List of default keys
(Redirected from Default Key)
This is a list of default keys for the PC version of Team Fortress 2. All keys are user-definable in the multiplayer options, via the Developer console, or by scripting.
Action | Key/Button | Command | Remarks |
Move forward | W | +forward
Move back | S | +back
Move left (Strafe) | A | +moveleft
Move right (Strafe) | D | +moveright
Jump | Space | +jump
Duck | Ctrl | +duck
Swim up | ' | +moveup
Rarely used when mouselook is enabled |
Swim down | / | +movedown
| |
Look up | Page Up | +lookup
| |
Look down | Page Down | +lookdown
Action | Key/Button | Command | Remarks |
Use voice communication | V | +voicerecord
Speak to players on the same team, provided the server's CVAR sv_alltalk is set to 0 . If set to 1 , all players on the server receive your voice chat.
Chat message | Y | say
Text chat to all players on the server, including Spectators |
Team message | U | say_team
Text chat to players on the same team |
Voice Menu 1 | Z | voice_menu_1
Voice Menu 2 | X | voice_menu_2
Voice Menu 3 | C | voice_menu_3
Call for help | E | +helpme
Same as voicemenu 0 0
Action | Key/Button | Command | Remarks |
Change class | , | changeclass
Change team | . | changeteam
Open Character loadout | M | open_charinfo_direct
Open Backpack | N | open_charinfo_backpack
Open Contracts Drawer | F2 | show_quest_log
Open Matchmaking | F3 | show_matchmaking
This command does not currently exist within the game. |
Loadout Quickswitch | N/A | +quickswitch
Load item preset A | N/A | load_itempreset 0
Load item preset B | N/A | load_itempreset 1
Load item preset C | N/A | load_itempreset 2
Load item preset D | N/A | load_itempreset 3
Drop the briefcase | L | dropitem
Drop the Intelligence, the Australium briefcase, Powerups, or Player Destruction Pickups. |
Taunts | G | +taunt
Use item in Action slot | H | +use_action_slot_item
Pick up weapons dropped by players. Also used to cast magic spells. |
Contextual Action/Taunt | N/A | +context_action
Show Map Information | I | showmapinfo
Inspect Target or Item | F | +inspect
Call Vote | N/A | callvote
Toggle Player Ready | F4 | player_ready_toggle
Indicate you are ready to play in Mann vs. Machine and Competitive Mode. Once all players have readied up, the wave or match starts. |
Action | Key/Button | Command | Remarks |
DEMOMAN: Detonate Stickybombs | MOUSE2 | +attack2
Alternatively, charges if a shield (Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen or Tide Turner) is equipped. |
HEAVY: Spin Minigun Barrel | Alternatively, drops any Lunchbox item or attacks with the right fist. | ||
MEDIC: Deploy ÜberCharge | |||
SNIPER: Zoom Sniper Rifle | Alternatively, retracts the Huntsman if aiming. | ||
SPY: Cloak / Uncloak | Alternatively, deploys/undeploys Dead Ringer. | ||
SPY: Last Disguise | B | lastdisguise
If already disguised, changes your disguise weapon to whatever slot corresponds to the Spy's active weapon. |
SPY: Toggle Disguise Team | - | disguiseteam
Available only while holding a Disguise Kit. When the disguise menu is open, R (+reload ) also works.
* Note: On a right-handed mouse, MOUSE1 is the left mouse button and MOUSE2 is the right mouse button.
* Note: The default key for MOUSE2 on a Mac with a one-button mouse is Tab ⇆.
Action | Key/Button | Command | Remarks |
Primary attack | MOUSE1 | +attack
Secondary attack | MOUSE2 | +attack2
Also used with Class-specific skills. |
Special Attack | MOUSE3 | +attack3
Activates the Heavy's Rage or the Medic's Projectile Shield in Mann vs. Machine when either meter is full. |
Reload weapon | R | +reload
Opens the teleport menu with the Eureka Effect, switches resistances for the Vaccinator, and activates Focus for the Hitman's Heatmaker. Also works like - with the Spy's Disguise Kit to change the disguise team. |
Previous weapon | MWHEELUP | invprev
Next weapon | MWHEELDOWN | invnext
Last weapon used | Q | lastinv
Spy: Cancel Spy Disguise Kit Engineer: Cancel Buildings |
Weapon category 1 | 1 | slot1
Primary weapon (Except for Spy, where it is the secondary weapon) |
Weapon category 2 | 2 | slot2
Secondary weapon (Except for Spy, where it is the building, i.e. Sapper) |
Weapon category 3 | 3 | slot3
Melee weapon |
Weapon category 4 | 4 | slot4
Used by the Engineer to create Buildings, and by the Spy for disguising. |
Weapon category 5 | 5 | slot5
Used by the Engineer to destroy Buildings. |
Weapon category 6 | 6 | slot6
Selects the Grappling Hook in Mannpower Mode (or if the server allows Grapples) |
Weapon category 7 | 7 | slot7
Used to interact with server menus |
Weapon category 8 | 8 | slot8
| |
Weapon category 9 | 9 | slot9
| |
Weapon category 0 | 0 | slot10
Action | Key/Button | Command | Remarks |
Spray logo | T | impulse 201
Display multiplayer scores | Tab ⇆ | +showscores
Take screen shot | F5 | screenshot
Save a replay of your current or last life | F6 | save_replay
Take Steam Abuse Screenshot | F7 | abuse_report_queue
Quit game | F10 | quit prompt
Toggle Developer console | ` | toggleconsole
Accept redirect to another server | N/A | askconnect_accept
Used to accept a server's request to connect you to a different server. |
View/Accept the topmost alert. | J | cl_trigger_first_notification
e.g. Viewing items received from the item drop system, requests to join a game, trading requests etc. |
Remove/Decline the topmost alert. | K | cl_decline_first_notification
* Note: The default key for "Display multiplayer scores" on a Mac with a one-button mouse is ].
- F1 is bound to a non-existent command:
. - F3 is bound to a non-existent command: