A Domination is a reward granted to players who kill, or assisting in killing, one particular opponent four times without said opponent killing or assisting in a kill against the player in the process. When a player dominates an opponent, a distinct sound cue is heard and the player becomes the opponent's Nemesis. A small target icon appears next to the dominated opponent on the scoreboard. If an opponent dominates the player, a slightly different sound cue plays. An icon of two fists appears on the scoreboard, as well as the same icon, albeit team-colored, above the player's Nemesis. When a player kills their Nemesis, or assists in killing them, the opponent loses their Domination and status as Nemesis; this is known as a Revenge kill.
Dominations in one life are counted in the all-time stats. When dominating opponents, a medal symbol appears next to the player's name on the scoreboard along with a number indicating how many opponents the player is currently dominating. Dominations are carried over map stages, but not over team or map changes. Team-swapping causes all Dominations for and against the player to be lost.
Dominating someone may sometimes produce a special audio response from the player's current class. Dominating several people in one round results in increasingly enthusiastic responses from the character being played.
When an opponent becomes the player's Nemesis, they sport a distinctive icon above their head, allowing the player to identify them (unless they are currently a cloaked or disguised Spy). Only the player being dominated can see this icon. If the Nemesis kills the player, the Deathcam identifies them as such, and state that the player has been killed "again" by them.
It is possible to have any number of opposing players as Nemesis at once. Upon killing a Nemesis, players gain a Revenge kill, which counts towards their player stats, and the opponent loses their status of Nemesis.
The Nemesis feature was added to promote relationships between players, creating a small negative reinforcement loop by giving players an opportunity to score extra points with a Revenge kill.
got REVENGE on
Killing a Nemesis is called a Revenge kill. This is accompanied by a short sound cue and a special kill notice on the HUD. Obtaining a Revenge kill also produces a short audio response by the player's class.
A Revenge kill is worth double the points received for a regular kill, and removes the Nemesis' Domination against the player. Revenge kills in one life, as well as in the player history, count towards the player's all-time stats. Players receive the Nemesis achievement upon collecting 5 total Revenge kills in their all-time stats. A Revenge kill can also occur during Humiliation, being highly advantageous due to the nemesis being very vulnerable.
Related achievements
BarbeQueQ Cause a dominated player to leave the server.
There Can Be Only One Decapitate your nemesis.
Icing on the Cake Get 20 kills on players that you're dominating.
Australian Rules Dominate an enemy Sniper.
Ghastly Gibus Grab Dominate a player wearing any achievement Gibus hat to earn your own Ghastly Gibus.
Update history
May 27, 2010 Patch
- Fixed domination/revenge messages not using team colors for the player names.
March 19, 2013 Patch
- Fixed a scoreboard bug where domination count was reduced by 2 when a dominated player left the server.
January 27, 2015 Patch
- Fixed a bug related to overhead icons disappearing (Nemesis).
- When triggering the feigned death of Dead Ringer Spies who were dominated or revenge-killed in their past life as any class, the kill feed announces that the player is dominating or has taken revenge upon them, but the scoreboard says otherwise.
- Sometimes, after an autobalance moves a dominated player to the nemesis' team or vice-versa, the nemesis icon remains visible above the player.
- In rare and very specific cases, a player may be dominated by a "phantom player" named "ERRORNAME," but have no deathcam to show the player. The name is colored in white as if it were a spectator. There is no possible way to get revenge, and even if it is the first time it has "killed" the player, it usually results in an instant domination against that player for unknown reasons.
- It is possible for a Medic to dominate a friendly player, by healing a enemy Spy that kills a friendly player enough for you and the Spy to dominate them, as assists count towards domination. This domination is impossible to get rid of for the victim, unless teams are switched.
- Dominations were originally created to make player interactions have a more personal feel and encourage individual competition.
- Dominating enemies with kill assists does not trigger voice responses from the player's class, but the class who was awarded the kill.
- This effect also applies with revenge.
- Killing a Spy who is using the Dead Ringer (if it is the 4th time the Spy was killed) notifies the player that the player has dominated the Spy. Once the Spy decloaks, however, he is no longer "Dominated". Death-feigning Spies do not produce a fake revenge.
- No actual numerical medal appears on the score screen next to the name of a player who has beyond 16 dominations, due to no scoreboard symbol existing for such an occasion.
- Players who are in Pyroland see Dominations and Revenge kills as "Player is BEST FRIENDS with Player" and "Player BROKE UP with Player", respectively.
The Domination icon that appears on the scoreboard.
RED Nemesis icon that appears above the head of a player's Nemesis.
BLU version of this icon.
Nemesis icon outline that pulses outwards from the icon.
Scoreboard symbols
See also