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Thus begins my (third) thousand-edit reign of (French) translation!
— 'Stache clicking "Save Page" for the 3000th time
Basic information
Gender: Male
Birth place: Southeast of France
Native language: French
Age: 18
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Leaderboard class demoman.pngLeaderboard class medic.png
Favourite weapons: BottleUllapool CaberKritzkriegÜbersawDisciplinary Action
Contact information

Currently working on

  • Being a damn fine loc mod.

Sea O' the userboxes

Flag France.png This user is French, Gentlemen.
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
es-2 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 20 February, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 14 years, 0 months, 8 days (since {{{day}}} , {{{year}}}).

LargeEdit.jpg This user likes to edit articles in GIANT MAN chunks.
Engineer Update Gunslinger.png This user is an offensineer.
"You ladies shoulda' oughta' brought some menfolk with ya."
DaniVoiceMenu.png This user loves to use the Team Fortress in-game voice menu (a lot) for talking.
Golden Wrench IMG.png This user crafted away a lot of items for the Golden Wrench. Stoopid!
Gette it Onne!.png This good sir loves to play in Medieval mode, they say.
Scout Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.

Backpack Fists.png This user is manly enough to battle with only Melee Weapons. Guns are for babies!
Backpack Disciplinary Action.png This user loves whipping his teammates (and enemies).
Painted Dr. Whoa 3B1F23.png This user thinks bow ties are cool.
User TARDIS.png This user enjoys watching Doctor Who.

Update History (to be completed)

November 2, 2010 Patch

  • 'Stache was added to the Team Fortress 2 Official Wiki.

November 9, 2010 Patch

  • This user translated his first page.

November 11, 2010 Patch

  • Updated 'Stache to give him an User Page.

November 7, 2011 Patch

  • This user translated his 50th page.

May 9, 2012 Patch

  • Updated this user to allow him to vote, gamble, drive a car, and watch porn, among other things.

June 15, 2012 Patch

  • This user's edit count reached 1000.