Easimer's scripts

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This is my fun scripts. I use on my local server with bots if I'm boring. Backup your config folder, some scripts can f*ck up your Team Fortress 2 key bindings. And after you used some scripts, restart the game to conenct to normal servers.

Fun scripts

Painis Cupcake mode

Give you 10000 health and permament crit boost. You can kill maggots, with style :D

//enable cheats, disables primary and secondary slots

sv_cheats 1; alias slot1 ""; alias slot2 ""

//give you permament crit boost and 10,000 health

addcond 35; hurtme -10000

//switch to meele weapon


// says a warning message to chat

say "Painis Cupcake incoming. Hide maggots!"

//requeries restart of TF2 after use

Meele attack with lshift

Used in my CoD-style, WWII minigame

alias meele "slot3;+attack;wait 100;-attack;lastinv"

bind shift meele

Automatic ammo

Used in my CoD-style, WWII minigame

alias autoammo "sv_cheats 1;impulse 101;wait 100;autoammo"

//activate with autoammo command

Automatic health regenerate

Used in my CoD-style, WWII minigame

alias autohp "sv_cheats 1;hurtme -10;wait 100;autohp"

//activate with autoammo command