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function eShowErr(e, time) { setTimeout(function () { mw.notify(e.text1 || "", { autoHide: true, tag:, title: e.text2 || "", autoHideSeconds: "short", visibleTimeout: true }); if (e.sound) { const errSnd = new Audio(e.sound); errSnd.volume = 0.3;; } }, time); } function eBird() { // Set up const d = false; const c = d ? "http://tempmedia.localhost/tfwiki/" : ""; const tap = new Audio(`${c}/se_wm_tap_blackbird.wav`); const fly = new Audio(`${c}/se_wm_fly_blackbird.wav`); const noise = new Audio(`${c}/se_ui_costume_emblem_noiseloop.wav`); const err1 = `${c}/core_92.wav`; const err2 = `${c}/core_16.wav`; const notifications = [{ text1: "Bird Found", sound: err1, id: "tbcjs" }, { text1: "Bird Found", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs2" }, { text1: "Bird Found", text2: "Alert", sound: err1, id: "tbcjs3" }, { text1: "Alert!", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs4" }, { text1: "Help", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs8" }, { text1: "Error", sound: err1, id: "tbcjs5" }, { text1: "Error", text2: "Warning!", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs6" }, { text1: "Me", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs8" }, { text1: "Bird Found", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs7" }, { text1: "Error", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs2" }, { text1: "This", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs9" }, { text1: "Alert", text2: "Error", sound: err1, id: "tbcjs3" }, { text1: "Found", id: "tbcjs" }, { text1: "You", id: "tbcjs" }, { text1: "An unknown error occurred", id: "tbcjs2" }, { text1: "Mystery", id: "tbcjs4" }, { text1: "An unknown error occurred", id: "tbcjs5" }, { text1: " ■■■■ ", text2: "Warning!", id: "tbcjs6" }, { text1: "An unknown error occurred", id: "tbcjs" }, { text1: "Data corruption", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs8" }, { text1: "Solve?", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs7" }, { text1: "Unauthorized access", id: "tbcjs9" }, { text1: "Exception", id: "tbcjs4" }, { text1: "Lost signal", sound: err2, id: "tbcjs7" }]; tap.volume = 0.5; fly.volume = 0.5; fly.volume = 0.5; // Do the thing; document.body.classList.add("emil");; document.getElementById("footer-poweredbyico").classList.add("emil"); notifications.forEach(function (n, i) { eShowErr(n, i * 150); });; // Bye setTimeout(function () { document.body.classList.remove("emil"); document.getElementById("footer-poweredbyico").removeEventListener("click", eBird); noise.pause(); }, 5500); }; function initTark() { // Divergence var fields = ["_minus_", "_empty_", "_0_", "_1_"]; var field = fields[Math.floor(Math.random() * fields.length)]; var loopMax = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 5; var loops = 0; var meterDiv = document.getElementById("tark-div"); var tubes = meterDiv.getElementsByTagName("i"); var tubeMap = { "-": "minus", "+": "plus", ".": "dot", "?": "qmark", ",": "comma" }; function updateTubes(value) { for (var i = 2; i < tubes.length; i++) { var randomDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 100; setTimeout(function (i) { if (tubes[i] && value[i - 2]) { var iconClass = tubeMap[value[i - 2]] || "_" + value[i - 2] + "_"; tubes[i].className = "dm dm-divmeter-" + iconClass; } }, randomDelay * (tubes.length - i - 2), i); } } function updateField() { tubes[1].className = "dm dm-divmeter-_dot_"; setTimeout(function () { tubes[0].className = "dm dm-divmeter-" + field; }, 600); } var timer = setInterval(function () { var randomValue = ("00000" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)).slice(-6); updateTubes(randomValue); if (loops === loopMax) { clearInterval(timer); updateField(); meterDiv.classList.add("end"); } loops++; }, 100); if (new Date().getUTCDate() === 28) { // NE document.getElementById("footer-poweredbyico").classList.add("bird"); document.getElementById("footer-poweredbyico").addEventListener("click", eBird); } else if (((day) => day % 9 === 0 ? 9 : day % 9)(new Date().getUTCDate()) === 9) { // ZE document.body.classList.add("snail"); } } if (mw.config.get("wgUserName")) { initTark(); }