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#REDIRECT [[Cosmetic items/zh-hant]] {{R lang|zh-hant}}
[[Image:Hat magazine.png|right|300px]]{{Quotation|Hats: The Ultimate Status Symbol.<ref>http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/day01.php</ref>|"綜觀整個歷史,人們穿戴頭飾來彰顯他們比別人還要優越。當一位戴上帽子的人說:「我買了一頂帽子。」似乎就代表「我比你還優」。”
'''帽子''' (或是 '''頭飾''')是可在[[loadout/zh-hant|裝備]]欄上穿戴的裝備。帽子在遊戲中並沒有任何效果,純粹是滿足虛榮心的物品。總結來說,總共有57個解鎖頭飾供玩家取得。Valve第一次釋出9頂帽子是在''[[May 21, 2009 Patch|Sniper vs. Spy]]''的更新。之後就陸陸續續增加額外的更新,包括讓社群的玩家們自己設計帽子。
帽子可以透過[[item drop system/zh-hant|物品掉落系統]]來取得,也可以用[[crafting/zh-hant|合成系統]]來合成。不過由於隨機掉落機率太低,而相對合成系統獲得機率較高,所以合成系統常常獲得帽子的主要方式。
為了讓玩家能廣泛地獲得帽子又不失其珍藏性,Valve讓一些帽子是必須透過解鎖[[achievements/zh-hant|成就]]來得到。另一些帽子則是一些遊戲在剛上市推銷時附加的獎勵,包括''[[wikipedia:Left 4 Dead 2|Left 4 Dead 2]]''、''[[wikipedia:Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse|Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse]]''、''[[wikipedia:Alien Swarm|Alien Swarm]]''和''[[wikipedia:Worms Reloaded|Worms Reloaded]]''。
== 帽子列表 ==
| bodyclass = navbox-hatsnest
| list1 = {{Scout class hat table|nest=yes}}
          {{Soldier class hat table|nest=yes}}
          {{Pyro class hat table|nest=yes}}
          {{Demoman class hat table|nest=yes}}
          {{Heavy class hat table|nest=yes}}
          {{Engineer class hat table|nest=yes}}
          {{Medic class hat table|nest=yes}}
          {{Sniper class hat table|nest=yes}}
          {{Spy class hat table|nest=yes}}
{{anchor|All|all|All class|all class}}
=== 全職業 ===
{{All class hat table|override=All class hat table|misc-items=no}}<!-- "override" is used to to stop links from showing up. -->
== 頭飾簡史 ==
* '''[[May 21, 2009 Patch|Sniper vs Spy Update]]'''
* '''[[August 13, 2009 Patch|The Classless Update]]'''
:此次更新了一共18頂帽子進入遊戲中。 (其變化性明顯比前一次的帽子來的許多)
* '''[[September 2, 2009 Patch|September 2, 2009]]'''
:當帽子被引進遊戲中時,可令玩家『閒置』的第三身的程式亦開始出現,這類程式可增加玩家的上線的時數並增加獲取帽子的機會。Valve於是表明並規定以使用第三身程式獲取的物品將會被移除.<ref name="BlogPost_Idling">http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2787</ref> 而沒有使用過任何第三身程式的玩家便會被獎勵一頂 [[Cheater's Lament/zh-hant|作弊者的輓歌]].
* '''[[October 29, 2009 Patch|2009 Halloween special]]'''
:萬聖節更新再次引進兩頂特別,全職業通用的帽子:[[Ghastly Gibus/zh-hant|驚悚大禮帽]]及[[Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask/zh-hant|有點噁心的萬聖節面具]]。[[Ghastly Gibus/zh-hant|驚悚大禮帽]]首先在TF2官方部落格中被介紹,並能由頭10,319名進入隱藏網站的玩家獲取。其他玩家也可在後來靠完成成就獲取。
* '''[[November 2, 2009 Patch]]'''
:加入了[[Bill's Hat/zh-hant|比爾的帽子]]; 一頂特別,全職業通用的帽子,可靠預購Valve的遊戲[[wikipedia:Left 4 Dead 2|Left 4 Dead 2]]獲取。
* '''[[January 27, 2010 Patch|January 27, 2010]]'''
:Three new hats are added: The [[Towering Pillar of Hats]], the [[Noble Amassment of Hats]], and the [[Modest Pile of Hat]]. Special versions of these hats are awarded to the three winners of the Propaganda fanart contest, with first, second, and third placed ribbons attached.
* '''[[March 18, 2010 Patch|March 18, 2010]]'''
:The first set of community hats from Valve's Contribute! site are patched in.
* '''[[April 15, 2010 Patch|April 15, 2010]]'''
:All players who buy ''Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse'' within the first week of its release are rewarded with a special hat, [[Max's Severed Head]], which is wearable by all classes.
* '''[[May 20, 2010 Patch|May 20, 2010]]'''
:The second set of community hats from Valve's Contribute! site are patched in.
* '''[[July 19, 2010 Patch|July 19, 2010]]'''
:''Alien Swarm'' is released by Valve and with it a new piece of headgear wearable by all classes: the '''[[Alien Swarm Parasite]]'''. It is unlocked by completing the 'Hat Trick' achievement on ''Alien Swarm'', making this the first item to be awarded for achievements in a game other than Team Fortress 2.
*'''[[August 25, 2010 Patch|August 24, 2010]]'''
:All players who buy Worms: Reloaded before September 2nd, 2010 were rewarded with a special hat for the Soldier, the [[Lumbricus Lid]].
{| class="wikitable grid"
! class="header" | 藍圖
! class="header" | 需求說明
! class="header" | 產品
! 精製帽子
| 3個精煉金屬
| 1頂隨機帽子
! 精緻兵種帽子
| 4個精煉金屬 + 1個兵種標誌
| 1個兵種帽子
! 重塑帽子
| 2頂帽子
| 1頂隨機帽子
! 精製 [[Bonk Helm/zh-hant|Bonk!頭盔]]<sup>†</sup>
| 1頂打擊者頭盔 + 2瓶Bonk! 原子擊飲料
| 1頂Bonk!頭盔
! 精製套裝帽子
| 4個精煉金屬 + 1把該套裝的武器
| 1頂該套裝的帽子
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%"
! class="header" | 物品
! class="header" | 總額
! 隨機帽子
| '''2 headgear''' ''或'' <br />'''54個武器''' = 27個廢金屬 = 9個回收金屬 = 3個精煉金屬
! 兵種帽子
| '''75個武器''' = (36個廢金屬 = 12個回收金屬 = 4個精煉金屬) + 3個武器 (1個兵種標誌)
=== 附註 ===
# 所有帽子和[[Miscellaneous items/zh-hant|其他物品]]在合成系統裡都列為頭飾分類。
# 活動帽子和其他限量的帽子並沒有列在“重塑頭飾”的清單裡。包括[[Bill's Hat/zh-hant|比爾的帽子]],[[Ghastly Gibus/zh-hant|驚悚大禮帽]],[[Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask/zh-hant|有點噁心的萬聖節面具]],[[Cheater's Lament/zh-hant|作弊者的輓歌]],[[Max's Severed Head/zh-hant|麥斯兔子頭]],[[Alien Swarm Parasite/zh-hant|Alien Swarm寄生蟲]]和[[Lumbricus Lid/zh-hant|百戰天蟲鋼盔]]。
== 細枝末節 ==
*[[Sam's Hat]], resembling the eponymous character's hat from the Sam & Max series, was to have been included with Max's Severed Head, the [[Lugermorph]], and the [[Big Kill]] as part of the week-long cross promotion for purchasing Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse via Steam. It was eventually cut from the game because the modelling team had trouble getting the hat to properly fit each class, though team-specific textures remain in the game files.
*Currently, the only hat that can be specifically crafted and reliably acquired is the [[Bonk Helm]], made by crafting together two [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]]es and a [[Batter's Helmet]].
*In the [[Mac Update]], Valve referred to Team Fortress 2 as "America's #1 war-themed hat simulator", based on common complaints that the hats recieve more attention than the gameplay itself.<ref name="TF2Update_Earbuds">http://www.teamfortress.com/macupdate/earbuds/</ref>
*The [[Engineer]], [[Sniper]] and [[Scout]] have long had the most headgear and [[Miscellaneous items]] available to wear thanks to their own unique "Hatless" items which remove all headgear completely. Since the edition of the [[Soldier]]'s own unique [[Lumbricus Lid]] for those who bought Worms Reloaded before September 2, 2010, the [[Soldier]] has the same amount of wearable hats as these other three classes. However, the Hatless items are not technically hats, meaning the [[Soldier]] actually has more.
== 參見 ==
*[[Item drop system/zh-hant|物品掉落系統]]
*[[Miscellaneous items/zh-hant|其他物品]]
== 參考文獻 ==
<references />
== 外部連結 ==
*[http://www.shacknews.com/featuredarticle.x?id=1124 Interview: Valve's Robin Walker on Item Drops and the Future of Team Fortress 2]
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/sniper_vs_spy/day09_english.htm Sniper vs. Spy Update Bonus Day]
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/day01.php Classless Update - Official Hat Announcement.]
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/hats/ Classless Update - An Editorial Cartoon of Some Insighte]
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/classless/hidden/barbary/ Classless Update - Barbary]
*[http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2787 TF2 Official Blog - Incoming!]
*[http://www.tf2.com/post.php?id=3618&p=1 TF2 Official Blog - Nice goin', pardner]
[[Category:Quotations needing translating|zh-hant Hats]]

Latest revision as of 18:27, 20 April 2024