Difference between revisions of "WebAPI/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum"

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m (Think this is everything)
(reduced duplication by linking to GetMatchDetails instead of just copy pasting it here)
(7 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 13: Line 13:
:;statusDetail: A message explaining the status, should status not be 1.
:;statusDetail: A message explaining the status, should status not be 1.
:;matches: A list of matches.
:;matches: A list of matches.
::;players: The list of players within the match.
::;See [[WebAPI/GetMatchDetails]] the structure of each match.:
:::;account_id: 32-bit account ID.
:::;player_slot: See [[#Player Slot]] below.
:::;hero_id: The hero's unique ID.  A list of hero IDs can be found via the [[WebAPI/GetHeroes|GetHeroes]] method.
:::;item_0: ID of the top-left inventory item.
:::;item_1: ID of the top-center inventory item.
:::;item_2: ID of the top-right inventory item.
:::;item_3: ID of the bottom-left inventory item.
:::;item_4: ID of the bottom-center inventory item.
:::;item_5: ID of the bottom-right inventory item.
:::;kills: The amount of kills attributed to this player.
:::;deaths: The amount of times this player died during the match.
:::;assists: The amount of assists attributed to this player.
:::;leaver_status: What the values here represent are not yet known.
:::;gold: The amount of gold the player had remaining at the end of the match.
:::;last_hits: The amount of last-hits the player got during the match.
:::;denies: The amount of denies the player got during the match.
:::;gold_per_min: The player's overall gold/minute.
:::;xp_per_min: The player's overall experience/minute.
:::;gold_spent: The amount of gold the player spent during the match.
:::;hero_damage: The amount of damage the player dealt to heroes.
:::;tower_damage: The amount of damage the player dealt to towers.
:::;hero_healing: The amount of health the player had healed on heroes.
:::;level: The player's level at match end.
::;match_id: The matches unique ID.
== Notes ==
::;match_seq_num: A 'sequence number', representing the order in which matches were recorded.
* The interface IDOTA2Match_<ID> does not support app id 816.
::;start_time: Unix timestamp of when the match began.
:::;-1 - Invalid:
:::;0 - Public matchmaking:
:::;1 - Practise:
:::;2 - Tournament:
:::;3 - Tutorial:
:::;4 - Co-op with bots.:
:::;5 - Team match:
== Player Slot ==
A player's slot is returned via an 8-bit unsigned integer.  The first bit represent the player's team, false if Radiant and true if dire.  The final three bits represent the player's position in that team, from 0-4.
    ┌─────────────── Team (false if Radiant, true if Dire).
    │ ┌─┬─┬─┬─────── Not used.
    │ │ │ │ │ ┌─┬─┬─ The position of a player within their team (0-4).
    │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Latest revision as of 22:54, 11 April 2016


GET http://api.steampowered.com/IDOTA2Match_<ID>/GetMatchHistoryBySequenceNum/v1

Method-specific parameters

start_at_match_seq_num (Optional) (uint64)
The match sequence number to start returning results from.
matches_requested (Optional) (uint32)
The amount of matches to return.

Result data

1 - Success
8 - 'matches_requested' must be greater than 0.
A message explaining the status, should status not be 1.
A list of matches.
See WebAPI/GetMatchDetails the structure of each match.


  • The interface IDOTA2Match_<ID> does not support app id 816.