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var system = system || {}; system.Notification = (function() { var id = 0; function Notification(page, inGroup, autoHide) { this.init = function() { var isAction = 0; = id++; this.instance = '_notif_' + page + '-' +; this.prefix = 'User:Wookipan/'; = this.prefix + page; this.pageName = page; this.inGroup = inGroup.split(', '); if (autoHide !== undefined) { this.options = { autoHide: autoHide }; } this.setAction = function(action, regex) { isAction = 1; if (action !== undefined && window.location.href.indexOf(action) > -1) { if (regex !== undefined) { var selectors = { input: document.getElementById('wpSummary'), textarea: document.getElementById('wpTextbox1') }; var regExp = new RegExp('(?:.+' + regex + '.+)'); var value = selectors.input.value; var text = selectors.textarea.textContent; var isMatch = !!(value.match(regExp) || text.match(regExp)); if (isMatch) { this.userGroup(this.inGroup); } } else { this.userGroup(this.inGroup); } } }; setTimeout(function() { if (!isAction) { this.userGroup(this.inGroup); } }.bind(this), 1000); }; if (page !== undefined) { this.init(); } } Notification.prototype = Object.assign({}, Notification.prototype, { query: function(page, options) { if (page) { var params = { action: 'parse', page: page, prop: 'text', format: 'json' }; var api = new mw.Api(); api.get(params).done(function(data) { var content = data.parse.text['*']; var getMarkup = function (html) { var parser = new DOMParser(); var markup = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); var table = markup.body.querySelector('table'); var links = table.querySelectorAll('a'); function localeHandler() { var locales = table.querySelector('pre'); if (locales) { var userLang = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'); var text = table.querySelector('.ambox-text'); locales = JSON.parse(locales.innerHTML); if (locales.title[userLang] === undefined) { return; } title = text.childNodes[0]; text = text.childNodes[2]; title.innerHTML = locales.title[userLang]; text.innerHTML = locales.text[userLang]; } } if (links.length) { links.forEach(function(link) { // Open links in a new tab to avoid forcing the user to save or leave their edit. link.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); }); } table.addEventListener('click', function() { this.setCookie(this.instance, '1', 7 * 24); }.bind(this)); if (this.pageName === 'system') { table.classList.add('notif-system'); this.setCookie(this.instance, '1', 30 * 24); } if (!table) { return; } else { localeHandler(); return table; } }.bind(this); mw.notify(getMarkup(content), options); }.bind(this)); } }, userGroup: function(group) { if (!this.getCookie(this.instance)) { this.groups = mw.config.get('wgUserGroups'); var inGroup = group.every(function(e) { return this.groups.indexOf(e) > -1; }.bind(this)); return this.validateGroup(group, inGroup); } }, validateGroup: function(group, inGroup) { var userId = !!mw.config.get('wgUserId'); var isNew = !this.groups.includes('autoconfirmed') && userId; // Exclusive page for special system announcements if (this.pageName === 'system') { var alert = new Audio('/w/images/b/bb/System_message_alert.wav'); var timeout = function() { setTimeout(function() {; }, 500); }; alert.volume = 0.1; if (inGroup || group[0] === 'all') { this.query(, this.options); timeout(); } } else { if (inGroup || group[0] === 'all') { this.query(, this.options); } if (isNew && group[0] === 'new') { this.query(, this.options); } return isNew; } }, setCookie: function(name, value, hours) { if (this.getCookie(name)) { return; } var date = new Date(); var prefix = mw.config.get('wgCookiePrefix'); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (hours * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expiration = 'expires=' + date.toUTCString() + ';'; document.cookie = prefix + name + '=' + value + ';' + expiration + 'path=/'; }, getCookie: function(name) { return document.cookie.indexOf(name) > -1; } }); return Notification; })(); var notification = { init: function() { new system.Notification('NotifTest', 'all', false); // global notice new system.Notification('NotifTest', 'sysop', false).setAction('section', 'Trivia'); // section-based notice, targeted user group }, }; $(notification.init); /* Silly nuke delete button by User:Wookipan - feel free to copy but pls give credit, 'kay? Demo: */ var nukeBtnMod = { init: function () { var body = $('body'); var delBtn = $('.menu #ca-delete'); var audioUrl = ''; var audioVol = 0.8; var interval = {}; var classes = { nuke: 'ca-nuke', shake: 'shake', flash: 'flash' }; if (delBtn[0] && !delBtn.hasClass(classes.nuke)) { var concat = classes.nuke + '--'; var shakeDat = concat + classes.shake; var alarmFlash = concat + classes.flash; var sirens = initAudio(audioUrl); delBtn.on('mouseover', function () { $(this).addClass(classes.nuke); setTimeout(function () { if ($(this).hasClass(classes.nuke)) { body.addClass(shakeDat);; runInterval(); } else { body.removeClass(shakeDat); } }.bind(this), 1000); }); delBtn.on('mouseleave', function () { $(this).removeClass(classes.nuke); body.removeClass(shakeDat); sirens.pause(); setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(interval); }, 1000); }); function initAudio(url) { var audio = new Audio(url); audio.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function () { audio.volume = audioVol; audio.loop = 1; }); return audio; } function runInterval() { interval = setInterval(function () { sirens.currentTime >= 85 && body.hasClass(shakeDat) ? $(':root').addClass(alarmFlash) : $(':root').removeClass(alarmFlash); }, 1000); } } } } $(nukeBtnMod.init); // Start custom username highlighting ----- /* var uGroupHighlight = { init: function() { if ($('.mw-userlink')[0]) { var params = { action: 'query', list: 'allusers', augroup: ['sysop', 'moderator', 'bot'], auprop: 'groups', aulimit: 100, format: 'json' }; var api = new mw.Api(); api.get(params).done(function(data) { var uGroups = data.query.allusers, user; for (user in uGroups) { var group = uGroups[user].groups; var name = uGroups[user].name; $('bdi').each(function() { if ($(this).text().match('\\b' + name + '\\b')) { $(this).closest('.mw-userlink').addClass(group.includes('bot') ? 'bot' : 'staff'); } }); } }); } }, }; $(uGroupHighlight.init); // End custom username highlighting ----- */ /* var apfools22 = { init: function() { if (!/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // var randomSeed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) // console.log(randomSeed); if ( !$('body').hasClass('action-edit') && !'skeletonFired') // && randomSeed === 0 ) { var $skeleton = document.createElement('audio'); var $lootbox = document.createElement('img'); $skeleton.src = '/w/images/9/93/User_Wookipan_theskeletonappears.wav'; $lootbox.classList.add('lootbox'); $lootbox.src = '/w/images/b/b8/User_Wookipan_lootcrate.png'; $lootbox.title = 'Click me!'; $('.apfools22').detach().prependTo('.mediawiki'); $('.mediawiki').prepend($lootbox); $('.lootbox').click(function() { $('.lootbox').fadeOut(); $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: '0px'}, 0).css('overflow', 'hidden'); $; $($skeleton).on('ended', function() { window.location.reload(true); }); $('.thewikiskeleton').fadeIn('slow'); setTimeout(function() { $('.thewikiskeleton-bg').fadeIn(1000, function () { $('.apfools22 p').fadeIn(1000); }); }, 2500);'skeletonFired', 'true'); }); } else { $('.apfools22').remove(); } } }, }; $(apfools22.init); */