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ValveのSource Engineをベースにした、他の全てのマルチプレイヤーゲームのように、Team Fortress 2はclient-server modelを採用しています。クライアントはプレイヤーのコンピュータ上で動作するゲームのコピーです。また、サーバはプレイヤーが接続するソフトウェアです。現在は全世界で数千のTeam Fortress 2 サーバが存在しています。
サーバはTeam Fortress 2のゲームプレイにおける様々な側面での責任を担っています。あるプレイヤーが取った行動に基づいて(例、武器を発砲した)、適切なレスポンスを決定する前に、それぞれの位置や状態を更新します(例、ターゲットにダメージを与えた)。そして結果を全プレイヤーにブロードキャストします(例、与えたダメージ値を表示する)。また、サーバはプレイヤーによって制御されないイベントも管理します(例、マップ時間、セントリーガンの挙動、etc)。
Source Engineのサーバを動作させるには2つの方法があります。
リッスンサーバは基本的なサーバ作成方法で、プレイヤーのTF2クライアントに付属しています。メインメニューのCreate Serverボタンを選択することで簡単に作成できます。他のプレイヤーもサーバに接続できますが、通常のクライアントも同じシステム上で動作するため、ホストプレイヤーのハードウェアに高い負荷がかかります。このタイプのサーバはLANベースのイベントに最適です。
デディケイティッドサーバは動作にSteamが不要なスタンドアロンサーバです。デディケイティッドサーバはいくつかの要因の中でも、特に負荷が少ないために好まれます。また、多くのデディケイティッドサーバはdata centerのハイエンドハードウェアで動作しています。高パフォーマンスで速い、信頼性の高いコネクションをプレイヤーに提供するには、家庭用回線では滅多に保証できないからです。
- Mac OS X 10.5.8 または 10.6.3 以上で、ゲームの必須環境を満たしている。
- Windows XP 以上で、ゲームの必須環境を満たしている。
Dedicated server
- Linux (x86 または amd64)glibc 2.3.2 以降
- FreeBSD (x86 or amd64) running the Linux compatibility code in the kernel and a recent base Linux system from the ports collection.
- Windows 2000 以降
- ベータ版のリナックス用の専用サーバをリリースした。
- The affinity of the main thread is not set explicitly for dedicated servers. This will properly load balance multiple instances of the dedicated server running on a multi-processor machine. The affinity is still set to CPU 1 for clients and listen servers.
- 使用されている時に問題が多すぎた為、サーバーのmp_friendlyfire cvarを削除した。
- 稀にネットワーク内のデータの破損に起因してサーバーがクラッシュする問題を修正した。
- スパイのサッパーに起因してサーバーがクラッシュする問題を修正した。
- 追加オプションとして、「サーバー作成」メニューオプションに「ゲーム」タブを追加した。
- Improved startup network initialization to catch issues with server firewalls popping up in the background.
- サーバーにsv_pureを追加しました。現在デフォルトではオフに設定されています。完全な説明を取得するには、コンソールで「sv_pure」と入力します。
- Round_Start、Round_Setup_Begin、Round_Setup_End、Round_Overtime、Round_SuddenDeath、Round_Stalemate、Round_Win、Round_Length、Mini_Round_Selected、Mini_Round_Start、Mini_Round_Win、およびMini_Round_Lengthのサーバー・ログ・エントリーを追加しました。
- Server log entries for Round_Win and level changes will now detail the team scores and player counts.
- Updated server log entries for flag captures to detail the number of captures and the tf_flag_caps_per_round value.
- Fixed Windows dedicated server running in -console mode moves its window to the front instead of the back upon startup.
- Fixed Windows dedicated server bug (in -console mode) where typing anything in the console window was slow and tedious.
- サーバー上の32人のプレイヤーの名前を更新する際のエラーを修正した。
- サドンデスモードのサーバーオプション(conver)とデフォルトの設定をオフにした。
- サーバーのクラッシュを引き起こす可能性があったRCON/ consoleコマンドを修正した。
- ヒールされているプレイヤーが突然サーバーから離れたときに稀にクラッシュする問題を修正しました。
- cfgフォルダにマップ固有の.cfgファイルを持っているサーバ用の機能を追加しました。
- イベント発生時のプレイヤーの位置情報をサーバーログに追加した(player_death, player_builtobject, teamplay_flag_event, object_destroyed, teamplay_point_captured, teamplay_capture_blocked)。
- Added an option in the Options -> Multiplayer dialog to filter custom game files being downloaded from servers.
- Added "nextlevel" server cvar. If set to a valid map name, server will change to that map during the next changelevel.
- Added server log entry for buildings destroyed by their owner.
- Fixed idle players not being kicked from the server if mp_allowspectators was set to 0.
- Game server will now try 32 sequential ports to start up on if they are all originating on the same machine. Previously it would stop at 10.
- Fixed server crash with mp_forcecamera set to 1 (reverted to pre-release behavior).
- Fixed the SourceTV changes not working unless servers launched with +tv_enable 1 in the command line.
- Servers can now specify metatags describing the custom rules they've adopted.
- Added options for servers who want to become custom games: Disable Critical hits (tf_weapon_criticals), eliminate respawn times (mp_disable_respawn_times), and raise maxplayers above 24.
- Made several improvements to server-side stat reporting (not related to individual player stats).
- Fixed "-maxplayers" on the command line not correctly setting the maxplayers value for the server.
- Removed sv_alltalk from the list of convars that affect custom server tags.
- Fixed servers with maxplayers <= 24 that are running SourceTV having the "increased_maxplayers" tag added for their server.
- Fixed Linux dedicated server map load problems on certain Athlon processors.
- Fixed Linux build not handling FCVAR_REPLICATED and FCVAR_NOTIFY cvars correctly.
- Plugged an exploit where the server could send executable code to the client.
- Added mp_stalemate_at_timelimit ConVar for server admin to allow SuddenDeath when mp_timelimit hits on non-Valve maps.
- Fixed problem that was preventing some dedicated servers from uploading gamestats.
- Fixed Linux dedicated server crash on map change.
- Fixed clients being able to trigger sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo on the server.
- Fixed potential "nuke" exploit in rcon subsystem.
- Fixed _resetgamestats command causing server crash.
- Improved connection logic to help servers that aren't automatically reconnecting to Steam.
- Fixed setinfo exploit that allowed restricted convars to be set while connected to a server.
- Fixed "sensitivity" ConVar not capping the upper value which sometimes caused a server crash.
- Added client/server version check on client connect.
- Fixed a case where servers could get stuck in an infinite loop while spawning bots.
- Fixed a server crash related to carrying buildings at round start.
- Improved the version mismatch error message received when connecting to a server with a different version than your client.
- Fixed a server crash exploit caused by malformed network packets.
2011年2月24日 パッチ (Community Map Pack Update)
- Fixed another server crash exploit caused by malformed network packets.
- [非公開] Fixed trades only displaying one of the items traded to the server.
- Added check to prevent multiplayer servers from transmitting 1 as their maxplayers value to connecting clients.
- Fixed clients being able to use particle exploits on sv_pure servers.
- Fixed a server crash caused by using the Half-Zatoichi to hit someone not holding a weapon.
- Fixed a server crash caused by the server triggering a nextlevel vote.
- Fixed a server crash that could occur if TFBots were used across map changes.
- Replay publishing system will try to do a rename for local HTTP mode but will manually copy and delete the file if the rename fails, which can happen if the source and destination are on different volumes.
- Fixed threading issues on Linux, which was causing major lag spikes.
- Fixed replay data cleanup system, which cleans up stale data at the end of each round. This asynchronous operation can be explicitly invoked by executing a replay_docleanup command on the server.
- Replay
- Fixed a server lockup during data cleanup.
- Fixed a server crash caused by a mismatched items schema.
- Fixed a few server crashes caused by the replay system.
- Fixed a server crash caused by the vote system.
- Fixed a server crash caused by the replay system.
- Fixed a server crash caused by disguising Spies.
- Fixed a server crash on startup caused by writing to the console.
- Fixed a server crash triggered during entity cleanup.
- Added a server console message when a player is sent to the server via the matchmaking system.
- Fixed a Linux dedicated server crash in vphysics.so
- Fixed a damage calculation in the Mantreads on Linux server, which could cause a physics crash.
- Fixed a server crash exploit caused by invalid player viewangles.
- Fixed a frequent server crash related to packfiles.
2011年10月18日 パッチ #2
- Fixed a server error about unprecached models.
- Adjusted error messages on servers when players drop due to Steam authentication failure to be more clear.
- Additional important server messages now go to the server log instead of just the console.
- Fixed a server crash caused by Holiday Punch critical attacks on physics objects.
- Fixed dedicated server not receiving restart requests when updates are released.
- Fixed
not working correctly on server startup. - Fixed dedicated server console spew related to the Replay client and viewangles.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur when a server used
to change the player model.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented servers from reconnecting to the item server after dropping connection.
- Added changelevel_next server command which changes to the next map in the map cycle.
2012年6月27日 パッチ (Pyromania Update)
- Added ConVars
to allow server admins to control the maximum RCON packet size and whether or not users get banned for exceeding that limit. The defaults reflect the existing behavior. - Fixed map triggered annotation events not working on dedicated servers.
- Votes created by a dedicated server no longer trigger a failed vote cooldown.
- Using a Name Tag while in game notifies everyone of the name change.
- [非公開] Servers no longer require a restart during the full moon period to allow players to equip Halloween items.
- Fixed a problem that allowed spoofed IP addresses to make connections to the game server.
- Fixed a client/server crash when re-connecting to the item server.
- Added
, to throttle clients from changing their name too rapidly. (Defaults to 20 seconds) - Added
to selectively enable the automatic dumping of netspike file if a client drops due to "reliable snapshot overflow". (defaults to 0, which disables the debugging) - Added check to prevent player names from containing color codes.
- Fix a bug that caused gameservers to not properly receive client inventory updates. (Frequent cause of the "The server you are playing on has lost connection to the item server" error message.)
- Fixed dedicated servers not being able to set
- Fix server crash bug caused by setting
before map command.
- Updated the dedicated server to exit when attempting to start a Mann vs. Machine map with less than 32 maxplayers.
- Fixed
causing Mann vs. Machine mode to not reset properly when the defenders lose. - Updated the matchmaking ConVar
.- A value of 2 will hide the server from the server browser but will still allow direct connections.
2012年8月17日 パッチ #2
- Fixed a bug where rejected players could leave a "ghost" player that takes up a slot on the server browser.
- Fixed a rare server crash when firing hitscan weapons.
- Added a command "
" which kicks all connected clients except for replay, HLTV, and the listenserver host if applicable.
- Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to execute restricted console commands on players.
- Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to prevent players from executing console commands.
- Fixed a server crash related to Demoman bot AI.
- Community requests:
- Add a new server ConVar "
" to control whether or not teammates push each other away when occupying the same space. - Add a new server ConVar "
" to allow server owners to set the maximum team size in arena mode.
- Add a new server ConVar "
2012年9月21日 パッチ #2
- Fixed bug causing gameservers to report themselves as full to the matchmaking system.
- Fixed a server crash that could occur if a Spy was disguised holding the Gunslinger.
- Fixed a Linux dedicated server crash related to Mann vs. Machine.
- Fixed a dedicated server hang in bot pathfinding
- Fixed a server crash related to game stats.
- Prevent game servers from opening the MOTD panel more than once if the player connected through matchmaking or quickplay
- Improved performance of Linux dedicated server binaries
- Disabled plug-ins that would allow users to connect to secure game servers even when -insecure is specified on the command line.
- Added ConVar sv_motd_unload_on_dismissal to allow server ops to control the default behavior of their MOTD.
- [非公開] Fixed server, client, and engine problems.
- Fixed a dedicated server crash related to invalid client commands.
See also
External links
- Source Dedicated Server (英語) on the Valve Developer Community (英語)
- Setting up a Steam Source Dedicated Server – Steam Support site