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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Scream Fortress 2013}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Scream Fortress 2013}}
{{patch info|10|29|2013}}
{{patch info|10|29|2013}}
{{recent addition}}
[[File:Fifth Annual Scream Fortress Special.jpg|right|330px|link=http://www.teamfortress.com/bazbobarrabus/]]
[[File:Fifth Annual Scream Fortress Special.jpg|right|330px|link=http://www.teamfortress.com/bazbobarrabus/]]
{{Quotation|'''Scream Fortress 2013 Update Page'''|Claw your way through piles of musty books and skeletons while old people yell at each other about nonsense and get carried off to Hell! That's right, Team Feartress fans— we combined the terror of Halloween with the more muted and depressing terror of a retirement home, and accidentally invented an entirely new brand of horror! Then we realized listening to two old men bicker from beyond the grave isn't that horrifying, so we threw in a bunch of crazy spells you can cast at each other!}}
{{Quotation|'''Update page'''|Claw your way through piles of musty books and skeletons while old people yell at each other about nonsense and get carried off to Hell! That's right, Team Feartress fans— we combined the terror of Halloween with the more muted and depressing terror of a retirement home, and accidentally invented an entirely new brand of horror! Then we realized listening to two old men bicker from beyond the grave isn't that horrifying, so we threw in a bunch of crazy spells you can cast at each other!}}
<span class="plainlinks">'''[http://www.teamfortress.com/bazbobarrabus/ Scream Fortress Fifth Annual Halloween Special]'''</span> je [[Patches/cs#Content updates|velká aktualizace]] vydána 29. října 2013.
<span class="plainlinks">'''[http://www.teamfortress.com/bazbobarrabus/ Scream Fortress Fifth Annual Halloween Special]'''</span> {{Lang icon}} je [[Patches/cs#Content updates|velká aktualizace]] vydána 29. října 2013.
== Časová osa ==
== Časová osa ==
18. září 2013 byla oznámena zpráva na [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11479 oficiálním blogu] o zahájení přidávaní předmětů.
18. září 2013 byla oznámena zpráva na [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11479 oficiálním blogu] {{lang icon|en}} o zahájení přidávaní předmětů.
Událost byla oznámena 28. října 2013 [[comic/cs|komiksem]] [[Grave Matters/cs|Grave Matters]].
Událost byla oznámena 28. října 2013 [[comic/cs|komiksem]] [[Grave Matters/cs|Grave Matters]].
Akce bude probíhat od 29. října 2013 do 11. listopadu 2013.
Událost probíhala od 29. října 2013 do 11. listopadu 2013.
== Novinky ==
== Přidaný obsah ==
=== Klobouky ===
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding="3" style="text-align:center;"
=== Nehratelné postavy ===
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="4" | {{icon class|Soldier}}<br/>'''[[Soldier/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Soldier</span>]]'''
* [[Skeletons/cs|Kostlivci]]
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Cadaver's Capper|75px}}
* [[Monoculus/cs|MONOCULUS]]
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Cadaver's Capper/cs|Cadaver's Capper]]'''
=== Mapy ===
{{main|List of maps}}
{| class="wikitable" cellpadding="2" style="text-align:center;"
! style="background:#6A5587;" class="header" | <font color="white"> {{common string|Name}}
! style="background:#6A5587;" class="header" | <font color="white"> {{common string|Picture}}
! style="background:#6A5587;" class="header" | <font color="white"> {{common string|Game mode}}
! style="background:#6A5587;" class="header" | <font color="white"> {{common string|File name}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Freedom Feathers|75px}}
| width="90px" style="background:#AD9DC3;" | '''[[Helltower{{if lang}}|<font color="white">Helltower</font>]]'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Freedom Feathers/cs|Freedom Feathers]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | [[File:Plr hightower event3.png|200px|link=Helltower]]
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''[[Payload Race]]'''<br>[[File:RED_Helltower_Bombcart.png|30px|link=Payload Race]][[File:BLU_Helltower_Bombcart.png|30px|link=Payload Race]]
| {{code|plr_hightower_event}}
=== Halloweenské kostýmy ===
{{main|Halloween Costumes}}
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding="2" style="text-align:center;"
| width="90px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="2" | '''{{class link|Scout|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="2" | '''{{item link|Boston Bulldog}}'''<br/>
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Hound's Hood|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Hound's Hood}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Larval Lid|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Terrier Trousers|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Larval Lid/cs|Larval Lid]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Terrier Trousers}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Spellbinder's Bonnet|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="6" | '''{{class link|Soldier|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Spellbinder's Bonnet/cs|Spellbinder's Bonnet]]'''
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="3" | '''{{item link|Rocket Ranger}}'''<br/>
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Hardium Helm|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Hardium Helm}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="3" | {{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>'''[[Pyro/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Pyro</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Space Bracers|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Macabre Mask|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Space Bracers}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Macabre Mask/cs|Macabre Mask]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Raven's Visage|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Jupiter Jumpers|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Raven's Visage/cs|Raven's Visage]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Jupiter Jumpers}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Spectralnaut|75px}}
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="3" | '''{{item link|The Terracotta Trooper}}'''<br/>
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Spectralnaut/cs|Spectralnaut]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Hidden Dragon|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Hidden Dragon}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>'''[[Demoman/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Demoman</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Faux Manchu|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Mann-Bird of Aberdeen|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Faux Manchu}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Mann-Bird of Aberdeen/cs|Mann-Bird of Aberdeen]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Squid's Lid|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Shaolin Sash|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Squid's Lid/cs|Squid's Lid]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Shaolin Sash}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Heavy}}<br/>'''[[Heavy/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Heavy</span>]]'''
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="7" | '''{{class link|Pyro|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Chicken Kiev|75px}}
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="3" | '''{{item link|Burny the Pyrosaur}}'''<br/>
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Chicken Kiev/cs|Chicken Kiev]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Burny's Boney Bonnet|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Burny's Boney Bonnet}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Horned Honcho|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Horned Honcho/cs|Horned Honcho]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Medic}}<br/>'''[[Medic/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Medic</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Monster's Stompers|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Medimedes|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Monster's Stompers}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Medimedes/cs|Medimedes]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Trepanabotomizer|75px}}
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="2" | '''{{item link|Malice in Pyroland}}'''<br/>
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Trepanabotomizer/cs|Trepanabotomizer]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Crispy Golden Locks|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Crispy Golden Locks}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Sniper}}<br/>'''[[Sniper/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Sniper</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Scorched Skirt|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hallowed Headcase|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Scorched Skirt}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Hallowed Headcase/cs|Hallowed Headcase]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Sir Shootsalot|75px}}
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="2" | '''{{item link|Murky Lurker}}'''<br/>
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Sir Shootsalot/cs|Sir Shootsalot]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Vicious Visage|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Vicious Visage}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Spy}}<br/>'''[[Spy/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Spy</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Abhorrent Appendages|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hyperbaric Bowler|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Abhorrent Appendages}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Hyperbaric Bowler/cs|Hyperbaric Bowler]]'''
| width="60px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan = 1| {{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>'''[[Pyro/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Pyro</span>]]'''<br/>{{icon class|Engineer}}<br/>'''[[Engineer/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Engineer</span>]]'''<br/>{{icon class|Sniper}}<br/>'''[[Sniper/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Sniper</span>]]'''
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="4" | '''{{class link|Demoman|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Snaggletoothed Stetson|75px}}
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="2" | '''{{item link|Count Tavish}}'''<br/>
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Snaggletoothed Stetson/cs|Snaggletoothed Stetson]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Transylvania Top|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Transylvania Top}}'''
| width="60px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan = 5| {{icon class|All Classes}}<br/>'''[[Classes/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Všechny třídy</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Lordly Lapels|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Dark Helm|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Lordly Lapels}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Dark Helm/cs|Dark Helm]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Haunted Hat|75px}}
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="2" | '''{{item link|Cursed Captain}}'''<br/>
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Haunted Hat/cs|Haunted Hat]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Squid's Lid|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Squid's Lid}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Manneater|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Cap'n Calamari|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Manneater/cs|Manneater]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Cap'n Calamari}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|One-Way Ticket|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="4" | '''{{class link|Medic|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[One-Way Ticket/cs|One-Way Ticket]]'''
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="2" | '''{{item link|Doctor Galactic}}'''<br/>
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Surgeon's Space Suit|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Surgeon's Space Suit}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Tuque or Treat|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Lo-Grav Loafers|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Tuque or Treat/cs|Tuque or Treat]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Lo-Grav Loafers}}'''
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="2" | '''{{item link|Sun King}}'''<br/>
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Teutonkahmun|75px}}
=== Postranní předměty ===
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Teutonkahmun}}'''
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding="3" style="text-align:center;"
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="3" | {{icon class|Scout}}<br/>'''[[Scout/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Scout</span>]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Face Plante|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Face Plante/cs|Face Plante]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Faun Feet|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Ramses' Regalia|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Faun Feet/cs|Faun Feet]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Ramses' Regalia}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Sprinting Cephalopod|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="3" | '''{{class link|Spy|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Sprinting Cephalopod/cs|Sprinting Cephalopod]]'''
| style="background:#E8E2F0;" rowspan="3" | '''{{item link|Gravelpit Emperor}}'''<br/>
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Candyman's Cap|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Candyman's Cap}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Soldier}}<br/>'''[[Soldier/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Soldier</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Bountiful Bow|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Faux Manchu|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Bountiful Bow}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Faux Manchu/cs|Faux Manchu]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Lieutenant Bites the Dust|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{icon item|Bozo's Brogues|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Lieutenant Bites the Dust/cs|Lieutenant Bites the Dust]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Bozo's Brogues}}'''
=== Kosmetické předměty ===
{{main|Cosmetic items}}
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding="3" style="text-align:center;"
| width="90px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="5" | '''{{class link|Scout|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Face Plante|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Face Plante}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="13" | {{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>'''[[Pyro/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Pyro</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Faun Feet|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Beast From Below|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Faun Feet}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Beast From Below/cs|Beast From Below]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Carrion Companion|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Halloweiner|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Carrion Companion/cs|Carrion Companion]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Halloweiner}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Creature From The Heap|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Horrific Head of Hare|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Creature From The Heap/cs|Creature From The Heap]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Horrific Head of Hare}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|External Organ|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Sprinting Cephalopod|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[External Organ/cs|External Organ]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Sprinting Cephalopod}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Glob|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="6" | '''{{class link|Soldier|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Glob/cs|Glob]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Cadaver's Capper|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Cadaver's Capper}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Grisly Gumbo|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Freedom Feathers|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Grisly Gumbo/cs|Grisly Gumbo]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Freedom Feathers}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Handhunter|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Grub Grenades|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Handhunter/cs|Handhunter]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Grub Grenades}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hard-Headed Hardware|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Larval Lid|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Hard-Headed Hardware/cs|Hard-Headed Hardware]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Larval Lid}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hollowhead|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Lieutenant Bites the Dust|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Hollowhead/cs|Hollowhead]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Lieutenant Bites the Dust}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Maniac's Manacles|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Spellbinder's Bonnet|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Maniac's Manacles/cs|Maniac's Manacles]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Spellbinder's Bonnet}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|PY-40 Incinibot|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="21" | '''{{class link|Pyro|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[PY-40 Incinibot/cs|PY-40 Incinibot]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Beast from Below|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Beast from Below}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Rugged Respirator|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Bozo's Bouffant|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Rugged Respirator/cs|Rugged Respirator]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Bozo's Bouffant}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Up Pyroscopes|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Carrion Companion|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Up Pyroscopes/cs|Up Pyroscopes]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Carrion Companion}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="4" | {{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>'''[[Demoman/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Demoman</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Corpsemopolitan|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Cap'n Calamari|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Corpsemopolitan}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Cap'n Calamari/cs|Cap'n Calamari]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Creature from the Heap|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down/cs|Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Creature from the Heap}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Parasight|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Death Support Pack|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Parasight/cs|Parasight]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Death Support Pack}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Polly Putrid|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|External Organ|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Polly Putrid/cs|Polly Putrid]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|External Organ}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="3" | {{icon class|Heavy}}<br/>'''[[Heavy/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Heavy</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Glob|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Ivan The Inedible|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Glob}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Ivan The Inedible/cs|Ivan The Inedible]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Last Bite|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Gothic Guise|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Last Bite/cs|Last Bite]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Gothic Guise}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Monstrous Mandible|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Grisly Gumbo|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Monstrous Mandible/cs|Monstrous Mandible]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Grisly Gumbo}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Medic}}<br/>'''[[Medic|<span style="color: #FFF;">Medic</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Handhunter|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Archimedes the Undying|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Handhunter}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Archimedes the Undying/cs|Archimedes the Undying]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Second Opinion|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hard-Headed Hardware|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Second Opinion/cs|Second Opinion]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Hard-Headed Hardware}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Sniper}}<br/>'''[[Sniper/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Sniper</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hollowhead|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Carious Chameleon|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Hollowhead}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Carious Chameleon/cs|Carious Chameleon]]'''
| width="60px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan = 1| {{icon class|Scout}}<br/>'''[[Scout/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Scout</span>]]'''<br/>{{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>'''[[Demoman/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Demoman</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Macabre Mask|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Baphomet Trotters|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Macabre Mask}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Baphomet Trotters/cs|Baphomet Trotters]]'''
| width="60px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan = 8| {{icon class|All Classes}}<br/>'''[[Classes/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Všechny třídy</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Maniac's Manacles|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Accursed Apparition|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Maniac's Manacles}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Accursed Apparition/cs|Accursed Apparition]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Beacon from Beyond|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Mucous Membrain|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Beacon from Beyond/cs|Beacon from Beyond]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Mucous Membrain}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Cryptic Keepsake|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|PY-40 Incinibot|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Cryptic Keepsake/cs|Cryptic Keepsake]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|PY-40 Incinibot}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Guano|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Raven's Visage|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Guano/cs|Guano]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Raven's Visage}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Pocket Horsemann|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Rugged Respirator|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Pocket Horsemann/cs|Pocket Horsemann]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Rugged Respirator}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Quoth|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Spectralnaut|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Quoth/cs|Quoth]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Spectralnaut}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Sackcloth Spook|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Up Pyroscopes|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Sackcloth Spook/cs|Sackcloth Spook]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Up Pyroscopes}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Unidentified Following Object|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="5" | '''{{class link|Demoman|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Unidentified Following Object/cs|Unidentified Following Object]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Headtaker's Hood|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Headtaker's Hood}}'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down}}'''
=== Kostýmové předměty ===
==== Klobouky ====
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding="3" style="text-align:center;"
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="3" | {{icon class|Scout}}<br/>'''[[Scout/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Scout</span>]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Halloweiner|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Halloweiner/cs|Halloweiner]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Horrific Head of Hare|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Mann-Bird of Aberdeen|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Horrific Head of Hare/cs|Horrific Head of Hare]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Mann-Bird of Aberdeen}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hound's Hood|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Parasight|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Hound's Hood/cs|Hound's Hood]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;"| '''{{item link|Parasight}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Soldier}}<br/>'''[[Soldier/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Soldier</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Polly Putrid|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hardium Helm|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Polly Putrid}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Hardium Helm/cs|Hardium Helm]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hidden Dragon|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="5" | '''{{class link|Heavy|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Hidden Dragon/cs|Hidden Dragon]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Chicken Kiev|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Chicken Kiev}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="6" | {{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>'''[[Pyro/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Pyro</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Horned Honcho|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Bozo's Bouffant|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Horned Honcho}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Bozo's Bouffant/cs|Bozo's Bouffant]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Burny's Boney Bonnet|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Ivan The Inedible|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Burny's Boney Bonnet/cs|Burny's Boney Bonnet]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Ivan The Inedible}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Corpsemopolitan|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Last Bite|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Corpsemopolitan/cs|Corpsemopolitan]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Last Bite}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Crispy Golden Locks|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Monstrous Mandible|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Crispy Golden Locks/cs|Crispy Golden Locks]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Monstrous Mandible}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Gothic Guise|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="1" | '''{{class link|Engineer|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Gothic Guise/cs|Gothic Guise]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Grease Monkey|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Grease Monkey}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Mucous Membrain|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="8" | '''{{class link|Medic|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Mucous Membrain/cs|Mucous Membrain]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Alternative Medicine Mann|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Alternative Medicine Mann}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="2" | {{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>'''[[Demoman/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Demoman</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Archimedes the Undying|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Headtaker's Hood|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Archimedes the Undying}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Headtaker's Hood/cs|Headtaker's Hood]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Transylvania Top|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Das Blutliebhaber|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Transylvania Top/cs|Transylvania Top]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Das Blutliebhaber}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="4" | {{icon class|Medic}}<br/>'''[[Medic/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Medic</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Medimedes|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Alternative Medicine Mann|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Medimedes}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Alternative Medicine Mann/cs|Alternative Medicine Mann]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Das Blutliebhaber|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Second Opinion|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Das Blutliebhaber/cs|Das Blutliebhaber]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Second Opinion}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Shaman's Skull|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Shaman's Skull|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Shaman's Skull/cs|Shaman's Skull]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Shaman's Skull}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Teutonkahmun|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Trepanabotomizer|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Teutonkahmun/cs|Teutonkahmun]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Trepanabotomizer}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Spy}}<br/>'''[[Spy/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Spy</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Vicar's Vestments|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Candyman's Cap|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Vicar's Vestments}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Candyman's Cap/cs|Candyman's Cap]]'''
| width="60px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan = 1| {{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>'''[[Demoman/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Demoman</span>]]'''<br/>{{icon class|Spy}}<br/>'''[[Spy/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Spy</span>]]'''
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="3" | '''{{class link|Sniper|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Ethereal Hood|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Carious Chameleon|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Ethereal Hood/cs|Ethereal Hood]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Carious Chameleon}}'''
| width="60px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan = 2| {{icon class|All Classes}}<br/>'''[[Classes/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Všechny třídy</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hallowed Headcase|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Birdie Bonnet|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Hallowed Headcase}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Birdie Bonnet/cs|Birdie Bonnet]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Magical Mercenary|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Sir Shootsalot|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Magical Mercenary/cs|Magical Mercenary]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Sir Shootsalot}}'''
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="2" | '''{{class link|Spy|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Foul Cowl|75px}}
==== Postranní předměty ====
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Foul Cowl}}'''
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding="3" style="text-align:center;"
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Scout}}<br/>'''[[Scout/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Scout</span>]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Terrier Trousers|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Terrier Trousers/cs|Terrier Trousers]]'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="4" | {{icon class|Soldier}}<br/>'''[[Soldier/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Soldier</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Hyperbaric Bowler|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Grub Grenades|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Hyperbaric Bowler}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Grub Grenades/cs|Grub Grenades]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Jupiter Jumpers|75px}}
| align="left" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="1" | '''{{class link|Scout|color=white}}<br>{{class link|Demoman|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Jupiter Jumpers/cs|Jupiter Jumpers]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Baphomet Trotters|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Baphomet Trotters}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Shaolin Sash|75px}}
| align="left" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="1" | '''{{class link|Soldier|color=white}}<br>{{class link|Pyro|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Shaolin Sash/cs|Shaolin Sash]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Pin Pals|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Pin Pals}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Space Bracers|75px}}
| align="left" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="1" | <!--
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Space Bracers/cs|Space Bracers]]'''
-->'''{{class link|Soldier|color=white}}'''<br/><!--
-->'''{{class link|Pyro|color=white}}'''<br/><!--
-->'''{{class link|Demoman|color=white}}'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Candleer|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Candleer}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="6" | {{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>'''[[Pyro/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Pyro</span>]]'''
| align="left" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="1" | <!--
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Abhorrent Appendages|75px}}
-->'''{{class link|Pyro|color=white}}'''<br/><!--
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Abhorrent Appendages/cs|Abhorrent Appendages]]'''
-->'''{{class link|Engineer|color=white}}'''<br/><!--
-->'''{{class link|Sniper|color=white}}'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Snaggletoothed Stetson|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Snaggletoothed Stetson}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage|75px}}
| align="left" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="1" | '''{{class link|Demoman|color=white}}<br>{{class link|Spy|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage/cs|Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Ethereal Hood|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Ethereal Hood}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Death Support Pack|75px}}
| style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan="15" | '''{{class link|All Classes|br=yes|color=white}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Death Support Pack/cs|Death Support Pack]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Accursed Apparition|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Accursed Apparition}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Monster's Stompers|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Beacon from Beyond|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Monster's Stompers/cs|Monster's Stompers]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Beacon from Beyond}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Scorched Skirt|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Birdie Bonnet|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Scorched Skirt/cs|Scorched Skirt]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Birdie Bonnet}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Vicious Visage|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Cryptic Keepsake|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Vicious Visage/cs|Vicious Visage]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Cryptic Keepsake}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>'''[[Demoman/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Demoman</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Dark Helm|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Lordly Lapels|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Dark Helm}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Lordly Lapels/cs|Lordly Lapels]]'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="1" | {{icon class|Engineer}}<br/>'''[[Engineer/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Engineer</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Guano|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Grease Monkey|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Guano}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Grease Monkey/cs|Grease Monkey]]'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="4" | {{icon class|Medic}}<br/>'''[[Medic/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Medic</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Haunted Hat|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Ramses' Regalia|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Haunted Hat}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Ramses' Regalia/cs|Ramses' Regalia]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Surgeon's Space Suit|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Magical Mercenary|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Surgeon's Space Suit/cs|Surgeon's Space Suit]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Magical Mercenary}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Lo-Grav Loafers|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Manneater|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Lo-Grav Loafers/cs|Lo-Grav Loafers]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Manneater}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Vicar's Vestments|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|One-Way Ticket|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Vicar's Vestments/cs|Vicar's Vestments]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|One-Way Ticket}}'''
| width="60px" style="background: #6A5587;" rowspan="3" | {{icon class|Spy}}<br/>'''[[Spy/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Spy</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Pocket Horsemann|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Bountiful Bow|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Pocket Horsemann}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Bountiful Bow/cs|Bountiful Bow]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Bozo's Brogues|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Quoth|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Bozo's Brogues/cs|Bozo's Brogues]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Quoth}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Foul Cowl|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Sackcloth Spook|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Foul Cowl/cs|Foul Cowl]]'''
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Sackcloth Spook}}'''
| width="60px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan = 1| {{icon class|Soldier}}<br/>'''[[Soldier/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Soldier</span>]]'''<br/>{{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>'''[[Pyro/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Pyro</span>]]'''<br/>{{icon class|Demoman}}<br/>'''[[Demoman/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Demoman</span>]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Tuque or Treat|75px}}
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Candleer|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Tuque or Treat}}'''
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Candleer/cs|Candleer]]'''
| width="60px" style="background:#6A5587;" rowspan = 1| {{icon class|Soldier}}<br/>'''[[Soldier/cs|<span style="color: #FFF;">Soldier</span>]]'''<br/>{{icon class|Pyro}}<br/>'''[[Pyro|<span style="color: #FFF;">Pyro</span>]]'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Pin Pals|75px}}
| style="background: #F1ECF7;"| '''[[Pin Pals/cs|Pin Pals]]'''
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{item icon|Unidentified Following Object|75px}}
| style="background:#F1ECF7;" | '''{{item link|Unidentified Following Object}}'''
=== Funkční předměty ===
=== Akční předměty ===
{{main|Action items}}
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center;"
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center;"
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Fancy Spellbook|75px}}
| width="90px" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Fancy Spellbook|75px}}
| '''{{Item link|Fancy Spellbook}}'''
| '''{{item link|Fancy Spellbook}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Spellbook Magazine|75px}}
| style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Spellbook Magazine|75px}}
| '''{{Item link|Spellbook Magazine}}'''
| '''{{item link|Spellbook Magazine}}'''
=== Nástroje ===
=== Nástroje ===
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center;"
{| class="wikitable collapsible" cellpadding=2 style="text-align:center;"
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Costume Transmogrifier|75px}}
| width="90px" style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Costume Transmogrifier|75px}}
| '''{{Item link|Costume Transmogrifier}}'''
| '''{{item link|Costume Transmogrifier}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Enchantment- Eternaween|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Enchantment Eternaween|75px}}
| '''{{Item link|Enchantment: Eternaween}}'''
| '''{{item link|Enchantment Eternaween|Enchantment: Eternaween}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Spellbook Page|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Spellbook Page|75px}}
| '''{{Item link|Spellbook Page}}'''
| '''{{item link|Spellbook Page}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Spooky Key|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Spooky Crate|75px}}
| '''{{Item link|Spooky Key}}'''
| '''{{item link|Spooky Crate}}'''
| align="center" style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Unfilled Fancy Spellbook|75px}}
| style="background:#AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Spooky Key|75px}}
| '''{{Item link|Unfilled Fancy Spellbook}}'''
| '''{{item link|Spooky Key}}'''
| style="background: #AD9DC3;" | {{Icon item|Unfilled Fancy Spellbook|75px}}
| '''{{item link|Unfilled Fancy Spellbook}}'''
===Nehratelná postava===
=== Unusual efekty ===
* [[Skeletons/cs|Skeletons]]
{{main|Unusual effects}}
* [[Monoculus/cs|Monoculus]]
{{Scream Fortress 2013 Unusual effects}}
=== [[Bereavements/cs|Bereavements]] ===
== Achievementy ==
=== {{Achiev type link|bereavements}} ===
{{Halloween 2013 achievement list}}
{{Halloween 2013 achievement list}}
=== Mapa ===
=== Mapa ===
{{main|List of maps/cs|l1=Seznam map}}
{| class="wikitable" cellpadding="2" style="text-align:center;"
|- style="height:20px; color: #FFF;"
! style="background: #6A5587;" class="header" | {{common string|name}}
! style="background: #6A5587;" class="header" | {{common string|picture}}
! style="background: #6A5587;" class="header" | {{common string|game mode}}
! style="background: #6A5587;" class="header" | {{common string|file name}}
| style="background: #AD9DC3;" | '''[[Helltower/cs|Helltower]]'''
| width="100px"  | [[File:Plr hightower event3.png|160px|link=Helltower/cs]]
| style="background: #F1ECF7;" align="center" | '''[[Payload Race/cs|Payload Race]]'''<br>[[File:RED Bombcart.png|30px|link=Payload Race/cs]][[File:BLU Bombcart.png|30px| link=Payload Race/cs]]
| style="background: #F1ECF7;" | {{code|plr_hightower_event}}
== Drobnosti ==
* Několik zakódovaných zpráv lze najít na aktualizace stránky, a používají Agathodaimonické symboly.
** Dvě jsou nalezeny na stužkách, které se táhnou přes stránku. První říká "Bazbo Bibbons", a druhý "Abo alabazbus"
** Některé věty lze číst v ilustraci knihy kouzel.
* Několik jmen achievementů jsou slovní hříčky, které odkazují na kulturní fráze nebo ikony.
**"Hell's Spells" odkazuje na frázi "hell's bells".
**"Skeleton Coup" odkazuje na termín "skeleton crew."
**"Spelling Spree" odkazuje na "Killing Spree" z Unreal Tournament herních sérií, hlasové ocenění uděleno hráčům kteří zabijí pět hráčů bez umírání.
**"Mine Games" odkazuje na frázi "Mind Games."
**"Hat Out Of Hell" odkazuje na rčení "bat out of hell".
**"Mann-tastic Four" odkazuje na Marvel's Fantastic Four.
== Galerie ==
== Galerie ==

Latest revision as of 18:07, 21 August 2024

Tento článek je výpis nových předmětů do hry, pro patch se podívejte sem Patch z 29. října 2013.
Fifth Annual Scream Fortress Special.jpg
Claw your way through piles of musty books and skeletons while old people yell at each other about nonsense and get carried off to Hell! That's right, Team Feartress fans— we combined the terror of Halloween with the more muted and depressing terror of a retirement home, and accidentally invented an entirely new brand of horror! Then we realized listening to two old men bicker from beyond the grave isn't that horrifying, so we threw in a bunch of crazy spells you can cast at each other!
Update page

Scream Fortress Fifth Annual Halloween Special (Anglicky) je velká aktualizace vydána 29. října 2013.

Časová osa

18. září 2013 byla oznámena zpráva na oficiálním blogu (Anglicky) o zahájení přidávaní předmětů.

Událost byla oznámena 28. října 2013 komiksem Grave Matters.

Událost probíhala od 29. října 2013 do 11. listopadu 2013.

Přidaný obsah

Nehratelné postavy


Původní článek: List of maps
Název Obrázek Herní mód Název souboru
Helltower Plr hightower event3.png Payload Race
RED Helltower Bombcart.pngBLU Helltower Bombcart.png

Halloweenské kostýmy

Původní článek: Halloween Costumes
Boston Bulldog
Hound's Hood Hound's Hood
Terrier Trousers Terrier Trousers
Rocket Ranger
Hardium Helm Hardium Helm
Space Bracers Space Bracers
Jupiter Jumpers Jupiter Jumpers
Terracotta Trooper
Hidden Dragon Hidden Dragon
Faux Manchu Faux Manchu
Shaolin Sash Shaolin Sash
Burny The Pyrosaur
Burny's Boney Bonnet Burny's Boney Bonnet
Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage
Monster's Stompers Monster's Stompers
Malice in Pyroland
Crispy Golden Locks Crispy Golden Locks
Scorched Skirt Scorched Skirt
Murky Lurker
Vicious Visage Vicious Visage
Abhorrent Appendages Abhorrent Appendages
Count Tavish
Transylvania Top Transylvania Top
Lordly Lapels Lordly Lapels
Cursed Captain
Squid's Lid Squid's Lid
Cap'n Calamari Cap'n Calamari
Doctor Galactic
Surgeon's Space Suit Surgeon's Space Suit
Lo-Grav Loafers Lo-Grav Loafers
Sun King
Teutonkahmun Teutonkahmun
Ramses' Regalia Ramses' Regalia
Gravelpit Emperor
Candyman's Cap Candyman's Cap
Bountiful Bow Bountiful Bow
Bozo's Brogues Bozo's Brogues

Kosmetické předměty

Původní článek: Cosmetic items
Face Plante Face Plante
Faun Feet Faun Feet
Halloweiner Halloweiner
Horrific Head of Hare Horrific Head of Hare
Sprinting Cephalopod Sprinting Cephalopod
Cadaver's Capper Cadaver's Capper
Freedom Feathers Freedom Feathers
Grub Grenades Grub Grenades
Larval Lid Larval Lid
Lieutenant Bites the Dust Lieutenant Bites the Dust
Spellbinder's Bonnet Spellbinder's Bonnet
Beast from Below Beast from Below
Bozo's Bouffant Bozo's Bouffant
Carrion Companion Carrion Companion
Corpsemopolitan Corpsemopolitan
Creature from the Heap Creature From The Heap
Death Support Pack Death Support Pack
External Organ External Organ
Glob Glob
Gothic Guise Gothic Guise
Grisly Gumbo Grisly Gumbo
Handhunter Handhunter
Hard-Headed Hardware Hard-Headed Hardware
Hollowhead Hollowhead
Macabre Mask Macabre Mask
Maniac's Manacles Maniac's Manacles
Mucous Membrain Mucous Membrain
PY-40 Incinibot PY-40 Incinibot
Raven's Visage Raven's Visage
Rugged Respirator Rugged Respirator
Spectralnaut Spectralnaut
Up Pyroscopes Up Pyroscopes
Headtaker's Hood Headtaker's Hood
Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down
Mann-Bird of Aberdeen Mann-Bird of Aberdeen
Parasight Parasight
Polly Putrid Polly Putrid
Chicken Kiev Chicken Kiev
Horned Honcho Horned Honcho
Ivan The Inedible Ivan The Inedible
Last Bite Last Bite
Monstrous Mandible Monstrous Mandible
Grease Monkey Grease Monkey
Alternative Medicine Mann Alternative Medicine Mann
Archimedes the Undying Archimedes the Undying
Das Blutliebhaber Das Blutliebhaber
Medimedes Medimedes
Second Opinion Second Opinion
Shaman's Skull Shaman's Skull
Trepanabotomizer Trepanabotomizer
Vicar's Vestments Vicar's Vestments
Carious Chameleon Carious Chameleon
Hallowed Headcase Hallowed Headcase
Sir Shootsalot Sir Shootsalot
Foul Cowl Foul Cowl
Hyperbaric Bowler Hyperbaric Bowler
Leaderboard class scout.png Scout
Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman
Baphomet Trotters Baphomet Trotters
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
Pin Pals Pin Pals
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman
Candleer Candleer
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer
Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper
Snaggletoothed Stetson Snaggletoothed Stetson
Leaderboard class demoman.png Demoman
Leaderboard class spy.png Spy
Ethereal Hood Ethereal Hood
Accursed Apparition Accursed Apparition
Beacon from Beyond Beacon from Beyond
Birdie Bonnet Birdie Bonnet
Cryptic Keepsake Cryptic Keepsake
Dark Helm Dark Helm
Guano Guano
Haunted Hat Haunted Hat
Magical Mercenary Magical Mercenary
Manneater Manneater
One-Way Ticket One-Way Ticket
Pocket Horsemann Pocket Horsemann
Quoth Quoth
Sackcloth Spook Sackcloth Spook
Tuque or Treat Tuque or Treat
Unidentified Following Object Unidentified Following Object

Akční předměty

Původní článek: Action items
Fancy Spellbook Fancy Spellbook
Spellbook Magazine Spellbook Magazine


Původní článek: Tools
Costume Transmogrifier Costume Transmogrifier
Enchantment Eternaween Enchantment: Eternaween
Spellbook Page Spellbook Page
Spooky Crate Spooky Crate
Spooky Key Spooky Key
Unfilled Fancy Spellbook Unfilled Fancy Spellbook

Unusual efekty

Původní článek: Unusual effects
Scream Fortress V Unusual efekty
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Arcana.png
Unusual Spellbound.png
Unusual Chiroptera Venenata.png
Unusual Poisoned Shadows.png
Unusual Something Burning This Way Comes.png
Unusual Hellfire.png
Arcana Spellbound Chiroptera Venenata Poisoned Shadows Something Burning This Way Comes Hellfire
Unusual Darkblaze.png
Unusual Demonflame.png
Darkblaze Demonflame


Item icon Spellbook Magazine.png Bereavements

Helltower: Competitive Spirit
Helltower: Competitive Spirit
Vyhraj 142 kol

Helltower: Hell's Spells
Helltower: Hell's Spells
Získej a použij vzácné kouzlo

Helltower: Hell on Wheels
Helltower: Hell on Wheels
Pošli Redmonda nebo Blutarche 10krát do Pekla

Helltower: Skeleton Coup
Helltower: Skeleton Coup
Zabij 99 kostlivců
Helltower: Spelling Spree
Helltower: Spelling Spree
Pomocí kouzel zabij 25 hráčů

Helltower: Mine Games
Helltower: Mine Games
V Pekle zabij 17 nepřátel pomocí okolního prostředí

Helltower: Hat Out of Hell
Helltower: Hat Out of Hell
Vezmi si svou odměnu z Ostrova lebky v Pekle

Helltower: Mann-tastic Four
Helltower: Mann-tastic Four
Získej 4 achievementy specifické pro mapu Helltower


Původní článek: Seznam map
Název Obrázek Herní mód Název souboru
Helltower Plr hightower event3.png Payload Race
RED Bombcart.pngBLU Bombcart.png


  • Několik zakódovaných zpráv lze najít na aktualizace stránky, a používají Agathodaimonické symboly.
    • Dvě jsou nalezeny na stužkách, které se táhnou přes stránku. První říká "Bazbo Bibbons", a druhý "Abo alabazbus"
    • Některé věty lze číst v ilustraci knihy kouzel.
  • Několik jmen achievementů jsou slovní hříčky, které odkazují na kulturní fráze nebo ikony.
    • "Hell's Spells" odkazuje na frázi "hell's bells".
    • "Skeleton Coup" odkazuje na termín "skeleton crew."
    • "Spelling Spree" odkazuje na "Killing Spree" z Unreal Tournament herních sérií, hlasové ocenění uděleno hráčům kteří zabijí pět hráčů bez umírání.
    • "Mine Games" odkazuje na frázi "Mind Games."
    • "Hat Out Of Hell" odkazuje na rčení "bat out of hell".
    • "Mann-tastic Four" odkazuje na Marvel's Fantastic Four.
