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This page lists the tags that the software may mark an edit with, and their meaning.

Tag nameAppearance on change listsFull description of meaningSourceActive?Tagged changes
mw-new-redirectNew redirectEdits that create a new redirect or change a page to a redirectDefined by the softwareYes34,520 changes
tfwiki-lang-redirect-changedLanguage redirect target changedEdits that change the target of a language redirectDefined by the softwareYes19,607 changes
tfwiki-lang-redirectLanguage redirect (old)Old: edits that create a new language redirect, change a page to a language redirect or change the target of a language redirectApplied manually by users and botsYes12,609 changes
mw-changed-redirect-targetRedirect target changedEdits that change the target of a redirectDefined by the softwareYes11,823 changes
tfwiki-lang-redirect-newNew language redirectEdits that change the target of a language redirect or change a page to a language redirectDefined by the softwareYes6,985 changes
mw-undoUndoEdits that undo previous edits using the undo linkDefined by the softwareYes6,728 changes
mw-replaceReplacedEdits that remove more than 90% of the content of a pageDefined by the softwareYes1,905 changes
mw-removed-redirectRemoved redirectEdits that change an existing redirect to a non-redirectDefined by the softwareYes1,288 changes
mw-blankBlankingEdits that blank a pageDefined by the softwareYes584 changes
mw-rollbackRollbackEdits that roll back previous edits using the rollback linkDefined by the softwareYes52 changes
abusefilter-condition-limitcondition limit reachedEdits or other events that couldn't be checked by all active abuse filters (help).Defined by the softwareYes51 changes
mw-contentmodelchangecontent model changeEdits that change the content model of a pageDefined by the softwareYes5 changes