2012년 2월 23일 패치
출처: Team Fortress 2 Update Released (영어)
패치 노트
팀 포트리스 2
- Fast Learner를 추가하였습니다.
- 서버를 시작할때
가 정확하게 작동하지 않는 현상을 수정하였습니다. - Fixed some instances of corrupted text when the
key isn't bound - Fixed dedicated server console spew related to the Replay client and viewangles
- cp_fastlane의 재질 철자 오류를 수정하였습니다.
- Fixed team colors not working correctly for the second style of the Black Rose [1]
- Fixed Mann Co. Store item previews for paints and styles
- Updated item descriptions to contain the name of the paint used to color them
- 레게레이터를 개선하였습니다[2]
- 단계 세부(Level Of Detail) 모델을 추가하였습니다.
- 3가지 스타일을 추가하였습니다.
- cp_dustbowl을 개선하였습니다.
- Adjusted Blue team's func_respawnroom in stage 1 to be flush against the door
- 언어 파일 업데이트[3]
언급되지 않은 변화
- A Mann's Mint와 After Eight 페인트를 추가하였습니다.
- 39번 Mann Co. 보급 상자를 추가하고 34번 보급 상자를 제거하였습니다.
변경된 파일
- 추신: 아래의 변경된 파일 목록은 두 다른 버전의 게임으로부터 산출해냈습니다.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
변경 사항
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/steam.inf
Modified: team fortress 2 client content.gcf/tf/bin/client.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 client content.gcf/tf/bin/client.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.so
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/cp_dustbowl.bsp
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/cp_dustbowl.nav
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/backpack/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/backpack/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt_large.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/demo/demo_dreads_style01.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/demo/demo_dreads_style02.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/demo/demo_dreads_style03.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt_normal.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt_style01.vtf
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/signs/factory_label02.vtf
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_dreads.dx80.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_dreads.dx90.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_dreads.mdl
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_dreads.sw.vtx
Modified: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/demo/demo_dreads.vvd
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt.dx80.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt.dx90.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt.mdl
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt.sw.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/scout/scout_prep_shirt.vvd