Talk:Horrible Horns
- (cur prev topic) 20:07, 3 December 2019 . . BrazilianNut (talk | contribs) marked the topic "Custom styles table?" as resolved (marked as resolved) . . (0)
- (cur prev topic) 16:57, 28 November 2019 . . BrazilianNut (talk | contribs) commented on "Custom styles table?" (Styles [[File:|65px]] [[File:|80px]] [[File:|70px]] [[File:|70px]] No Hat(Scout) Template:Dictionary/items/hat(Sc...) . . (+1,339)
- (cur prev topic) 04:39, 28 November 2019 . . ThatHatGuy (talk | contribs) commented on "Styles and Painted variants" (I don't think we should forget showing paints for all classes, because each class has a different model of the horns. We'd be throwing aw...) . . (+340)
- (cur prev topic) 08:35, 26 November 2019 . . BrazilianNut (talk | contribs) commented on "Styles and Painted variants" (The item now has two styles: No Hat, and Hat. This creates a problem with the painted variants. I think the best option is to forget sho...) . . (+381)