Admega is a Team fortress 2 player, and serveral other games. Admega joined steam at March/28/2011. He plays Team fortress 2 from July/26/2011 - To the date
About Admega
- Real name: Saul
- He lives at Mexico,Merida,Yucatan.
- Age: 17
- Sex: Male
- Language: Spanish, English and french.
- Operating computer system: Windows 7 Ultimate.
- Youtube Account: Yv5saul
- Phone Number: (+57)999-137-38-17 (Telcel)
- Personal phrase: I'm a cool dude, eventually (especially on Mondays) crazed, but still a good friend
Team Fortress 2 Stats
Most played classes
Most weapons used
Best friends
- Defend 85%
- Attack 94%
- Capture the flag 68%
- Capture control point 87%
- Reflect 79%
- Backstab 90%
- Telefrag 100%
- Headshots 79%
- Taunkills 52%
- Sticky Bomb Placing 84%
- Dominations 83%
- Revenge 97%
- "Admega" Was named orinally "Omega" in 2 games
- "Admega" comes from a mix of two names (Adrian and Omega)
- The name of "Admega" was used first in a "Bloonsworld" level