Difference between revisions of "Template:Class speed table/Heavy"

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m (added CS)
m (Updated the Romanian translation)
(17 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 17: Line 17:
   | en = Any of the Heavy's [[Heavy#Primary|Primary]] weapons spun up, except the Brass Beast
   | en = Any of the Heavy's [[Heavy#Primary|Primary]] weapons spun up, except the Brass Beast
   | ar =  اي برايماري مجهز[[Heavy/ar#Primary|Primary]] الا البراس بيست
   | ar =  اي برايماري مجهز[[Heavy/ar#Primary|Primary]] الا البراس بيست
   | cs = Jakákoliv roztočená Heavyho [[Heavy/cs#Prim.C3.A1rn.C3.AD|primární]] zbraň, s výjimkou Brass Beast
   | cs = Jakákoliv roztočená Heavyho [[Heavy/cs#Prim.C3.A1rn.C3.AD|primární]] zbraň, s výjimkou {{item link|Brass Beast}}
  | da = Når[[Minigun/da|Rullekannon]], [[Natascha/da|Natascha]], eller [[Tomislav/da|Tomislav]] spinner
   | de = Mit einer angedrehten [[Heavy/de#Primary|Primärwaffe]] des Heavy, außer dem Messingmonster
   | de = Mit einer angedrehten [[Heavy/de#Primary|Primärwaffe]] des Heavy, außer dem Messingmonster
   | es = Girando cualquiera de las [[Heavy/es#Primario|armas primarias]] del Heavy
   | es = Girando cualquiera de las [[Heavy/es#Armas principales|armas principales]] del Heavy, excepto el Titán de Latón
  | fi = [[Minigun/fi|Konekivääriä]], [[Natascha/fi|Natashaa]], tai [[Tomislav/fi|Tomislavia]] pyörittäessä
   | fr = N'importe quelle arme [[Heavy/fr#Primary|Primaire]] du Heavy déployée, à l'exception de la Bête de Bronze
   | fr = N'importe quelle arme [[Heavy/fr#Primary|Primaire]] du Heavy déployée, à l'exception de la Bête de Bronze
   | hu = A Gépágyús akármelyik [[Heavy/hu#Els.C5.91dleges|alapfegyverének]] csőforgása, a Bronz Bestián kívul
   | hu = A Gépágyús akármelyik [[Heavy/hu#Els.C5.91dleges|alapfegyverének]] csőforgása, a Bronz Bestián kívul
  | it = [[Minigun/it|Mitragliatrice Pesante]], [[Natascha/it|Natascha]] o [[Tomislav/it|Tomislav]] in rotazione
   | ja = {{Item link|Brass Beast}}以外の[[Heavy/ja#メイン武器|ミニガン]] 回転時
   | ja = {{Item link|Brass Beast}}以外の[[Heavy/ja#メイン武器|ミニガン]] 回転時
   | ko = {{Item name|Brass Beast}}를 제외한 헤비의 [[Heavy/ko#주무기|주무기]]를 회전시킬 때
   | ko = {{Item name|Brass Beast}}를 제외한 헤비의 [[Heavy/ko#주무기|주무기]]를 회전시킬 때
  | no = [[Minigun/no|Minigun]], [[Natascha/no|Natacha]] eller [[Tomislav/no|Tomislav]] spinner
   | pl = Z dowolną rozkręconą [[Heavy/pl#Podstawowe|bronią podstawową]] Grubego, oprócz Mosiężnej bestii
   | pl = Z dowolną rozkręconą [[Heavy/pl#Podstawowe|bronią podstawową]] Grubego, oprócz Mosiężnej bestii
   | pt-br = Com qualquer uma das [[Heavy/pt-br#Primária|armas primárias]] girando, exceto a {{item name|Brass Beast}}
   | pt-br = Com qualquer uma das [[Heavy/pt-br#Primário|armas primárias]] girando, exceto a {{item name|Brass Beast}}
  | ro = Cu orice [[Heavy/ro#Primary|armă primară]] rotindu-se, înafară de {{item link|Brass Beast}}
   | ru = С любым раскрученным [[Heavy/ru#Основное|пулеметом]], кроме Латунного монстра
   | ru = С любым раскрученным [[Heavy/ru#Основное|пулеметом]], кроме Латунного монстра
  | sv = {{Item link|Minigun}}, {{Item link|Natascha}} eller {{Item link|Tomislav}} spunnen
  | tr = Heavy'nin Pirinç Canavar dışındaki bir [[Heavy/tr#Birincil|Birincil]] silahının namlusu dönerken
  | zh-hans = [[Minigun/zh-hans|转轮机枪]]或[[Natascha/zh-hans|娜塔莎转轮机枪]]或[[Iron Curtain/zh-hans|铁幕转轮机枪]]或[[Tomislav/zh-hans|汤姆斯拉夫]]枪管转动时
   | zh-hant = [[Minigun/zh-hant|格林機槍]]、[[Natascha/zh-hant|娜塔莎]]、[[Iron Curtain/zh-hant|鐵幕]]或[[Tomislav/zh-hant|托米斯拉夫]]熱槍狀態時
   | zh-hant = [[Minigun/zh-hant|格林機槍]]、[[Natascha/zh-hant|娜塔莎]]、[[Iron Curtain/zh-hant|鐵幕]]或[[Tomislav/zh-hant|托米斯拉夫]]熱槍狀態時
  | zh-hans = [[Minigun/zh-hans|转轮机枪]]或[[Natascha/zh-hans|娜塔莎转轮机枪]]或[[Iron Curtain/zh-hans|铁幕转轮机枪]]或[[Tomislav/zh-hans|汤姆斯拉夫]]枪管转动时
Line 40: Line 47:
   | ar = {{Item link|Brass Beast}} مجهز
   | ar = {{Item link|Brass Beast}} مجهز
   | cs = Roztočený {{Item link|Brass Beast}}
   | cs = Roztočený {{Item link|Brass Beast}}
  | da = Når [[Brass Beast/da|Messingbæstet]] spinner
   | de = Mit angedrehtem [[Brass Beast/de|Messingmonster]]
   | de = Mit angedrehtem [[Brass Beast/de|Messingmonster]]
   | es = Girando el [[Brass Beast/es|Titán de Latón]]
   | es = Girando el [[Brass Beast/es|Titán de Latón]]
  | fi = [[Brass Beast/fi|Messinkipetoa]]
   | fr = [[Brass Beast/fr|Bête de Bronze]] déployée.
   | fr = [[Brass Beast/fr|Bête de Bronze]] déployée.
   | hu = [[Brass Beast/hu|Bronz Bestia]] csőforgása
   | hu = [[Brass Beast/hu|Bronz Bestia]] csőforgása
  | it = [[Brass Beast/it|Bestia d’Ottone]] in rotazione
   | ja = {{Item link|Brass Beast}} 回転時
   | ja = {{Item link|Brass Beast}} 回転時
   | ko = {{Item link|Brass Beast}}를 회전시킬 때
   | ko = {{Item link|Brass Beast}}를 회전시킬 때
  | no = [[Brass Beast/no|Messing Beistet]] spinner
   | pl = Z rozkręconą [[Brass Beast/pl|Mosiężną bestią]]
   | pl = Z rozkręconą [[Brass Beast/pl|Mosiężną bestią]]
   | pt-br = Girando a {{item link|Brass Beast}}
   | pt-br = Girando a {{item link|Brass Beast}}
  | ro = Cu {{Item link|Brass Beast}} rotindu-se
   | ru = C раскрученным [[Brass_Beast/ru|Латунным монстром]]
   | ru = C раскрученным [[Brass_Beast/ru|Латунным монстром]]
  | sv = {{Item link|Brass Beast}} spunnen
  | tr = [[Brass Beast/tr|Pirinç Canavar]]'ın namlusu dönerken
  | zh-hans = [[Brass Beast/zh-hans|黄铜猛兽]]枪管转动时
   | zh-hant = [[Brass Beast/zh-hant|黃銅野獸]]熱槍狀態時
   | zh-hant = [[Brass Beast/zh-hant|黃銅野獸]]熱槍狀態時
  | zh-hans = [[Brass Beast/zh-hans|黄铜猛兽]]枪管转动时
|{{Metrics/Speed|C=Heavy|P=brass beast|T=deploy}}
|{{Metrics/Speed|C=Heavy|P=brass beast|T=deploy}}
Line 60: Line 74:
   | en = Under the effects of the [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich]]
   | en = Under the effects of the [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich]]
   | ضق = تحت تأثير البوفالو ساندويش {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
   | ar = ضق = تحت تأثير البوفالو ساندويش {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
   | cs = Po snědení {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
   | cs = Po snědení {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
  | da = [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/da|Bøffel Bøf-sandvichen]] i 15 sekunder
   | de = Unter dem Effekt des [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/de|Büffelsteak-Sandviches]]
   | de = Unter dem Effekt des [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/de|Büffelsteak-Sandviches]]
   | es = Bajo el efecto del [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/es|Focata de Filete de Búfalo]]
   | es = Bajo el efecto del [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/es|Focata de Filete de Búfalo]]
  | fi = [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/fi|Puhvelinpihvipurilainen]] 15 sekunnin vaikutuksen aikana
   | fr = Sous les effets du [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/fr|Sandvich au Steak de Bison]]
   | fr = Sous les effets du [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/fr|Sandvich au Steak de Bison]]
   | hu = A [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/hu|A Bivaly Bélszín Szendvics]] hatása alatt
   | hu = A [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/hu|A Bivaly Bélszín Szendvics]] hatása alatt
  | it = [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/it|Sandvich di Bistecca di Bufalo]] per 15 secondi
   | ja = {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}} 摂取効果中
   | ja = {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}} 摂取効果中
   | ko = {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}의 효과를 받고 있을 때
   | ko = {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}의 효과를 받고 있을 때
  | no = [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/no|Bøffelens Stek Sandvich]] i 15 sekunder
   | pl = Po zjedzeniu [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/pl|Steku z bizona]]
   | pl = Po zjedzeniu [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/pl|Steku z bizona]]
   | pt-br = Sob os efeitos do {{item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
   | pt-br = Sob os efeitos do {{item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}
  | ro = Sub efectele {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}}-ului
   | ru = Под действием эффекта [[Buffalo_Steak_Sandvich/ru|Бутерброда из мяса буйвола]]
   | ru = Под действием эффекта [[Buffalo_Steak_Sandvich/ru|Бутерброда из мяса буйвола]]
  | sv = {{Item link|Buffalo Steak Sandvich}} under 15 sekunder
  | tr = [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/tr|Bizon Biftekli Sandviç]]'in etkileri altında iken
  | zh-hans = [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/zh-hans|水牛排三明治]]效果下
   | zh-hant = 處於[[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/zh-hant|水牛排三明治]]的效果下
   | zh-hant = 處於[[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/zh-hant|水牛排三明治]]的效果下
  | zh-hans = [[Buffalo Steak Sandvich/zh-hans|水牛排三明治]]效果下
|{{Metrics/Speed|C=Heavy|S=buffalo steak sandvich}}
|{{Metrics/Speed|C=Heavy|S=buffalo steak sandvich}}
Line 84: Line 105:
   | ar = تحمل {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}}
   | ar = تحمل {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}}
   | cs = S {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}}
   | cs = S {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}}
  | da = Med [[G.R.U./da|G.R.U.]] fremme
   | de = Mit den [[Gloves of Running Urgently/de|Handschuhen der Schnellen Flucht]] ausgerüstet
   | de = Mit den [[Gloves of Running Urgently/de|Handschuhen der Schnellen Flucht]] ausgerüstet
   | es = Usando los [[Gloves of Running Urgently/es|Guantes de Rapidez Ultraterrena]]
   | es = Usando los [[Gloves of Running Urgently/es|Guantes de Rapidez Ultraterrena]]
   | fr = En utilisant les [[Gloves of Running Urgently/fr|Gants de Retraite Urgente]]
   | fr = En utilisant les [[Gloves of Running Urgently/fr|Gants de Retraite Urgente]]
   | hu = [[Gloves of Running Urgently/hu|A Sürgős Sprintelés Bokszkesztyűi]]t viselve
   | hu = [[Gloves of Running Urgently/hu|A Sürgős Sprintelés Bokszkesztyűi]]t viselve
  | it = [[G.R.U./it|Guanti della Radicale Urgenza]] estratti
   | ja = {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}} 使用中
   | ja = {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}} 使用中
   | ko = {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}}를 들고 있을 때
   | ko = {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}}를 들고 있을 때
  | no = [[Gloves of Running Urgently/no|G.R.U.]] i bruk
   | pl = Z dobytymi [[Gloves of Running Urgently/pl|Gorącymi rękawicami uciekiniera]]
   | pl = Z dobytymi [[Gloves of Running Urgently/pl|Gorącymi rękawicami uciekiniera]]
   | pt-br = Com as {{item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}}
   | pt-br = Com as {{item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}}
  | ro = Folosind {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}}
   | ru = Во время использования [[Gloves_of_Running_Urgently/ru|Горящих Рукавиц Ускорения]]
   | ru = Во время использования [[Gloves_of_Running_Urgently/ru|Горящих Рукавиц Ускорения]]
  | sv = {{Item link|Gloves of Running Urgently}} dragna
  | tr = [[Gloves of Running Urgently/tr|Gerçek Randımana Ulaştıranlar]] kuşanıldığında
  | zh-hans = 手持[[Gloves of Running Urgently/zh-hans|紧急逃跑手套]]时
   | zh-hant = 使用[[Gloves of Running Urgently/zh-hant|狂奔手套]]時
   | zh-hant = 使用[[Gloves of Running Urgently/zh-hant|狂奔手套]]時
  | zh-hans = 手持[[Gloves of Running Urgently/zh-hans|紧急逃跑手套]]时
|{{Metrics/Speed|C=Heavy|M=gloves of running urgently}}
|{{Metrics/Speed|C=Heavy|M=gloves of running urgently}}
Line 107: Line 134:
   | cs = S {{Item link|Eviction Notice}}
   | cs = S {{Item link|Eviction Notice}}
   | de = Mit dem {{item link|Eviction Notice}} ausgerüstet
   | de = Mit dem {{item link|Eviction Notice}} ausgerüstet
  | es = Empuñando la [[Eviction Notice/es|Orden de Desahucio]]
   | ru = Во время использования [[Eviction Notice/ru|Уведомления о выселении]]
   | ru = Во время использования [[Eviction Notice/ru|Уведомления о выселении]]
   | ko = {{Item link|Eviction Notice}}를 들고 있을 때
   | ko = {{Item link|Eviction Notice}}를 들고 있을 때
   | pl = Z dobytym [[Eviction Notice/pl|Nakazem eksmisji]]
   | pl = Z dobytym [[Eviction Notice/pl|Nakazem eksmisji]]
   | pt-br = Com o {{item link|Eviction Notice}}
   | pt-br = Com o {{item link|Eviction Notice}}
  | ro = Cu {{Item link|Eviction Notice}} în mână
  | tr = [[Eviction Notice/tr|Tahliye İhbarı]] kuşanıldığında
  | zh-hans = 手持{{item link|Eviction Notice}}时
   | zh-hant = 使用{{item link|Eviction Notice}}時
   | zh-hant = 使用{{item link|Eviction Notice}}時
  | zh-hans = 手持{{item link|Eviction Notice}}时
|{{Metrics/Speed|C=Heavy|M=eviction notice}}
|{{Metrics/Speed|C=Heavy|M=eviction notice}}
Line 120: Line 150:
{{translation switching|en, ar, cs, de, pl, ru, zh-hant, zh-hans}}
{{translation switching|en, ar, cs, de, es, pl, pt-br, ro, ru, tr, zh-hans, zh-hant}}
<noinclude>[[Category:Class stat tables]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 14:48, 24 September 2023

Class Normal Backward Crouched Swimming
Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy
77 %
69 %
26 %
61 %
Any of the Heavy's Primary weapons spun up, except the Brass Beast
37 %
33 %
0 %
29 %
Brass Beast spun up
15 %
15 %
0 %
12 %
Under the effects of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich
104 %
93 %
35 %
83 %
Wielding the Gloves of Running Urgently
100 %
90 %
33 %
80 %
Wielding the Eviction Notice
88 %
79 %
29 %
71 %