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{{update trans|Galleria通报员台词翻译}}
'''社区通报员(Community announcers)'''是指在游戏中担当[[announcer/zh-hans|通报员]],且并非由[[Valve/zh-hans|Valve]]官方创建的某些[[Non-player characters/zh-hans|非玩家角色]]。
'''社区通报员(Community announcers)'''是指在游戏中担当[[announcer/zh-hans|通报员]],且并非由[[Valve/zh-hans|Valve]]官方创建的某些[[Non-player characters/zh-hans|非玩家角色]]。
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|title      = '''在提交区开放10秒后有15%的几率触发'''<ref>scripts\vscripts\pd_galleria\jokelines.nut:L7-21</ref>
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== {{anchor|Bread Space|Astronaut}}航天员 ==
== {{anchor|Bread Space|Astronaut}}航天员 ==
'''航天员(Astronaut)'''是地图{{map link|Bread Space}}的通报员。
'''航天员(Astronaut)'''是地图{{map link|Bread Space}}的通报员,由Brandon "Brantopias" Sinkovich配音。
=== 一般语音 ===
=== 一般语音 ===
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* [[Media:Farmer lose03.wav|"Ya done lost."]]<br>你们输了。
* [[Media:Farmer lose03.wav|"Ya done lost."]]<br>你们输了。
<!-- 应转移至相应地图页,暂存于此;这名角色的台词设计与配音风格比较“古典范”,后续若有人希望改良翻译请注意这个特点。
== {{anchor|Toastmaster|Sinthetic}}庄园主管 ==
== {{anchor|Toastmaster|Sinthetic}}庄园主管 ==
'''庄园主管(The Toastmaster)'''是地图{{map link|Sinthetic}}的通报员,由“{{Steamid|76561198031530139}}”配音。
'''庄园主管(The Toastmaster)'''是地图{{map link|Sinthetic}}的通报员,由“{{Steamid|76561198031530139}}”配音。
<!-- 这名角色的台词设计与配音风格比较“古典范”,后续若有人希望改良翻译请注意这个特点。 -->
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* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn6.wav|"Welcome to the Sinclair estate, welcome to die."]]<br>欢迎来到辛克莱尔庄园,欢迎各位前来赴死。
* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn6.wav|"Welcome to the Sinclair estate, welcome to die."]]<br>欢迎来到辛克莱尔庄园,欢迎各位前来赴死。
* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn7.wav|"Death is only the beginning of one's unending journey."]]<br>死亡不过是无尽苦旅的开端。
* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn7.wav|"Death is only the beginning of one's unending journey."]]<br>死亡不过是无尽苦旅的开端。
* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn8.wav|"Thou canst not kill that which doth not live."]]<br>尔等无以击杀没有生命的存在。<!-- 盖无生者,子何以诛。 -->
* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn8.wav|"Thou canst not kill that which doth not live."]]<br>尔等无以击杀没有生命的存在。
* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn9.wav|"Fisticuffs are not permitted upon estate grounds."]]<br>庄园内禁止打架斗殴。
* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn9.wav|"Fisticuffs are not permitted upon estate grounds."]]<br>庄园内禁止打架斗殴。
* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn10.wav|"Your wrongest shenanigans have disturbed her Madame's slumber."]]<br>荒妄至极,尔等这出闹剧惊扰了夫人的沉眠。
* [[Media:Toastmaster spawn10.wav|"Your wrongest shenanigans have disturbed her Madame's slumber."]]<br>荒妄至极,尔等这出闹剧惊扰了夫人的沉眠。
; 庄园主管
* 语音“Welcome to die.”参考了1992年[[w:X-Men (1992 video game)|《X战警》街机游戏]]{{lang icon|en}}中角色[[w:zh:万磁王|万磁王]]的台词。
== {{anchor|Dr. Freakinhuge & Professor Bigginsize|Crasher}}巨无霸博士和大金刚教授 ==
== {{anchor|Dr. Freakinhuge & Professor Bigginsize|Crasher}}巨无霸博士和大金刚教授 ==
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* [[Media:crasher_red_intro01.mp3|"It's time my minions, my growth beam is fully operational! Tonight, we destroy that damn professor!"]]<br>是时候了,小的们,我的生长光束已完全运转!今晚,我们就让那个混蛋教授灰飞烟灭!
* [[Media:crasher_red_intro01.mp3|"It's time my minions, my growth beam is fully operational! Tonight, we destroy that damn professor!"]]<br>是时候了,小的们,我的生长光束已完全运转!今晚,我们就让那个混蛋教授灰飞烟灭!
* [[Media:crasher_red_intro02.mp3|"Atmospheric conditions are perfect! Z'he bomb is prepped, z'he growth beam is primed, who is ready to become a god?!"]]<br>大气条件完美!爆破装置就位,生长光束就绪,现在谁准备好,化身巨神就列?!
* [[Media:crasher_red_intro02.mp3|"Atmospheric conditions are perfect! Zhe bomb is prepped, zhe growth beam is primed, who is ready to become a god?!"]]<br>大气条件完美!爆破装置就位,生长光束就绪,现在谁准备好,化身巨神就列?!
* [[Media:crasher_red_intro03.mp3|"They said I couldn't make a man grow 20 feet, and kick down the castle v'all. If you pick up that bomb, I'll prove z'hem all wrong!"]]<br>有人跟我说,让人增高几倍掀翻那座城堡都是些无稽之谈。现在你们拿起炸弹,我来证明他们扯淡!
* [[Media:crasher_red_intro03.mp3|"They said I couldn't make a man grow 20 feet, and kick down the castle vall. If you pick up that bomb, I'll prove zhem all wrong!"]]<br>有人跟我说,让人增高几倍掀翻那座城堡都是些无稽之谈。现在你们拿起炸弹,我来证明他们扯淡!
* [[Media:crasher_red_intro04.mp3|"Big s'ings planned tonight, minions! Pick up a bomb, get huge, and destroy the gate! Do you s'ink you can do all z'hat?"]]<br>今晚有些大家伙要登场,小的们!带上炸弹,化身巨人,摧毁城门!一举成功的信心,鼓足了么?
* [[Media:crasher_red_intro04.mp3|"Big sings planned tonight, minions! Pick up a bomb, get huge, and destroy the gate! Do you sink you can do all zhat"]]<br>今晚有些大家伙要登场,小的们!带上炸弹,化身巨人,摧毁城门!一举成功的信心,鼓足了么?
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* [[Media:crasher_red_waitnag01.mp3|"Yes, yes, you're huge, we get it. Now please destroy the enemy gate!"]]<br>对对对,大家都知道了,现在就属你最大。麻烦你赶紧给我毁掉敌人的城门!
* [[Media:crasher_red_waitnag01.mp3|"Yes, yes, you're huge, we get it. Now please destroy the enemy gate!"]]<br>对对对,大家都知道了,现在就属你最大。麻烦你赶紧给我毁掉敌人的城门!
* [[Media:crasher_red_waitnag02.mp3|"V'ell go on my minion, take z'he bomb to the enemy gate quickly!"]]<br>都按我说的做,赶紧把炸弹送到敌人城门那去!
* [[Media:crasher_red_waitnag02.mp3|"Vell go on my minion, take zhe bomb to the enemy gate quickly!"]]<br>都按我说的做,赶紧把炸弹送到敌人城门那去!
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* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupnag01.mp3|"Under z'he beam please, at your convenience, minions."]]<br>方便的话还请给我到光束这儿来,小的们。
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupnag01.mp3|"Under zhe beam please, at your convenience, minions."]]<br>方便的话还请给我到光束这儿来,小的们。
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupnag02.mp3|"Listen, time is of the essence, minions. Pick up the bomb, so I can enlarge you!"]]<br>时不我待,小的们。带上炸弹,我把你们变大!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupnag02.mp3|"Listen, time is of the essence, minions. Pick up the bomb, so I can enlarge you!"]]<br>时不我待,小的们。带上炸弹,我把你们变大!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupnag03.mp3|"V'hat am I paying you goons for?! Pick up z'he bomb!"]]<br>我掏钱是让你们干啥的?!给我把炸弹捎上!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupnag03.mp3|"Vhat am I paying you goons for?! Pick up zhe bomb!"]]<br>我掏钱是让你们干啥的?!给我把炸弹捎上!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupnag04.mp3|"Do you not v'ant to be titans? Get on z'hat bomb!"]]<br>你们不想变成巨人吗?给我把炸弹捎上!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupnag04.mp3|"Do you not vant to be titans? Get on zhat bomb!"]]<br>你们不想变成巨人吗?给我把炸弹捎上!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood01.mp3|"Onv'ord, my giant!"]]<br>天啊,我的巨人!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood01.mp3|"Onvord, my giant!"]]<br>天啊,我的巨人!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood02.mp3|"Yes, YES! Bomb gate now, my oversized minion!"]]<br>很好,很好!现在把城门炸开吧,大块头小子!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood02.mp3|"Yes, YES! Bomb gate now, my oversized minion!"]]<br>很好,很好!现在把城门炸开吧,大块头小子!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood03.mp3|"Yahahaha! Prepare for extremely large consequences!"]]<br>呀哈哈哈!准备好来点大动静吧!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood03.mp3|"Yahahaha! Prepare for extremely large consequences!"]]<br>呀哈哈哈!准备好来点大动静吧!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood04.mp3|"Go forth, my biggest and brightest!"]]<br>给我向前推进,最庞大、最耀眼的佣仆!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood04.mp3|"Go forth, my biggest and brightest!"]]<br>给我向前推进,最庞大、最耀眼的佣仆!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood05.mp3|"No time to v'aste! You have big s'ings ahead of you!"]]<br>没时间磨磨蹭蹭,还有大事要做!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupgood05.mp3|"No time to vaste! You have big sings ahead of you!"]]<br>没时间磨磨蹭蹭,还有大事要做!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad01.mp3|"Gaagh! Another enemy giant!"]]<br>啊!敌人又来了一个巨人!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad01.mp3|"Gaagh! Another enemy giant!"]]<br>啊!敌人又来了一个巨人!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad02.mp3|"Help, my minions! Anos'er giant incoming!"]]<br>帮把手,小的们!又来了一个巨人!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad02.mp3|"Help, my minions! Anoser giant incoming!"]]<br>帮把手,小的们!又来了一个巨人!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad03.mp3|"Daah! They have a horrifying new monster!"]]<br>啊!它们又送来只怪物,简直不堪入目!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad03.mp3|"Daah! They have a horrifying new monster!"]]<br>啊!它们又送来只怪物,简直不堪入目!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad04.mp3|"Aagh! That idiot professor has unleashed another beast on us!"]]<br>啊!那蠢蛋教授又放了只畜生冲我们这来了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad04.mp3|"Aagh! That idiot professor has unleashed another beast on us!"]]<br>啊!那蠢蛋教授又放了只畜生冲我们这来了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad05.mp3|"Anos'er v'one of the professor's gigantic goons is on the v'ay!"]]<br>教授他又送了个超级大老粗过来了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_pickupbad05.mp3|"Anoser vone of the professor's gigantic goons is on the vay!"]]<br>教授他又送了个超级大老粗过来了!
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* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisally01.mp3|"Ah, excellent! You're still alive, get the bomb to z'he gate, STAT!"]]<br>啊,很好!你还活着啊,把炸弹送到城门那去,出发!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisally01.mp3|"Ah, excellent! You're still alive, get the bomb to zhe gate, STAT!"]]<br>啊,很好!你还活着啊,把炸弹送到城门那去,出发!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisally02.mp3|"Great gigantic! Now, bring down the enemy's gates!"]]<br>好一个庞然巨物!现在给我击垮敌人的城门!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisally02.mp3|"Great gigantic! Now, bring down the enemy's gates!"]]<br>好一个庞然巨物!现在给我击垮敌人的城门!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisally03.mp3|"Neh-hahahahah! My living siege v'eapon, go on to gate-crushing glory!"]]<br>呐啊哈哈哈!我的活体攻城器,荣耀尽在破城时!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisally03.mp3|"Neh-hahahahah! My living siege veapon, go on to gate-crushing glory!"]]<br>呐啊哈哈哈!我的活体攻城器,荣耀尽在破城时!
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* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisenemy01.mp3|"It v'ould appear z'he professor has sent his own monster, don't let it reach our gate, my minions!"]]<br>看来教授他送来了一只怪物,别让那东西靠近我们的城门,小的们!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisenemy01.mp3|"It vould appear z'he professor has sent his own monster, don't let it reach our gate, my minions!"]]<br>看来教授他送来了一只怪物,别让那东西靠近我们的城门,小的们!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisenemy02.mp3|"Bagh, z'hat professor has a growth ray of his own. Plagiarism! Seethery! Destroy his giant!"]]<br>啊,那个教授也有一件生长光束。这是剽窃抄袭!给我灭了他的巨人!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisenemy02.mp3|"Bagh, zhat professor has a growth ray of his own. Plagiarism! Seethery! Destroy his giant!"]]<br>啊,那个教授也有一件生长光束。这是剽窃抄袭!给我灭了他的巨人!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisenemy03.mp3|"Gagh, that awful professor has magnified his own goons! Stop them at v'once!"]]<br>啊,那讨人厌的教授把他的走狗给放大了!给我拦住他们!
* [[Media:crasher_red_firstisenemy03.mp3|"Gagh, that awful professor has magnified his own goons! Stop them at vonce!"]]<br>啊,那讨人厌的教授把他的走狗给放大了!给我拦住他们!
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* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdowngood01.mp3|"Hah! That half-rate giant didn't stand a chance!"]]<br>哈!那种半成品巨人哪里来的胜算!
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdowngood01.mp3|"Hah! That half-rate giant didn't stand a chance!"]]<br>哈!那种半成品巨人哪里来的胜算!
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdowngood02.mp3|"Enemy giant down! You know he v'asnt even really z'hat big."]]<br>敌方巨人倒下了!我看他也没那么不可一世。
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdowngood02.mp3|"Enemy giant down! You know he vasnt even really zhat big."]]<br>敌方巨人倒下了!我看他也没那么不可一世。
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdowngood03.mp3|"Excellent, minions! You've brought down another giant!"]]<br>太棒了,小的们!你们又放倒一个巨人!
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdowngood03.mp3|"Excellent, minions! You've brought down another giant!"]]<br>太棒了,小的们!你们又放倒一个巨人!
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* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdownbad01.mp3|"Noo, my giant! Someone replace him now! Preparing z'he beam for another try."]]<br>不,我的巨人!赶紧换个人顶上去!正在准备光束,我们再来一次。
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdownbad01.mp3|"Noo, my giant! Someone replace him now! Preparing zhe beam for another try."]]<br>不,我的巨人!赶紧换个人顶上去!正在准备光束,我们再来一次。
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdownbad02.mp3|"Bah! Our giant fell! Who s'inks z'hey can do better, hmm? I'm getting z'he beam ready for you!"]]<br>啊!我们的巨人倒下了!有谁觉得自己更有本事,嗯?我这就给你备好光束!
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdownbad02.mp3|"Bah! Our giant fell! Who sinks zhey can do better, hmm? I'm getting zhe beam ready for you!"]]<br>啊!我们的巨人倒下了!有谁觉得自己更有本事,嗯?我这就给你备好光束!
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdownbad03.mp3|"Our giant is down! V'e require ano'ser, beam priming now!"]]<br>我们的巨人没了!得换个新的才行,光束即刻就位!
* [[Media:crasher_red_courierdownbad03.mp3|"Our giant is down! Ve require anoser, beam priming now!"]]<br>我们的巨人没了!得换个新的才行,光束即刻就位!
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* [[Media:crasher_red_neargood01.mp3|"Keep going my minion, you are almost z'here!"]]<br>继续向前,我的仆从,马上就到了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_neargood01.mp3|"Keep going my minion, you are almost zhere!"]]<br>继续向前,我的仆从,马上就到了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_neargood02.mp3|"Yes, forward giant! Smash that gate!"]]<br>很好,进击吧巨人,粉碎吧城门!
* [[Media:crasher_red_neargood02.mp3|"Yes, forward giant! Smash that gate!"]]<br>很好,进击吧巨人,粉碎吧城门!
* [[Media:crasher_red_neargood03.mp3|"Z'here is only a few more steps, don't let me down here!"]]<br>就差几步路了,都走到这儿了可别让我失望!
* [[Media:crasher_red_neargood03.mp3|"Zhere is only a few more steps, don't let me down here!"]]<br>就差几步路了,都走到这儿了可别让我失望!
* [[Media:crasher_red_neargood04.mp3|"Almost z'here, don't stop now!"]]<br>马上就到了,步子别停!
* [[Media:crasher_red_neargood04.mp3|"Almost zhere, don't stop now!"]]<br>马上就到了,步子别停!
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* [[Media:crasher_red_nearbad01.mp3|"Big problem! Z'hey're almost at my gates!"]]<br>来了个硬茬!他们就快到我的城门了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_nearbad01.mp3|"Big problem! Zhey're almost at my gates!"]]<br>来了个硬茬!他们就快到我的城门了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_nearbad02.mp3|"Haaagh z'hat beast is drawing far too close! Do somes'ing!"]]<br>啊,那个怪兽凑得也太近了!别干愣着啊!
* [[Media:crasher_red_nearbad02.mp3|"Haaagh z'hat beast is drawing far too close! Do somesing!"]]<br>啊,那个怪兽凑得也太近了!别干愣着啊!
* [[Media:crasher_red_nearbad03.mp3|"Ack, that enemy giant is far too close for comfort!"]]<br>啊,敌方的巨人已经到城门跟前了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_nearbad03.mp3|"Ack, that enemy giant is far too close for comfort!"]]<br>啊,敌方的巨人已经到城门跟前了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_nearbad04.mp3|"V'hy are you letting z'hem near my gates?!"]]<br>你们就这么放他们靠近城门?!
* [[Media:crasher_red_nearbad04.mp3|"Vhy are you letting zhem near my gates?!"]]<br>你们就这么放他们靠近城门?!
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* [[Media:crasher_red_cap1ally01.mp3|"Excellent! Quickly, I'm preparing z'he beam for another giant!"]]<br>太棒了!动作快点,我这就给下个巨人准备光束!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap1ally01.mp3|"Excellent! Quickly, I'm preparing zhe beam for another giant!"]]<br>太棒了!动作快点,我这就给下个巨人准备光束!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap1ally02.mp3|"Yes! Keep up the pace, minions! I'm priming z'he beam again!"]]<br>好!保持这个节奏,小的们!正在重启光束!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap1ally02.mp3|"Yes! Keep up the pace, minions! I'm priming zhe beam again!"]]<br>好!保持这个节奏,小的们!正在重启光束!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap2ally01.mp3|"Spectacular job! V'one more, it should do it! Hahahaha!"]]<br>干得漂亮!再来一次,肯定能行的!哈哈哈哈!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap2ally01.mp3|"Spectacular job! Vone more, it should do it! Hahahaha!"]]<br>干得漂亮!再来一次,肯定能行的!哈哈哈哈!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap2ally02.mp3|"Exceptional! It just needs v'one more hit!"]]<br>够出彩的!现在就差临门一脚了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap2ally02.mp3|"Exceptional! It just needs vone more hit!"]]<br>够出彩的!现在就差临门一脚了!
Line 670: Line 675:
|image-link =  
|image-link =  
|content    =
|content    =
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap1enemy01.mp3|"Ack, my gate is damaged! You v'ere supposed to stop them!"]]<br>啊,我的城门受损了!你们得给我拦住!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap1enemy01.mp3|"Ack, my gate is damaged! You vere supposed to stop them!"]]<br>啊,我的城门受损了!你们得给我拦住!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap1enemy02.mp3|"Yaaaagh, don't let z'hem hit it next time!"]]<br>啊,别再放他们搞破坏了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap1enemy02.mp3|"Yaaaagh, don't let zhem hit it next time!"]]<br>啊,别再放他们搞破坏了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap2enemy01.mp3|"I said stop z'hem! I don't s'ink my gate can take another hit!"]]<br>我都说了给我拦住他们!我看这城门已经经不起下一次了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap2enemy01.mp3|"I said stop zhem! I don't sink my gate can take another hit!"]]<br>我都说了给我拦住他们!我看这城门已经经不起下一次了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap2enemy02.mp3|"Gaah, my gate is barely standing! Don't let z'hem damage it again!"]]<br>啊,我的城门马上要没了!别再放他们攻击了!
* [[Media:crasher_red_cap2enemy02.mp3|"Gaah, my gate is barely standing! Don't let zhem damage it again!"]]<br>啊,我的城门马上要没了!别再放他们攻击了!
Line 682: Line 687:
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|content    =
|content    =
* [[Media:crasher_red_win01.mp3|"And z'hey said it v'asn't possible! Ahahahaha! Ahahuhahah!]]<br>他们还跟我说什么“无稽之谈”!啊哈哈哈哈!啊哈哈哈哈哈!
* [[Media:crasher_red_win01.mp3|"And zhey said it vasn't possible! Ahahahaha! Ahahuhahah!]]<br>他们还跟我说什么“无稽之谈”!啊哈哈哈哈!啊哈哈哈哈哈!
* [[Media:crasher_red_win02.mp3|"Nahah-hah! I beat you Professor Bigginsize! I v'in, I v'in! Hahahah!"]]<br>呐哈哈哈!被我打赢了吧,大金刚教授!赢了,我赢了!哈哈哈!
* [[Media:crasher_red_win02.mp3|"Nahah-hah! I beat you Professor Bigginsize! I vin, I vin! Hahahah!"]]<br>呐哈哈哈!被我打赢了吧,大金刚教授!赢了,我赢了!哈哈哈!
Line 692: Line 697:
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|image-link = Match outcomes/zh-hans
|content    =
|content    =
* [[Media:crasher_red_loss01.mp3|I can't believe it, I v'on't believe it! He beat me!"]]<br>我不信,我不信!他居然赢了我!
* [[Media:crasher_red_loss01.mp3|I can't believe it, I von't believe it! He beat me!"]]<br>我不信,我不信!他居然赢了我!
* [[Media:crasher_red_loss02.mp3|Eeaugh! Professor Bigginsize, you bli'zering fool!"]]<br>够了!大金刚教授,你就是蠢货一个!
* [[Media:crasher_red_loss02.mp3|Eeaugh! Professor Bigginsize, you blizering fool!"]]<br>够了!大金刚教授,你就是蠢货一个!
Line 749: Line 754:
|content    =
|content    =
* [[Media:crasher_blu_firstisally01.mp3|"It's alive! Hahahaha! Oh my living titan, you survived! Now, breach their gates!"]]<br>活了!哈哈哈哈!你活下来了,我的巨人!现在,去攻破他们的城门!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_firstisally01.mp3|"It's alive! Hahahaha! Oh my living titan, you survived! Now, breach their gates!"]]<br>活了!哈哈哈哈!你活下来了,我的巨人!现在,去攻破他们的城门!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_firstisally01.mp3|"Holy smokes, it actually worked. Now get that bomb to their gate, my atlas!"]]<br>我的妈呀,真成功了。现在把炸弹带到他们的城门那去,大力神!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_firstisally02.mp3|"Holy smokes, it actually worked. Now get that bomb to their gate, my atlas!"]]<br>我的妈呀,真成功了。现在把炸弹带到他们的城门那去,大力神!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_firstisally01.mp3|"Eureka, hahahaha! You lived! Carry that bomb to their gates and wreak havoc, my gigantic friend!"]]<br>成了,哈哈哈哈!你活下来了!现在把炸弹带过去,一路尽情肆虐吧,大个子朋友!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_firstisally03.mp3|"Eureka, hahahaha! You lived! Carry that bomb to their gates and wreak havoc, my gigantic friend!"]]<br>成了,哈哈哈哈!你活下来了!现在把炸弹带过去,一路尽情肆虐吧,大个子朋友!
Line 783: Line 788:
* [[Media:crasher_blu_courierdownbad01.mp3|"Our titan has fallen, I'm warming up the ray for another go!"]]<br>我们的巨人倒下了,正在预热光束,再来一次!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_courierdownbad01.mp3|"Our titan has fallen, I'm warming up the ray for another go!"]]<br>我们的巨人倒下了,正在预热光束,再来一次!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_courierdownbad02.mp3|"Drat, we need another giant immediately! Engage the growth ray!"]]<br>可恶,我们得赶紧派个新巨人!正在启动生长光束!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_courierdownbad02.mp3|"Drat, we need another giant immediately! Engage the growth ray!"]]<br>可恶,我们得赶紧派个新巨人!正在启动生长光束!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_courierdownbad02.mp3|"Rats, we lost our giant! I need another volunteer for the ray!"]]<br>该死,我们的巨人倒下了!再来一个志愿者到光束里去!
* [[Media:crasher_blu_courierdownbad03.mp3|"Rats, we lost our giant! I need another volunteer for the ray!"]]<br>该死,我们的巨人倒下了!再来一个志愿者到光束里去!
Line 856: Line 861:
== {{anchor|Selbyen}}打渔人和小海豹 ==
== {{anchor|Selbyen}}打渔人和小海豹 ==
'''打渔人(Fisherman)'''是地图{{map link|Selbyen}}的通报员,而海豹则是该地图的核心元素。其中打渔人由{{Steamid|76561198014717105|Benjamin Rudman}}配音,且某些语音中包含挪威语。
'''打渔人(Fisherman)'''是地图{{map link|Selbyen}}的通报员,而海豹则是该地图的核心元素。其中打渔人由{{Steamid|76561198014717105|Benjamin Rudman}}配音,且某些语音中包含挪威语。
=== 打渔人 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''海豹的叫声'''
|title      = '''准备阶段/回合开始'''
|image      = Pickup Fish.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Selbyen/zh-hans
|content    =
* [[Media:double 1.wav|''Double bark 1'']]
* [[Media:double 2.wav|''Double bark 2'']]
* [[Media:double 3.wav|''Double bark 3'']]
* [[Media:long 1.wav|''Long bark 1'']]
* [[Media:long 2.wav|''Long bark 2'']]
* [[Media:long 3.wav|''Long bark 3'']]
* [[Media:medium.wav|''Medium bark'']]
* [[Media:single 1.wav|''Single bark 1'']]
* [[Media:single 2.wav|''Single bark 2'']]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''准备阶段&回合开始'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-size = 25px
Line 966: Line 955:
* [[Media:Fisherman_lose03.wav|"Apparently we should have hired the other team instead."]]<br>咱们该雇那帮人干活的,事实摆在这里。
* [[Media:Fisherman_lose03.wav|"Apparently we should have hired the other team instead."]]<br>咱们该雇那帮人干活的,事实摆在这里。
* [[Media:Fisherman_lose04.wav|"You mercs aren't any better than chum."]]<br>你们这些佣兵也没什么两样。
* [[Media:Fisherman_lose04.wav|"You mercs aren't any better than chum."]]<br>你们这些佣兵也没什么两样。
=== 小海豹 ===
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''海豹的叫声'''
|image      = Pickup Fish.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Selbyen/zh-hans
|content    =
* [[Media:double 1.wav|''Double bark 1'']]
* [[Media:double 2.wav|''Double bark 2'']]
* [[Media:double 3.wav|''Double bark 3'']]
* [[Media:long 1.wav|''Long bark 1'']]
* [[Media:long 2.wav|''Long bark 2'']]
* [[Media:long 3.wav|''Long bark 3'']]
* [[Media:medium.wav|''Medium bark'']]
* [[Media:single 1.wav|''Single bark 1'']]
* [[Media:single 2.wav|''Single bark 2'']]
Line 1,110: Line 1,118:
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_04.mp3|"I do not suffer losers, I eat them instead..."]]<br>对于败军之将,吾向来不用刑,只用餐。
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_04.mp3|"I do not suffer losers, I eat them instead..."]]<br>对于败军之将,吾向来不用刑,只用餐。
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_05.mp3|"You didn't bring me enough of their blood! So now, I shall have yours! Hah ha ha ha ha!"]]<br>既然他们的血你们凑不够,现在我就拿你们的血来凑!哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_05.mp3|"You didn't bring me enough of their blood! So now, I shall have yours! Hah ha ha ha ha!"]]<br>既然他们的血你们凑不够,现在我就拿你们的血来凑!哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_06.mp3|"Is that it? Is that ''all'' you can bring me?? Fine, then I shall '''take''' the rest from you...!]]]<br>仅此而已?汝等所能供奉的鲜血就仅此而已吗??罢了,欠下的部分就由各位亲自补上…!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_06.mp3|"Is that it? Is that ''all'' you can bring me?? Fine, then I shall '''take''' the rest from you...!]]<br>仅此而已?汝等所能供奉的鲜血就仅此而已吗??罢了,欠下的部分就由各位亲自补上…!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_07.mp3|"I still thirst for '''more'''! If you cannot bring it to me, then I will take it from you...]]<br>距吾之所求还'''远远不够'''!如果汝等不把鲜血送来,吾便将鲜血从汝等身上夺走…
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_07.mp3|"I still thirst for '''more'''! If you cannot bring it to me, then I will take it from you...]]<br>距吾之所求还'''远远不够'''!如果汝等不把鲜血送来,吾便将鲜血从汝等身上夺走…
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_08.mp3|"You have failed... Which means ''you'' are now dinner... Hah hah hah hah hah hah...!"]]<br>败北的惩罚…便是被摆上餐桌…哈哈——!
* [[Media:Dracula_team_lost_08.mp3|"You have failed... Which means ''you'' are now dinner... Hah hah hah hah hah hah...!"]]<br>败北的惩罚…便是被摆上餐桌…哈哈——!
Line 1,116: Line 1,124:
== {{anchor|Krampus}} 坎卜斯==
== {{anchor|Galleria|Sheila}} 席勒 ==
'''坎卜斯(The Krampus)'''是地图{{map link|Krampus}}的头目兼通报员,由“{{Steamid|76561198011707565|ScienceDILF}}”配音。  
'''席勒(Sheila)'''是地图{{map link|Galleria}}的通报员,由“{{Steamid|76561198073909202|OctoBlitzVA}}”配音。
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''准备阶段/回合开始'''
|image      = Setup.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link = Setup time
|content    =
* [[Media:Intercom round start 1.mp3|"Attention shoppers, please do not fight over our limited stock."]]
* [[Media:Intercom round start 2.mp3|"Attention shoppers, please deliver your gifts to the tree in the ice rink."]]
* [[Media:Intercom round start 3.mp3|"Attention shoppers, please report any unattended cans of rocket fuel to mall staff."]]
* [[Media:Intercom countdown 5.mp3|"Five!"]]
* [[Media:Intercom countdown 4.mp3|"Four."]]
* [[Media:Intercom countdown 3.mp3|"Three."]]
* [[Media:Intercom countdown 2.mp3|"Two."]]
* [[Media:Intercom countdown 1.mp3|"One."]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''回合结束'''
|image      = Warning red.png
|image-size = 25px
|content    =
* [[Media:Intercom round end 1.mp3|"Attention mall patrons, the mall will now be closing early tonight due to an unexpected rocket launch. Thank you for your cooperation."]]
* [[Media:Intercom round end 2.mp3|"Attention customers, due to a tree-related malfunction, the Secret Santa has been postponed until further notice."]]
* [[Media:Intercom round end 3.mp3|"Attention patrons, I am pleased to announce that the Secret Santa was a success. Your gifts are currently on their way to the misfortunate."]]
* [[Media:Intercom round end 4.mp3|"Attention patrons, please run for your lives in a calm and orderly fashion. Thank you."]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''溜冰场开启'''
|image      = CP Captured RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Intercom cap open 1.mp3|"Attention shoppers, the ice rink is now available for use."]]
*[[Media:Intercom cap open 2.mp3|"The rink is now open, just be sure not to slip."]]
*[[Media:Intercom cap open 3.mp3|"Attention shoppers, the ice rink is now open. We remind you to keep roughhousing on the ice to a minimum."]]
*[[Media:Intercom cap open 4.mp3|"Attention all patrons, the Secret Santa is now open. Please deliver your gifts in a neat and orderly fashion."]]
*[[Media:Intercom cap open 5.mp3|"The rink is now open. We would like to remind patrons that firearms are strictly prohibited while on the ice."]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''溜冰场关闭'''
|image      = CP Locked RED.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Intercom cap closed 1.mp3|"Attention skaters, please exit the rink as we resurface the ice."]]
*[[Media:Intercom cap closed 2.mp3|"We are now resurfacing the rink. Please exit in an ''orderly'' fashion."]]
*[[Media:Intercom cap closed 3.mp3|"The rink is now closed to repair bullet holes in the ice."]]
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''冰面修整机击杀玩家'''
|image      = Ice Resurfacer.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Intercom ice machine kills 1.mp3|"The office would like to remind you that anyone still on the ice at this time will also be resurfaced. Thank you for your cooperation."]]
*[[Media:Intercom ice machine kills 2.mp3|"Custodian to the ice rink please! Custodian to the ice rink."]]
*[[Media:Intercom ice machine kills 3.mp3|"Attention customers, anyone caught disobeying skating rules will be escorted out by security."]]
*[[Media:Intercom ice machine kills 4.mp3|"You break it, you buy it, gentlemen. That means you need to get off the ice."]]
*[[Media:Intercom ice machine kills 5.mp3|"The office would like to remind the gentleman in BLU that the ice rink is closed. Thank you."]]
*[[Media:Intercom ice machine kills 6.mp3|"To the gentleman in RED, the ice rink is closed. Thank you."]]
== {{anchor|Galleria}} Galleria通报员 ==
|colour    = #F3A957
|title      = '''特殊内容'''
|image      = Unknownweapon.png
|image-size = 25px
|image-link =
|content    =
*[[Media:Intercom jokes 1.mp3|"To the owner of one RED Intelligence briefcase, please report to the lost and found. Thank you."]]
*[[Media:Intercom jokes 2.mp3|"To the owner of, uuh, white camper van, please move it out of the fire lane or you will be towed. Thank you for your business."]]
*[[Media:Intercom jokes 3.mp3|"To the owner of a RED Bread van, you left your lights on."]]
== 细枝末节 ==
== 细枝末节 ==
Line 1,127: Line 1,214:
* 语音“We are in the ship”参考了{{map name|Watergate}}通报员的语音“We are in the beam”。
* 语音“We are in the ship”参考了{{map name|Watergate}}通报员的语音“We are in the beam”。
* 语音“After nine years of waiting in the Locker for help, I wasn't expecting much...”参考了[[developer commentary/zh-hans|开发者解说]]中[[Gabe Newell/zh-hans|加布·纽维尔]]所说的“[[:Media:Tf2-comment000.mp3|After nine years [of Team Fortress 2 being] in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait]]”。
* 语音“After nine years of waiting in the Locker for help, I wasn't expecting much...”参考了[[developer commentary/zh-hans|开发者解说]]中[[Gabe Newell/zh-hans|加布·纽维尔]]所说的“[[:Media:Tf2-comment000.mp3|After nine years [of Team Fortress 2 being] in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait]]”。
; 庄园主管
* 语音“Welcome to die.”参考了1992年[[w:X-Men (1992 video game)|《X战警》街机游戏]]{{lang icon|en}}中角色[[w:zh:万磁王|万磁王]]的台词。
; 大金刚教授  
; 大金刚教授  

Latest revision as of 03:10, 9 July 2024

社区通报员(Community announcers)是指在游戏中担当通报员,且并非由Valve官方创建的某些非玩家角色






Setup.png  准备阶段


Hud invasion bottle.png  我方正在提交酒瓶
Hud invasion bottle.png  敌方正在提交酒瓶
Achieved.png  胜利
Killicon skull.png  失败


Setup.png  介绍语
Achieved.png  我方即将获胜
Killicon skull.png  敌方即将获胜


戴维·琼斯(Davy Jones)是地图Cursed Cove的通报员,由“EmNudge”配音。


Setup.png  回合开始
Davy Jones ship icon.png  “飞翔的荷兰人”号抵达
Warning red.png  “戴维·琼斯之箱”即将关闭
Cross RED.png  “戴维·琼斯之箱”关闭
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败
Achieved.png  比赛胜利
Killicon skull.png  比赛失败


Killicon bleed.png  戴维·琼斯累计遭受500点伤害
Killicon fire.png  戴维·琼斯身后的骷髅遭到摧毁
Killicon mantreads.png  玩家距离戴维·琼斯过近
Stun.PNG  玩家闲置
Demoman taunt laugh.png  在提交区开放10秒后有15%的几率触发[2]


Setup.png  回合开始
Davy Jones ship icon.png  “飞翔的荷兰人”号抵达
Cross RED.png  “戴维·琼斯之箱”关闭
Achieved.png  回合胜利


航天员(Astronaut)是地图Bread Space的通报员,由Brandon "Brantopias" Sinkovich配音。


Setup.png  回合开始
Setup.png  回合结束
Timer overtime.png  超时
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


Breadspace cart.png  战车接近检查点,对进攻方玩家
Warning red.png  战车接近检查点,对防守方玩家
Breadspace cart.png  战车接近最终检查点,对进攻方玩家
Warning red.png  战车接近最终检查点,对防守方玩家


庄稼汉(Farmer)是地图Farmageddon的通报员,由“MegapiemanPHD ”配音。

Setup.png  回合开始
Pumpkinopen.png  南瓜怪开启
Pumpkinopen.png  南瓜怪关闭
Scarecrowskeleton.png  稻草人出现
Gargoyle Ghost.png  石像鬼相关




Achieved.png  庆祝
Setup.png  回合结束
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


巨无霸博士(Dr. Freakinhuge,红方)和大金刚教授(Professor Bigginsize,蓝方)是地图Crasher的通报员,两者均由Benjamin Rudman配音。


Setup.png  回合开始
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  玩家闲置
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  拾取炸弹
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方首个巨人出场
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方首个巨人出场
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方巨人倒下
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方巨人倒下
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方巨人接近敌方城门
Warning red.png  敌方巨人接近我方城门
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方城门受损
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方城门受损
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


Setup.png  回合开始
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  玩家闲置
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  拾取炸弹
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方首个巨人出场
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方首个巨人出场
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方巨人倒下
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方巨人倒下
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方巨人接近敌方城门
Warning red.png  敌方巨人接近我方城门
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  敌方城门受损
Crasher Briefcase Barrel.png  我方城门受损
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


打渔人(Fisherman)是地图Selbyen的通报员,而海豹则是该地图的核心元素。其中打渔人由Benjamin Rudman配音,且某些语音中包含挪威语。


Setup.png  准备阶段/回合开始
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败


Pickup Fish.png  海豹的叫声



Setup.png  准备阶段/回合开始
Mannsylvania Pickup.png  传送门开启
Mannsylvania Pickup.png  传送门关闭
Mannsylvania Pickup.png  玩家进入城堡
Gargoyle Ghost.png  石像鬼相关



Mannsylvania Pickup.png  其它
Achieved.png  回合胜利
Killicon skull.png  回合失败



Setup.png  准备阶段/回合开始
Warning red.png  回合结束
CP Captured RED.png  溜冰场开启
CP Locked RED.png  溜冰场关闭
Ice Resurfacer.png  冰面修整机击杀玩家
Unknownweapon.png  特殊内容


  • 语音“You know a noble growth ray embiggens the smallest man...”参考了《辛普森一家》中虚构城镇“春田镇”(Springfield)的宣言:“A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man(高尚的灵魂让渺小的人变得伟岸)”。
