pete, Iron Eye, and Pepper Pot Pete first appeared in the Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack comic.
Shakespearicles was the strongest writer who ever lived. He was the inventor of the two-story building, the stage play, America, and the Rocket Launcher. Despite his powerful grasp of language and the ability to bench press 700 British pounds, several inventions eluded his iron grip – most tragically among them, stairs.
For the next three hundred years, people who needed to get to the second floor used the only method available to them, which was rocket jumping. This persisted until 1857, when the young bearded inventor named President Abraham Lincoln invented stairs.
Valve has a large poster of Shakespearicles in their office.
- Shakespearicles first appeared in the WAR! Update.
- Shakespearicles' name and part of his backstory are based on William Shakespeare, a famous British playwright, and Heracles (herr-ə-kleez), a classic Greek hero known for his incredible strength.
“ | ...and the bullets biodegrade once they hit flesh, leaving nothing behind but a blog post.
— Trent explaining Apple's advances in the Minigun market
” |
Trent and Jessica are two young fellows (and, according to the Soldier, hippies) who work at the Apple store located just outside Dustbowl.
They offered items for sale to the RED Scout and Heavy, specifically a very small looking, yet identical headset for the Scout, and a white, black, and blue Minigun whose bullets add kills to the user's killcount on his blog. (If the user does not have a blog, the gun is programmed to create one.) They also managed to impress the RED Soldier by instantly cooking a pig with a device plugged through a Firewire port. Jessica also explained Apple's newest product, the iBlewupthemoon, to Saxton Hale, impressing him and leading him to attempt to purchase the company and being turned down by a "Mysterious" figure that runs the store.
- Trent and Jessica first appeared in the non-canon Mac Update comic, A Visual History.
Vladimir Bananas was a monkey astronaut for Russia and the first monkey in space. America tried to follow with their own launch of monkey astronaut Poopy Joe, but that ended in disaster.
- Vladimir Bananas was first mentioned in Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl #44.
“ | Truly it is a Smissmass Miracle for the poor bombless unfortunates of Teufort!
— Julius overjoyed at the great gift he and Archibald received.
” |
Archibald and Julius are the proprieters of the Bombs for the Poor not-for-profit charity. They find a Payload cart delivered to their rail-stoop and declare it a Smismass miracle before they embrace in celebration. Both are completely fictitious characters, invented by the Scout and Soldier as an alibi while on trial for blowing up a Mall Santa training facility.
- Their bowler hats, moustaches, and color-coded suits resemble Blutarch and Redmond Mann in the 1890s
“ | 我在這裡宣判你們三個白癡去做社區服務!
— 法官宣布判決時
” |
The Judge presided over the trial of the Scout and Spy after they blew up a Mall Santa training facility with a bomb cart, with the Soldier as their attorney. After chewing out the Scout for his ridiculous alibi involving a "Bombs for the Poor" charity, he convinces Scout to rat out Soldier as the mastermind and sentences all three to community service, working at a Mall Santa booth.
其他跟 Valve 有關的人物
“ | 紅隊,藍隊,你們的錢在這裡都是綠色的喔。
— 威塔克對絕地要塞戰爭的看法
” |
Whitaker, a minor character in Left 4 Dead 2, wrote a blog update on the Official Team Fortress 2 Blog advertising the promotional Ellis' Cap and Frying Pan one can get from purchasing or previously owning Left 4 Dead 2. Based on his opening paragraph, he is southern like the other Left 4 Dead 2 characters. It seems he is neutral towards the RED and BLU corporations' feud, and also seems to know little-to-nothing about TF Industries other than "what he is told". It also appears that his existence is outside of Team Fortress 2's canonical storyline as he refers to the war as an "infernal game called Team Fortress 2". However, this can be countered by the fact that he seems to be addressing the RED and BLU team members in the blog. Within Left 4 Dead 2, he is voiced by Dayton Callie.
- This character has only been seen once in this TF2 Official Website blog post as of yet, and may be non-canon. For more information unrelated to Team Fortress 2, refer here.