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'''[[Miss_Pauling/zh-hant|寶琳小姐]]語音回應''' are contextually triggered lines that play after a player receives or completes a Contract during the [[Gun Mettle Update/zh-hant|大顯槍手更新]] event. All of her lines can be heard below.
  '''[[Miss_Pauling/zh-hant|寶琳小姐]]語音回應'''是玩家在[[Gun Mettle Update/zh-hant|大顯槍手更新]]活動期間時收到或完成一樣合約時會發出的聲音回應。所有寶琳小姐的台詞都可以在以下條目聽到。
Lines are only triggered when the player is connected to an official Gun Mettle server. Decoding a new Contract while connected will trigger a line based on the player's current class, regardless of its actual content.
== Contract related ==
== 合約相關聲音回應 ==
=== New Contract ===
=== 新合約 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''New Rare Contract'''
|title      = '''新的罕見合約'''
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 01.mp3|"This contract's ''big''. Don't pass this up."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 01.mp3|「這份合約可"大"了,不要無視掉這份!」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 02.mp3|"It's Pauling. This is a big one. That means a big payday."]]
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 02.mp3|「這是寶琳,這是份大合約。意思就是高報酬工作。」]]
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 03.mp3|"Pauling here. This contract's big. I don't give these out everyday."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 03.mp3|「我是寶琳,這份合約是大事,我可不會每天都把這些吐出來的。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 04.mp3|"It's Pauling. This is a high value contract. That means a big reward on this one."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 04.mp3|「我是寶琳,這是份高價值的合約,這表示這份合約有份大獎賞!」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 05.mp3|"Pauling here. This contract's big. And big contracts mean big payouts."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 05.mp3|「這是寶琳,這是份大合約,而且呢,大合約代表大報酬。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 06.mp3|"Ok, I managed to get you one of the big contracts. And that means a big payday. Don't make me look bad."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 06.mp3|「好,我幫你弄到了一份大合約,這也代表高報酬,別讓我失望了。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 07.mp3|"It's Pauling. This is a big one. Don't screw it up."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 07.mp3|「這是寶琳,這是個大事,別搞砸了。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 08.mp3|"Ok, I've pulled some strings and secured you one of the big contracts. This'll be a high-end payout so get it done."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 08.mp3|「好了,我用了一些人際關係幫你弄到了一份大合約,薪水可不是屈指可數的,所以把它完成吧。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 09.mp3|"I made some calls and got you one of the big contracts. I don't give these out everyday, so don't screw it up, alright?"]]  
*[[Media:Plng give bigcontract allclass 09.mp3|「我打了幾通電話,幫你弄來了這份大合約,我可不會每天都把這些差事吐出來,所以別搞砸了,好嗎?」]]  
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''New Scout Contract'''
|title      = '''新的偵查兵合約'''
|image      = Leaderboard class scout.png
|image      = Leaderboard class scout.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Scout
|image-link = Scout
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 01.mp3|"Scout? Pauling here."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 01.mp3|「偵查兵嗎?這是寶琳。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 02.mp3|"Scout? Miss Pauling here."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 02.mp3|「偵查兵?我是寶琳小姐。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 03.mp3|"Hey Scout. It's Pauling."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 03.mp3|「嘿偵查兵,我是寶琳。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 04.mp3|"Hey Scout. It's Pauling. Got a contract for you."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 04.mp3|「嘿偵查兵,這是寶琳,我有份合約給你。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 05.mp3|"Scout, Pauling here. I've got work."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 05.mp3|「偵查兵,這是寶琳,我有差事給你做。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 06.mp3|"Hey Scout, Pauling here. I need your help."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 06.mp3|「嘿偵查兵,這是寶琳,我需要你的幫忙。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 07.mp3|"Hey Scout, Pauling here. Think you can handle this?"]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 07.mp3|「嘿偵查兵,這是寶琳,你覺得你對這工作有把握嗎?」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 08.mp3|"Scout, Pauling here. This one came right from the Administrator."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 08.mp3|「偵查兵,這是寶琳,這裡有一份合約來自管理員。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 09.mp3|"Scout, it's Pauling. Something big just came up."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 09.mp3|「偵查兵,這是寶琳,有件大事剛剛上門了。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 10.mp3|"Scout, it's Pauling. Listen up, this is big."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 10.mp3|「偵查兵,這是寶琳,聽好,這份是大事。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 11.mp3|"Scout? Pauling. Don't talk, just listen. I've got a job."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 11.mp3|「偵查兵?寶琳。不要說,聽就好。我有一個差事。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 12.mp3|"Hey Scout. Take a look at this."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 12.mp3|「嘿偵查兵。看看這個。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 13.mp3|"Scout, it's Pauling. This isn't a social call. I've got work."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract scout 13.mp3|「偵查兵,這是寶琳,我不是打來聊天的,我有事給你做。」]]  
''Rare Contract''
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 01.mp3|「偵查兵?寶琳。我需要一件事很快的完成。然後我只想到你。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 01.mp3|"Scout? Pauling. I need something done fast. I thought of you."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 02.mp3|「嘿偵查兵,首先,對你任何提出的問題,答案是否。我有一個差事給你做。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 02.mp3|"Hey Scout. First, 'No' to whatever you're about to ask. I've got a job for you."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 03.mp3|「偵查兵,這是寶琳。我知道你現在正在講話,請停下來。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 03.mp3|"Scout, it's Pauling. I'm assuming you're talking right now. Please stop."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 04.mp3|「偵查兵?我是寶琳。把你正在炫耀的東西收起來然後看看這個。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 04.mp3|"Scout, Pauling here. Wrap up whatever you were bragging about and look at this."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 05.mp3|「嘿偵查兵,我需要你.........我的意思是...是指這個。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 05.mp3|"Hey Scout, I need you...I...I...I mean for...for this."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 06.mp3|「偵查兵,這是寶琳。無論你在做什麼蠢事,停下來,我有工作。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 06.mp3|"Scout, it's Pauling. Whatever stupid thing you're doing, stop it. I've got work."]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 07.mp3|「偵查兵,這是寶琳,我需要你很安靜地完成一件事。偵查兵?"很安靜的"。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng give contract rare scout 07.mp3|"Scout, it's Pauling. I need something done quietly. ''Scout?'' '''Quietly.'''"]]  
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''New Soldier Contract'''
|title      = '''新的火箭兵合約'''
|image      = Leaderboard class soldier.png
|image      = Leaderboard class soldier.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
Line 281: Line 280:
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Contract half-completed'''
|title      = '''合約完成一半'''
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 01.mp3|"You're halfway done."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 01.mp3|「你做好一半囉。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 02.mp3|"Halfway to Contract complete."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 02.mp3|「距合約完成還有一半的進度。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 03.mp3|"Good work, half the Contract's fulfilled."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 03.mp3|「做得好,合約的條件有一半滿足了。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 04.mp3|"Halfway there."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 04.mp3|「有一半囉。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 05.mp3|"Nice work. You're halfway there."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract 50 allclass 05.mp3|「做得好。你做了一半了。」]]  
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Contract completed'''
|title      = '''合約完成'''
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 01.mp3|"Nice work."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 01.mp3|「做得不錯。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 02.mp3|"Nice work!"]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 02.mp3|「做得不錯!」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 03.mp3|"Good work."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 03.mp3|「做得好啊。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 04.mp3|"Good work!"]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 04.mp3|「做得好啊!」"]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 05.mp3|"Good job."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 05.mp3|「做得好。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 06.mp3|"Well done."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 06.mp3|「做得好。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 07.mp3|"You did it!"]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 07.mp3|「你做到了!」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 08.mp3|"Nicely done."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 08.mp3|"Nicely done."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 09.mp3|"There you go."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete allclass 09.mp3|"There you go."]]  
Line 349: Line 348:
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Scout Contract completed'''
|title      = '''偵查兵合約完成'''
|image      = Leaderboard class scout.png
|image      = Leaderboard class scout.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
Line 362: Line 361:
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Soldier Contract completed'''
|title      = '''火箭兵合約完成'''
|image      = Leaderboard class soldier.png
|image      = Leaderboard class soldier.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
Line 378: Line 377:
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Pyro Contract completed'''
|title      = '''火焰兵合約完成'''
|image      = Leaderboard class pyro.png
|image      = Leaderboard class pyro.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Pyro
|image-link = Pyro
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete pyro 01.mp3|"Nice work, Pyro!"]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete pyro 01.mp3|「做得好,火焰兵!」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete pyro 02.mp3|"You did it Pyro! Thanks buddy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete pyro 02.mp3|"You did it Pyro! Thanks buddy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete pyro 03.mp3|"Thanks again Pyro."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete pyro 03.mp3|"Thanks again Pyro."]]  
Line 394: Line 393:
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Demoman Contract completed'''
|title      = '''爆破兵合約完成'''
|image      = Leaderboard class demoman.png
|image      = Leaderboard class demoman.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Demoman
|image-link = Demoman
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 01.mp3|"Nice work, Demo."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 01.mp3|「做得好,爆破兵。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 02.mp3|"Contract complete. Thanks Demo."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 02.mp3|「合約完成。謝謝,爆破兵。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 03.mp3|"Contract fulfilled. Nice work Demo."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 03.mp3|「合約條件滿足了。做得好啊,爆破兵。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 04.mp3|"Thanks again, Demo."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 04.mp3|「再次感謝,爆破兵。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 05.mp3|"Nicely done, Demo. I'll be in touch."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 05.mp3|「做得好啊,爆破兵。我會跟你保持聯絡的。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 06.mp3|"Well, that's one less thing to worry about. Thanks Demo."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 06.mp3|「恩,又是一件少擔心的事。謝謝,爆破兵。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 07.mp3|"Thanks Demo. I owe you one."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete demo 07.mp3|「謝謝,爆破兵。我欠你一次。」]]  
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Heavy Contract completed'''
|title      = '''重裝兵合約完成'''
|image      = Leaderboard class heavy.png
|image      = Leaderboard class heavy.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Heavy  
|image-link = Heavy  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 01.mp3|"Thanks Heavy. Administrator was really on me about this one."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 01.mp3|「謝謝,重裝兵。管理員會因為這個看重我的。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 02.mp3|"Good job, Heavy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 02.mp3|「做得好,重裝兵。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 03.mp3|"Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Heavy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 03.mp3|「合約條件滿足了。做得好,重裝兵。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 04.mp3|"Nicely done, Heavy. I'll be in touch."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 04.mp3|「做得好啊,重裝兵。我會跟你保持聯絡。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 05.mp3|"Contract complete. Thanks Heavy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 05.mp3|「合約達成。謝謝,重裝兵。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 06.mp3|"Knew I could count on you, Heavy. Thanks."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 06.mp3|「就知道你可以信得過,重裝兵。謝謝。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 07.mp3|"I owe you one, Heavy. I'll be in touch."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 07.mp3|「我欠你一次,重裝兵。我會跟你保持聯絡。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 08.mp3|"Thanks again, Heavy. I appreciate it."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 08.mp3|「再次感謝,重裝兵。你的好意我心領了。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 09.mp3|"Nice work, Heavy!"]]
*[[Media:Plng contract complete heavy 09.mp3|「做得好啊,重裝兵!」]]
Line 431: Line 430:
|image-link = Engineer
|image-link = Engineer
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 01.mp3|"Nice work, Engie."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 01.mp3|「做得好,工程師。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 02.mp3|"Nice work, Engie."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 02.mp3|「做得好,工程師。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 03.mp3|"Good job, Engie. Thanks!"]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 03.mp3|「做得好,工程師。謝了!」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 04.mp3|"Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Engie."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 04.mp3|「合約條件滿足了。做得好,工程師。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 05.mp3|"Nicely done, Engie. I'll be in touch."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 05.mp3|「做得好啊,工程師,我會跟你保持聯絡。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 06.mp3|"Contract complete. Thanks Engie."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 06.mp3|「合約完成。謝謝,工程師。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 07.mp3|"That'll do Engie! Thanks!"]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 07.mp3|「這樣就可以了,工程師,謝謝!」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 08.mp3|"Fulfilled to the letter, Engie. Thanks again."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete engie 08.mp3|「信上的條件都滿足了,工程師。再次感謝。」]]  
Line 447: Line 446:
|image-link = Medic
|image-link = Medic
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 01.mp3|"Nice work, Doc."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 01.mp3|「做得好,醫生。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 02.mp3|"Thanks again, Doc."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 02.mp3|「再次感謝,醫生。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 03.mp3|"Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Medic."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 03.mp3|「合約條件滿足了。做得好,醫生。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 04.mp3|"Nicely done, Medic. I'll be in touch."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 04.mp3|「做得好,醫生。我會跟你保持聯絡。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 05.mp3|"Contract complete. Thanks Medic."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 05.mp3|「合約完成,謝謝,醫生。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 06.mp3|"I'll give you this, Medic. You get results."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete medic 06.mp3|「我把這個給你,醫師,而你給了一個成果。」]]  
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Sniper Contract Completed'''
|title      = '''狙擊手合約完成'''
|image      = Leaderboard class sniper.png
|image      = Leaderboard class sniper.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Sniper
|image-link = Sniper
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 01.mp3|"Nice work, Sniper."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 01.mp3|「做得好,狙擊手。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 02.mp3|"Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Sniper."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 02.mp3|「合約條件滿足了。做得好,狙擊手。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 03.mp3|"Nicely done, Sniper. I'll be in touch."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 03.mp3|「做得好啊,狙擊手,我會跟你保持聯絡。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 04.mp3|"Contract complete. Thanks Sniper."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 04.mp3|「合約完成。謝啦狙擊手。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 05.mp3|"Thanks Sniper. I owe you one."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 05.mp3|「謝謝,狙擊手。我欠你一次。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 06.mp3|"Thanks again, Sniper."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 06.mp3|「再次感謝,狙擊手。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 07.mp3|"Good job, Sniper!"]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete sniper 07.mp3|「做得好阿,狙擊手!」]]  
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''Spy Contract completed'''
|title      = '''間諜任務成功'''
|image      = Leaderboard class spy.png
|image      = Leaderboard class spy.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Spy
|image-link = Spy
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 01.mp3|"Nice work, Spy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 01.mp3|「做得好,間諜。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 02.mp3|"Thanks again Spy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 02.mp3|「再次感謝,間諜。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 03.mp3|"Contract fulfilled. Nice work, Spy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 03.mp3|「合約條件滿足了。做得好,間諜。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 04.mp3|"Always a pleasure, Spy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 04.mp3|「一直以來都令我滿意,間諜。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 05.mp3|"Nicely done, Spy. I'll be in touch."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 05.mp3|「做得不錯,間諜。我會跟你保持聯絡。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 06.mp3|"Contract complete. Thanks, Spy."]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 06.mp3|「合約完成。感謝,間諜。」]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 07.mp3|"Job well done, Spy!"]]  
*[[Media:Plng contract complete spy 07.mp3|「差事大成功,間諜!」]]  
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = Contract failed
|title      = 合約失敗
|image      =  
|image      =  
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =  
|content    =  
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 01.mp3|"The Administrator will have to be notified. Sorry."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 01.mp3|「管理員需要知道這件事,抱歉了。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 02.mp3|"Crap! The Administrator is going to kill me."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 02.mp3|「天啊!管理員會殺了我。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 03.mp3|"I should have asked one of the other guys."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 03.mp3|「我應該去問其他人做這件事的。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 04.mp3|"I had a bad feeling about this one anyway."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 04.mp3|「我本來就對這件案子沒甚麼把握的說。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 05.mp3|"S'okay. We'll get them next time."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 05.mp3|「沒關係,下次我們會達成目標的。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 06.mp3|"Let's uh...call this a learning experience?"]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 06.mp3|「我們把這件事叫做...記取教訓?」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 07.mp3|"Hey, sometimes you have to walk away. I get it."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 07.mp3|「嘿,有時候你就是要把事情看開點,我了解了。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 08.mp3|"Contract incomplete."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 08.mp3|「合約未達成。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 09.mp3|"Looks like I'll have to shunt this around somewhere else..."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 09.mp3|「看起來我要找個地方把這合約埋起來了...]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 10.mp3|"Thanks anyway."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 10.mp3|「還是謝謝你啦。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 11.mp3|"You did it! Wait, you didn't do it."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 11.mp3|「你做到了!等等,你沒做到。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 12.mp3|"Alright, fair enough. I'll be in touch."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 12.mp3|「不錯,很公平,我會跟你保持連絡的。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 13.mp3|"Well, you can't win them all."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 13.mp3|「這個嗎,你其實不能全部都做到的。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 14.mp3|"Hmm. Well maybe next time."]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 14.mp3|「恩,好吧,也許下一次。」]]
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 15.mp3|"You did it! Wait, you didn't do it."]]<!---duplicate of 11--->
*[[Media:Plng contract fail allclass 15.mp3|「你做到了!等等,你沒做到。」]]
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{{Audio nav}}
[[Category:Lists of responses]]
[[Category:Lists of responses/zh-hant]]

Latest revision as of 18:03, 24 November 2015





Leaderboard class scout.png  新的偵查兵合約
Leaderboard class soldier.png  新的火箭兵合約

Rare Contract

Leaderboard class pyro.png  New Pyro Contract

Rare Contract

Leaderboard class demoman.png  New Demoman Contract

Rare Contract

Leaderboard class heavy.png  New Heavy Contract

Rare Contract

Leaderboard class engineer.png  New Engineer Contract

Rare Contract

Leaderboard class medic.png  New Medic Contract

Rare Contract

Leaderboard class sniper.png  New Sniper Contract

Rare Contract

Leaderboard class spy.png  New Spy Contract

Rare Contract

Contract progress


Rare item

Leaderboard class scout.png  偵查兵合約完成
Leaderboard class soldier.png  火箭兵合約完成
Leaderboard class pyro.png  火焰兵合約完成
Leaderboard class demoman.png  爆破兵合約完成
Leaderboard class heavy.png  重裝兵合約完成
Leaderboard class engineer.png  Engineer Contract completed
Leaderboard class medic.png  Medic Contract completed
Leaderboard class sniper.png  狙擊手合約完成
Leaderboard class spy.png  間諜任務成功