Template:PatchDiff/February 14, 2012 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf english.txt

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Revision as of 02:28, 15 February 2012 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf_english.txt" for patch February 14, 2012 Patch.)
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469469"TF_Wearable_Ring" "Ring"
470470"TF_Wearable_Boombox" "Futuristic Sound Device"
471471"TF_Wearable_MysticalLamp" "Mystical Lamp"
N/A472"TF_Wearable_Photograph" "Photograph"
472473"TF_Wearable_MapperMedal" "Func_Medal"
474475"Humiliation_Count" "x%s1"
492493"TF_Tool_Gift_Desc" "This item is a wrapped gift. You can give to someone if you wrapped it, or unwrap it if you received it!"
N/A495"ToolAction_WeddingRing_AcceptReject" "Accept / Reject"
N/A496"TF_UseWeddingRing_Title" "Accept Proposal?"
N/A497"TF_UseWeddingRing_Text" "Do you want to accept this proposal from %proposer_name%?\n\nKeep in mind that this item can only be used this once. Diamonds are forever."
N/A498"TF_WeddingRing_AcceptProposal" "I do!"
N/A499"TF_WeddingRing_RejectProposal" "Cancel"
N/A500"TF_WeddingRing_ClientMessageTitle" "Exciting news!" // unused
N/A501"TF_WeddingRing_ClientMessageBody" "�%receiver_name%� has accepted �%gifter_name%�'s \"�%ring_name%�\"! Congratulations!"
N/A502"TF_WeddingRing" "Something Special For Someone Special"
N/A503"TF_WeddingRing_Desc" "An eternal symbol of affection and commitment and approximately two months salary.\n\nGift wrap this and give it to someone dear, giving them the opportunity to accept your proposal and announce your happiness to the whole world."
N/A504"Attrib_AcceptedWeddingRingAccount1" "A perpetual bond of commitment between %s1"
N/A505"Attrib_AcceptedWeddingRingAccount2" "and %s1, forever and ever and ever. XoXoX"
494507"TF_NoiseMaker" "Noise Maker"
495508"TF_NoiseMaker_CrazyLaugh" "Noise Maker - Crazy Laugh"
496509"TF_NoiseMaker_Werewolf" "Noise Maker - Werewolf"
602615"TF_ScoutBoombox_Desc" "Walkin' down the street to the hardcore beat while his Mann Co. boom vibrates the concrete."
603616"TF_DemoLamp" "Aladdin's Private Reserve"
604617"TF_DemoLamp_Desc" "Originally owned by some punk kid in Syria, this Arabian wish-granter is a lamp full of liquid courage. Simply rub, think liquory thoughts, and pour. Warning: don't think about anything else while rubbing, or you might not get booze."
N/A618"TF_DemoSnappedPupil" "Snapped Pupil" // ADD THE
N/A619"TF_DemoSnappedPupil_Desc" "Be honest, lads. Ye cannae even tell, can ye?"
606621"TF_Bowtie" "Dr. Whoa"
607622"TF_Bowtie_Desc" ""
13551370"TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking_Desc" "No need to hang this stocking over the mantle. It's already stuffed. Thanks for nothing, Santa."
13561371"TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap" "Brown Bomber" // ADD THE
13571372"TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Desc" "Celebrate Canada's birthday, on whatever day that happens, with this commemorative Canadian Prime Minister's ceremonial dress hat."
N/A1373"TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Style0" "Hunter"
N/A1374"TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Style1" "Hipster"
13581375"TF_SoldierWinterCoat" "Kringle Collection" // ADD THE
13591376"TF_SoldierWinterCoat_Desc" "Do the snow-pants dance with this stylish holiday ensemble from famed Arctic designer Kristoff Kringle."
13601377"TF_TheElf" "Big Elfin Deal" // ADD THE
13801397"TF_LuckyShot_Desc" "Let's see you do that again, Private."
13811398"TF_Conquistador" "Conquistador" // ADD THE
13821399"TF_Conquistador_Desc" "Make Spanish history come alive with this authentic conquistador's helmet, excavated from the actual grave of a sixteenth century French cosplayer."
N/A1400"TF_BlackRose" "Black Rose" // ADD THE
N/A1401"TF_BlackRose_Desc" "Slay it with flowers."
N/A1402"TF_BlackRose_Style_TeamColors" "Mystery and True Love"
N/A1403"TF_BlackRose_Style_Black" "Baccara"
13841405"TF_WarswornHelmet" "Warsworn Helmet" // ADD THE
13851406"TF_WarswornHelmet_Desc" "Whether you're a mercenary in the granaries and gravel pits of the Badlands or an immense fantasy world, this helmet tells potential employers everything they need to know: You will do horrible, horrible things for money."
43224343"Attrib_Always_Tradable" "Always Tradable"
43234344"Attrib_CannotTrade" "Not Tradable"
43244345"Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft" "Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting"
N/A4346"Attrib_NonEconomyItem" "Not Tradable, Usable in Crafting, or Gift Wrappable"
43254347"Attrib_DisguiseOnBackstab" "Upon a successful backstab you rapidly disguise as your victim"
43264348"Attrib_CannotDisguise" "Wearer cannot disguise"
43274349"Attrib_SilentKiller" "Silent Killer: No attack noise from backstabs"
51375159"StoreCheckout_TransactionCompleted" "Transaction completed! Enjoy your loot!"
51385160"StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "Unable to confirm success. If successful, your items will be delivered at a later date."
51395161"StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "You don't have enough room in your backpack to buy that many items. Purchase a Backpack Expander to increase your capacity."
N/A5162"StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom_MaxSize" "You don't have enough room in your backpack to buy that many items."
51405163"StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Title" "Warning"
51415164"StoreCheckout_ContactSupport_Dialog_Btn" "Contact"
51425165"StoreCheckout_DiscountFail" "There seems to have been an error applying a discount to one or more items. Please try again or contact support."
59015924"TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "This �Gift Wrap� can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts can be delivered to offline players. Items that are normally not tradable can be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap."
59025925"TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "This is a �Wrapped Gift�. The person who wrapped it can deliver the gift to someone or another player can open it and receive the item inside."
59035926"TF_Armory_Item_DecalToolTag" "This �Tool� can be used to put a custom image on �certain items�, such as Clan Pride, The Conscientious Objector, and Flair! (If you don't already have such an item, buy the item first; it includes one free decal tool.) Your image will be put into the TF2 art style, by reducing the colors to a small palette from the TF2 universe."
N/A5927"TF_Armory_Item_WeddingRing" "This is a �Ring�. It cannot be directly traded, but it can be gifted to someone dear as a proposal.\n\nThe receiver has the option of accepting your proposal, announcing your joy to the entire TF2 universe, or rejecting you, leaving you a sad, lonely mercenary.\n\nThis item comes with a free name tag and gift wrap."
59055929"TF_Armory_Item_Limited" "This item is only available in the store for a limited time! This item is not currently available as a loot or crate drop."
59065930"TF_Armory_Item_Limited_Holiday" "This item is only available in the store for a limited time during this holiday event!"