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var embedHeroVid = {
    init: function () {
        var $container = $('.mp-event-container');
        var $image = $('.mp-event-image');
        var isVideo = !!($'mpEventVideo'));

        if ($image[0] && isVideo) {
            var _video = $('<video/>', {
                muted: true,
                autoplay: true,
                loop: true,
                class: 'mp-event-video'

                .done(function (url) {
                    var extension = url[1];
                    $('<source/>', {
                        src: url[0],
                        type: 'video/' + extension

                    _video[0].oncanplaythrough = function () {
                        $container.attr('data-video-url', null);
    getSource: function (source) {
        var deferred = $.Deferred();
        var url = source.attr('data-video-url');

        if (typeof url === 'undefined' || url === '') {
            throw new Error('Video URL is undefined. If it\'s blank, it is due to the internal file name being incorrect or that the "video-url" parameter is unset.');

        var extension = url.split('/').reverse()[0].split('.')[1];
            .done(function () {
                deferred.resolve([url, extension]);
            .fail(function () {
                throw new Error('Whoops, invalid video! Please ensure the URL is right\nVideo URL: ' + url);

        return deferred.promise();

var wikiTooltip = {
    init: function() {
        var $tooltips = $('.wiki-tooltip .wiki-tooltip-content');

        if ($tooltips[0]) {
            $tooltips.each(function() {
                var $this = $(this);
                function handler() {
                    // Check for links and handle them on handheld devices
                    if (!!$this.closest('a').attr('href')) {

                        widthRect <= 1000 ? wikiTooltip.hasLink($this) : wikiTooltip.removeAnchor($this);

                    // Prevent tooltips from overflowing the viewport
                    edgeRect = $this.width() + $this[0].getBoundingClientRect().left;
                    widthRect = $(window).innerWidth();
                    if (edgeRect > (widthRect || $(body).clientWidth)) {
                        $this.css('left', '');
                        $this.css('right', '100%');
                    } else {
                        $this.css('right', '');
                        $this.css('left', '100%');
                setTimeout(function() {
                    $(window).on('resize', handler);
                }, 250);
    hasLink: function(tooltip) {
        if (tooltip.find('a').length < 1) {
            var $a = $('<a>');
            var url = tooltip.closest('a');
            var href = url.attr('href');

            $a.attr('href', href);
            url.attr('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
    removeAnchor: function(tooltip) {
        var url = tooltip.closest('a');
        var href = url.attr('href');

        innerLink = tooltip.find('a').attr('href');
        if (innerLink) {
            href = innerLink;
            url.attr('href', href);
        } else {