Team Fortress Wiki:User info boxes/Demoman achievements

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Below is a list of Demoman achievements-related User Info Boxes.

Demoman achievements

Tf demoman crit sword kill.png This user has used a full charge Critical swing with the Eyelander to kill 5 enemy players.

{{User Beat me up}}
Tf demoman kill building direct hit.png This user has destroyed an Engineer building that they couldn't see with a direct hit from their Grenade Launcher.

{{User Blind fire}}
Tf demoman freezecam smile.png This user has provided an enemy player with a freeze cam of their smiling face.

{{User Bloody merry}}
Tf demoman decapitate players.png This user has decapitated 50 enemy players.

{{User Brainspotting}}
Tf demoman kill x defending.png This user has killed 25 players defending a capture point or cart.

{{User Bravehurt}}
Tf demoman bounce and kill.png This user has bounced an enemy into the air and kill them before they landed.

{{User Caber toss}}
Tf demoman destroy buildings grind.png This user has destroyed 50 buildings.

{{User Cry some moor}}
Tf demoman kill two during stickyjump.png This user has killed 2 people in a single sticky jump.

{{User Double mauled scotch}}
Tf demoman kill x scouts pyros.png This user has killed 25 Scouts and Pyros with the Grenade Launcher.

{{User Glasg0wned}}
Tf demoman environmental kill.png This user has used the Sticky Launcher to kill an enemy player via environmental damage.

{{User He who celt it}}
Tf demoman stickjump distance.png This user has sticky jumped a really long way...

{{User Highland fling}}
Tf demoman kill soldier grind.png This user has killed 500 enemy Soldiers.

{{User Kilt in action}}
Tf demoman kill x with directpipe.png This user has killed 50 enemies with direct hits from the Grenade Launcher.

{{User Laddy macdeth}}
Tf demoman decapitate players fast.png This user has decapitated 4 players with only 10 seconds between each kill.

{{User Left 4 heads}}
Tf demoman kill player after tp.png This user has killed an enemy player with sticky bombs within 5 seconds of them teleporting.

{{User Loch ness bombster}}
Tf demoman kill3 with detonation.png This user has killed at least three players with a single detonation of sticky bombs.

{{User Pipebagger}}
Tf demoman destroy x stickybombs.png This user has destroyed 100 sticky bombs with the Scottish Resistance.

{{User Robbed royal}}
Tf demoman kill x capping onedet.png This user has killed 3 enemies capping or pushing a cart in a single Stickybomb detonation 3 separate times.

{{User Scotch guard}}
Tf demoman taunt kill.png This user has gloried in the slaughter of their enemies using the Eyelander.

{{User Scotch tap}}
Tf demoman freezecam rump.png This user has provided an enemy player with a freeze cam of them shaking their rump.

{{User Second eye}}
Tf demoman decapitate cloaked spy.png This user has decapitated a cloaked Spy.

{{User Shorn connery}}
Tf demoman decapitate equalizer.png This user has decapitated an enemy Soldier who was brandishing the Equalizer.

{{User Slammy slayvis}}
Tf demoman air burst kills.png This user has killed 30 players with air burst sticky bombs.

{{User Something stickied}}
Tf demoman killxsappingspies.png This user has killed 20 Spies within 5 seconds of them sapping a friendly building.

{{User Spynal tap}}
Tf demoman kill3 with pipe setups.png This user, using the Scottish Resistance, has killed 3 players in separate explosions without placing new sticky bombs.

{{User Sticky thump}}
Tf demoman destroy buildings with medic.png This user has destroyed 5 enemy Engineer buildings during a single ÜberCharge from a Medic.

{{User Tam o'shatter}}
Tf demoman damage grind.png This user did 1 million points of total blast damage.

{{User Tartan spartan}}
Tf demoman kill engi sentry dispenser.png This user blew up an Engineer, their sentry gun, and their dispenser with a single Sticky bomb detonation.

{{User The argyle sap}}
Tf demoman stickyjump cap.png This user has sticky jumped onto a cap point and capture it.

{{User The high road}}
Tf demoman decapitate nemesis.png This user has decapitated their nemesis.

{{User There can be only one}}
Tf demoman melee kill while stickyjumping.png This user got a melee kill while sticky jumping.

{{User The scottish play}}
Tf demoman charge kill.png This user has charged and killed someone with the shield bash.

{{User The targe charge}}
Tf demoman kill x heavies fullhp onedet.png This user has killed 3 Heavies from full health with a single sticky bomb detonation.

{{User The stickening}}
Tf demoman dominate three engineers.png This user has dominated three Engineers.

{{User Three times a laddy}}
Tf demoman duo demoman kills.png This user has killed 10 enemies while assisting or being assisted by another Demoman.

{{User Well plaid}}
Tf demo achieve progress1.png This user has obtained 5 of the Demoman achievements.

{{User Demoman milestone 1}}
Tf demo achieve progress2.png This user has obtained 11 of the Demoman achievements.

{{User Demoman milestone 2}}
Achievement milestone 3.png This user has obtained 17 of the Demoman achievements.

{{User Demoman milestone 3}}