Team Fortress Wiki:Featured articles/Archive 5
Cow Mangler 5000
It disintegrates players, even their gibs! It fires lazers, first soldier weapon to directly cause mini-crits. Has the disabling affects of a sapper(without the obvious destruction). Has moar ammo in a clip than any weapon, and the most ammo, being indefinitely usable. Is moderately easy to craft. Ummmm..... Thats about it please nominate this lol.... — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Bunnydav1d (talk) • (contribs)
Comment Articles should be nominated based on the article itself, not on the weapon. --
Firestorm 08:13, 9 August 2011 (PDT)
Item timeline
Something of a hub article. It is a complete, interesting, informative article. Heck of a lot of links... pretty much exactly what's on the tin. It's an item timeline. It does what it says it will and looks sexy doing it. --SilverHammer 23:25, 16 August 2011 (PDT)
Neutral It's got what it needs to be, but it's a list. We'd be better off showing off the weapons, or the item sets. I'm gray here. Triscuitable 20:34, 19 August 2011 (PDT)
Kill icon
Not much to say, it's a good page and informative. – Cructo [T][C] 17:11, 6 November 2011 (PST)
Halloween Costumes
Is complete, well linked, helps document an event, shows players in full costumes and has video demos of effects where they exist Govcon 18:59, 11 April 2012 (PDT)
Clean, pure execution on a theme. Nicely represents the backstory and weaponry of this class. Clean explanation of Speed, despite obvious complexity. (Darkid (Talk | contribs) 18:22, 5 June 2012 (PDT))
Perfunctory but excellent explanation of this weapon. Clarifies confusing charge rates, and has a well-put-together weapon demo. (Darkid (Talk | contribs) 18:22, 5 June 2012 (PDT))
Replay Editor
This article itself has some nice and good information about the Replay system and has a little guide on how to start a movie and how to edit it, functions get's explained easily, render info for best film preformances and the article keeps up in track with the update history, easy to understand if you take time reading and very interesting. Link here! Let's see some replying on this. TNS 14:39, 2 June 2012 (PDT)
I'm neutral here. It's interesting, but the lack of pictures, nearly over-excessive use of bold text, and long paragraph-y format is a bit detracting. However, the material is extensive but not superfluous.Darkid (Talk | contribs) 15:29, 2 June 2012 (PDT)
With the dolls confirmed to be releasing in the next week and the action figures well on the way, getting the word out on the main page would be relevant and interesting, as a featured article should be. --SilverHammer 16:18, 27 August 2012 (PDT)
Not yet As noted on the top of the page, "this article is a stub". Right now, it's only a gallery with some info, without any crutial, main-page-worthy info. It still is a looooong way from getting good enough to be featured. – Epic Eric (T | C) 14:45, 21 September 2012 (PDT)
Australian Christmas
With the new 2012 Smissmas update just announced, it would be good to feature the original Australian Christmas in place of the original TF2 Halloween Special.-- — The preceding unsigned comment was added by Irkdesu (talk) • (contribs) 06:47 GMT 20 December, 2012
I nominate this article as it clearly defines all the different variations of robots. This article also assists new players in learning what each icon means, what this robot can do and how to counter it. It offers links to pages that go more in depth on every robot. The final reason why I nominate this article is the unused content section offers a clear view on all of the unused robots, as it clearly describes each and every one. Da Chingy Guy (talk) 14:46, 29 September 2013 (PDT)
Pyro Robot
In my opinion, the Pyro Robot should be considered as an article for the FAP. It has all relating images, tells you everything you need to know about the article, and is up-to-date. An overall obvious choice. Rollin' Solo (talk) 02:03, 21 December 2013 (PST)
This article is informative on what the Unusual effects are, how they look, and just straight up information on unusuals themselves. It even gives information on which hats can be uncrated in the Unusual quality. As far as the recent update, it is up-to-date. ClockworkSpirit2343
21:14, 22 January 2014 (PST)
- After nearly a year of the featured article being the engineer update, I think we can safely change it to Unusual. --Piemanmoo 05:25, 30 June 2014 (PDT)
- The recent update with series Unusuals made the page need some edits, so once it gets updated, I think it should be put up.
21:33, 17 July 2014 (PST).
- The recent update with series Unusuals made the page need some edits, so once it gets updated, I think it should be put up.
This article is precisely what describes a Scout and helps people when they need to know what weapons and items the Scout can use/wear.
TF Industries
To be honest, this page should be featured because without it, we wouldn't have a back story to TF2. M15513c0mm4nd (talk) 13:42, 7 October 2014 (PDT)