Difference between revisions of "Template:Festive items table"

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(50 intermediate revisions by 32 users not shown)
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{|class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|uncollapsed}}}" width="80%" cellpadding="2" style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
{|class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse" width=100% cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center; font-size:90%"
! colspan="10" style="background:#F3A957;" | {{navbar float|Festive items table}}{{lang
! colspan=7 style="background:#F3A957;" | {{navbar float|Festive items table}}{{lang
  | en = Possible Festive items
  | en = Possible Festive items
| cs = Možné Festive předměty
| da = Mulige Festlige genstande
| de = Mögliche Festliche Gegenstände
  | es = Objetos con con posibilidad de ser Festivos
  | es = Objetos con con posibilidad de ser Festivos
| fi = Juhlavat aseet
  | fr = Armes Festives possibles
  | fr = Armes Festives possibles
  | ko = ??? ???? ????
| hu = Lehetséges Ünnepi tárgyak
| ja = 入手可能なフェスティブアイテムの一覧
  | ko = 축제장식 아이템 목록
  | nl = Mogelijke Feestelijke voorwerpen
  | nl = Mogelijke Feestelijke voorwerpen
  | ru = ????????? ??????????? ????????
| pl = Możliwe świąteczne bronie
  | zh-hant = ????????????
| pt-br = Possíveis itens Festivos
| ro = Obiecte Festive posibile
  | ru = Праздничное оружие
| zh-hans = 可获得的节日武器列表
  | zh-hant = 可能是聖誕武器的物品列表
! rowspan=2 width=10% style="background:#F3A957;" | {{common string|classes}}
! colspan=6 style="background:#F3A957;" | {{lang
| en = From Mann Co. Supply Crate series
| da = Fra Mann Co. Forsyningskasse-serie
| de = Aus Mann Co. Vorratskistenserie
| es = De las series de Cajas de Suministros de Mann Co.
| fr = Issues des séries de caisses Mann Co.
| ja = Mann Co. 物資箱から入手可能なもの
| ko = Mann Co. 보급 상자에서 획득할 수 있는 아이템
| nl = Uit de Mann Co.-voorraadkratserie
| pl = Z serii Skrzynek Mann Co.
| pt-br = Das seguintes Caixas de Suprimentos da Mann Co.
| ro = Din seriile de cutii Mann Co.
| ru = Тираж ящика Манн Ко
| zh-hans = 来自于曼恩公司供应箱的物品
| zh-hant = 可於曼恩企業補給箱獲得的物品
! colspan=2 style="background:#F3A957;" width=22.5% | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate}}
! colspan=1 style="background:#F3A957;" width=22.5% | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate 2012}}
! colspan=1 style="background:#F3A957;" width=22.5% | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate 2013}}
! colspan=2 style="background:#F3A957;" width=22.5% | {{item link|Naughty Winter Crate 2014}}
|-  <!-- Scout -->
|-  <!-- Scout -->
! width="40px" style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | {{class link|Scout|br=yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="background:#ffbd7e;" | {{class link|Scout|br=yes}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Scattergun|80px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" width=10% | {{icon item|Festive Scattergun|link=Scattergun{{if lang}}|63px}}
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" width=10% | {{icon item|Festive Bat|link=Bat{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Bat|80px}}  
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" colspan=1 | {{icon item|Festive Holy Mackerel|link=Holy Mackerel{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" colspan=1 | {{icon item|Festive Force-A-Nature|link=Force-A-Nature{{if lang}}|63px}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Holy Mackerel|80px}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Bonk! Atomic Punch|link=Bonk! Atomic Punch{{if lang}}|63px}}
| class="strange" | {{crate|52}}
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Scattergun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Scattergun}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Scattergun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Scattergun}}]]
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Bat{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Bat}}]]  
| colspan=1 | [[Bat{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Bat}}]]  
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Holy Mackerel{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Holy Mackerel}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Holy Mackerel{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Holy Mackerel}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Force-A-Nature{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Force-A-Nature}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Bonk! Atomic Punch{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Bonk! Atomic Punch}}]]
|-  <!-- Soldier -->
|-  <!-- Soldier -->
! style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | {{class link|Soldier|br=yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="background:#ffbd7e;" | {{class link|Soldier|br=yes}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Rocket Launcher|80px}}  
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Rocket Launcher|link=Rocket Launcher{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Buff Banner|link=Buff Banner{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Buff Banner|80px}}  
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Black Box|link=Black Box{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| class="strange" | {{crate|52}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Shotgun|link=Shotgun{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Rocket Launcher{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Rocket Launcher}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Rocket Launcher{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Rocket Launcher}}]]
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Buff Banner{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Buff Banner}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Buff Banner{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Buff Banner}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Black Box{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Black Box}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Shotgun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Shotgun}}]]
|-  <!-- Pyro -->
|-  <!-- Pyro -->
! style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | {{class link|Pyro|br=yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="background:#ffbd7e;" | {{class link|Pyro|br=yes}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Flamethrower|80px}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Flamethrower|link=Flame Thrower{{if lang}}|63px}}
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Axtinguisher|link=Axtinguisher{{if lang}}|63px}}
| style="backgruond:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Axtinguisher|80px}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Flare Gun|link=Flare Gun{{if lang}}|63px}}
| class="strange" | {{crate|52}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" width=10% | {{icon item|Festive Backburner|link=Backburner{{if lang}}|63px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" width=10% | {{icon item|Festive Shotgun|link=Shotgun{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Flame Thrower{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Flamethrower}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Flame Thrower{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Flamethrower}}]]
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Axtinguisher{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Axtinguisher}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Axtinguisher{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Axtinguisher}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Flare Gun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Flare Gun}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Backburner{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Backburner}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Shotgun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Shotgun}}]]
|-  <!-- Demoman -->
|-  <!-- Demoman -->
! style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | {{class link|Demoman|br=yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="background:#ffbd7e;" | {{class link|Demoman|br=yes}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Stickybomb Launcher|80px}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Stickybomb Launcher|link=Stickybomb Launcher{{if lang}}|63px}}
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Grenade Launcher|link=Grenade Launcher{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Eyelander|link=Eyelander{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Chargin' Targe|link=Chargin' Targe{{if lang}}|63px}}
| valign="top" | [[Stickybomb Launcher{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Stickybomb Launcher}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Stickybomb Launcher{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Stickybomb Launcher}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Grenade Launcher{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Grenade Launcher}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Eyelander{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Eyelander}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Chargin' Targe{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Chargin' Targe}}]]
|-  <!-- Heavy -->
|-  <!-- Heavy -->
! style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | {{class link|Heavy|br=yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="background:#ffbd7e;" | {{class link|Heavy|br=yes}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Minigun|80px}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Minigun|link=Minigun{{if lang}}|63px}}
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Sandvich|link=Sandvich{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Gloves of Running Urgently|link=Gloves of Running Urgently{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Shotgun|link=Shotgun{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Minigun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Minigun}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Minigun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Minigun}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Sandvich{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Sandvich}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Gloves of Running Urgently{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Gloves of Running Urgently}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Shotgun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Shotgun}}]]
|-  <!-- Engineer -->
|-  <!-- Engineer -->
! style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | {{class link|Engineer|br=yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="background:#ffbd7e;" | {{class link|Engineer|br=yes}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Wrench|80px}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Wrench|link=Wrench{{if lang}}|63px}}
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Frontier Justice|link=Frontier Justice{{if lang}}|63px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Frontier Justice|80px}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Wrangler|link=Wrangler{{if lang}}|63px}}
| class="strange" | {{crate|52}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Shotgun|link=Shotgun{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Wrench{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Wrench}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Wrench{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Wrench}}]]
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Frontier Justice{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Frontier Justice}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Frontier Justice{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Frontier Justice}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Wrangler{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Wrangler}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Shotgun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Shotgun}}]]
|-  <!-- Medic -->
|-  <!-- Medic -->
! style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | {{class link|Medic|br=yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="background:#ffbd7e;" | {{class link|Medic|br=yes}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Medi Gun|80px}}  
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Medi Gun|link=Medi Gun{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Ubersaw|link=Ubersaw{{if lang}}|63px}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Ubersaw|80px}}   
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Crusader's Crossbow|link=Crusader's Crossbow{{if lang}}|63px}}   
| class="strange" | {{crate|52}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Bonesaw|link=Bonesaw{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Medi Gun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Medi Gun}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Medi Gun{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Medi Gun}}]]
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Ubersaw{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Fesitve Ubersaw}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Ubersaw{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Ubersaw}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Crusader's Crossbow{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Crusader's Crossbow}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Bonesaw{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Bonesaw}}]]
|-  <!-- Sniper -->
|-  <!-- Sniper -->
! style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | {{class link|Sniper|br=yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="background:#ffbd7e;" | {{class link|Sniper|br=yes}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Sniper Rifle|80px}}  
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Sniper Rifle|link=Sniper Rifle{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Huntsman|link=Huntsman{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Huntsman|80px}}  
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Jarate|link=Jarate{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| class="strange" | {{crate|52}}
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive SMG|link=SMG{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Sniper Rifle{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Sniper Rifle}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Sniper Rifle{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Sniper Rifle}}]]
| colspan="2"  class="nameplate" | [[Huntsman{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Huntsman}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Huntsman{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Huntsman}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Jarate{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Jarate}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[SMG{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive SMG}}]]
|-  <!-- Spy -->
|-  <!-- Spy -->
! style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="2" | {{class link|Spy|br=yes}}
! rowspan=2 style="background:#ffbd7e;" | {{class link|Spy|br=yes}}
| style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Knife|80px}}  
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Knife|link=Knife{{if lang}}|63px}}  
| class="strange" | {{crate|35}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD" | {{icon item|Festive Ambassador|link=Ambassador{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan=1 style="background:#FFDDAD| {{icon item|Festive Sapper|link=Sapper{{if lang}}|63px}}
| colspan="2class="nameplate" | [[Knife{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Knife}}]]
| colspan=2 style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Festive Revolver|link=Revolver{{if lang}}|63px}}
|}<noinclude>{{translation switching|en, es, fr, ko, nl, ru, zh-hant}}</noinclude>
| colspan=2 | [[Knife{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Knife}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Ambassador{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Ambassador}}]]
| colspan=1 | [[Sapper{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Sapper}}]]
| colspan=2 | [[Revolver{{if lang}}|{{Item name|Festive Revolver}}]]
|}<noinclude>{{Doc begin}}
{{translation switching|en, da, de, es, fr, ja, ko, nl, pl, pt-br, ro, ru, zh-hans, zh-hant}}

Latest revision as of 11:43, 3 December 2024