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| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Chargin' Targe}}
| align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | {{Table icon|Chargin' Targe}}
*The Chargin' Targe gives the Demoman resistance to fire and explosion damage. Use a weapon that deals a different form of damage, if possible.
*The Charge effect can be canceled or delayed by using weapons with [[Stun]], [[Slowdown]] and/or [[Knockback]] effects.
*衝擊刺盾的衝鋒效果可以被具有The Charge effect can be canceled or delayed by using weapons with [[Stun]], [[Slowdown]] and/or [[Knockback]] effects.
*When a Demoman is charging, he can only rush forward, with little ability to adjust his aim. Try dodging a charge by strafing from it, as backing up may not cover enough distance, especially if the Demoman is attacking with a weapon with increased range.
*When a Demoman is charging, he can only rush forward, with little ability to adjust his aim. Try dodging a charge by strafing from it, as backing up may not cover enough distance, especially if the Demoman is attacking with a weapon with increased range.
**Ali Baba's Wee Booties increase a charging Demoman's manueverability, make it even harder to dodge his charge. If you see these shoes on a Demoman, try to fight him from long distances. If that isn't an option, fight him near cover and other obstacles, or get close so the Demoman cannot earn a Mini-Crit or critical hit from the charge.
**Ali Baba's Wee Booties increase a charging Demoman's manueverability, make it even harder to dodge his charge. If you see these shoes on a Demoman, try to fight him from long distances. If that isn't an option, fight him near cover and other obstacles, or get close so the Demoman cannot earn a Mini-Crit or critical hit from the charge.

Revision as of 04:45, 31 January 2012




特性 對應法
Demoman emblem RED.png 角色
  • 由於在防守上有著非常出色的表現,因此爆破兵通常會出現在戰場上需要防守的地方,且很少會像其他職業一樣積極追擊敵人。爆破兵在中距離作戰的表現亦十分優異,因此在與爆破兵交戰時,請盡可能拉近距離好獲得優勢。
Leaderboard class medic.png 生命值
  • 爆破兵有著 175 基本生命值,讓他有能力承受一定程度的傷害。除非戰況十分嚴苛,否則爆破兵通常偏好堅守陣地而非撤退。
  • 由於爆破兵的生命值會隨著各種武裝而有增加或減少的效果,讓爆破兵成為遊戲中生命值差異性最大的兵種。同時,某些武器會在爆破兵殺敵時增加爆破兵的生命值上限或是對爆破兵產生治療效果。因此請注意觀察爆破兵的武裝,好精準預測爆破兵的最大生命值。
  • 裝備衝擊刺盾輝煌戰盾的爆破兵對於火焰和爆炸傷害有著大幅增加的抵抗效果。但對子彈或是肉搏傷害則沒有相同的抵抗性。
Leaderboard class scout.png 速度
  • 爆破兵低於平均的速度讓他通常不會主動追擊敵人,除非裝備盾牌、獲得近戰武器獵頭數的速度加成、或是在你的生命值低落且容易受傷害的情況下。
Leaderboard class soldier.png 武力
  • 爆破兵的主要與次要武器有著強大的破壞力,但這些武器發射時的拋物線軌跡讓爆破兵難以進行精確的瞄準。試著拉近距離好閃避這些武器的拋射體,同時讓你能更輕易遞殺死他。
  • 部分裝備盾牌與近戰武器的爆破兵通常會試圖利用盾牌的效果對敵方發起衝鋒,並利用衝鋒效果接近尾聲時的爆擊效果殺死敵人。請盡可能閃避爆破兵的衝鋒效果與近戰武器的攻擊範圍,並在爆破兵回復成一般速度時攻擊他。










武器 對應法
Grenade Launcher
  • 榴彈發射器的彈夾較小且需要較長的時間進行重新裝填,利用爆破兵換彈的空檔進行攻擊。
  • 爆破兵的榴彈可以越過掩體和轉角進行攻擊,故在對抗裝備榴彈發射器的的爆破兵時,不要過於仰賴掩體的保護。
  • 在近距離作戰時,榴彈的範圍傷害讓爆破兵很容易在爆炸時傷到自己;如果無法閃避榴彈的話,拉近距離好與爆破兵同歸於盡。
  • Loch-n-Load 增加了爆破兵對於自身的傷害,因此即使你在近距離交戰中陣亡,通常也會造成爆破兵重傷或是與你同歸於盡的結果。
  • Loch-n-Load 的彈夾容量較榴彈發射器來的更少,閃避彈夾裡僅有的兩發榴彈,接著趁爆破兵裝彈時進行反擊。
  • Loch-n-Load 發射的榴彈在撞到障礙物時並不會爆炸,掩體和不規則移動能夠降低被擊中的機會。
  • 盡全力閃避 Loch-n-Load 的榴彈;這些榴彈造成的傷害較一般的榴彈更多,讓爆破兵能輕易殺死大部分生命值較低的職業。
Ali Baba's Wee Booties Bootlegger
阿里巴巴尖頭靴 / 私藏海盜靴
  • 阿里巴巴尖頭靴為配備者增加了 25 生命值,這讓爆破兵有足夠的機會存活下來並展開反擊,因此請保持警戒。
    • 然而,裝備阿里巴巴尖頭靴的爆破兵將無法裝備榴彈發射器;爆破兵仍然有可能裝備黏性炸彈發射器,因此請注意觀察爆破兵是否有裝備盾牌。
  • 當裝備阿里巴巴尖頭靴時,爆破兵在衝鋒效果下的轉彎能力增加整整一倍,因此在閃避或中斷衝鋒效果時請更加小心。



  • 黏性炸彈本身可以被子彈武器和近戰武器所摧毀(在此非常不建議使用第二個選項),在爆破兵引爆炸彈之前先摧毀黏性炸彈好阻止或是降低傷害。
  • 在轉角使用爆炸性武器或壓縮氣爆可以將黏在轉角的黏性炸彈震落,讓你在黏性炸彈能造成傷害之前發現它們。
  • 殺死一名爆破兵後,由爆破兵所布置的黏性炸彈將會自動移除;殺死敵方使用黏性炸彈發射器的爆破兵將對整支隊伍的進攻或防禦有著很大的幫助。
武器 對應法
Stickybomb Launcher
  • 由於引爆前需要較長的武裝時間,因此黏性炸彈發射器在近距離會顯得難以使用;但請注意:黏性炸彈的爆炸範圍非常的大,因此請小心應對。
  • 黏性炸彈發射器裝填彈藥的時間非常的長,躲開爆破兵的黏性炸彈,並趁爆破兵需要重新裝填彈藥時反擊。
  • 假如一名爆破兵盤踞在你的隊伍重生點門口時,試著使用以下的方法:讓一名裝備著死亡送終者的間諜走出門口,並在爆破兵引爆黏性炸彈時使用死亡送終者裝死,接著趁爆破兵重新設置黏性炸彈時解除隱形,此時爆破兵將面臨兩個選項:繼續設置黏性炸彈、並被間諜用背刺能力殺死;或是轉身對抗間諜,讓重生的友軍可以輕易地從爆破兵背後攻擊並殺死爆破兵。
Scottish Resistance
  • 蘇格蘭式防禦黏彈並不適合直接在戰鬥中使用,但可以用來設下多重陷阱;當你碰上這項武器的黏性炸彈時請保持警戒,因為前方極有可能還有更多陷阱。
  • 使用蘇格蘭式防禦黏彈的爆破兵通常會將大部份的注意力擺在自己的黏性炸彈上,這點讓你在埋伏爆破兵前能夠非常輕易地預測其動向;利用背後埋伏或是在遠距離外殺死爆破兵。
  • 當你碰到爆破兵在你的所有退路上設下黏彈的情況時,盡可能保持在原地並只有在爆破兵攻擊你時才進行移動。
Sticky Jumper
  • 雖然黏彈跳躍者設計的本意並非拿來在戰鬥中使用,但一名厲害的爆破兵玩家可能會使用這項武器來佔據置高點,並切換成其他的武器埋伏攻擊敵人。
Chargin' Targe
  • 衝擊刺盾為裝備者提供了對抗火焰與爆破傷害的防禦加成,請盡可能使用其他的武器攻擊爆破兵。
  • 衝擊刺盾的衝鋒效果可以被具有The Charge effect can be canceled or delayed by using weapons with Stun, Slowdown and/or Knockback effects.
  • When a Demoman is charging, he can only rush forward, with little ability to adjust his aim. Try dodging a charge by strafing from it, as backing up may not cover enough distance, especially if the Demoman is attacking with a weapon with increased range.
    • Ali Baba's Wee Booties increase a charging Demoman's manueverability, make it even harder to dodge his charge. If you see these shoes on a Demoman, try to fight him from long distances. If that isn't an option, fight him near cover and other obstacles, or get close so the Demoman cannot earn a Mini-Crit or critical hit from the charge.
  • The charge can also make it easy to line up an accurate shot from the front due to the Demoman's inability to dodge.
Splendid Screen
  • The Splendid Screen gives a Demoman resistance to fire and explosion damage, though not as much as the Chargin' Targe. Still, damage him with bullets for maximum effectiveness.
  • The Splendid Screen can deal impact damage at any range; keep your distance and try not to engage him in close combat, or else you may suffer a nasty surprise charge.


武器 對應法
Bottle Frying Pan Scottish Handshake
瓶子 / 油炸平底鍋 / 蘇格蘭式握手禮
  • A Demoman may use the Bottle/Frying Pan as a last resort at close range. Since the Demoman's speed is below average, back up while attacking him if he is chasing you with this weapon.
Eyelander Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker Nessie's Nine Iron
魔眼闊劍 / 斬首斧 / 尼斯九號鐵桿
  • Demomen wielding this melee weapon gain a health and speed bonus upon every kill done by the weapon (known as "taking heads"), giving many the urge to try whatever they can to earn heads. When a Demoman pulls out this weapon, back up immediately, so that the extended melee range doesn't catch you off guard.
  • Demomen will often use this weapon and a shield at the same time, to charge unsuspecting foes and kill them with the critical hit the charge can provide. Don't idle when these Demomen come into view. Try to strafe away from a charge, as backing up may not be enough to escape the extended range of the Demoman's weapon.
  • If caught within this weapon's range, it might be better to fight the Demoman than fleeing from him; the weapon's large melee range along with the possiblity the Demoman has collected heads makes escape futile. Being a Heavy, Soldier or Demoman does not help matters, either.
    • As this weapon cannot perform random critical hits, you may have an advantage if you are forced into close combat with a Demoman wielding one (provided your weapon can randomly crit).
Scotsman's Skullcutter
  • The Scotsman's Skullcutter reduces the Demoman's speed, making him an easier target. However, this weapon has an increased melee range and deals more damage. Attack the Demoman from long range.
  • Unlike most of the Demoman's other long-range melee weapons, the Scotsman's Skullcutter does not collect heads for a health and speed bonus; it can, however, perform random critical hits, making it even more likely that you will lose in melee combat against a Demoman wielding this weapon.
Claidheamh Mòr
  • A Demoman wielding the Claidheamh Mòr will often equip a shield as well, to make use of the sword's only positive attribute: to extend a charge for half a second. This makes it easy to misjudge the range of the Demoman's charge while he wields the Claidheamh Mòr, so try to take cover behind an obstacle in order to prevent this from becoming a problem.
  • Even though Demoman cannot collect heads nor perform random critical hits with the Claidheamh Mòr, he only loses 15 of his maximum HP when equipped with it. Continue to heed caution when fighting this Demoman up close.
Pain Train
  • 當爆破兵裝備天堂路時,他抵抗子彈傷害的能力會減低 10%,因此請用子彈類武器攻擊他以製造出最多的傷害。
  • 請注意接近最終控制點,裝備天堂路的爆破兵,他們比偵查兵還耐打卻能有相同的佔領速度,很可能會成功強行佔點。步哨是擋住他們往控制點去的最佳防禦,因為步哨能夠利用爆破兵減弱的子彈抵抗力,製造出防禦的優勢。
Ullapool Caber
  • 阿勒浦木製手榴彈不只有擊中敵人才會爆炸,連擊中一般的物體也會。因此看到爆破兵拿這個武器時,請保持在他的揮擊範圍之外,要不然你很可能不小心被揮到一下就因爆炸而重傷了。
  • 如果你已經在手榴彈地揮擊範圍內,請想辦法讓爆破兵揮空而打中其他的東西,造成他的自爆,但做這件事時請記得躲到爆炸範圍之外。
  • 搭配盾牌類武器並手持手榴彈的爆破兵,能夠在短時間內就衝到你面前,也很有可能因為衝鋒的效果而獲得一次爆擊攻擊。這樣會造成毀滅性的大破壞,因此請遠離這種搭配方式的爆破兵。
  • 如果你處於怎麼樣都躲不過手榴彈攻擊的情況的話,那麼就盡可能地對爆破兵造成更多的傷害,因為這樣他就很有可能在自爆過後也被炸死,或是被炸飛再因摔落傷害而摔死。
  • 一名已抽出半盲劍俠的爆破兵在成功殺到一個人之前都無法更換武器,請利用上述這點並在超出近戰武器的範圍外攻擊他,使他毫無反抗之力,但請小心有配備盾牌的爆破兵可能會突然接近你。請注意有斬過人的半盲劍俠,刀刃上面會沾有血漬。
  • 一個用半盲劍俠殺過人的爆破兵,生命值會完全恢復,所以當你看見他已經斬殺一個同隊隊友之時,請特別當心。
  • 用你自己的半盲劍俠能夠立即殺掉同樣也持這把刀的爆破兵,但如果是他先砍到你,那麼就會換自己先陣亡,同時也會有之後針對你一直攻擊的兩項風險。所以如果自己也持有半盲劍俠,可以的話就讓隊友攻擊他,或是讓隊友使爆破兵分心,自己再趁機上前攻擊。
Persian Persuader
  • 配備這把刀能讓爆破兵的盾牌充能時間減半。因此看見持波斯使者的爆破兵時,請趕快殺死他,因為他衝刺之後能夠很快就再衝一次。
  • 爆破兵如果配備了輝煌戰盾加上波斯使者的話,就會變成非常強大的近戰敵人,可以很快地接近再對你造成嚴重傷害。請在遠處盡量攻擊他,並提防他的衝刺。可以的話,讓他衝進你和隊友的攻擊陷阱之中。
  • 波斯使者能夠將撿到的彈藥轉換為生命值補充,所以攻擊他時記得要速戰速決,別讓他能搶到彈藥。將他逼到角落再攻擊,可使他拿不到彈藥,也做不出有效的防守。


套裝 對應法

Loch-n-Load Ullapool Caber


  • 裝備這個套裝的爆破兵能夠多抵抗 10% 的火焰傷害,所以交戰時請多用爆裂物或是子彈來攻擊他。
