Difference between revisions of "User:Gentlebot"

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(It's been a while, hasn't it?)
(23 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Space Inkvader}}
{| class="wikitable" width="100%" style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 2px; padding: 10px;"
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|style="width:15%" |[[Image:Tf2wiki_edit_icon.png|60px|link=Special:Contributions/Gentlebot|Contributions]]
|style="width:15%" |[[Image:Tf2wiki_edit_icon.png|60px]]
|style="width:15%" |[[File:Steam tray.png|60px|link=http://steamcommunity.com/id/ST4Rbot]]
|style="width:15%" |[[File:Steam tray.png|60px]]
|style="width:15%" |[[File:YouTube_Icon.png|60px|link=http://www.youtube.com/user/AchilGamez]]
|style="width:15%" |[[File:Backpack_case.png|60px]]
|style="width:15%" |[[File:Backpack_case.png|60px|link=http://optf2.com/tf2/user/76561198038866131]]
|style="width:15%" |[[File:Painted RoBro 3000 729E42.png|60px]]
|style="width:15%" |[[File:Painted RoBro 3000 729E42.png|60px|link=http://tf2stats.net/player/76561198003959902]]
|style="width:15%" |[[Special:Contributions/Gentlebot|Contributions]]
|style="width:15%" |[[Special:Contributions/Gentlebot|Contributions]]
|style="width:15%" |[http://steamcommunity.com/id/ST4Rbot steamST4R]
|style="width:15%" |[http://steamcommunity.com/id/76561198038866131 Steam Community]  
|style="width:15%" |[http://www.youtube.com/user/AchilGamez DO NOT CLICK]
|style="width:15%" |[http://optf2.com/tf2/user/76561198038866131 Backpack]
|style="width:15%" |[http://optf2.com/tf2/user/76561198038866131 ST4Rpack]
|style="width:15%" |[http://tf2stats.net/player/76561198038866131n TF2 Statistics]
|style="width:15%" |[http://tf2stats.net/player/Gentlebot ST4Rstats]
{{Quotation|'''Vegeta'''|If you give up now, I promise you something practical, like a toaster. Or a washing machine.}}
{{Quotation|''Painty the Pirate''|Are you ready kids?}}
{{User infobox
{{User infobox
| title = ST4R+
| title = Space Inkvader
| infoboxcolour = red
| infoboxcolour = red
| image = Engineer Tuxxy.png
| image = Merc's Pride Scarf Engineer.png
| icon = {{icon class|Soldier}} or {{icon class|Engineer}}
| type = Robot
| type = Something
| gender = None
| gender = Yes
| health = 150
| health = 150
| speed = 100%
| speed = 100%
| birthplace = Unknown, assumed the <br> [[Mannworks|Mann Co. Quicklime Factory]]
| birthplace = Somewhere
| language = English
| language = English
| age = Unknown
| age = Old
| favmap = [[Badwater Basin]]
| favmap = [[Nucleus (Arena)|Nucleus]]
| favclass = [[Soldier]] and [[Engineer]]
| favclass = All of 'em except [[Sniper]]
| favweap = [[Shotgun]]
| favweap = [[Shotgun]]
| favhat = [[Tough Stuff Muffs]]
| favhat = [[Engineer's Cap]]
| steampage = [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038866131 It's around here.]
| steampage = [http://steamcommunity.com/id/ST4Rbot Link to Steam]
| email = unrevealed
| irc = ST4RPlus
Nothing here.
{{Backpack item
| item-name =  Festive Rocket Launcher
| custom-name = ST4R+'s Festive Pencil-bombs
| item-level = Strange Rocket Launcher - Kills: 0
| att-strangerank-1 = Gib Kills: 0
| att-strangerank-2 = Buildings Destroyed: 0
| att-strangerank-3 = Airborne Enemies Killed: 0
| quality = strange
| custom-description =
| item-flags = Wishlist Item
| width = 40%
{{Backpack item
{{Backpack item
| item-name = Festive Buff Banner
| prefix = The
| image = Festive_Buff_Banner.png
| item-name = Tuxxy
| custom-name = Smissmass Mini-Crits!
| suffix = #31
| quality = strange
| item-level = Level 9 Tuxedo
| item-level = Somewhat Threatening Battle Banner: Banners Deployed: 73
| width = 45%
| att-1-neutral = Provide a offensive buff that causes nearby team members to do mini-crits.
| att-1-positive = Crafted by Space Inkvader
| width = 40%
| item-description = The carpets will run red with enemy blood thanks to this dapper Second Annual Saxxy Awards ensemble.
{{Backpack item
It's like jeez, why don't you just pick a name and stay with it?
| item-name = Baby Face's Blaster
| quality = strange
| item-level = Strange Scattergun - Kills: 0
| att-1-positive = 40% more accurate
| att-2-positive = On Hit: Builds Boost
| att-3-positive = Run up to double speed at maximum Boost
| att-4-negative = -30% damage penalty
| att-5-negative = 35% slower move speed on wearer
| att-6-negative = Boost resets on jump
| width = 40%
| custom-description = Only at max Boost you can rival the one of rainbow colours.
==User Trivia==
* The custom description of the Baby Face's Blaster contains a reference.

Latest revision as of 03:56, 9 July 2015

Edit icon.png Steam tray.png Backpack case.png Painted RoBro 3000 729E42.png
Contributions Steam Community Backpack TF2 Statistics
Are you ready kids?
Painty the Pirate
Space Inkvader
Basic information
Icon: Leaderboard class soldier.png or Leaderboard class engineer.png
Type: Something
Gender: Yes
Health: 150
Speed: 100%
Birth place: Somewhere
Native language: English
Age: Old
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Soldier and Engineer
Favourite maps: Badwater Basin
Favourite weapons: Shotgun
Favourite hats: Engineer's Cap
Contact information
Steam page: It's around here.

Backpack Tuxxy.png

The Tuxxy #31
Level 9 Tuxedo
Crafted by Space Inkvader
The carpets will run red with enemy blood thanks to this dapper Second Annual Saxxy Awards ensemble.

It's like jeez, why don't you just pick a name and stay with it?