- Unknown license|I don't know what to pick.
- Team Fortress 2 - Images or Media
- ScreenshotTF2|Screenshot of Team Fortress 2
- AudioTF2|Audio clip from Team Fortress 2
- ExtractTF2|Media extracted from Team Fortress 2
- Artwork
- ArtworkTF2|Valve artwork of Team Fortress 2
- ArtworkTF2-Pre|Artwork or screenshots from pre-release or early versions of Team Fortress 2
- Quake Team Fortress or Team Fortress Classic
- TFC image|Images or media of Team Fortress Classic (TFC)
- QTF image|Images or media of Quake Team Fortress (QTF)
- Other Valve Content
- ExtractL4D|Media extracted from Left 4 Dead or Left 4 Dead 2
- Valve content|Valve logos or other Valve content (that does not fit above)
- Other licenses
- FairUse|Fair Usage License (Do not use for Valve content)
- PD|Public domain (PD)
- CC-by-3.0|CC-BY-3.0
- CC-by-sa-3.0|CC-BY-SA-3.0
- CC-by-nc-sa-3.0|CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0
- FAL|Free Art License
- I made this myself and hereby license it under:
- PD-self|Public domain (PD)
- Self|CC-BY-3.0
- CC-by-nc-sa-3.0|CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0
- FAL|Free Art License (FAL)
- No license
- Unknown license|I don't know what to pick.