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{{DISPLAYTITLE: Diverse Genstande}}
#REDIRECT [[Cosmetic items/da]] {{R lang|da}}
{{Quotation|'''The Heavy'''|Jeg har mange medajler!|sound=Heavy_award13.wav}}
'''Diverse''' (Normalt kaldt '''misc. items''') er items der er mulige at bære, fra 'Misc'-sektionen i loadout skærmem, selvom de tælles for en hat når du smeder. Ligesom hatte, har de ingen effekt på spillets gang og bruges kun til kosmetiske formål. Da de har deres eget slot, kan de bæres sammen med hatte. Misc. genstande er enten mulige at få ved at opnå nogle bestemte ting, eller fra drop-systemmet.
Der er {{Itemcount|misc}} misc. genstande, hvor 8 klasser har deres egen unikke misc genstand. Den eneste klasse uden en misc. genstand er [[Heavy/da|Heavyen]]
===Klasse specifikke===
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding=1 align="left" style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
<!--- Scout --->
| width="110px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{Class link|scout}}
<!--- Soldier --->
| width="110px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{Class link|soldier}}
<!--- Pyro --->
| width="110px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{Class link|pyro}}
<!--- Demoman --->
| width="110px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{Class link|demoman}}
<!--- Heavy --->
<!--- Engineer --->
| width="110px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{Class link|engineer}}
<!--- Medic --->
| width="110px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{Class link|medic}}
<!--- Sniper --->
| width="110px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{Class link|sniper}}
<!--- Spy --->
| width="110px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{Class link|spy}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Essential Accessories|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Gentle Manne's Service Medal|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Whiskered Gentleman|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Dangeresque, Too?|icon-size=80px}} 
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Teddy Roosebelt|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Physician's Procedure Mask|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Villain's Veil|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Camera Beard|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" | [[Essential Accessories/da|Det Væsentlige Tilbehør]]
| width="100px" | [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal/da|Gentlemanne's Tjenestemedalje]]
| width="100px" | [[Whiskered Gentleman/da|Gentleman Med Bakkenbarter]]
| width="100px" | [[Dangeresque, Too?/da|Dangeresque, Too?]]
| width="100px" | [[Teddy Roosebelt/da|Teddy Roosebelt]]
| width="100px" | [[Physician's Procedure Mask/da|Lægens Operationsmaske]]
| width="100px" | [[Villain's Veil/da|Villain's Veil]]
| width="100px" | [[Camera Beard/da|Kameraskæg]]
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Sign of the Wolf's School|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Stockbroker's Scarf|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Googly Gazer|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Blighted Beak|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Le Party Phantom|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" | [[Sign of the Wolf's School/da|Sign of the Wolf's School]]
| width="100px" | [[Stockbroker's Scarf/da|Børsmæglerens Slips]]
| width="100px" | [[Googly Gazer/da|Googly Gazer]]
| width="100px" | [[Blighted Beak/da|Befængt Næb]]
| width="100px" | [[Le Party Phantom/da|Le Fest Fantom]]
| width="100px" align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Sight for Sore Eyes|icon-size=80px}}
| width="100px" | [[Sight for Sore Eyes/da|Sight for Sore Eyes]]
===Alle Klasser===
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding=2 align="left" style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
|-  <!-- All -->
| width="40px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="4" | '''Alle'''
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Primeval Warrior|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Primeval Warrior/da|Urtidskriger]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Grizzled Veteran|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Grizzled Veteran/da|Garvet Veteran]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Soldier of Fortune|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Soldier of Fortune/da|Lykkekriger]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Mercenary|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Mercenary/da|Lejesoldat]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Platinum Dueling Badge|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Platinum Dueling Badge/da|Platin-Duelemblem]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Gold Dueling Badge|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Gold Dueling Badge/da|Guld-Duelemblem]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Silver Dueling Badge|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Silver Dueling Badge/da|Sølv-Duelemblem]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Bronze Dueling Badge|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Bronze Dueling Badge/da|Bronze-Duelemblem]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Earbuds|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Earbuds/da|Høretelefoner]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Polycount Pin|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Polycount Pin/da|Polycount Knap]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=License to Maim|icon-size=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[License to Maim/da|Licens Til At Lemlæste]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Companion Cube Pin|2=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Companion Cube Pin/da|Ledsagerkube-broche]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=Resurrection Associate Pin|2=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[Resurrection Associate Pin/da|Resurrection Associate Pin]]
| align="center" style="background-color:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|item=SpaceChem Pin|2=75px}}
| width="100px" | [[SpaceChem Pin/da|SpaceChem Pin]]
== Smedearbejde ==
Da de flest Misc. genstande fås gennem præsentationer eller er promotion genstande, kan de normalt ikke bruges i smedearbejde. De fleste af dem kan ikke blive smedet til andre genstande, eller blive smedet fra andre genstande. De eneste undtagelser er Misc. genstande der kan blive fundet i spillet, igennem [[item drop system/da|Genstands systemet]], og de bliver behandlet på samme måde som hovedudstyr. De kan blive smedet i alle planer som kræver et hovedudstyr for at fungere. Disse er de nuværende Misc. genstande som fungerer som hovedudstyr, i den rækkefølge som de blev tilføjet til spillet:
* [[Camera Beard/da|Kameraskæg]]
* [[Physician's Procedure Mask/da|Lægens Operationsmaske]]
* [[Whiskered Gentleman/da|Gentleman Med Bakkenbarter]]
* [[Blighted Beak/da|Befængt Næb]]
* [[Le Party Phantom/da|Le Fest Fantom]]
* [[Sight for Sore Eyes/da|Sight for Sore Eyes]]
* [[Teddy Roosebelt/da|Teddy Roosebelt]]
* [[Googly Gazer/da|Googly Gazer]]
* [[Villain's Veil/da|Villain's Veil]]
== Opdaterings Historik ==
{{see also|Item timeline}}
'''[[Classless Update|Den klasseløse Opdatering]]''' ([[August 13, 2009 Patch/da|August 13, 2009]])
* Den første Misc genstand, [[Soldier/da|Soldierens]] [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal/da|Gentlemanne's Tjenestemedalje]], er tilføjet til spillet. Medaljen er tildelt til de første 11,111 brugere som faldt over en hemmelig side på [[TF2 Official Blog/da|TF2 Officiel Blog]], og hver medalje har sit eget unikke nummer. Medaljen kan ikke længere opnås.
'''[[WAR! Update/da|KRIG! Opdatering]]''' ([[December 17, 2009 Patch/da|December 17, 2009]])
* [[Camera Beard/da|Kameraskæg]] Misc. genstanden for [[Spy/da|Spyen]] bliver gjort til en Misc. genstand, hvilket gør det muligt at bære den med andre hatte for klassen. Dette stiger dens drop rate til den samme som normale våben, hvilket resulterer i at den mister sin sjældne værdi og en stor stigning i spillere det ejer den. Dens drop rate har dog senere returneret til den samme som normalt hovedudstyr.
'''[[First Community Contribution Update/da|Første Community Bidrags Opdatering]]''' ([[March 18, 2010 Patch/da|March 18, 2010]])
* Det første sæt af community hatte fra Valves bidrags side kommer i spillet, sammen med en ny Misc. genstand for [[Medic/da|Medicen]], [[Physician's Procedure Mask/da|Lægens Operationsmaske]].  [[Camera Beard/da|Kameraskæggets]] drop rate er returneret til den samme drop rate som hatte. Misc. genstande kan nu blive brugt sammen med hatte i genskab hovedudstyr smede planen.
'''[[April 29, 2010 Patch|The 119th Update]]'''
* The [[Grizzled Veteran]], [[Soldier of Fortune]] and [[Mercenary]] medals are awarded to players depending on the date of their first play. They are the first misc. items that can be equipped by all classes. These medals are Gold, Silver, and Bronze in appearance respectively.
'''[[May 5, 2010 Patch|May 5, 2010]]'''
* The [[Primeval Warrior]] medal is awarded to all players who participated in the original beta release of ''Team Fortress 2'', with the medals of those eligible being changed accordingly. These medals are Platinum in appearance.
'''[[Second Community Contribution Update]]''' ([[May 21, 2010 Patch|May 21, 2010]])
* The [[Whiskered Gentleman]] misc. item for the [[Pyro]] is reassigned to the Misc. slot, so that it may be worn with other hats.
'''[[June 10, 2010 Patch|The Mac Update]]'''
* The [[Earbuds]] are awarded to players who launched TF2 on a Mac between June 10, 2010 and August 16, 2010.
'''June 28, 2010'''
* A Greentooth (Polycount icon) pin is revealed by Polycount as a misc item available to community members who submitted entries for the [[Polycount Pack]] contest. The item was contributed by Polycount member DKK and was expected to be released alongside the Polycount Pack. It was released well before, however.
'''[[Engineer Update|The Engineer Update]]'''
* A second Misc. slot is added, though no items have been released for the slot at the time.
'''August 9, 2010'''
* Four medals are revealed for the [[ETF2L Highlander Community Challenge|ETF2L Highlander Tournament]]: first place, second place, third place, and participant. The medals remain [[currently unreleased content|unreleased]], however.
'''[[Mann-Conomy Update]]'''
* The second Misc. slot (MISC2) is removed and is replaced by the [[Action items|Action]] slot. Four badges are also made available by playing the [[Dueling Mini-Game]] and winning duels. The [[Polycount Pin]] is also added.
'''October 25, 2010'''
* The [[Mapper's Medallion]] is [http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=15512 revealed] to be awarded to participants in the [[Art Pass Contest]].  The medals remain unreleased, however.
'''[[October 27, 2010 Patch|October 27, 2010]]'''
* The [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal]] is made tradable.
'''[[November 3, 2010 Patch|November 3, 2010]]'''
* Telltale Games reveals that the [[License to Maim]] for all classes and the [[Dangeresque, Too?]] for the [[Demoman]] will be available to players who earn them through playing ''[[Poker Night at the Inventory]]''.
'''[[November 19, 2010 Patch|November 19, 2010]]'''
* The [[Companion Cube Pin]] is added to the game (however, has not been awarded to any players)<!-- Well yes, the Child's Play competition winner and Robin Walker but it doesn't need to be mentioned here --> along with the [[License to Maim]] and the [[Dangeresque, Too?]]. In addition, the [[Primeval Warrior]], [[Grizzled Veteran]], [[Soldier of Fortune]] and [[Mercenary]] badges are made compatible with the [[Name Tag]] tool.
'''[[December 2, 2010 Patch|December 2, 2010]]'''
* The [[Dangeresque, Too?]], [[Camera Beard]], and [[Whiskered Gentleman]] are made [[Paint Can|paintable]]. In addition, the [[Companion Cube Pin]] can be used with [[Gift Wrap]].
'''[[December 8, 2010 Patch|December 8, 2010]]'''
* "Mr Foster's Gasmask and Tie" are revealed to be obtainable to owners of both ''[[Killing Floor]]'' and ''Team Fortress 2'', wearable by the Pyro.
'''[[December 13, 2010 Patch|December 13, 2010]]'''
* "Mr Foster's Gasmask and Tie" are released as two separate items: the [[Stockbroker's Scarf]] and [[Foster's Facade]].
'''[[December 21, 2010 Patch|December 21, 2010]]'''
* The [[Le Party Phantom]] was moved into the misc slot.
'''[[December 22, 2010 Patch|December 22, 2010]]'''
* The [[Blighted Beak]] was moved into the misc slot.
'''[[January 3, 2011 Patch|January 3, 2011]]'''
* The [[Earbuds]] and the [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal]] are now gift-wrappable.
'''[[January 24, 2011 Patch|January 24, 2011]]'''
* The [[Essential Accessories]], a [[promotional item]] for [[Scout]] was released.
'''[[April 7, 2011 Patch|April 7, 2011]]'''
* 3 new Misc. items are added. The [[Sight for Sore Eyes]] for [[Pyro]] as well as the [[Teddy Roosebelt]] and the [[Googly Gazer]] for the [[Engineer]]''.
* {{Undocumented}} Added the [[Resurrection Associate Pin]] for the ones who purchased the [[Potato Sack]].
'''[[April 14, 2011 Patch|April 14, 2011]]''' ([[Hatless Update]])
* Server plugins can no longer remove wearable items from players.
'''[[April 28, 2011 Patch|April 28, 2011]]'''
* Added the [[SpaceChem Pin]].
'''[[May 5, 2011 Patch|May 5, 2011]]''' ([[Replay Update]])
* Added the [[Villain's Veil]].
'''[[May 12, 2011 Patch|May 12, 2011]]'''
* {{Undocumented}} Added the [[Sign of the Wolf's School]].
== Bugs ==
*If a player is wearing a painted Misc. Item and dies, the Misc item will revert to its original color on the ragdoll.
== Trivia ==
*A crafting recipe exists for smelting 3 Misc. items into [[Scrap Metal]] in the game files. However, it no longer works in the game.
== See also ==
* [[Hats]]
* [[Crafting]]
== External links ==
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/today_is_a_good_day/ The Classless Update - Hidden page: Today is a good day]
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/119/ 119th Update!]
* [http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4608&p=1 TF2 Official Blog - Shh. Sascha is asleep]
[[Category:Miscellaneous items| ]]

Latest revision as of 23:50, 19 April 2024

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