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NSCoder class reference

Inheritance: NSCoder : NSObject

Framework: Foundation Kit

Declared in: Foundation/NSCoder.h

Availability: Mac OS X/ iOS/ GNUstep/ libFoundation / OPENSTEP/ NEXTSTEP

Top-level class defining methods for use when archiving (encoding) objects to a byte array or file, and when restoring (decoding) objects. Generally only subclasses of this class are used directly - NSArchiver , NSUnarchiver , NSKeyedArchiver , NSKeyedUnarchiver, or NSPortCoder.

NSPortCoder is used within the distributed objects framework. For archiving to/from disk, the Keyed... classes are preferred for new implementations, since they provide greater forward/backward compatibility in the face of class changes.

Method summary

























































Andrew Kachites McCallum (

Adam Fedor (

Version: 30473

Copyright: (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Software documentation for the NSCoder class