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== {{Class link|Pyro}} ==
== {{Class link|Pyro}} ==
*As a Pyro, your [[Flamethrower]] does more damage the closer you are to the enemy.
* 你離敵人越近,[[flamethrower/zh-hant|火焰噴射器]]就能造成越多傷害。
*As a Pyro, [[ambush]] enemies to catch them in the short range of your Flamethrower. Use corners to your advantage.
* 你可以[[ambushing/zh-hant|埋伏]]突襲敵人,並在近距離範圍以火焰噴射器將他們一網打盡。利用角落的埋伏優勢。
*As a Pyro, your Flamethrower chews up a lot of [[ammo]]. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply.
* 火焰噴射器需要大量彈藥。請撿起掉落的武器來補充。
*As a Pyro, switch to your [[Shotgun]] if enemies retreat beyond the short range of your Flamethrower.
* 如果敵人撤退,距離大於火焰噴射器的短射程,請切換使用[[shotgun/zh-hant|霰彈槍]]
*As a Pyro, you can often set enemies on fire and retreat, leaving them to die from the [[fire|burning]].
* 你通常可以讓敵人著火然後撤退,讓他們被[[fire/zh-hant|]]燒死。
*Hit E to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need.
* 如果受傷,按 E 呼叫醫護兵。附近的醫護兵會聽到你的需求。
*As a Pyro, your flame thrower can ignite enemy [[Spy|Spies]] disguised as your team.  [[Spy-checking|Spy check]] teammates that act suspicious!
* 您的火焰噴射器可以讓偽裝成隊友的間諜著火。快[[spy checking/zh-hant|檢查]]一下形跡可疑的隊友!
*As a Pyro, utilize the bonus damage on the [[Axtinguisher]] by igniting your foes.
* 你可以藉由讓敵人著火來發揮[[Axtinguisher/zh-hant|火斧]]的加成傷害。
*As a Pyro, help protect an Engineer's Sentry Guns by pushing away sticky bombs and checking for Spies.
* 你可以將黏性炸彈推開,並檢查是否有間諜,以協助保護工程師的步哨。
*As a Pyro, you can neutralize an [[ÜberCharge]] by pushing the Medic or his heal target out of range of each other using the Flame Thrower's [[compression blast]] with MOUSE2!
* 你可以按滑鼠右鍵讓火焰噴射器產生[[compression blast/zh-hant|壓縮氣爆]],將醫護兵或他的治療目標推到彼此的治療範圍外,即可抵銷 ÜberCharge。
*As a Pyro, push enemies out of your way using the flame thrower's compression blast with MOUSE2.
* 你可以按滑鼠右鍵讓火焰噴射器產生壓縮氣爆,將敵人推開。
*As a Pyro, the flame thrower's compression blast MOUSE2 can [[Fire#Extinguishing Fire|extinguish]] burning teammates.
* 使用火焰噴射器的壓縮氣爆,可以幫助著火的隊友滅火。
*As a Pyro, you do not ignite from fire.  Use your Shotgun or [[Fire Axe]] against enemy Pyros to counter this.
* 您不會被點燃。如果要對付敵方火焰兵,請使用霰彈槍或[[Fire Axe/zh-hant|消防斧]]
*As a Pyro, the [[Backburner]] is more useful for ambushing the enemy as it gets bonus damage when attacking from behind!
* 如果要伏擊敵人,[[backburner/zh-hant|背後火焰噴射器]]是更好的選擇,因為從背後攻擊時可以造成加成傷害!
*As a Pyro, the Flare Gun can cause [[critical hits]] if fired at enemies who are already burning.
* 如果信號槍擊中已經著火的敵人,會有爆擊效果。
*As a Pyro, your flame thrower or Flare Gun will not work underwater.
* 您的火焰噴射器或信號槍無法在水中使用。
*As a Pyro, hit MOUSE2 with your default flame thrower to let out a blast of compressed air. Use it to reflect incoming projectiles, put out burning teammates, and push enemies back!
* 使用火焰噴射器時,按滑鼠右鍵可以釋放壓縮氣爆。利用壓縮氣爆可以反彈來襲的拋射物、幫助著火的隊友滅火,還能推開敵人!
*As a Pyro, use your flame thrower on friendly Snipers to light their [[Huntsman]] arrows on fire. Flaming arrows can ignite the enemy.
* 對己方狙擊手使用火焰噴射器時,可以點燃[[Huntsman/zh-hant|獵人長弓]]上的箭。燃燒的箭會讓敵人著火。
*As a Pyro, use MOUSE2 to reflect projectiles back at the enemy team!  This includes rockets, grenades, Jarate, and more!
* 你可以使用壓縮氣爆將拋射物反彈回敵人陣營。拋射物包括火箭、榴彈、罐子等。
*As a Pyro, remember, the flame thrower's compression blast MOUSE2 can use up a lot of ammo.  Use it when you need to!
* 火焰噴射器的壓縮氣爆會消耗大量彈藥,請在必要的時候才使用!
*As a Pyro, utilize the flame thrower's compression blast MOUSE2 to push [[sticky bombs]] out of the way.  Help out your [[Engineer]]s or clear a [[Control Point]]!
* 可以利用火焰噴射器的壓縮氣爆讓[[stickybomb/zh-hant|黏性炸彈]]偏向,請善用這一點協助己方工程師或清空[[control point/zh-hant|控制點]]
== {{Class link|Demoman}} ==
== {{Class link|Demoman}} ==

Revision as of 04:22, 26 August 2011



Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵

  • 在半空中再跳一次可改變方向,並避開敵方火力。
  • 您奪取控制點的速度比其他兵種快上一倍。
  • 隨時保持移動,並利用速度作為優勢,即可保持最佳戰力。
  • 您的雙管霰彈槍於近距離時最為致命。
  • 您的手槍是解決在遠距離敵人絕佳的選擇。
  • 您的雙管霰彈槍只要命中兩發,就能殺死大部分的兵種。
  • 您可以使用自然之力,提升跳躍時的彈跳力。
  • 從側面或背面攻擊最有致命效果。請採取不同路線來夾擊敵人。
  • 請使用睡魔的 ALT-FIRE 擊昏敵人。
  • 使用球棒時比使用睡魔多出 15 點生命值。遇上關鍵存亡之際,請使用球棒。
  • 使用自然之力時,可以將近距離敵人擊退
  • 睡魔震昏球飛得越遠,擊昏時間越長。
  • 睡魔震昏球若在最遠射程命中敵人,被擊中的目標會動彈不得。
  • 記得睡魔在近距離時無法擊暈對手,但依舊可以造成些微傷害。
  • 使用 Bonk! 原子擊飲料來分散步哨的注意力,讓其他隊友能夠去摧毀它。
  • 使用 Bonk! 原子擊飲料來躲避步哨與其他攻擊傷害。

Leaderboard class soldier.png 火箭兵

  • 你可以在跳躍的同時朝地面射擊火箭,火箭跳可跳起相當的高度。
  • 火箭瞄準敵人的腳,確保他們無法避開爆炸傷害。
  • 要記得隨時讓火箭發射器中有彈藥。 按 R 可以裝填彈藥。
  • 如果受傷,按 E 呼叫醫護兵。 附近的醫護兵會聽到你的需求。
  • 準備時間傷害自己不會增加醫護兵的 ÜberCharge 充電速率。
  • 你可以利用蹲跳增加火箭跳的高度!
  • 你可以切換到霰彈槍對付貼身的敵人,以免傷到自己。
  • 如果您和醫護兵搭檔,善用安全的時間來對自己造成傷害,能夠更快的集滿 ÜberCharge!
  • 您可以使用您的火箭將敵人彈飛至空中。
  • 如果您的火箭發射器需要裝填彈藥時,您的霰彈槍在戰鬥中相當有用。
  • 將火箭的發射角度稍微朝向自己後方,可以讓自己的推進速度更快!
  • 直擊火箭的爆破半徑非常小,請直接瞄準敵人以製造最大傷害。
  • 如果死亡,增幅旗幟的怒氣值會歸零,因此請在推進或逃脫時請不用客氣的使用怒氣值。
  • 增幅旗幟一旦充滿啟動後,能為自己及附近所有隊友提供小爆擊效果。
  • 生命值過低時,十字鎬會提供速度加乘效果,因此火箭兵可以善用這點迅速逃脫險境。
  • 你的生命值非常低時,十字鎬可造成巨大傷害。
  • 如果你拿出十字鎬,醫護兵便無法為你治療,或對你啟動 ÜberCharge。

Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵

  • 你離敵人越近,火焰噴射器就能造成越多傷害。
  • 你可以埋伏突襲敵人,並在近距離範圍以火焰噴射器將他們一網打盡。利用角落的埋伏優勢。
  • 火焰噴射器需要大量彈藥。請撿起掉落的武器來補充。
  • 如果敵人撤退,距離大於火焰噴射器的短射程,請切換使用霰彈槍
  • 你通常可以讓敵人著火然後撤退,讓他們被燒死。
  • 如果受傷,按 E 呼叫醫護兵。附近的醫護兵會聽到你的需求。
  • 您的火焰噴射器可以讓偽裝成隊友的間諜著火。快檢查一下形跡可疑的隊友!
  • 你可以藉由讓敵人著火來發揮火斧的加成傷害。
  • 你可以將黏性炸彈推開,並檢查是否有間諜,以協助保護工程師的步哨。
  • 你可以按滑鼠右鍵讓火焰噴射器產生壓縮氣爆,將醫護兵或他的治療目標推到彼此的治療範圍外,即可抵銷 ÜberCharge。
  • 你可以按滑鼠右鍵讓火焰噴射器產生壓縮氣爆,將敵人推開。
  • 使用火焰噴射器的壓縮氣爆,可以幫助著火的隊友滅火。
  • 您不會被點燃。如果要對付敵方火焰兵,請使用霰彈槍或消防斧
  • 如果要伏擊敵人,背後火焰噴射器是更好的選擇,因為從背後攻擊時可以造成加成傷害!
  • 如果信號槍擊中已經著火的敵人,會有爆擊效果。
  • 您的火焰噴射器或信號槍無法在水中使用。
  • 使用火焰噴射器時,按滑鼠右鍵可以釋放壓縮氣爆。利用壓縮氣爆可以反彈來襲的拋射物、幫助著火的隊友滅火,還能推開敵人!
  • 對己方狙擊手使用火焰噴射器時,可以點燃獵人長弓上的箭。燃燒的箭會讓敵人著火。
  • 你可以使用壓縮氣爆將拋射物反彈回敵人陣營。拋射物包括火箭、榴彈、罐子等。
  • 火焰噴射器的壓縮氣爆會消耗大量彈藥,請在必要的時候才使用!
  • 可以利用火焰噴射器的壓縮氣爆讓黏性炸彈偏向,請善用這一點協助己方工程師或清空控制點

Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破兵

  • As a Demoman, hit MOUSE1 to fire sticky bombs and then use MOUSE2 to detonate them later.
  • As a Demoman, the longer you hold down the fire button, the farther the shot will go.
  • As a Demoman, set off sticky bombs beneath your feet to pipe bomb jump up to great heights.
  • As a Demoman, shoot sticky bombs onto walls and ceilings where they're hard to spot.
  • As a Demoman, detonate sticky bombs at any time regardless of which weapon you're currently using.
  • As a Demoman, crouch in the air when jumping for a sticky bomb jump to achieve maximum height.
  • As a Demoman, sticky bomb jump at an angle to propel yourself in a certain direction rather than just up.
  • As a Demoman, use your Grenade Launcher for direct combat. Grenades detonate upon impact with an enemy unless they touch the ground first.
  • As a Demoman, your Bottle does the same amount of damage whether it is smashed open or not.
  • Sticky bombs can be destroyed by shooting at them with any weapon that uses bullets. Explosions won't destroy them, but will knock them out of the way.
  • As a Demoman, the Scottish Resistance is great for defense. Place multiple sticky bomb groups to defend a lot of territory. Your sticky bombs also destroy enemy sticky bombs!
  • As a Demoman with the Scottish Resistance, keep a line of sight to your sticky bombs so you can detonate them when needed.
  • As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's explosive and fire damage resistance in addition to its charge ability compliment the Eyelander's lower max health and inability to cause random Critical hits.
  • As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability doesn't grant a Critical hit until near the end of the charge. Your weapon will glow when the time is right!
  • As a Demoman with the Chargin' Targe, you can't change direction during a charge. Try to line charges up with where an enemy will be rather than where an enemy is.
  • As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability is also perfect for quick getaways!
  • As a Demoman, your Bottle has no negative attributes compared to the minus 25 health on the Eyelander. Use your Bottle if survival is a priority.
  • As a Demoman, collect heads by killing enemies with the Eyelander. Each head increases your maximum health as well as gives you a speed boost!

Leaderboard class heavy.png 重裝兵

  • 按住滑鼠右鍵能讓格林機槍保持旋轉,隨時可攻擊接近而來的敵人。
  • 您是醫護兵的絕佳夥伴。 站在能清楚看到醫護兵的位置,讓醫療槍的目標保持在你身上。
  • 如果受傷,按 E 呼叫醫護兵。附近的醫護兵會聽到你的需求。
  • 你的格林機槍會耗用大量的彈藥。請撿起掉落的武器來補充。
  • 三明治是救命仙丹。請先找到安全地點再吃三明治,否則可能會被敵人粗暴打斷。
  • 重裝兵是隊上生命值最高的兵種。
  • 您在空中旋轉格林機槍時不會失去動量。利用這點在轉角處奇襲敵人。
  • 赤手空拳的揮舞速度,比戴上殺人拳套的速度快 20%。吃三明治時搭配使用可以迅速了結打擾你吃午餐的人。
  • 你可以按滑鼠右鍵將三明治丟在地上。放在地上的三明治可以治療隊友 50% 的最大生命值。
  • 如果您丟了您的三明治,別忘了再去拿一個。三明治能夠透過醫療包取得,但只有當您的生命值是滿的時候才行。
  • 您的格林機槍預轉時間會浪費殺人拳套的五秒爆擊效果。帶上您的霰彈槍和殺人拳套來獲得最佳爆擊加成效果!
  • 你可以按滑鼠右鍵將三明治丟在地上,並且幫助燃燒中的隊友滅火。利用這點來救助您的醫護兵。

Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程師

  • 請使用建造工具安置步哨防禦槍、補給器及傳送裝置。
  • 你需要金屬才能建造、修理並升級你的建築。 蒐集掉落的武器取得更多金屬。
  • 使用扳手敲打步哨防禦槍,就能利用金屬為其升級。每升一級便會增加更多生命值及火力。
  • 請建造補給器為你的隊友提供生命值及彈藥。 補給器也能產生金屬供你使用。
  • 請建造傳送裝置協助隊友更快抵達前線。
  • 請注意敵方間諜是否在己方建築中裝上電子破壞器。使用你的扳手移除破壞器。
  • 請協助同隊的工程師!使用扳手可以讓同隊的 Engineer 的建築升級,或修理建築。
  • 你可以使用扳手敲打建造中的建築,讓建造速度加快。
  • 讓建築與隊友一起往前移動時,這會非常方便。
  • 請記得升級建築。第 3 級的傳送裝置補充能源的速度將更為快速,可讓隊友持續向敵人施壓。
  • 使用扳手敲打傳送裝置的出入口,即可修理並升級傳送裝置兩端。
  • 按滑鼠右鍵可以旋轉建築藍圖,接著再按左鍵建造建築。請利用這點,讓傳送裝置不要面對牆。
  • 工程師除了維修建築外,還能做很多工作。使用霰彈槍手槍可協助戰鬥及防守。
  • 步哨防禦槍功用不只限於防守。在隱蔽地點快速部署步哨防禦槍,可以協助進攻推進。
  • 記住,偽裝的間諜可以佔領您的傳送裝置。請盡量不要站在傳送裝置出口的上方。
  • 若發現可疑的人士接近,請使用武器確認對方是否為間諜。
  • 你可以使用霰彈槍及手槍來摧毀己方建築周圍的敵方黏性炸彈。

Leaderboard class medic.png 醫護兵

  • As a Medic, use your Medi Gun to heal teammates, and buff them up to 150% of their normal health.
  • As a Medic, fill your ÜberCharge by healing teammates. Then hit MOUSE2 to go invulnerable.
  • As a Medic, your ÜberCharge makes both you and your Medi Gun target invulnerable for 8 seconds.
  • As a Medic, you fill your ÜberCharge faster by healing teammates who are more hurt.
  • As a Medic, keep alert for teammates calling for your help. Use the Medic arrows onscreen to find them.
  • As a Medic, you build ÜberCharge at the maximum rate during setup time.
  • As a Medic, you cannot capture a Control Point while invulnerable.
  • As a Medic, heal Soldiers and Demomen at the beginning of rounds so they can use the extra health to rocket or sticky jump across the map.
  • As a Medic, you can ÜberCharge without a heal target to save yourself in dire situations.
  • As a Medic, it's better to use an ÜberCharge too early than lose it by being killed.
  • As a Medic, mess with the enemy by using the "ÜberCharge ready!" voice command to pretend you have an ÜberCharge prepared.
  • As a Medic, you can keep multiple targets overhealed allowing them to absorb more damage.
  • As a Medic, remember that syringes travel in arcs. Aim higher than your intended target to land successful hits.
  • As a Medic, remember that critical hits have no effect on Sentry Guns. Use the Kritzkrieg in areas full of players instead.
  • As a Medic, the Übersaw will still gain you ÜberCharge if the enemy being hit is a Scout phasing with Bonk! Atomic Punch.
  • As a Medic, using ÜberCharge to be invulnerable to damage does not mean you are free from harm. Watch out for Pyro air blasts and explosive knock back.
  • As a Medic, when attacking with an ÜberCharge try to get as close to Sentry Guns as possible so your teammates can get close enough to destroy them.
  • As a Medic, your default Syringe Gun automatically heals you over time by 3 health per second compared to the Blutsauger's 1 health per second.
  • As a Medic, the Übersaw will not gain you ÜberCharge if the enemy being hit is a disguised Spy.
  • As a Medic, the Kritzkrieg's taunt heals 10 health. Use it when there are no health kits or other Medics nearby.
  • As a Medic, pay attention to other Medics on your team. Keeping multiple Medics alive will help keep the rest of the team alive too.

Leaderboard class sniper.png 狙擊手

  • 你花越多時間在用狙擊鏡做瞄準,射擊造成的傷害就越大。
  • 要瞄準頭部造成嚴重傷害
  • 按 MOUSE2 即可使用狙擊槍的狙擊鏡來瞄準目標。
  • 使用次要武器的衝鋒槍來對付近距離的敵人。
  • 使用完全充電的狙擊槍爆頭時,可以馬上殺死大部分的兵種。
  • 拉弓的時間超過 5 秒,您將會失去準頭。請按 MOUSE2 重設獵人長弓。
  • 瓶手道可以讓隱形的間諜現身。請小心,如果間諜有使用送終者,而且在被擊中後立刻隱形,狙擊手將無法讓間諜再度現身。
  • 劍脊野豬盾遭背刺之後會損壞。請從補給櫃取回新的劍脊野豬盾。
  • 當間諜嘗試背刺您時,您的劍脊野豬盾會發出發出巨大的電子聲響,請注意聽!
  • 請使用瓶手道熄滅自己和隊友身上的火焰
  • 如果打中被瓶手道弄濕的敵人,所有傷害都有小爆擊效果。
  • 使用部落戰刀擊中敵人時,敵人會流血,這用來追蹤間諜相當實用。

Leaderboard class spy.png 間諜

  • As a Spy, use your Knife to backstab enemies from behind, killing them instantly.
  • As a Spy, disguise yourself as an enemy with your Disguise Kit. Beware, attacking will remove your disguise.
  • As a Spy, hit MOUSE2 to Cloak and become fully invisible for a short period of time.
  • As a Spy, use your Cloak to get behind enemy lines, and your disguise to move around amongst them.
  • As a Spy, try to act like an enemy while disguised. Observe where enemy team members are, and disguise as one of them.
  • As a Spy, place your Electro Sappers on enemy Sentry Guns to destroy them. Disguises aren't lost when placing Sappers.
  • As a Spy, your electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Sap a Sentry Gun before attacking the Engineer.
  • As a Spy, call for enemy Medics by hitting E while disguised.
  • As a Spy, be careful when using voice commands while disguised. The enemy team will see them said in the text chat by whoever you're disguised as.
  • As a Spy, the Ambassador does not do critical headshots when cooling down. Make each shot precise and timed to maximize damage.
  • As a Spy, try not to be hit by flames when arming the Dead Ringer, or else the flames may hit you again and reveal your location.
  • As a Spy while cloaked with the Dead Ringer, your silhouette won't appear when colliding with enemies.
  • As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger can regenerate Cloak while moving around so long as you are uncloaked when doing so.
  • As a Spy, pick up ammo and fallen weapons to recharge Cloak when using your invis watch or the Dead Ringer.
  • As a Spy, the Cloak and Dagger will only drain if you are moving. Stand still or uncloak to regain lost charge.
  • As a Spy, your silhouette can be seen if you move around while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger for too long. Find a safe spot to sit and recharge.
  • As a Spy, the Dead Ringer makes a very loud noise when uncloaking. Find a safe place away from enemies to uncloak.
  • As a Spy, disguise as your own team by hitting the - key. Use this in friendly areas or with the Dead Ringer to hide your presence from the enemy.
  • As a Spy, hit B while already disguised to change what weapon your disguise is holding.
  • As a Spy, hit B to automatically disguise as the last disguise you previously had.
  • As a Spy, you can take enemy Teleporters while disguised. Surprise!
  • As a Spy, bumping into enemies while cloaked makes you slightly visible to everyone.
  • As a Spy, if you're set on fire while cloaked, the enemy can see you!
  • As a Spy, use your Revolver to pick off targets that are low on health, or to deal with classes that are dangerous to get near, such as Pyros.
  • As a Spy, if you are quick, you can stab an Engineer and then sap his gun before it turns around and shoots you.
  • As a Spy, The Dead Ringer makes you take significantly less damage from all attacks while you are invisible.
  • As a Spy, avoid taking fall damage; it will give away your location!
  • As a Spy, your Sappers sap both ends of a Teleporter. Try sapping the end the Engineer isn't at.
  • As a Spy, your Dead Ringer can fake a death. Try to use it when you're weak, or else it will be wasted or too obvious.
  • As a Spy, reloading your Revolver will mimic the reload action of your current disguise.
  • As a Spy, use the Dead Ringer after being burned to extinguish the flames.


  • 請注意畫面上方的玩家人數,才能知道你的隊伍是否居於優勢。
  • 醫護兵在競技場中非常重要,因為這一關沒有任何醫療包,請不計任何代價保護好他們。
  • 地圖中央的佔領據點會在 60 秒後啟用。
  • 「競技場」模式中無法重生,千萬別死!
  • 競技場中任何兵種都很重要,請與隊友合作,專心對抗敵方團隊。
  • 在競技場模式中,你可以在大門開啟前變更兵種。
  • 身為工程師,請務必建造補給器治療隊友。