Difference between revisions of "User:Disquse"

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(Replaced content with "There was some information, but now it's super outdated.")
(Tag: Replaced)
(9 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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There was some information, but now it's super outdated.
<div class="plainlinks">
{|class="wikitable" style="width:100%; border:2px; text-align:center"
|style="width:32%" |[[Image:DisquseSteamProfile.png|300px|link=http://steamcommunity.com/id/Disquse|Steam Profile]]
|style="width:32%" |[[Image:DisquseStats.png|300px|link=http://tf2stats.net/player_stats/76561198019913871|TF2 stats]]
|style="width:32%" |[[Image:DisquseBackpack.png|300px|link=http://optf2.com/user/tturbo|TF2 backpack]]
{|class="wikitable" style="width:100%; border:2px; text-align:center"
|[[File:TF2UserBoxes.png|300px|center]] {{User GreenWiki}} {{User Backstabber}} {{User Gentleman}} {{User MedMod}} {{User Steam}} {{User Bill Hat}} {{User Knife}} {{User Never Alone}} {{User HD}}  {{User Russian}} {{User Intel}} {{User NVIDIA}} {{User Windows}} {{User chrome}} {{User Skype}}
{{user infobox
| title              = Disquse
| infoboxcolour      = #DCDCDC
| type              = Human
| image              = DisquseProfileAvatar.jpeg
| language          = Russian
| released          = 31 July 1995
| availability      = Delivered(expired)
| birthplace        = Russia (Tula)
| favclass          = Spy
| favweap            = Knife
| favhat            = Bill's Hat
| favmap            = plr_hightower
| steampage          = [http://steamcommunity.com/id/Disquse Disquse]
| skype              = Disquse
== '''Warning! Under Construction''' ==
'''[http://steamcommunity.com/id/disquse My steam]''' | '''My favorite game:''' ''Team Fortress 2'' | '''I'm''' ''18'' '''years old'' | '''I from''' ''Russia'' | ''I hope I can help'' '''TF2 Wikipedia!'''

Latest revision as of 03:42, 15 April 2021

There was some information, but now it's super outdated.