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(Created page with '{{DISPLAYTITLE:Проклятый металл}} {{recent addition}} {{Tool infobox | name = Проклятый металл | tool-image = Backpack Unusual Haunted Met…')
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(6 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Проклятый металл}}
#REDIRECT [[Haunted Metal Scrap/ru]] {{R lang|ru}}
{{recent addition}}
{{Tool infobox
| name        = Проклятый металл
| tool-image  = Backpack Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap.png
| released    = [[Scream Fortress/ru|Scream Fortress]]
| availability = Drops only from the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]]
| purchasable  = no
| tradable    = Нет
| craftable    = Нет
| display-loadout-stats = yes
  | quality = unusual
  | item-name = Проклятый металл (необычн.)<!-- This is to stop the doubling of "Unusual" -->
  | prefix = none
  | level-and-type = Level 4 Craft Item
  | item-description = This scrap metal was taken from the Horseless Headless Horsemann. It whispers faintly...'heads'...
  | item-uses =
  | item-flags =
'''Проклятый металл''' is obtainable in-game but only with the Unusual [[rarity]], as part of the [[Scream Fortress]] Update. To obtain this item, you must land at least one blow on the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]] with a melee weapon. If you die after hitting the headless horseman, before he dies, you will not get the achievement, unless you hit him again.
You can only get one, as it is linked to the achievement, not simply by killing the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]] with a melee weapon.
== Рецепты ==
| ingredient-1 = Refined Metal
| ingredient-1-local = Очищенный металл
| ingredient-1-amount = 4
| ingredient-2 = Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap
| ingredient-2-local = Проклятый металл
| result-local = Halloween 2010 Hat
Crafting 4 Refined Metals with a Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap will yield one of the 4 Halloween 2010 hats ([[Horrific Headsplitter]], [[Spine-Chilling Skull]], [[Voodoo Juju]], or [[Cadaver's Cranium]])
| ingredient-1 = Refined Metal
|ingredient-1-local = Очищенный металл
| ingredient-1-amount = 2
| ingredient-2 = Scotsman's Skullcutter
| ingredient-2-local = Шотландский головорез
| ingredient-3 = Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap
| ingredient-2-local = Проклятый металл
| result = Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
| ingredient-1 = Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker
| ingredient-2 = Refined Metal
| ingredient-2-local = Очищенный металл
| ingredient-2-amount = 2
| result-local = Halloween 2010 Hat
Crafting 2 Refined Metals with an Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker will yield one of the 4 Halloween 2010 hats as well ([[Horrific Headsplitter]], [[Spine-Chilling Skull]], [[Voodoo Juju]], or [[Cadaver's Cranium]])
== Связанные достижения ==
{{Show achievement|Halloween|Gored!|width=50%}}
== Факты ==
* Можно иметь более одной единицы Проклятого металла, если полчить его как [[Gift Wrap/ru|подарок]].

Latest revision as of 18:34, 20 April 2024