Estratégia da comunidade para o Medic

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Seja heroico e cure hoje!
Eu irei ver através de seus ossos!
The Medic on "accidental" malpractice

Como um Medic, seu objetivo principal é manter seus parceiros de equipe vivos usando a Medi Gun. O Medic é capaz de dar invulnerabilidade através do uso da sobrecarga. Essa habilidade é de grande valor para o time tanto ofensivamente quanto defensivamente, e pode mudar toda a batalha.

Dicas rápidas

  • Cure todos que precisam, porém tenha foco nos Heavies, Soldiers, e Demomen. Essas classes são menos propensas a serem mortas por apenas uma explosão , golpes Críticos ou outros eventos inesperados.
  • Tente estar curando alguém todo tempo. Você nao está preparado devidamente para sobreviver a um combate direto com qualquer outra classe.
  • A sobrecarga ainda é carregada quando seu alvo está com vida cheia, quando está sobre curado, porém ela carrega-se mais lentamente.
  • Mantenha movimentos constantes e imprevisíveis e sempre estar ciente de sua volta. Inimigos inteligentes terá como alvo Medics sobre as sua função de curar.
  • É preferível que se use a sobrecarga prematuramente, mesmo não tendo parceiros de equipe na área, ao invés de morrer e perdê-la. Isso irá te dar uma change de se reagrupar com o time e curá-los mais rápido do que o tempo de reaparecimento.

Estratégia geral

  • Você é a única classe que pode recuperar vida passivamente.
  • Muito mais que as outras classes, tornar-se um Medic efetivo depende da boa comunicação com a equipe. Você deve se comunicar com o jogador que está curando sobre perigos avistados e Spies inimigos, assim eles usam da informação passada para resolver o problema.
  • A feixe de cura da Medi Gun pode curar alvos a uma longa distância desde que você tenha uma linha direta de visão para seu alvo de cura. Isso permite a você curar alvos que estão a te encobertar.
  • Uma vez que a Medi Gun esta travada em seu alvo, você pode virar para qualquer direção sem interromper a cura. Isso o deixa livra para observar emboscadas de Spies ou emboscadas em geral, como os Medics são o alvo prioritário dos inimigos.

Combat strategy

  • When in combat, your top priority is to keep as many teammates alive as possible, while doing the same for yourself. Always focus on healing teammates that are under the most fire.
  • Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to continuously heal a single player instead of spreading it around to other teammates, a tactic called pocketing. This tactic can become necessary when dealing with Sentry Guns, an enemy pocket, or when deploying ÜberCharges.
  • Asides from the above circumstances, it is advisable to try to keep all the teammates around you generally healthy. If your primary healing target is fully healed or overhealed and others are needing of health, try switching targets as the need changes. Generally a mostly healthy team is more effective than one overhealed pair.
  • If isolated with an enemy, pepper him with syringes from far range while dodging incoming projectiles. Then, when close enough, go in for a Bonesaw kill.

General ÜberCharge strategy

  • Your top priority is to build and deploy ÜberCharges. An ÜberCharge can make a push, and can be used to break through Sentry Gun nests that are otherwise impenetrable.
  • The ÜberCharge meter fills faster if you're is healing wounded allies instead of focusing on fully overhealed ones. As such, classes that can effectively damage themselves (Soldiers and Demomen) can be a tremendous help when out of combat. (Note that during the Setup phase, charge rate is maximized regardless of the heal target's health, as long as no two Medics are healing the same heal target.)
  • Knockback is often used to counter ÜberCharges, separating you from your healing target or pushing you towards environmental hazards.
  • Even an invincible player can have a hard time wiping out the entire enemy defensive line alone. To make the most out of each ÜberCharge, activate it when many other teammates are nearby and strike as a team.
  • While under the effects of an ÜberCharge, it's possible to change Medi Gun targets. There is a delay between the healing ending and invulnerability cutting out so switching targets quickly will make them both invulnerable for a very short period.
    • Note that this drains the ÜberCharge faster than an ÜberCharge on only one person.

Weapon Specific

Primary Weapons

Syringe Gun

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Syringe Gun
Arma de Seringas
Killicon syringe gun.png 40 150 10-12 5-10 5-6 30
  • Despite each syringe dealing weak damage, the Syringe Gun has a very fast rate of fire and quick reload time, which can add up to a surprising amount of damage on enemies.
  • The Syringe Gun's needles arc over distance and take time to travel, which makes aiming harder. Lead your targets, as the needles travel fairly slowly. This makes it harder to hit moving targets, but by predicting the path of an enemy, you can do a good deal of damage.
    • The needle travel delay can also be used as an advantage when firing at corners or while retreating. When fighting an enemy, retreating around a corner while firing can suppress enemy players and discourage them from pursuing.
  • Classes that move at the normal run speed (Engineers, Spies, Pyros, Snipers) are only slightly faster than you running backwards. This allows you to spray your pursuers with needles while keeping your opponents at a respectable distance.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage Health
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical On Hit
Killicon blutsauger.png 40 150 10-12 5-10 5-6 30 3
  • The Blutsauger is an unlockable primary weapon for the Medic. Whenever a needle hits an enemy, 3 HP is restored to the Medic. However, passive health regeneration is reduced by 2 HP/sec, with a total of 1 HP/sec to 4 HP/sec regeneration.
  • The Blutsauger's health regeneration makes it a much better retreat weapon if attacked by enemy players and no teammates are nearby. If you expect to have to fend for yourself, consider using the Blutsauger.
  • An Accurate Medic can stand to gain a "maximum" of 30 HP per second, from this weapon (not counting reload times). When added to the health from regeneration, and if all Syringes hit, a Medic can recover 31 to 34 HP in one second. However this rate was determined by the Medic and his target not moving. In reality, You can get a gain more than 30 HP per sec when closing in to the target or gain less when moving away.

Crusader's Crossbow

Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage/Healing
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical
Crusader's Crossbow
Besta do Cruzado
Killicon crusader's crossbow.png 1 38 38/75 56/112 75/150 113-225
  • The Crusader's Crossbow is a craftable primary weapon for the Medic. It deals damage based on the distance traveled by the bolt, and can heal teammates based on distance traveled as well.
    • Both the damage dealt to enemy players and the amount of health that teammates are healed by are directly proportional to the distance that the crossbow bolt has traveled.
    • The Crusader's Crossbow cannot overheal teammates.
  • The Crusader's Crossbow is completely different from both the Syringe Gun and the Blutsauger, which rely on numerous low-damage projectiles, as it relies on dealing large amounts of damage one projectile at a time. It functions very similarly to the Sniper's Huntsman, so try to use it in the same way. However, remember that unlike the Huntsman, the Crusader's Crossbow cannot deal headshots and takes longer to reload.
  • When trying to attack enemies while teammates are in the line of fire, try to jump while firing to gain a temporary height advantage. This ensures that the bolt will not accidentally hit a teammate and heal them instead of damaging an enemy farther away.
  • If a teammate needs healing but it's dangerous to reach him, using the Crossbow might be a good idea.
  • The Crusader's Crossbow can provide a quick burst of healing. When the teammate you are healing is under heavy fire and your healing rate is not able to keep up with the damage, switch to the Crusader's Crossbow, fire a shot at your teammate to heal 75 HP, then quickly switch back to your Medi Gun and continue healing.
  • Due to the Crusader's Crossbow's low rate of fire, try not to let enemy players get too close. If enemies do manage to perform a successful ambush or flank, it's usually better to take out your melee weapon or try to retreat behind a teammate.
  • Unlike the Huntsman, the Crusader's Crossbow can be fired underwater and midair.
  • If need be, you can fit a long range fire support role with this weapon. The damage over range effect can stack up from a good vantage point, and you can not only deal damage but heal teammates from far away.


Weapon Kill Icon Ammo Damage Effect
Loaded Carried Point Blank Medium Range Long Range Critical Speed with 100% ÜberCharge
Killicon overdose.png 40 150 9-11 5-9 5-6 27 117.33%
  • The Overdose is a craftable primary for the Medic. It does 10% less damage than the standard Syringe Gun, but will increase the Medic's speed as his Über meter increases. The speed boost caps at 10% faster than standard Medic speed.
    • The speed boost only applies while you have the Overdose drawn.
  • If you are building an Übercharge but your heal target gets killed with no one else around, you can use the Overdose to escape and regroup with your team.
  • If you need to make an urgent kill, you can chase an enemy down with your increased speed.

Secondary Weapons

Medi Gun/Festive Medi Gun

Weapon Healing ÜberCharge
Normal Healing Rate Maximum Healing Rate ÜberCharge ÜberCharge Time Charge Speed Maximum Charge Time
Medi Gun
Arma Médica
24 health/sec 72 health/sec Invulnerability 8 seconds 2.5%/sec 40 seconds
Festive Medi Gun
Arma Médica Festiva
  • The Medi Gun's base healing rate is 24 HP/sec. If healing a teammate that has not taken damage in the last 10 seconds, the healing rate increases linearly, up to 72 HP/sec on a teammate that has not taken damage in the last 15 seconds.
  • When healing a heal target, the Medi Gun will stay "locked-on" to the heal target until the primary fire key is released, or your heal target moves out of range.
  • If ambushed, remember that it's better use an ÜberCharge to survive than to die with a full ÜberCharge meter.
  • Heal other Medics whenever possible. This way, you and other Medics can stay alive longer and retain any charge in your ÜberCharge meters.
  • Heal damaged players first. Healing a damaged player takes only a few seconds, but a player dying, respawning, and then returning to the front lines can take up to half a minute. Even healing them a small amount is often better than to overhealing another to 150%.


Weapon Healing ÜberCharge
Normal Healing Rate Maximum Healing Rate ÜberCharge ÜberCharge Time Charge Speed Maximum Charge Time
24 health/sec 72 health/sec Critical hits 8 seconds 3.125%/sec 32 seconds
  • The Kritzkrieg is an unlockable Medi Gun for the Medic. Its ÜberCharge builds 25% faster than the Medi Gun's, and provides guaranteed Critical hits to the Medic's heal target instead of invulnerability for the duration of its deployment.
  • The Kritzkrieg's ÜberCharge is useless against a Medi Gun's ÜberCharge due to its invulnerability, but due to the faster charge rate it can be deployed before the enemy's Medi Gun charge, and can be deployed more frequently.
  • Although Critical hits count as normal damage against buildings, and as such don't help against a Sentry Gun by itself, a Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge on a Demoman or Soldier allows them to utilize the splash damage from their rockets and grenades to easily kill the Engineer hiding behind the Sentry Gun. Once the Engineer is dead, the Sentry Gun can be quickly destroyed.
  • Heavies, Soldiers and Demomen are among the three best classes to deploy a Kritz on. Though any class can be lethal while Kritzkrieg ÜberCharged, these three are far more lethal than the rest. The choice is situational:
    • Soldiers and Demomen are very similar: they can use the splash damage from their rockets, grenades, and stickybombs to clear off Control points or Payload carts.
    • Kritzing a Heavy is great for large, spread out groups of enemies, as the continuous fire and quick target switching allows the Heavy to concentrate on as many enemies as he can hit in the duration of the Kritz. Critical hits also don't suffer from damage falloff over distance, so the Heavy can be very lethal even at long ranges.
  • If there are no powerful offensive classes to Kritz, the Sniper can be an effective Kritz target - every hit while charged does the same damage as an un-charged headshot.
  • The Kritzkrieg excels at ambushes. Try to flank the enemy or fire from behind cover, or anywhere that the enemy is not looking at. Most enemies will be dead before they have time to react to a surprise attack.
Weapon Healing Duration Details
Kritzkrieg 11 health 4 seconds The Medic takes a brief whiff out of the barrel of his weapon.
  • Due to the duration of the taunt, the low amount of health recovered, and the increased vulnerability, only try to use this taunt when safely behind cover and while backed up against a wall. In such situations, however, it's usually far better to simply seek out a better source of healing.
  • In dire situations such as being on fire or bleeding, it's possible that using this taunt can prevent death.


Weapon Healing ÜberCharge
Normal Healing Rate Maximum Healing Rate ÜberCharge ÜberCharge Time Charge Speed Maximum Charge Time
33.6 health/sec 100.8 health/sec Megaheal 8 seconds 3.125%/sec (1.5625%/sec) 32 seconds (64 seconds)
  • The Quick-Fix is a craftable secondary for the Medic. It has a 40% faster heal rate and a 25% faster charge rate than the Medi Gun. The Quick-Fix's ÜberCharge is the "Megaheal", which increases healing by 300% and negates movement impairing effects, such as Natascha's slowdown. It cannot overheal, however.
    • The Quick-Fix can also let you move as fast as any heal target faster than you.
  • The Quick-Fix and its Megaheal are meant for keeping many teammates alive during pushes as opposed to making it easier to push through territory or kill the enemy faster. With the faster heal rate, it's best to stay with a group to maximize the Quick-Fix's usefulness.
  • The Quick-Fix lets you move as fast as Scouts when you heal them, so hitch a ride if you're in a hurry to get to the front lines.
  • Try not to deploy your Megaheal if you and your heal target are alone and against one or two enemies. The Megaheal is best used to support large pushes and keep teammates alive while under heavy fire.
  • Always keep in mind that you are never invincible with the Quick-Fix; whilst you may be impossible to separate from your heal target (due to knock-back prevention) and very hard to kill, remember that a well structured opposition or a single Spy or a carefully placed head shot can easily render your push moot.

Melee Weapons

Bonesaw/Saxxy/Conscientious Objector

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Serra de Ossos
Killicon bonesaw.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
Killicon saxxy.png
Conscientious Objector
Opositor Consciente
Killicon conscientious objector.png
  • The Bonesaw has more front-loaded damage than the Syringe Gun, but suffers in terms of damage over time. This makes it good for getting in the first strike on a distracted opponent. Like other melee weapons, it also has a higher Crit rate than the Syringe Gun, which can further help in dealing with an opponent on the first strike.
  • When Spy-checking teammates, using the Bonesaw is more reliable due to the difficulty in aiming with the Syringe Gun. Spies will often try to attack you whenever possible, so always be prepared to take out the Bonesaw in order to deal with them.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon ubersaw.png 0.96 seconds 65 195
  • The Übersaw is an unlockable melee weapon for the Medic. It has a 20% slower attack rate than the Bonesaw, but will add 25% to the ÜberCharge meter for each successful hit.
  • The Übersaw is especially useful for taking out Spies that may be attempting to backstab teammates, as it will not only kill the Spy in two hits, but also build the ÜberCharge meter more safely than if attempted on other enemies.
    • Your ÜberCharge meter does not increase upon killing a Spy that is using the Dead Ringer. Be sure to keep an eye out for this to see if the Spy is really dead.
  • The Übersaw will still add to the ÜberCharge meter if you hit a Scout under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch.
  • Rather than using the Übersaw for killing enemies, try to use it with the mindset of building up ÜberCharge. If possible, try to simply land a hit and retreat safely, rather than fighting an enemy to the death.
  • If fighting an enemy and the ÜberCharge meter is almost full, try to use the Übersaw to finish up the charge and quickly switch to the Medi Gun to activate the charge. In desperate situations, this can ensure survival provided that the Kritzkrieg or Quick-Fix is not being used.
  • When healing a heal target and an enemy approaches, don't be afraid to quickly stop healing and going in to attack with the Übersaw, even if teammates are already attacking that enemy. This is a relatively safe way to gain additional charge, as enemies will often have trouble dealing with more than one simultaneous attacker. However, remember not to chase any enemies who try to flee.
Spinal Tap
Kill Icon Weapon Damage Duration Details
Spinal Tap
Furador de Vértebras
Killicon ubersaw.png Übersaw 500 4 seconds The Medic throws his coattails back and enters a combat pose before thrusting his Übersaw forward and retracting it, killing any enemy player to be in the way. Gives 100% ÜberCharge.
  • Due to the length of the taunt, performing Spinal Tap is not recommended unless used against distracted foes.
  • This taunt can be used to stun ÜberCharged enemies and waste their Über time. The taunt won't kill the ÜberCharged player but it will still give 100% ÜberCharge.
  • Remember that, like the Skewer taunt, an enemy does not need to be stunned in order to kill them. They simply need to be in front of you during the retraction part of the animation.
    • Similarly, stunning an enemy doesn't necessarily guarantee a kill, as explosion blasts, air blasts or simple momentum gained by the enemy may move the target outside of the kill zone before the retraction animation.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Killicon vita-saw.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • The Vita-Saw is a craftable melee weapon for the Medic. It allows the Medic to retain up to 20% of his ÜberCharge meter upon death. However, it also reduces the Medic's maximum HP by 10, to 140 HP.
  • Due to the health penalty, you can be killed more easily by lighter classes such as Scouts and Pyros.
  • Due to being able to retain up to 20% of the ÜberCharge meter, it's possible to deploy ÜberCharges faster upon respawning. This will allow you and your team to put more pressure on the enemy team.
    • Using the Kritzkrieg or Quick-Fix in combination with the Vita-Saw will allow you to build up ÜberCharges even faster.
  • Remember that if you're killed during a Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge or Quick-Fix Megaheal, up to 20% of what charge you had left will still be retained.


Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage Healing
Point Blank Critical On Taunt
Killicon amputator.png 0.8 seconds 65 195 75
  • The Amputator is a craftable melee weapon for the Medic. The Amputator allows Medics to perform the Medicating Melody taunt. Upon taunting, all teammates within 450 units of the Medic will be healed for 4 seconds at the same rate as if they are being healed by the Medi Gun or Kritzkrieg.
    • As with the Crusader's Crossbow, it's not possible to overheal players using this weapon. It will also not build any ÜberCharge.
  • Having no downsides, the Amputator is a complete upgrade to the Bonesaw, so use it if you have it.
  • Always use the taunt when behind cover, rather than out in the open. Only use it when teammates are guaranteed hold their position for the duration of the taunt; if not, it's better to simply keep using the Medi Gun rather than risk being caught in the middle of the taunt and killed.

Solemn Vow

Weapon Kill Icon Attack Interval Damage
Point Blank Critical
Solemn Vow
Voto Solene
Killicon solemn vow.png 0.8 seconds 65 195
  • The Solemn Vow is a craftable melee weapon for the Medic. It allows you to see the opposing team's health and enemy Medics' Über meters.
  • Having no downsides, the Solemn Vow is a complete upgrade over the Bonesaw, so use it if you have it.
  • The Solemn Vow allows you to see enemy health, so you can tell your teammates if a retreating enemy is easy pickings or might be trying to trick you around a corner.
  • Unless you're using a mic to communicate with your team, consider using an alternative melee weapon so you aren't losing potential bonuses.

Item Sets

The Medieval Medic

Artigo principal: Conjuntos de itens
Médico Medieval
Backpack The Medieval Medic Bundle.png

Sem efeito

  • Unlike the other Polycount weapon sets, the Medieval Medic weapon set does not require the Berliner's Bucket Helm in order to get the item set bonus. The set only requires the Crusader's Crossbow and Amputator.
  • Both of the weapons in this set give you more tools with which to heal your teammates, which can increase your team's survivability significantly.
  • The Medieval Medic's set bonus gives you a total HP regeneration rate of 4 HP/sec to 7 HP/sec. This can significantly increase your survivability.

The Clinical Trial

Artigo principal: Conjuntos de itens
Teste Clínico
Item icon Meet The Medic! Bundle.png

Sem efeito

  • The three weapons of this set allow you to heal your teammates more quickly and more effectively:
    • The Overdose allows you to reach your teammates faster to heal them.
    • The Quick-Fix allows you to heal people a lot faster than the other two Mediguns, and its "Megaheal" effect is great for healing large groups of teammates or sustain large pushes.
    • The Solemn Vow allows you to see enemy health and inform your team about their status.

Weapon combinations

See also