Difference between revisions of "Template:Active promotional item list"

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m (Minor correction and removed hero academy (S: https://steamcommunity.com/games/209270/announcements/))
m (Fix {{lang}} ordering)
(263 intermediate revisions by 46 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
   | en = Active
   | en = Active
  | cs = Aktivní
   | de = Aktiv
   | de = Aktiv
   | es = Activos actualmente
   | es = Activos actualmente
Line 6: Line 7:
   | it = Attivi
   | it = Attivi
   | ko = 획득 가능
   | ko = 획득 가능
  | nl = Actief
  | no = Aktiv
   | pl = Aktywne
   | pl = Aktywne
   | pt-br = Ativos
   | pt-br = Ativos
  | ro = Active
   | ru = Можно получить сейчас
   | ru = Можно получить сейчас
   | tr = Aktif
   | tr = Aktif
Line 14: Line 18:
==== [[Alien Swarm{{if lang}}|{{Common string|alien swarm}}]] ====
==== {{Common string|games}} ====
===== [[Alien Swarm{{if lang}}|{{Common string|alien swarm}}]] =====
{{see also|wikipedia:Alien Swarm|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Alien Swarm (Wikipedia)}}
{{see also|wikipedia:Alien Swarm|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Alien Swarm (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
Line 28: Line 33:
| {{Patch name|7|19|2010}}
| {{Patch name|7|19|2010}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Hat Trick'' achievement in ''Alien Swarm'' on Steam.
   | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Hat Trick'' achievement in ''Alien Swarm'' on [[Steam]].
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří ve hře ''Alien Swarm'', na službě [[Steam/cs|Steam]], získají achievement ''Hat Trick''.
   | de = Wird Spielern beim Erreichen der Errungenschaft ''Hut-Trick'' in ''Alien Swarm'' [[Steam/de|Steam]] gegeben.
   | de = Wird Spielern beim Erreichen der Errungenschaft ''Hut-Trick'' in ''Alien Swarm'' [[Steam/de|Steam]] gegeben.
  | es = Otorgado a los juagdores que completaron el logro ''Hat Trick'' en ''Alien Swarm'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].
  | fi = Palkintona pelaajille jotka ansaitsivat ''Hattu Temppu'' saavutuksen ''Alien Swarm'' [[Steam/fi|Steamissa]].
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''Hat Trick'' dans ''Alien Swarm'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''Hat Trick'' dans ''Alien Swarm'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].
   | fi = Palkintona pelaajille jotka ansaitsivat ''Hattu Temppu'' saavutuksen ''Alien Swarm'' [[Steam/fi|steamissa]]
   | hu = Azon játékosoknak jutalmazták oda akik megszerezték a ''Hat Trick'' teljesítményt ''Alien Swarm'' játékban [[Steam/hu|Steam]]en.
   | it = Un parassita dal gioco ''Alien Swarm'', un altro gioco [[Valve/it|Valve]]. Ottenuto attraverso l'obiettivo ''Hat Trick'' in ''Alien Swarm''.
   | it = Ottenuto attraverso l'oibiettivo ''Hat Trick'' in ''Alien Swarm''.
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Alien Swarm'' 도전 과제인 ''Hat Trick''을 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Alien Swarm'' 도전 과제인 ''Hat Trick''을 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die de ''Hattrick'' prestatie in ''Alien Swarm'' hebben behaald.
  | no = Gitt til spillere som fullførte ''Hat Trick'' prestasjonen i ''Alien Swarm'' på [[Steam/no|Steam]].
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Alien Swarm'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Hat Trick''.
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Alien Swarm'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Hat Trick''.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Hat Trick'' no jogo ''Alien Swarm'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que alcançarem a conquista ''Hat Trick'' no jogo ''Alien Swarm'' no [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Дело в шляпе'' в игре ''Alien Swarm'' в Steam.
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au obținut realizarea ''Hat Trick'' în jocul de pe [[Steam/ro|Steam]] ''Alien Swarm''.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Дело в шляпе'' в игре ''Alien Swarm'' в [[Steam/ru|Steam]].
   | tr = [[Steam/tr|Steam]] 'de ''Alien Swarm'' oyunundaki ''Hat Trick'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
   | tr = [[Steam/tr|Steam]] 'de ''Alien Swarm'' oyunundaki ''Hat Trick'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
   | zh-hans = 奖励给在[[Steam/zh-hans|Steam]]上解锁''Alien Swarm''中的''帽子戏法(Hat Trick)''成就的玩家。
   | zh-hans = 赠送给在[[Steam/zh-hans|Steam]]上解锁了游戏《异形丛生》中的“帽子戏法”成就的玩家。
   | zh-hant = 這是另一款 Valve 的遊戲:《異形疾殺》中的外星寄生物。只要在遊戲裡通過兩次線上合作關卡(不限遊戲難度)就能得到。
   | zh-hant = 這是另一款 Valve 的遊戲:《異形疾殺》中的外星寄生物。只要在遊戲裡通過兩次線上合作關卡(不限遊戲難度)就能得到。
==== {{Common string|chefsteps}} ====
===== [[Disgaea PC{{if lang}}|{{Common string|disgaea pc}}]] =====
{{see also|wikipedia:Disgaea|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}||l1=Disgaea (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Boiling Point}}
| {{Table icon|Prinny Machete}}
| {{Class link|Heavy|br=yes}}
| rowspan="3" | {{class link|All classes|br=yes}}
| {{item link|Action items}}
| {{item link|weapons}}<br>{{parenthesis|{{item name|melee}}}}
| [[Smissmas 2016{{if lang}}|{{common string|smissmas 2016}}]]<br><small>{{Patch name|12|21|2016}}</small>
| rowspan="3" | {{Patch name|7|7|2016}}
| {{lang
| rowspan="3" | {{lang
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who purchase the [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule sous-vide cooker] and redeem the promotional code sent to them.
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who purchase ''Disgaea PC'' on [[Steam]].
   | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter]] Qualität an Spieler vergeben, die den [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule-Vakuumkocher] {{lang icon|en}} kaufen und den Werbecode einlösen.
  | cs = Uděleno v [[Genuine/cs|Genuine kvalitě]] hráčům, kteří si zakoupili ve službě [[Steam/cs|Steam]] hru ''Disgaea PC''.
   | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 kuchenkę Joule sous-vide] {{lang icon|en}} i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron ''Disgaea PC'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].
   | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 Joule sous-vide cooker] e resgatarem o código promocional enviado.
  | fr = Attribué en qualité [[Genuine/fr|Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté ''Disgaea PC'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].
   | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили [https://www.chefsteps.com/tf2 прибор для приготовления пищи методом су-вид от Joule] {{lang icon|en}} и активировали полученный код в Steam.
   | hu = Azon játékosokat jutalmazták meg [[Genuine/hu|eredeti minőségbe]] akik megvették a "Disgaea PC"-t [[Steam/hu|Steamen]].
  | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Disgaea PC''를 구매한 플레이어들에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급
   | pl = Przyznawane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] grę ''Disgaea PC''.
   | pt-br = Concedido em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o jogo ''[[Disgaea PC/pt-br|Disgaea PC]]'' no [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ro = Dat în calitate [[Genuine/ro|Autentică]] jucătorilor care au cumpărat ''Disgaea PC'' de pe [[Steam/ro|Steam]].
   | ru = Предмет [[Высшей пробы|Высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, купившим игру ''Disgaea PC'' в [[Steam/ru|Steam]].
  | tr = [[Steam/tr|Steam]]'deki ''Disgaea PC'' oyununu satın alanlara [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki]] niteliğinde verilmiştir.
  | zh-hans = 将其物品以[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质赠送给在[[Steam/zh-hans|Steam]]上购买了《魔界战记 PC》的玩家。
| {{Table icon|Prinny Hat}}
| rowspan="2" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{Table icon|Prinny Pouch}}
==== [[Gunpoint{{if lang}}|{{Common string|gunpoint}}]] ====
===== [[Gunpoint{{if lang}}|{{Common string|gunpoint}}]] =====
{{see also|wikipedia:Gunpoint_(video_game)|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Gunpoint (Wikipedia)}}
{{see also|wikipedia:Gunpoint_(video_game)|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Gunpoint (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
Line 81: Line 104:
| {{Patch name|6|10|2013}}
| {{Patch name|6|10|2013}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase ''Gunpoint'' on Steam.
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who purchase ''Gunpoint'' on [[Steam]].
   | de = In der Qualität "[[Genuine/de|Echt]]" an Spieler verteilt, die ''Gunpoint'' auf Steam kaufen.
  | cs = Uděleno v [[Genuine/cs|Genuine kvalitě]] hráčům, kteří si zakoupili ve službě [[Steam/cs|Steam]] hru ''Gunpoint''.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté ''Gunpoint'' sur Steam.
   | de = In der Qualität "[[Genuine/de|Echt]]" an Spieler verteilt, die ''Gunpoint'' auf [[Steam/de|Steam]] kaufen.
   | ko = Steam에서 ''Gunpoint''를 구매한 플레이어들에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급
  | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron ''Gunpoint'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].
   | fr = Attribués en qualité [[Genuine/fr|Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté ''Gunpoint'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].
  | hu = Azon játékosokat jutalmazták meg [[Genuine/hu|eredeti minőségbe]] akik megvették a "Gunpoint" játékot [[Steam/hu|Steamen]].
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Gunpoint''를 구매한 플레이어들에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급
  | nl = In [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit gegeven aan spelers die ''Gunpoint'' hebben gekocht op [[Steam/nl|Steam]].
  | no = Gitt i [[Genuine/no|Ekte kvalitet]] til spillere som kjøper ''Gunpoint'' på [[Steam/no|Steam]].
   | pl = Przyznawane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] grę ''Gunpoint''.
   | pl = Przyznawane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] grę ''Gunpoint''.
   | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem ''Gunpoint'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
   | pt-br = Concedido em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem ''Gunpoint'' no [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
   | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, купившим игру ''Gunpoint'' в Steam.
  | ro = Dat în calitate [[Genuine/ro|Autentică]] jucătorilor care au cumpărat ''Gunpoint'' de pe [[Steam/ro|Steam]].
   | tr = Steam'den ''Gunpoint'' oyununu satın alanlara [[Genuine/tr|Hahiki niteliğinde]] verilir.
   | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, купившим игру ''Gunpoint'' в [[Steam/ru|Steam]].
   | zh-hant = 帶有正統屬性的本物品會送給所有在 Steam 上購買遊戲《槍口之下》的玩家。
   | tr = [[Steam/tr|Steam]]'den ''Gunpoint'' oyununu satın alanlara [[Genuine/tr|Hahiki niteliğinde]] verilir.
  | zh-hans = 将其物品以[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质赠送给在[[Steam/zh-hans|Steam]]上购买了《枪口》的玩家。
   | zh-hant = 帶有正統屬性的本物品會送給所有在 [[Steam/zh-hant|Steam]] 上購買遊戲《槍口之下》的玩家。
==== [[Left 4 Dead 2{{if lang}}|{{Common string|left 4 dead 2}}]] ====
===== [[Left 4 Dead 2{{if lang}}|{{Common string|left 4 dead 2}}]] =====
{{see also|wikipedia:Left 4 Dead 2|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Left 4 Dead 2 (Wikipedia)}}
{{see also|wikipedia:Left 4 Dead 2|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Left 4 Dead 2 (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
Line 105: Line 135:
| {{Table icon|Frying Pan}}
| {{Table icon|Frying Pan}}
| {{icon class|All Classes|20px}}<br> {{common string|all except engineer and spy}}
| {{icon class|All Classes|20px}}<br> {{common string|all except engineer and spy}}
| {{item link|weapons}} ({{item name|melee}})
| {{item link|weapons}}<br>{{parenthesis|{{item name|melee}}}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|10|6|2010}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|10|6|2010}}
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who purchase ''Left 4 Dead 2'' on Steam.
  | en = Awarded to players who purchase ''Left 4 Dead 2'' on [[Steam]].
  | de = Beim Kauf oder Besitz von ''Left 4 Dead 2'' vergeben.
| cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří si zakoupili ve službě [[Steam/cs|Steam]] hru ''Left 4 Dead 2''.
  | es = Otorgado a los propietarios de ''Left 4 Dead 2'' en Steam.
  | de = Beim Kauf oder Besitz von ''Left 4 Dead 2'' vergeben.  
  | fr = Attribuées aux joueurs ayant acheté ''Left 4 Dead 2'' sur Steam.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron ''Left 4 Dead 2'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].
  | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che comprano ''Left 4 Dead 2'' su Steam.
  | fr = Attribuées aux joueurs ayant acheté ''Left 4 Dead 2'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].
| hu = Azoknak a játékosokat jutalmazák meg, akik megvásárolják a ''Left 4 Dead 2-t'' [[Steam/hu|Steam]]-en.
  | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che acquistano ''Left 4 Dead 2'' su [[Steam/it|Steam]].
  | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Left 4 Dead 2''를 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Left 4 Dead 2''를 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
| nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die ''Left 4 Dead 2'' op [[Steam/nl|Steam]] hebben gekocht.
| no = Gitt til spillere som kjøper ''Left 4 Dead 2'' på [[Steam/no|Steam]].
  | pl = Przyznawane graczom, którzy zakupią i zainstalują na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] grę ''Left 4 Dead 2''.
  | pl = Przyznawane graczom, którzy zakupią i zainstalują na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] grę ''Left 4 Dead 2''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que comprarem o jogo ''Left 4 Dead 2'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que comprarem o jogo ''Left 4 Dead 2'' no [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, купившим игру ''Left 4 Dead 2'' в Steam.
| ro = Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat ''Left 4 Dead 2'' de pe [[Steam/ro|Steam]].
  | tr = Steam'den ''Left 4 Dead 2'' oyununu satın alanlara verilir.
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, купившим игру ''Left 4 Dead 2'' в [[Steam/ru|Steam]].
  | zh-hant = 於 Steam 擁有或購買《惡靈勢力2》即可獲得。
  | tr = [[Steam/tr|Steam]]'den ''Left 4 Dead 2'' oyununu satın alanlara verilir.
| zh-hans = 将其物品以[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质赠送给在[[Steam/zh-hans|Steam]]上购买了《求生之路2》的玩家。
  | zh-hant = 於 [[Steam/zh-hant|Steam]] 擁有或購買《惡靈勢力2》即可獲得。
Line 127: Line 163:
==== [[Merchandise{{if lang}}|{{lang
===== [[Octodad: Dadliest Catch{{if lang}}|{{Common string|octodad - dadliest catch}}]] =====
  | en = Merchandise
  | de = Valve-Store
  | fr = Valve Store
  | ko = Valve 상점
  | pl = Sklep Valve
  | ru = Магазин Valve
  | it = Negozio Valve
  | zh-hans = Valve 商店
  | zh-hant = Valve 商店
    }}]] ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Balloonicorn}}
| {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| rowspan="3" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| [[Pyromania{{if lang}}|{{common string|pyromania update}}]]<br><small>{{patch name|6|27|2012}}</small>
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase an [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Inflatable Balloonicorn] from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Vergeben in der Qualität [[Genuine/de|"Echt"]] an alle Spieler, die ein [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html aufblasbares Balloonicorn] vom [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ offiziellen Valve-Store] {{lang icon|en}} kaufen.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Ballicorne gonflable] dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | it = I giocatori che comprano un [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Pallonicorno Gonfiabile] dal [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Negozio ufficiale Valve] riceveranno un codice Steam per la versione [[Genuine/it|Autentica]] dell'oggetto in TF2.
  | ko = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점]에서 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html 공기주입식 풍서니콘]을 구입하여 팀 포트리스에서 사용 가능한 코드를 입력한 플레이어들에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html nadmuchiwanego Balonorożca] {{lang icon|en}} i aktywują wysłany z nim kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que compraram um[http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Inflatable Balloonicorn] da [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Loja Oficial da Valve] e regatar o código enviado.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html Надувного Надувнорога] в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買[http://valvestore.welovefine.com/inflatable-balloonicorn-10593.html 充氣式飄飄獨角獸氣球],並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家,就可獲得其虛擬版本,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Spycrab}}
| {{class link|Spy|br=yes}}
| {{Patch name|8|13|2014}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab Plushie] and redeem the promotional code sent to them.
  | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter Qualität]] an Spieler vergeben, die eine [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab Plüschversion] gekauft und den Werbecode eingelöst haben.
  | ko = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab Plushie]를 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine|진품]] 등급으로 받을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html pluszowego Szpiegokraba] {{lang icon|en}} i aktywują wysłany z nim kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que compraram a versão real na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Spycrab Plushie] e regatarem o código enviado.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/spycrab-plush-8356.html Спайкраба] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
==== [[NECA{{if lang}}|{{common string|neca action figures}}]] ====
{{see also|wikipedia:National Entertainment Collectibles Association|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=National Entertainment Collectibles Association (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Brigade Helm}}
| {{Class link|Pyro|br=yes}}
| rowspan="18" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| rowspan="2"| {{patch name|2|1|2013}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a RED Pyro action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die RED Pyro-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Pyro RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 레드 팀 파이로 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Pyro z drużyny RED i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Pyro action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Поджигателя Красной команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan RED Pyro aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 紅隊火焰兵模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Glengarry Bonnet}}
| {{Class link|Demoman|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a RED Demoman action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die RED Demoman-Actionfigure aus dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einem anderen Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Demoman RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 레드 팀 데모맨 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawana w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Demomana z drużyny RED i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Demoman action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Подрывника Красной команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan RED Demoman aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 紅隊爆破兵模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Bonk Helm}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Class link|Scout|br=yes}}
| rowspan="16" | {{patch name|6|5|2013}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a RED Scout action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it. This figure has not been released by NECA or Valve.
  | de = Spieler, die die RED Scout-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Scout RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 레드 팀 스카웃 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Skauta z drużyny RED i aktywują wysłany z nią kod. Ta figurka nie została wydana przez NECA lub Valve
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Scout action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Разведчика Красной команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan RED Scout aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 紅隊偵察兵模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Ye Olde Baker Boy}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a BLU Scout action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it. This figure has not been released by NECA or Valve.
  | de = Spieler, die die BLU Scout-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Scout BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 블루 팀 스카웃 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawana w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Skauta z drużyny BLU i aktywują wysłany z nią kod. Ta figurka nie została wydana przez NECA lub Valve
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o BLU Scout action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Разведчика Синей команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan BLU Scout aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 藍隊偵察兵模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Tyrant's Helm}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Class link|Soldier|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 RED Soldier action figure] from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 RED Soldier-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Soldier RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 레드 팀 솔저 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 figurkę akcji Żołnierza z drużyny RED] i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Soldier action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 фигурку Солдата Красной команды] в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 RED Soldier aksiyon figürü] satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF208 紅隊火箭兵模型],並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Stainless Pot}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF207 BLU Soldier action figure] from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die BLU Soldier-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Soldier BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF207 블루 팀 솔저 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF207 figurkę akcji Żołnierza z drużyny BLU] i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o BLU Soldier action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF207 фигурку Солдата Синей команды] в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan BLU Soldier aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF207 藍隊火箭兵模型],並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Respectless Rubber Glove}}
| {{Class link|Pyro|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 BLU Pyro action figure] from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 BLU Pyro-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Pyro BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 블루 팀 파이로 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawana w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 figurkę akcji Pyro z drużyny BLU] i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o BLU Pyro action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 фигурку Поджигателя Синей команды] в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 BLU Pyro aksiyon figürü] satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF201 藍隊火焰兵模型],並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Scotsman's Stove Pipe}}
| {{Class link|Demoman|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 BLU Demoman action figure] from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 BLU Demoman-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Demoman BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 블루 팀 데모맨 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 figurkę akcji Demomana z drużyny BLU] i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o BLU Demoman action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 фигурку Подрывника Синей команды] в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 BLU Demoman aksiyon figürü] satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF203 藍隊爆破兵模型],並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Officer's Ushanka}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Class link|Heavy|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 RED Heavy action figure] from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 RED Heavy-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Heavy RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 레드 팀 헤비 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawana w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 figurkę akcji Grubego z drużyny RED] i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Heavy action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 фигурку Пулеметчика Красной команды] в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 RED Heavy aksiyon figürü] satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF206 紅隊重裝兵模型],並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Tough Guy's Toque}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF205 BLU Heavy action figure] from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die BLU Heavy-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Heavy BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF205 블루 팀 헤비 액션 피규어]를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF205 figurkę akcji Grubego z drużyny BLU] i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o BLU Heavy action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF205 фигурку Пулеметчика Синей команды] в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan BLU Heavy aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 [http://store.valvesoftware.com/product.php?i=FTF205 藍隊重裝兵模型],並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Engineer's Cap}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Class link|Engineer|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a RED Engineer action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die RED Engineer-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée de l'Engineer RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 레드 팀 엔지니어 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플래이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawana w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Inżyniera z drużyny RED i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Engineer action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Инженера Красной команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan RED Engineer aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 紅隊工程師模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Texas Ten Gallon}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a BLU Engineer action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die BLU Engineer-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée de l'Engineer BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 블루 팀 엔지니어 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Inżyniera z drużyny BLU i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o BLU Engineer action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Инженера Синей команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan BLU Engineer aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 藍隊工程師模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Otolaryngologist's Mirror}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Class link|Medic|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a RED Medic action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it. This figure has not been released by NECA or Valve.
  | de = Spieler, die die RED Medic-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Medic RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 레드 팀 메딕 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Medyka z drużyny RED i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Medic action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Медика Красной команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan RED Medic aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 紅隊醫護兵模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Vintage Tyrolean}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a BLU Medic action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it. This figure has not been released by NECA or Valve.
  | de = Spieler, die die BLU Medic-Actionfigur] von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Medic BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 블루 팀 메딕 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Medyka z drużyny BLU i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o BLU Medic action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили Медика Синей команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan BLU Medic aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 藍隊醫護兵模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Master's Yellow Belt}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Class link|Sniper|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a RED Sniper action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it. This figure has not been released by NECA or Valve.
  | de = Spieler, die die RED Sniper-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Sniper RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 레드 팀 스나이퍼 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Snajpera z drużyny RED i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Sniper action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Снайпера Красной команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan RED Sniper aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 紅隊狙擊手模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Professional's Panama}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a BLU Sniper action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it. This figure has not been released by NECA or Valve.
  | de = Spieler, die die BLU Sniper-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Sniper BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 블루 팀 스나이퍼 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Snajpera z drużyny BLU i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o BLU Sniper action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Снайпера Синей команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan BLU Sniper aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 藍隊狙擊手模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Backbiter's Billycock}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Class link|Spy|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a RED Spy action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die RED Spy-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Spy RED dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 레드 팀 스파이 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Szpiega z drużyny RED i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o RED Spy action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Шпиона Красной команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan RED Spy aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 紅隊間諜模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Camera Beard}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase a BLU Spy action figure from the [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] or any retail store and redeem the code that comes with it.
  | de = Spieler, die die BLU Spy-Actionfigur von dem [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Offiziellen Valve Store] {{lang icon|en}} oder einen anderem Retail-Geschäft gekauft haben, erhalten einen einlösbaren Steam-Code für eine [[Genuine/de|Echte]] Version des Gegenstandes in TF2.
  | fr = Les joueurs ayant acheté une Figurine articulée du Spy BLU dans le [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve Store officiel] ou tout autre magasin de détail recevront un code Steam permettant d'obtenir une version de [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] de l'objet dans TF2.
  | ko = 블루 팀 스파이 액션 피규어를 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ 공식 Valve 상점], 상점에서 구매한 플레이어들은 사용 가능한 Steam 코드를 받아 입력 시 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 지급.
  | pl = Przyznawana w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią w [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ oficjalnym Sklepie Valve] lub każdym innym sklepie figurkę akcji Szpiega z drużyny BLU i aktywują wysłany z nią kod.
  | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o BLU Spy action figure na [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ official Valve Store] ou resgatado por um código.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые купили фигурку Шпиона Красной команды в [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ официальном Магазине Valve] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | tr = [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Resmî Valve Mağazası'ndan] veya herhangi bir perakende mağazadan BLU Spy aksiyon figürü satın alanlara şapkanın [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki nitelikteki]] versiyonu için bir Steam kodu verilir.
  | zh-hant = 從 [http://valvestore.welovefine.com/ Valve 商店]購買 藍隊間諜模型,並在遊戲中輸入商品附贈代碼的玩家即可獲得物品,附帶[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統]]屬性。
==== [[Octodad: Dadliest Catch{{if lang}}|{{Common string|octodad - dadliest catch}}]] ====
{{see also|wikipedia:Octodad:_Dadliest_Catch|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Wikipedia)}}
{{see also|wikipedia:Octodad:_Dadliest_Catch|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
Line 448: Line 177:
| {{Patch name|10|29|2014}}
| {{Patch name|10|29|2014}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who purchase ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' on Steam.
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who purchase ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' on [[Steam]].
   | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter Qualität]] vergeben an Spieler, die ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' auf Steam gekauft und installiert haben.
  | cs = Uděleno v [[Genuine/cs|Genuine kvalitě]] hráčům, kteří si zakoupili ve službě [[Steam/cs|Steam]] hru ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch''.
   | ko = Steam에서 ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch''를 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine|진품]] 등급으로 증정되었습니다.
   | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter Qualität]] vergeben an Spieler, die ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' auf [[Steam/de|Steam]] gekauft und installiert haben.
  | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que compraron ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].
  | fr = Attribué en qualité  [[Genuine/fr|Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant acheté Octodad: Dadliest Catch sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].
  | hu = Azon játékosokat jutalmazták meg [[Genuine/hu|eredeti minőségbe]] akik megvásárolják Octodad: Dadliest Catch játékot [[Steam/hu|Steamen]]
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch''를 구매한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 증정되었습니다.
  | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' op [[Steam/nl|Steam]] hebben gekocht.
  | no = Gitt i [[Genuine/no|Ekte kvalitet]] til spillere som kjøper ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' på [[Steam/no|Steam]].
   | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią i zainstalują na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] grę ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch''.
   | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupią i zainstalują na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] grę ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch''.
   | pt-br = Dado em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o jogo ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]]
   | pt-br = Concedido em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que comprarem o jogo ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' no [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
   | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, купившим игру ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' в Steam.
   | ro = Dat în calitate [[Genuine/ro|Autentică]] jucătorilor care au cumpărat ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' de pe [[Steam/ro|Steam]].
   | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, купившим игру ''Octodad: Dadliest Catch'' в [[Steam/ru|Steam]].
   | zh-hans = 将其物品以[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质赠送给在[[Steam/zh-hans|Steam]]上购买了《章鱼奶爸:致命捕捉》的玩家。
==== [[Poker Night at the Inventory{{if lang}}|{{Common string|poker night at the inventory}}]] ====
{{see also|wikipedia:Poker Night at the Inventory|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Poker Night at the Inventory (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Iron Curtain}}
| {{class link|Heavy|br=yes}}
| {{item link|weapons}} ({{item name|primary}})
| rowspan="5" | {{Patch name|11|22|2010}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Special Item: The Heavy'' achievement in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' on Steam.
  | de = Verdient durch das Freischalten der Errungenschaft ''Special Item: The Heavy'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' auf Steam.
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès Obtenu en débloquant le succès '''Special Item: The Heavy''' dans ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' sur Steam.
  | it = Un rimpiazzo per la [[Minigun/it|Mitragliatrice Pesante]]. Ottenuta attraverso l'obiettivo ''Special Item: The Heavy'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory''.
  | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' 도전 과제인 ''Special Item: The Heavy''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Special Item: The Heavy''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Special Item: The Heavy'' no jogo ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Special Item: The Heavy'' в игре ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' oyununun ''Special Item: The Heavy'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
  | zh-hant = 功能和[[Minigun/zh-hant|格林機槍]]相同的新機槍。於 Steam 在遊戲《道具撲克夜》中達成成就「Special Item: The Heavy」以獲得。
| {{Table icon|Enthusiast's Timepiece}}
| {{class link|Spy|br=yes}}
| {{item link|weapons}} ({{item name|pda2}})
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Special Item: Tycho'' achievement in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' on Steam.
  | de = Verdient durch das Freischalten der Errungenschaft ''Special Item: Tycho'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' auf Steam.
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès Obtenu en débloquant le succès '''Special Item: Tycho''' dans ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' sur Steam.
  | it = Un rimpiazzo per l'[[Invisibility Watch/it|Orologio dell'Invisibilità]] della [[Spy/it|Spia]]. Ottenuto attraversi l'obiettivo ''Special Item: Tycho'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory''.
  | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' 도전 과제인 ''Special Item: Tycho''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Special Item: Tycho''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Special Item: Tycho'' no jogo ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Special Item: Tycho'' в игре ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' oyununun ''Special Item: Tycho'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
  | zh-hant = 功能和[[Spy/zh-hant|間諜]]的[[Invisibility Watch/zh-hant|隱形手錶]]相同的金錶。於 Steam 在遊戲《道具撲克夜》中達成成就「Special Item: Tycho」以獲得。
| {{Table icon|Lugermorph}}
| {{class link|Scout|br=yes}}{{class link|engineer|br=yes}}
| {{item link|weapons}} ({{item name|secondary}})
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Special Item: Max'' achievement in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' on Steam.<br><br>This version of the Lugermorph can only be obtained in [[Unique|Unique quality]].
  | de = Verdient wird dieser Gegenstand durch das Freischalten der Errungenschaft ''Special Item: Max'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' auf Steam. Diese Version der Lugermorph kann nur in [[Unique/de|Einzigartiger]] Qualität erhalten werden.
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès Obtenu en débloquant le succès '''Special Item: Max''' dans ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' sur Steam. Cet version du Lugermorph ne peut être obtenue qu'en [[Unique/fr|qualité Unique]].
  | it = La Pistola del personaggio "Max" usata nella serie ''Sam & Max''. Ottenuta tramite l'obiettivo ''Special Item: Max'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory''. Questa è la stessa Lugermorph che venne conferita a coloro che avevano pre ordinato ''Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse'', ma può essere solamente ottenuta in qualità Unica.
  | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' 도전 과제인 ''Special Item: Max''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여. 이 방법으로 획득한 루거모프는 [[Unique/ko|유니크 품질]] 입니다.
  | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Special Item: Max''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Special Item: Max'' no jogo ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]]<br><br>Esta versão da Lugermorph só pode ser obtida em [[Unique/pt-br|qualidade Unica]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Special Item: Max'' в игре ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' oyununun ''Special Item: Max'' başarımını kazananlara verilir. Lugermorph'un bu versiyonu sadece [[Unique/tr|Olağandışı nitelikte]] elde edilebilir.
  | zh-hant = Max 在遊戲系列《妙探闖通關》中所用的手槍,可在遊戲《[[Poker Night at the Inventory/zh-hant|道具撲克夜]]》中達成成就「Special Item: Max」以獲得。以這種方式拿到的魯格變形式只有[[Unique/zh-hant|獨特]]屬性。
| {{Table icon|Dangeresque, Too?}}
| {{class link|demoman|br=yes}}
| rowspan="2" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Special Item: Strong Bad'' achievement in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' on Steam.
  | de = Verdient durch das Freischalten der Errungenschaft ''Special Item: Strong Bad'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' auf Steam.
  | fr = Attribuées aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès Obtenu en débloquant le succès '''Special Item: Strong Bad''' dans ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' sur Steam.
  | it = Un paio di occhiali "a serranda" per il [[Demoman/it|Demolitore]] basati su quelli indossati da "Homestar Runner". Ottenuti tramite l'obiettivo ''Special Item: Strong Bad'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory''.
  | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' 도전 과제인 ''Special Item: Strong Bad''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | pl = Przyznawane graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Special Item: Strong Bad''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Special Item: Strong Bad'' no jogo ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Special Item: Strong Bad'' в игре ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' oyununun ''Special Item: Strong Bad'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
  | zh-hant = 這是一副和百葉窗相似的眼鏡,參考自 Homestar Runner 所戴的眼鏡而製成。於 Steam 在遊戲《道具撲克夜》中達成成就「Special Item: Strong Bad」即可獲得這物品。
| {{Table icon|License to Maim}}
| {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Special Item: Max'' achievement in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' on Steam.
  | de = Verdient durch das Freischalten der Errungenschaft ''Special Item: Max'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' auf Steam.
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès Obtenu en débloquant le succès '''Special Item: Max''' dans ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' sur Steam.
  | it = Il distintivo della Freelance Police da ''Sam & Max''. Ottenuto tramite l'obiettivo ''Special Item: Max'' in ''Poker Night at the Inventory''.
  | ko = Steam에서 ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' 도전 과제인 ''Special Item: Max''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Special Item: Max''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Special Item: Max'' no jogo ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Special Item: Max'' в игре ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night at the Inventory'' oyununun ''Special Item: Max'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
   | zh-hant = 這是遊戲系列《妙探闖通關》中,Freelance 警察所持的警徽。可在遊戲《道具撲克夜》中達成成就「Special Item: Max」以獲得。
==== [[Poker Night 2{{if lang}}|{{Common string|poker night 2}}]] ====
{{see also|wikipedia:Poker Night 2|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Poker Night 2 (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Long Fall Loafers}}
| {{Class link|Scout|br=yes}}
| rowspan="5" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| rowspan="5" | {{Patch name|3|12|2013}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Personality Goes a Long Way'' achievement in ''Poker Night 2'' on Steam.
  | de = An Spieler vergeben, die die ''Personality goes a long way''-Errungenschaft in ''Poker Night 2'' auf Steam erhalten haben.
  | fr = Attribués aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''Personality Goes a Long Way'' dans ''Poker Night 2'' sur Steam.
  | ko = Steam에서 ''Poker Night 2''의 도전 과제인 ''Personality Goes a Long Way''를 달성한 플레이어에게 지급됩니다.
  | pl = Przyznawane graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night 2'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Personality Goes a Long Way''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Personality Goes a Long Way'' no jogo ''Poker Night 2'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Personality Goes a Long Way'' в игре ''Poker Night 2'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night 2'' oyununun ''Personality Goes a Long Way'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
  | zh-hant = 達成遊戲《[[Poker Night 2/zh-hant|道具撲克夜2]]》裡的成就「Personality Goes a Long Way」的玩家,即可獲得這項物品。
| {{Table icon|Necronomicrown}}
| {{Class link|Pyro|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Book 'Em'' achievement in ''Poker Night 2'' on Steam.
  | de = An Spieler vergeben, die die ''Book 'Em''-Errungenschaft in ''Poker Night 2'' auf Steam erhalten haben.
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''Book 'Em'' dans ''Poker Night 2'' sur Steam.
  | ko = Steam에서 ''Poker Night 2''의 도전 과제인 ''Book 'Em''을 달성한 플레이어에게 지급됩니다.
  | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night 2'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Book 'Em''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Book 'Em'' no jogo ''Poker Night 2'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Book 'em'' в игре ''Poker Night 2'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night 2'' oyununun ''Book Em'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
  | zh-hant = 達成遊戲《[[Poker Night 2/zh-hant|道具撲克夜2]]》裡的成就「Book 'Em」的玩家,即可獲得這項物品。
| {{Table icon|Samson Skewer}}
| {{Class link|Heavy|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Orb 'n' Legends'' achievement in ''Poker Night 2'' on Steam.
  | de = An Spieler vergeben, die die ''Orb 'n' Legens''-Errungenschaft in ''Poker Night 2'' auf Steam erhalten haben.
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''Orb 'n' Legends'' dans ''Poker Night 2'' sur Steam.
  | ko = Steam에서 ''Poker Night 2''의 도전 과제인 ''Orb 'n' Legends''를 달성한 플래이어에게 지급됩니다.
  | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night 2'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Orb 'n' Legends''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Orb 'n' Legends'' no jogo ''Poker Night 2'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Orb 'n' Legends'' в игре ''Poker Night 2'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night 2'' oyununun ''Orb 'n' Legends'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
  | zh-hant = 達成遊戲《[[Poker Night 2/zh-hant|道具撲克夜2]]》裡的成就「Orb 'n' Legends」的玩家,即可獲得這項物品。
| {{Table icon|Bloodhound}}
| {{Class link|Sniper|br=yes}}{{Class link|Spy|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Banjo Hero'' achievement in ''Poker Night 2'' on Steam.
  | de = An Spieler vergeben, die die ''Banjo Hero''-Errungenschaft in ''Poker Night 2'' auf Steam erhalten haben.
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''Banjo Hero'' dans ''Poker Night 2'' sur Steam.
  | ko = Steam에서 ''Poker Night 2''의 도전 과제인 ''Banjo Hero''를 달성한 플래이어에게 지급됩니다.
  | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night 2'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Banjo Hero''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Banjo Hero'' no jogo ''Poker Night 2'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Banjo Hero'' в игре ''Poker Night 2'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night 2'' oyununun ''Banjo Hero'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
  | zh-hant = 達成遊戲《[[Poker Night 2/zh-hant|道具撲克夜2]]》裡的成就「Banjo Hero」的玩家,即可獲得這項物品。
| {{Table icon|Dapper Disguise}}
| {{Class link|Spy|br=yes}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Trophy Wife'' achievement in ''Poker Night 2'' on Steam.
  | de = An Spieler vergeben, die die ''Trophy Wife''-Errungenschaft in ''Poker Night 2'' auf Steam erhalten haben.
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès ''Trophy Wife'' dans ''Poker Night 2'' sur Steam.
  | ko = Steam에서 ''Poker Night 2''의 도전 과제인 ''Trophy Wife''를 달성한 플래이어에게 지급됩니다.
  | pl = Przyznawane graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Poker Night 2'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Trophy Wife''.
  | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Trophy Wife'' no jogo ''Poker Night 2'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Trophy Wife'' в игре ''Poker Night 2'' в Steam.
  | tr = Steam'de ''Poker Night 2'' oyununun ''Trophy Wife'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
  | zh-hant = 達成遊戲《[[Poker Night 2/zh-hant|道具撲克夜2]]》裡的成就「Trophy Wife」的玩家,即可獲得這項物品。
==== Potato's MvM Servers ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Canteen Crasher Rust Starter Medal 2018}}
| rowspan="6" | {{class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| rowspan="6" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| rowspan="6" | [[Blue Moon Pack{{if lang}}|{{common string|blue moon pack}}]]<br><small>{{patch name|3|28|2018}}</small>
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who received 1 Medal Points in the [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher event.
  | ru = Выдаётся игрокам, получившим 1 Медальных Поинтов в [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher событии.
  | pt-br = Dado em qualidade [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que receberem 1 Ponto de Medalha no [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher evento.
| {{Table icon|Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who received 30 Medal Points in the [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher event.
  | ru = Выдаётся игрокам, получившим 30 Медальных Поинтов в [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher событии.
  | pt-br = Dado em qualidade [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que receberem 30 Pontos de Medalha no [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher evento.
| {{Table icon|Canteen Crasher Bronze Ammo Medal 2018}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who received 75 Medal Points in the [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher event.
  | ru = Выдаётся игрокам, получившим 75 Медальных Поинтов в [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher событии.
  | pt-br = Dado em qualidade [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que receberem 75 Pontos de Medalha no [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher evento.
| {{Table icon|Canteen Crasher Silver Building Medal 2018}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who received 150 Medal Points in the [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher event.
  | ru = Выдаётся игрокам, получившим 150 Медальных Поинтов в [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher событии.
  | pt-br = Dado em qualidade [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que receberem 150 Pontos de Medalha no [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher evento.
| {{Table icon|Canteen Crasher Gold Uber Medal 2018}}
| {{lang
  | en =Awarded to players who received 225 Medal Points in the [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher event.
  | ru = Выдаётся игрокам, получившим 225 Медальных Поинтов в [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher событии.
  | pt-br = Dado em qualidade [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que receberem 225 Pontos de Medalha no [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher evento.
| {{Table icon|Canteen Crasher Platinum Crit Medal 2018}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who received 300 Medal Points in the [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher event.
  | ru = Выдаётся игрокам, получившим 300 Медальных Поинтов в [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher событии.
  | pt-br = Dado em qualidade [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que receberem 300 Pontos de Medalha no [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/potatomvmservers Potato's MVM Servers] Canteen Crasher evento.
==== Random Acts of TF2 ====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Altruist's Adornment}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| rowspan="2" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{Patch name|7|7|2016}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who have done a giveaway on the Random Acts of TF2 subreddit prior to the item's inclusion, participated in the subreddit's birthday event in 2016, or are chosen to receive one in the subreddit's monthly community poll.
  | pl = Przyznany graczom, którzy rozdawali przedmioty na subredditcie Random Acts of TF przed dodaniem przedmiotu, wzięli udział w urodzinach subreddita w 2016 roku lub poprzez miesięczny sondaż społeczności subreddita.
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, подарившим любой предмет сабреддиту «Random Acts of TF2» до появления данного предмета в игре, участникам праздничного события в 2016 году или путем ежемесячного решения сообществом сабреддита для определения членов, заслуживших получения данного предмета.
| {{Table icon|Philanthropist's Indulgence}}
| {{Patch name|12|13|2017}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who participated in the Random Acts of TF2 subreddit's birthday or Christmas events in 2017, or participate in any future subreddit events.
  | pl = Przyznany graczom, którzy wzięli udział w urodzinach subreddita w 2017 roku, w wydarzeniu świątecznym 2017 lub będą uczestniczyć w jakichkolwiek przyszłych wydarzeniach subreddita.
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, принявшим участие в праздничном событии сабреддита «Random Acts of TF2» или новогодних событий 2017 года, а также участникам любых будущих событий сабреддита.
==== [[Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad{{if lang}}|{{Common string|red orchestra 2 – heroes of stalingrad}}]] ====
===== [[Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad{{if lang}}|{{Common string|red orchestra 2 – heroes of stalingrad}}]] =====
{{see also|wikipedia:Red Orchestra 2|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad (Wikipedia)}}
{{see also|wikipedia:Red Orchestra 2|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
Line 729: Line 209:
| rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|8|2|2011}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|8|2|2011}}
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who pre-purchased ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' on Steam before September 13, 2011, or players who have purchased ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
   | en = Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who pre-purchased ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' on [[Steam]] before September 13, 2011, or players who have purchased ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
   | de = Eine [[Genuine/de|"Echt"-Qualität]] dieser Werbegegenstände erhielten Spieler, welche die Steam Digital Deluxe Edition von ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' vor dem 30. August 2011 bei Steam kauften.
  | cs = Uděleno v [[Genuine/cs|Genuine kvalitě]] hráčům, kteří si předobjednali ve službě [[Steam/cs|Steam]] hru ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' před 13. zářím 2011, či hráčům kteří si zakoupili ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
   | fr = Attribués en [[Genuine/fr|qualité Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant pré-commandé la version Steam Digital Deluxe Edition de ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' avant le 30 août 2011.
   | de = Eine [[Genuine/de|"Echt"-Qualität]] dieser Werbegegenstände erhielten Spieler, welche die [[Steam/de|Steam]] Digital Deluxe Edition von ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' vor dem 30. August 2011 bei Steam kauften.
   | it = Questi oggetti promozionali sono stati assegnati in [[Genuine/it|Qualità Autentica]] ai giocatori che hanno comprato l'Edizione Deluxe Steam di ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stlingrad'' su Steam prima del 30 Agosto 2011.
  | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que precompraron ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]] antes del 13 de septiembre de 2011 y a los jugadores que
   | ko = 2011년 8월 30일 이전에 Steam에서 ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad''의 Steam 디지털 디럭스 에디션을 예약 구매한 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 수여.
   | fr = Attribués en qualité [[Genuine/fr|Authentique]] aux joueurs ayant pré-commandé la version [[Steam/fr|Steam]] Digital Deluxe Edition de ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' avant le 30 août 2011.
  | hu = Azokat a játékosokat jutalmaztták meg akik elővásároltták a ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad'' játékot [[Steam/hu|Steam]]en és azoknak játékosoknak akik 2011 Szeptember 13 előtt megvették a ''Red Orchestra 2 - Deluxe Edition''
compraron ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
   | it = Questi oggetti promozionali sono stati assegnati in [[Genuine/it|Qualità Autentica]] ai giocatori che hanno comprato l'Edizione Deluxe Steam di ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stlingrad'' su [[Steam/it|Steam]] prima del 30 Agosto 2011.
   | ko = 2011년 8월 30일 이전에 Steam에서 ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad''의 [[Steam/ko|Steam]] 디지털 디럭스 에디션을 예약 구매한 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품 등급]]으로 수여.
  | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' voorbesteld hadden voor 13 september 2011 op [[Steam/nl|Steam]], of spelers die ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition'' gekocht hebben.
  | no = Gitt i [[Genuine/no|Ekte kvalitet]] til spillere som forhåndsbestilte ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' på [[Steam/no|Steam]] før 13. september 2011, eller som har kjøpt ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupili w przedsprzedażny na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] grę ''Red Orchestra 2: Bohaterowie Stalingradu'' przed 13 września 2011 rokiem i graczom, którzy zakupią ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
   | pl = Przyznane w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy zakupili w przedsprzedażny na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] grę ''Red Orchestra 2: Bohaterowie Stalingradu'' przed 13 września 2011 rokiem i graczom, którzy zakupią ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
   | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] получили игроки, сделавшие предварительный заказ игры ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' в Steam до 13 сентября 2011 года, а также купившие расширенное цифровое издание игры.
  | pt-br = Concedido em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que compraram ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' no [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]] antes de 13 de setembro de 2011 ou aos jogadores que compraram ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
  | ro = Dat în calitate [[Genuine/ro|Autentică]] jucătorilor care au cumpărat ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' de pe [[Steam/ro|Steam]] înainte de 13 Septembrie 2011, sa jucătorilor care au cumpărat ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
   | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] получили игроки, сделавшие предварительный заказ игры ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' в [[Steam/ru|Steam]] до 13 сентября 2011 года, а также купившие расширенное цифровое издание игры.
  | tr = ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad''ı 13 Eylül 2011'den önce [[Steam/tr|Steam]] üzerinden ön sipariş ile alan oyunculara veya ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe'ü satın alan oyunculara [[Genuine/tr|Orjinal]] kalitede verilmiştir.''.
  | zh-hans = 将其物品以[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质赠送给于2011年9月13日之前在[[Steam/zh-hans|Steam]]上预购了《红色管弦乐队 2:斯大林格勒英雄》,或购买了《红色管弦乐队 2 - 数字豪华版》的玩家。
   | zh-hant = 在2011年8月30日前預購遊戲《紅色管絃樂2:史達林格勒英雄》數位豪華版的玩家,即可在 TF2 中獲得這兩頂頭飾,而且還會是[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統屬性]]的版本。
   | zh-hant = 在2011年8月30日前預購遊戲《紅色管絃樂2:史達林格勒英雄》數位豪華版的玩家,即可在 TF2 中獲得這兩頂頭飾,而且還會是[[Genuine/zh-hant|正統屬性]]的版本。
  | pt-br = Dado em qualidade [[Genuine/pt-br|Genuína]] aos jogadores que compraram ''Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad'' na pré-venda no Steam antes de 13 de setembro de 2011 e aos jogadores que comprarem ''Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition''.
Line 745: Line 234:
==== {{common string|rock paper shotgun}} ====
===== [[SpaceChem{{if lang}}|{{Common string|spacechem}}]] =====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Horace}}
| {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{Patch name|8|27|2014}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine|Genuine quality]] to players who support Rock Paper Shotgun through their [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ Supporter program] and redeem the promotional code sent to them.
  | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter Qualität]] vergeben an Spieler, die Rock Paper Shotgun während dem [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ Unterstützerprogramm] unterstüzt haben und den Werbecode eingelöst haben, den sie erhielten.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy wspierają Rock Paper Shotgun poprzez ich [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ program wsparcia] {{lang icon|en}} i aktywują wysłany im kod.
  | pt-br = Dada em [[Genuine|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que derem suporta a Rock Paper Shotgun pelo [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ Supporter program] e regatar o código enviado.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые поддержали Rock Paper Shotgun в рамках [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ программы поддержки] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | ko = [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ Supporter program]를 통하여 Rock Paper Shotgun에 후원을 한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine|진품]] 등급으로 얻을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
==== [[SpaceChem{{if lang}}|{{Common string|spacechem}}]] ====
{{see also|wikipedia:SpaceChem|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=SpaceChem (Wikipedia)}}
{{see also|wikipedia:SpaceChem|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=SpaceChem (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
Line 779: Line 245:
| {{Table icon|Fishcake}}
| {{Table icon|Fishcake}}
| {{class link|Heavy|br=yes}}
| {{class link|Heavy|br=yes}}
| {{item link|weapons}} ({{item name|secondary}})
| {{item link|weapons}}<br>{{parenthesis|{{item name|secondary}}}}
| rowspan="5" | {{Patch name|4|28|2011}}
| rowspan="5" | {{Patch name|4|28|2011}}
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
   | en = Can be crafted using the promotional ''SpaceChem'' items.
   | en = Can be crafted using the promotional ''SpaceChem'' items.
  | cs = Může být vycraftováno použitím propagačních ''SpaceChem'' předmětů.
   | de = Kann durch das Herstellen mit ''SpaceChem''-Werbegegenständen erhalten werden.
   | de = Kann durch das Herstellen mit ''SpaceChem''-Werbegegenständen erhalten werden.
  | es = Puede ser fabricado utilizando los objetos promocionales de ''SpaceChem''.
   | fr = Peuvent être fabriqués à partie des objets promotionnels de ''SpaceChem''.
   | fr = Peuvent être fabriqués à partie des objets promotionnels de ''SpaceChem''.
  | hu = Barkácsolható a ''SpaceChem'' promóciós tárgyakkal.
   | it = Questi oggetti promozionali sono stati resi forgiabili attraverso blueprints inclusi gli oggetti sovrastanti.
   | it = Questi oggetti promozionali sono stati resi forgiabili attraverso blueprints inclusi gli oggetti sovrastanti.
   | ko = 홍보용 ''SpaceChem'' 아이템을 사용하여 제작할 수 있음.
   | ko = 홍보용 ''SpaceChem'' 아이템을 사용하여 제작할 수 있음.
  | nl = Kan ontworpen worden door middel van de promotionele ''SpaceChem'' voorwerpen.
  | no = Kan konstrueres med promosjonsgjenstander fra ''SpaceChem''.
   | pl = Mogą być wytworzone poprzez użycie promocyjnych przedmiotów z gry ''SpaceChem''.
   | pl = Mogą być wytworzone poprzez użycie promocyjnych przedmiotów z gry ''SpaceChem''.
   | pt-br = Pode ser fabricado usando os itens promocionais do jogo ''SpaceChem''.
   | pt-br = Pode ser fabricado usando os itens promocionais do jogo ''SpaceChem''.
  | ro = Poate fi fabricat folosind obiectele promoționale obținute din ''SpaceChem''.
   | ru = Можно получить, сковав промо-предметы из игры ''SpaceChem''.
   | ru = Можно получить, сковав промо-предметы из игры ''SpaceChem''.
   | tr = Promosyonel ''SpaceChem'' eşyalarını kullanarak işlenebilir.
   | tr = Promosyonel ''SpaceChem'' eşyalarını kullanarak işlenebilir.
  | zh-hans = 可以合成《太空化学》的联动物品来获得。
   | zh-hant = 這兩件物品要靠以上的三項合成要素合成,才可以獲得。
   | zh-hant = 這兩件物品要靠以上的三項合成要素合成,才可以獲得。
Line 802: Line 275:
| rowspan="3" | {{common string|craft}}
| rowspan="3" | {{common string|craft}}
| rowspan="3" | {{lang
| rowspan="3" | {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who complete the [[Australium]]-themed levels in ''SpaceChem'' on Steam, and earn the related achievements.
   | en = Awarded to players who complete the [[Australium]]-themed levels in ''SpaceChem'' on [[Steam]], and earn the related achievements.
   | de = An Spieler vergeben, die die [[Australium]]-basierten Level in ''SpaceChem'' auf Steam vollendet und die dazugehörigen Errungenschaften erhalten haben.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří ve hře ''SpaceChem'' na službě [[Steam/cs|Steam]], dokončí levely s tématikou [[Australium/cs|Austrália]], a získají jejich příslušné achievementy.
   | fr = Attribués aux joueurs ayant terminé les niveaux sur le thème de l'[[Australium/fr|Australium]] dans ''SpaceChem'' sur Steam, et obtenu les succès associés.
   | de = An Spieler vergeben, die die [[Australium/de|Australium]]-basierten Level in ''SpaceChem'' auf [[Steam/de|Steam]] vollendet und die dazugehörigen Errungenschaften erhalten haben.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que completaron los niveles [[Australium/es|Australium]] en ''SpaceChem'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]] y completaron los logros relacionados.
   | fr = Attribués aux joueurs ayant terminé les niveaux sur le thème de l'[[Australium/fr|Australium]] dans ''SpaceChem'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]], et obtenu les succès associés.
  | hu = Azokat a játékosokat jutalmazzzák meg akik megcsinálják a [[Australium/hu|Ausztrálium]] témájú szinteket a ''SpaceChem'' játékba [[Steam/hu|Steamen]], és meg kapják a hozzá járuló teljesítményekeit.
   | it = Questi oggetti promozionali sono stati resi disponibili ai giocatori che hanno completato tre obiettivi in tema [[Australium/it|Australium]] di ''[[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]]'' in ''SpaceChem''.
   | it = Questi oggetti promozionali sono stati resi disponibili ai giocatori che hanno completato tre obiettivi in tema [[Australium/it|Australium]] di ''[[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]]'' in ''SpaceChem''.
   | ko = Steam의 ''SpaceChem''에서 [[Australium/ko|오스트레일륨]] 테마 레벨을 완료하고 관련 도전 과제를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]의 ''SpaceChem''에서 [[Australium/ko|오스트레일륨]] 테마 레벨을 완료하고 관련 도전 과제를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die de [[Australium/nl|Australium]]-gethematiseerde levels in ''SpaceChem'' op [[Steam/nl|Steam]] en de bijbehorende prestaties behalen.
  | no = Gitt til spillere som fullførte nivåer med [[Australium/no|Australium]] tema i ''SpaceChem'' på [[Steam/no|Steam]], og oppnådde de relaterte prestasjonene.
   | pl = Przyznawane graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''SpaceChem'' wykonają powiązane osiągnięcia.
   | pl = Przyznawane graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''SpaceChem'' wykonają powiązane osiągnięcia.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que completarem os níveis temáticos [[Australium/pt-br|Austrálio]] no jogo ''SpaceChem'' na Steam, e receber as conquistas relacionadas.
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que completarem os níveis temáticos de [[Australium/pt-br|Austrálio]] no jogo ''SpaceChem'' no [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]] e receberem as conquistas relacionadas.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение за прохождение уровней, связанных с [[Australium/ru|австралием]], в игре ''SpaceChem'' в Steam.
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au completat nivelele bazate pe [[Australium/ro|Australium]] în jocul de pe [[Steam/ro|Steam]] ''SpaceChem''.
   | tr = Steam'de ''SpaceChem'' oyununun [[Australium/tr|Avustralyum]] temalı seviyeleri tamamlayanlara ve ilgili başarımları kazananlara verilir.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение за прохождение уровней, связанных с [[Australium/ru|австралием]], в игре ''SpaceChem'' в [[Steam/ru|Steam]].
   | zh-hant = 這些促銷物品只要在遊戲《[[SpaceChem/zh-hant|太空化學]]》裡達成[[Australium/zh-hant|澳元素]]相關的成就後,即可在絕地要塞2中獲得。
   | tr = [[Steam/tr|Steam]]'de ''SpaceChem'' oyununun [[Australium/tr|Avustralyum]] temalı seviyeleri tamamlayanlara ve ilgili başarımları kazananlara verilir.
   | zh-hans = 赠送给在[[Steam/zh-hans|Steam]]上完成《太空化学》中的[[Australium/zh-hans|澳元素]]主题关卡并达成相关成就的玩家。
  | zh-hant = 這些促銷物品只要在遊戲《太空化學》裡達成[[Australium/zh-hant|澳元素]]相關的成就後,即可在絕地要塞2中獲得。
Line 820: Line 300:
==== [[Spiral Knights{{if lang}}|{{Common string|spiral knights}}]] ====
===== [[Spiral Knights{{if lang}}|{{Common string|spiral knights}}]] =====
{{see also|wikipedia:Spiral Knights|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Spiral Knights (Wikipedia)}}
{{see also|wikipedia:Spiral Knights|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Spiral Knights (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
Line 834: Line 314:
| {{Patch name|6|14|2011}}
| {{Patch name|6|14|2011}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Mission Accomplished'' achievement in ''Spiral Knights'' on Steam.
   | en = Awarded to players who earn the ''Mission Accomplished'' achievement in ''Spiral Knights'' on [[Steam]].
   | de = Wird an alle Spieler verliehen, die die Errungenschaft ''Mission Accomplished'' in ''Spiral Knights'' auf Steam freischalten.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří ve hře ''Spiral Knights'' na službě [[Steam//cs|Steam]], získají achievement ''Mission Accomplished''.
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès "Mission Accomplie!" dans ''Spiral Knights'' sur Steam.
   | de = Wird an alle Spieler verliehen, die die Errungenschaft ''Mission Accomplished'' in ''Spiral Knights'' auf [[Steam/de|Steam]] freischalten.
   | it = La Celata dell'Ordine della Spirale è un [[Hats/it|cappello]] promozionale. Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno completato l'obitettivo ''Mission Accomplished'' in ''Spiral Knights''.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que completaron el logro ''Misión cumplida'' en ''Spiral Knights'' en [[Steam/es|Steam]].
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant déverrouillé le succès "Mission Accomplie!" dans ''Spiral Knights'' sur [[Steam/fr|Steam]].
   | hu = Azon játékosoknak jutalmazták oda, akik megszerezték a ''Mission Accomplished'' teljesítményt a ''Spiral Knights'' játékban a [[Steam/hu|Steam]]en.
  | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno completato l'obitettivo ''Mission Accomplished'' in ''Spiral Knights''.
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Spiral Knights'' 도전 과제인 ''Mission Accomplished''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = [[Steam/ko|Steam]]에서 ''Spiral Knights'' 도전 과제인 ''Mission Accomplished''를 달성한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die de ''Mission Accomplished'' prestatie in ''Spiral Knights'' hebben behaald op [[Steam/nl|Steam]].
  | no = Gitt til spillere som oppnådde ''Mission Accomplished'' prestasjonen i ''Spiral Knights'' på [[Steam/no|Steam]].
   | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Spiral Knights'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Mission Accomplished''.
   | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] w grze ''Spiral Knights'' wykonają osiągnięcie ''Mission Accomplished''.
   | pt-br = Dada aos jogadores que ganharem a conquista ''Mission Accomplished'' no jogo ''Spiral Knights'' na [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que alcançarem a conquista ''Mission Accomplished'' no jogo ''Spiral Knights'' no [[Steam/pt-br|Steam]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Mission Accomplished'' в игре ''Spiral Knights'' в Steam.
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au obținut realizarea  ''Mission Accomplished'' în jocul de pe [[Steam/ro|Steam]] ''Spiral Knights''.
   | tr = Steam'de ''Spiral Knights'' oyununun ''Mission Accomplished'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, получившим достижение ''Mission Accomplished'' в игре ''Spiral Knights'' в [[Steam/ru|Steam]].
   | zh-hant = 在 Steam 中於遊戲《[[Spiral Knights/zh-hant|螺旋騎士團]]》完成成就「Mission Accomplished」的玩家就可以獲得。
   | tr = [[Steam/tr|Steam]]'de ''Spiral Knights'' oyununun ''Mission Accomplished'' başarımını kazananlara verilir.
   | zh-hans = 赠送给在[[Steam/zh-hans|Steam]]的《螺旋骑士》中达成“Mission Accomplished”成就的玩家。
  | zh-hant = 在 Steam 中於遊戲《螺旋騎士團》完成成就「Mission Accomplished」的玩家就可以獲得。
==== [[Weta Workshop{{if lang}}|{{lang
==== {{Common string|community}}====
   | en = Weta Workshop
{{update trans}}
    }}]] ====
{{see also|wikipedia:Weta Workshop|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Weta Workshop (Wikipedia)}}
   | en = This section documents non-medal cosmetic items awarded through participation with special community groups. For lists of medals awarded through community tournaments, and other community-led events, see [[Tournament Medal]] and [[Community Medal]]. 
  | es = Esta sección documenta los objetos cosméticos otorgados a través de participaciones en ciertos grupos especiales de la comunidad. Para la lista de las medallas otorgadas en torneos , y otros eventos de la comunidad, véase el artículo sobre las [[Tournament Medal/es|Medallas de Torneo]] y las [[Community Medal/es|Medallas de la Comunidad]].
  | fr = Cette section documente les objets cosmétiques non médaillés attribués par participation à des groupes communautaires spéciaux. Pour des listes de médailles attribuées lors de tournois communautaires et d'autres événements organisés par la communauté, voir [[Tournament Medal/fr|Médaille de tournoi]] et [[Community Medal/fr|Médaille communautaire]].
  | ko = 이 부분은 커뮤니티의 기간 한정 이벤트와 배포를 광고하는 아이템에 대해 다룹니다. 현재 얻을 수 있는 커뮤니티 메달에 대해서는 [[Tournament Medal/ko|토너먼트 메달]] 문서를 참조하여 주십시오.<br>기간 한정 기부 행사를 통한 메달도 여기에 포함되어 있습니다.
  | pl = Ta sekcja dokumentuje przedmioty promujące tymczasowe wydarzenia społeczności i dystrybucje. Dla listy medali, które można zdobyć przez cykliczne turnieje społeczności, odwiedź stronę [[Tournament Medal/pl|Medali Turniejowych]].<br>Medale związane z dotacjami dla ograniczonych czasowo akcji charytatywnych turnieji będą tu także uwzględnione.
  | ro = Această secțiune documentează obiectele obținute prin participarea în evenimente făcute de comunitate. Pentru o listă cu toate medaliile ce pot fi obținute din turnamente comunitare, vezi pagina [[Tournament Medal/ro|Medali Turniejowych]].<br>Medaliile date persoanelor care au donat filantropiilor pe periada limitată a unui eveniment creat de comunitate vor fi incluse aici.
  | ru = В этом разделе документируются материалы, рекламирующие общественные мероприятия и раздачи, проводимые в течение ограниченного времени. Со списком медалей, которые можно получить в рамках повторяющихся турниров сообщества, можно ознакомиться на странице [[Tournament Medal/ru|Турнирных медалей]].<br>Сюда же будут включены медали, полученные за счет пожертвований на благотворительные акции турнира с ограниченным временем проведения.
  | zh-hans = 此节介绍了限时社区宣传活动和其奖励的物品。有关可通过参加社区锦标赛即可获得的奖牌的列表,请参阅[[Tournament Medal/zh-hans|锦标赛奖牌]]页面。<br>于限时锦标赛慈善活动中捐款即可获得的奖牌也将包括在其中。
===== {{Common string|kritzkast}} =====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Dr. Grordbort's Crest}}
| {{Table icon|Lo-Fi Longwave}}
| rowspan="3" | {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| {{class link|All classes|br=yes}}
| rowspan="3" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{Patch name|7|20|2011}}
| {{patch name|6|10|2011}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who purchase [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack]] in the [[Mann Co. Store]].
   | en = Awarded in [[Vintage]] and [[Unique]] quality to participants and winners of various KritzKast giveaways and contests.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/de|Dr. Grordbort's Siegespaket]] im [[Mann Co. Store/de|Mann Co. Store]] gekauft haben.
   | es = Otorgado en Calidad [[Vintage/es|Clásica]] y [[Unique/es|Única]] a los participantes y ganadores de varios concursos y sorteos de KritzKast.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant acheté le {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}} dans le [[Mann Co. Store/fr|Magasin Mann Co]].
   | fr = Attribué en  qualité [[Vintage/fr|Rétro]] et [[Unique/fr|Unique]] aux participants et vainqueurs des divers concours et tirages au sort de KritzKast.
  | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno comprato il [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/it|Pacchetto della Vittoria del Dr. Grordbort]] nel [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]]
   | ko = KritzKast의 다양한 기부와 행사의 참여자들과 우승자들에게 [[Vintage/ko|골동품]] 등급과 [[Unique/ko|일반]] 등급으로 수여.
   | ko = [[Mann Co. Store/ko|Mann Co. 상점]]에서 [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/ko|그로드보트 박사의 필승 무장]]을 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | pl = Przyznawane w jakości [[Vintage/pl|Klasycznej]] i [[Unique/pl|Unikalnej]] uczestnikom i zwycięzcom konkursów i losowań KritzKast.
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy zakupią w [[Mann Co. Store/pl|Sklepie Mann Co.]] [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/pl|Pakiet zwycięstwa dra Grordborta]].
   | pt-br = Concedido nas qualidades [[Vintage/pt-br|Clássica]] e [[Unique/pt-br|Única]] a participantes e vencedores de vários concursos e distribuições do KritzKast.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que comprarem o [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/pt-br|Pacote Vitorioso do Dr. Grordbort]] na [[Mann Co. Store/pt-br|Loja Mann Co.]].
   | ro = Dat în calitățiile [[Vintage/ro|Clasic]] sau [[Unique/ro|Unic]] participanților și câștigătorilor diferitelor concursuri și tombole ținute de către KritzKast.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}} в [[Mann Co. Store/ru|магазине Манн Ко]].
   | ru = Предмет [[Vintage/ru|старой закалки]] и [[Unique/ru|уникального]] качества выдается победителям и участникам различных конкурсов и событий от KritzKast.
   | tr = [[Mann Co. Store/tr|Mann Co. Mağazası]]'ndan [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/tr|Dr. Grordbort'un Zafer Paketi]]'ni satın alanlara verilir.
   | zh-hans = 将其物品以[[Vintage/zh-hans|特等]][[Unique/zh-hans|独特]]品质赠送给在 KritzKast 活动中参与各种捐赠和比赛的参与者和优胜者。
   | zh-hant = [[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩商店]]購買[[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/zh-hant|葛保諾博士勝利裝備]]的玩家即可獲得。
  | en = Official Team Fortress Wiki <!-- When you add a lang, don't forget to update the template Promo Nav too. Making a common string won't be necessary since it won't be used enough. -->
  | es = Wiki Oficial de Team Fortress
  | fr = Wiki Officiel de Team Fortress
  | pt-br = Wiki Oficial do Team Fortress
  | ro = Wiki-ul oficial Team Fortress
  | ru = Официальная вики Team Fortress
  | zh-hans = 军团要塞官方维基
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest}}
| {{Table icon|Wiki Cap}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|12|15|2011}}
| {{class link|All classes|br=yes}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{Patch name|9|30|2010}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who purchase [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack]] or [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack]] from the [[Mann Co. Store]].
   | en = Awarded in [[Community (quality)|Community]] quality to valuable contributors to the official [[Team Fortress Wiki]].
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/de|Dr. Grordbort's Superhirn-Paket]] oder [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/de|Dr. Grordbort's Mondhirn-Doppelpaket]] im [[Mann Co. Store/de|Mann Co. Store]] gekauft haben.
   | es = Otorgado en [[Community (quality)/es|calidad de la Comunidad]] a los contribuidores valiosos de la [[Team Fortress Wiki/es|Wiki Oficial de Team Fortress]].
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant acheté le [[Dr._Grordbort's_Brainiac_Pack/fr|Lot Brainiac du Dr. Grordbort]] ou le [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/fr|Double lot Brainaire du Dr. Grordbort]] dans le [[Mann Co. Store/fr|Magasin Mann Co.]].
   | fr = Attribué en qualité [[Community (quality)/fr|Communauté]] aux précieux contributeurs du [[Team Fortress Wiki/fr|Wiki Team Fortress]] officiel.
  | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno comprato il [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/it|Pacchetto Cervellone del Dr. Grordbort]] o il [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/it|Pacchetto Astronauta del Dr. Grordbort]] al [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]]
   | ko = 공식 [[Team Fortress Wiki/ko|팀 포트리스 2 위키]]의 가치 있는 기여자들에게 [[Community (quality)/ko|커뮤니티]] 등급으로 수여.
   | ko = [[Mann Co. Store/ko|Mann Co. 상점]]에서 [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/ko|그로드보트 박사의 괴짜 무장]]이나 [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/ko|그로드보트 박사의 월인괴짜 갑절 꾸러미]]를 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | pl = Przyznawane w jakości [[Community (quality)/pl|Za Zasługi]] zasłużonym współautorom oficjalnej [[Team Fortress Wiki/pl|TF2 Wiki]].
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy zakupią w [[Mann Co. Store/pl|Sklepie Mann Co.]] [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/pl|Pakiet mózgowca dra Grordborta]] lub [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/pl|Pakiet księżycowego człeka dra Grordborta]].
   | pt-br = Este item é concedido em qualidade [[Community (quality)/pt-br|Comunitária]] aos valiosos contribuidores da [[Team Fortress Wiki/pt-br|Wiki Oficial do Team Fortress]].
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que comprarem o [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/pt-br|Pacote Neural do Dr. Grordbort]] ou [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/pt-br|Pacote do Homem Luneural do Dr. Grordbort]] na [[Mann Co. Store/pt-br|Loja Mann Co.]].
  | ro = Dat în calitatea [[Community (quality)/ro|Community]] persoanelor ce au contribuit major [[Team Fortress Wiki/ro|Wiki-ului Oficial Team Fortress]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} или {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} в [[Mann Co. Store/ru|магазине Манн Ко]].
   | ru = Предмет [[Community (quality)/ru|члена сообщества]] выдается пользователям, внесшим значительный вклад в развитие [[Team Fortress Wiki/ru|Team Fortress Вики]].
  | tr = [[Mann Co. Store/tr|Mann Co. Mağazası'ndan]] {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} 'ni ya da {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} 'ni satın alanlara verilir.
   | zh-hans = 将其物品以[[Community (quality)/zh-hans|社区]]品质赠送给在[[Team Fortress Wiki/zh-hans|军团要塞官方维基]]中做出重大贡献的贡献者。
   | zh-hant = [[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩商店]]購買[[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/zh-hant|葛保諾博士超級金頭腦套裝]]或[[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/zh-hant|葛保諾博士金頭腦登月者雙重組合包]]的玩家即可獲得。
==== {{Common string|other}} ====
===== {{Common string|ipecac recordings}} =====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest}}
| {{Table icon|What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box?}}
| {{class link|All classes|br=yes}}
| {{item link|action items}}
| '''{{item schema|3|1|2017|id=b37efc4b6e1e4df17a695552ec7366b33d6d1218}}'''
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who purchase [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack]] or [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack]] from the [[Mann Co. Store]].
   | en = Awarded to players who had purchased ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' from the [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipecac Recordings Music Store]<small> (out of print)</small> or [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazon] and redeemed the code that came with it.<br /><br />Upon using the item after {{Patch name|4|20|2017}}, the player receives the [[Audio File]] in [[Genuine]] quality.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/de|Dr. Grordbort's Mondmann-Paket]] oder [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/de|Dr. Grordbort's Mondhirn-Doppelpaket]] im [[Mann Co. Store/de|Mann Co. Store]] gekauft haben.
   | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří si zakoupili ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' z [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Hudebního obchodu Ipecac Recordings] {{lang icon|en}}, či z [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazonu] {{lang icon|en}}, a následně aktivovali propagační kód produktu.<br /><br />Po použití tohoto předmětu po {{Patch name|4|20|2017}}, hráči obdrží [[Audio File/cs|Audio File]] v [[Genuine/cs|Genuine kvalitě]].
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant acheté le [[Dr._Grordbort's_Moonman_Pack/fr|Lot Lunaire du Dr. Grordbort]] ou le [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/fr|Double lot Brainaire du Dr. Grordbort]] dans le [[Mann Co. Store/fr|Magasin Mann Co.]].
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' desde [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipecac Recordings Music Store] {{lang icon|en}} <small>(agotado actualmente)</small> o [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazon] y canjearon su código.<br /><br />Al utilizar este objeto después del {{Patch name|4|20|2017}}, los jugadores recibirán el {{item link|Audio File}} en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]].
   | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno comprato il [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/it|Pacchetto Cervellone del Dr. Grordbort]] o il [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/it|Pacchetto Astronauta del Dr. Grordbort]] al [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]].
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant acheté ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' sur le magasin de musique [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipecac Recordings] {{lang icon|en}} <small>(épuisé)</small> ou sur [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazon] {{lang icon|en}} et ayant utilisé le code fourni avec l'achat.<br /><br />En utilisant l'objet après le {{Patch name|4|20|2017}}, le joueur reçoit le [[Audio File/fr|Fichier Audio]] en qualité [[Genuine/fr|Authentique]].
   | ko = [[Mann Co. Store/ko|Mann Co. 상점]]에서 [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/ko|그로드보트 박사의 월인 무장]]이나 [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/ko|그로드보트 박사의 월인괴짜 갑절 꾸러미]]를 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd/ Ipecac Recordings Music Store]이나 [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB/ Amazon]에서 ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2''를 구매하고 동봉된 코드를 입력한 플레이어에게 수여.<br /><br />{{Patch name|4|20|2017}} 이후에 이 아이템을 사용할 경우, 플레이어에게 [[Audio File/ko|오디오 파일]][[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 수여.
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy zakupią w [[Mann Co. Store/pl|Sklepie Mann Co.]] [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/pl|Pakiet księżycowego człeka dra Grordborta]] lub [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/pl|Pakiet księżycowego mózgu dra Grordborta]].
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' hadden gekocht via de [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipecac Recordings Music Store] of [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazon] en de inbegrepen promotionele code hebben verzilverd.<br /><br />Bij het gebruik van het voorwerp na {{Patch name|4|20|2017}}, zal de speler de {{item link|Audio File}} in [[Genuine/nl|authentieke kwaliteit]] verkrijgen.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que comprarem o [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/pt-br|Pacote do Homem da Lua do Dr. Grordbort]] ou [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/pt-br|Pacote do Homem Luneural do Dr. Grordbort]] na [[Mann Co. Store/pt-br|Loja Mann Co.]].
   | no = Gitt til spillere som hadde kjøpt ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' fra [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipecac Recordings Music Store] eller [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazon] og aktivert koden som fulgte med.<br /><br />Ved å bruke gjenstanden etter {{Patch name|4|20|2017}} vil spilleren motta [[Audio File/no|Lydfilen]] i [[Genuine/no|Ekte kvalitet]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}} или {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} в [[Mann Co. Store/ru|магазине Манн Ко]].
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy zakupili ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' w sklepie [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipecac Recordings Music] {{lang icon|en}} lub na [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazonie] i aktywowali dołączony do niego kod.<br/><br/>Użycie przedmiotu po {{Patch name|4|20|2017|in-the}} przyzna graczowi [[Audio File/pl|Audiofila]] w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]].
   | tr = [[Mann Co. Store/tr|Mann Co. Mağazası'ndan]] {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}} 'ni ya da {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} 'ni satın alanlara verilir.
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que compraram ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' da [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipecac Recordings Music Store] ou [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazon] e resgataram o código promocional enviado para eles.<br /><br />Ao usar o item após [[April 20, 2017 Patch/pt-br|20 de abril de 2017]], o jogador receberá o [[Audio File/pt-br|Arquivo de Áudio]] em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]].
   | zh-hant = [[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩商店]]購買[[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/zh-hant|葛保諾博士登月者套裝]]或[[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/zh-hant|葛保諾博士金頭腦登月者雙重組合包]]的玩家即可獲得。
   | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' de pe [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Magazinul de muzică Ipecac]<small> (nu este în stoc)</small> sau de pe [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazon] și care au folosit codul promoțional inclus.<br /><br />Daca obiectul este folosit după {{Patch name|4|20|2017}}, jucătorul primește un {{item link|Audio File}} de calitatea [[Genuine/ro|Autentică]].
  | ru = Получали игроки, купившие ''Набор музыки - Fight Songs: Музыка из Team Fortress 2'' в [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipecac Recordings Music Store] или [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazon] и использовали код который они получили после покупки в стиме. <br /><br /> При использовании предмета после [[April 20, 2017 Patch|20 Апреля, 2017]], игрок получет шапку [[ Audio_File/ru|Меломанн]] в качестве [[Genuine/ru|Высшей пробы]].
   | tr = ''Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2'' müziğini [https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipecac Recordings Müzik Mağazası]ndan veya [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB Amazon]'dan satın alanlara verilmiştir.<br /><br />{{Patch name|4|20|2017|date=true}} tarihinden sonra kullanıldığında oyuncuya {{item link|Audio File}} [[Genuine/tr|Hakiki]] niteliğinde verilmiştir.
   | zh-hans = 赠送给在[https://blixtmerchandise.shop/ipecac-music/valve-studio-orchestra-fight-songs-music-of-team-fortress-2-cd Ipeac Recordings 音乐商店][https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7UPDBB 亚马逊]中购买了《Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2》并兑换了随附的代码的玩家。<br /><br />在{{Patch name|4|20|2017}}之后使用该物品时,玩家将收到[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质的{{item link|Audio File}}。
<br />
==== {{common string|other}} ====
===== [[Mann Co. Store{{if lang}}|{{Common string|mann co. store}}]] =====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Mann Co. Cap}}
| {{Table icon|Mann Co. Cap}}
| rowspan="13" | {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| rowspan="4" | {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| rowspan="5" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| rowspan="2" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| [[Mann-Conomy Update{{if lang}}|{{common string|mann-conomy update}}]]<br><small>{{Patch name|9|30|2010}}</small>
| [[Mann-Conomy Update{{if lang}}|{{common string|mann-conomy update}}]]<br><small>{{Patch name|9|30|2010}}</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players upon completion of their first purchase in the [[Mann Co. Store]].
   | en = Awarded to players upon completion of their first purchase in the [[Mann Co. Store]].
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům po jejich prvním nákupu v [[Mann Co. Store/cs|Mann Co. Obchodu]].
   | de = Verdient durch den ersten Einkauf im [[Mann Co. Store/de|Mann Co. Store]].
   | de = Verdient durch den ersten Einkauf im [[Mann Co. Store/de|Mann Co. Store]].
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores al completar su primera compra en la [[Mann Co. Store/es|Tienda Mann Co.]]
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs faisant leur premier achat dans le [[Mann Co. Store/fr|Magasin Mann Co.]].
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs faisant leur premier achat dans le [[Mann Co. Store/fr|Magasin Mann Co.]].
   | it = Ottenuto attraverso il primo acquisto nel [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]].
   | it = Ottenuto attraverso il primo acquisto nel [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]].
   | ko = [[Mann Co. Store/ko|Mann Co. 상점]]에서 첫 구매를 완료한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ko = [[Mann Co. Store/ko|Mann Co. 상점]]에서 첫 구매를 완료한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan de spelers wanneer ze hun eerste aankoop hebben gedaan bij de [[Mann Co. Store/nl|Mann Co.-winkel]].
  | no = Gitt til spillere etter deres første kjøp i [[Mann Co. Store/no|Mann Co. Butikken]].
   | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy dokonają pierwszego zakupu w [[Mann Co. Store/pl|Sklepie Mann Co.]]
   | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy dokonają pierwszego zakupu w [[Mann Co. Store/pl|Sklepie Mann Co.]]
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que fizeram sua primeira compra na [[Mann Co. Store/pt-br|Loja Mann Co.]].
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que fizeram sua primeira compra na [[Mann Co. Store/pt-br|Loja Mann Co.]]
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat un obiect din [[Mann Co. Store/ro|magazinul Mann Co]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, совершившим первую покупку в [[Mann Co. Store/ru|магазине Манн Ко]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, совершившим первую покупку в [[Mann Co. Store/ru|магазине Манн Ко]].
   | tr = [[Mann Co. Store/tr|Mann Co. Mağazası'ndan]] ilk defa bir şey satın alan kullanıcılara hediye edilir.
   | tr = [[Mann Co. Store/tr|Mann Co. Mağazası'ndan]] ilk defa bir şey satın alan kullanıcılara hediye edilir.
  | zh-hans = 在[[Mann Co. Store/zh-hans|曼恩公司商店]]进行首次消费即可获得。
   | zh-hant = 於[[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩商店]]第一次消費即可獲得。
   | zh-hant = 於[[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩商店]]第一次消費即可獲得。
Line 935: Line 472:
| {{Patch name|12|17|2010}}
| {{Patch name|12|17|2010}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players upon completion of their first [[Map Stamp]] purchase in the [[Mann Co. Store]].
   | en = Awarded to players upon completion of their first [[Map Stamp]] purchase in the Mann Co. Store.
   | de = Verdient durch den ersten Einkauf einer [[Map Stamp/de|Briefmarke]] in [[Mann Co. Store/de|Mann Co. Store]].
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům po jejich první zakoupené [[Map Stamp/cs|Známce mapy]] z Mann Co. Obchodu.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs faisant leur premier achat de [[Map Stamp/fr|Timbre de carte]] dans le [[Mann Co. Store/fr|Magasin Mann Co.]].
   | de = Verdient durch den ersten Einkauf einer [[Map Stamp/de|Briefmarke]] in Mann Co. Store.
   | it = Ottenuto attraverso il primo acquisto di un [[Map Stamp/it|Francobollo Mappa]] nel [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]].
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores al comprar al menos un {{item link|Map Stamp}} por primera vez en la Tienda Mann Co.
   | ko = [[Mann Co. Store/ko|Mann Co. 상점]]에서 첫 [[Map Stamp/ko|맵 후원 우표]] 구매를 완료한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs faisant leur premier achat de [[Map Stamp/fr|Timbre de carte]] dans le Magasin Mann Co.
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy dokonają pierwszego zakupu [[Map Stamp/pl|Znaczka mapy]] w [[Mann Co. Store/pl|Sklepie Mann Co.]]
   | it = Ottenuto attraverso il primo acquisto di un [[Map Stamp/it|Francobollo Mappa]] nel Negozio Mann Co.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que compraram seu primeiro [[Map Stamp/pt-br|Selo de Mapa]] na [[Mann Co. Store/pt-br|Loja Mann Co.]].
  | ko = Mann Co. 상점에서 첫 [[Map Stamp/ko|맵 후원 우표]] 구매를 완료한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили [[Map Stamp/ru|Коллекционную марку]] в [[Mann Co. Store/ru|магазине Манн Ко]].
   | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers wanneer hun eerste [[Map Stamp/nl|mapppostzegel]]aankoop hebben gedaan in de Mann Co.-Winkel.
   | tr = [[Mann Co. Store/tr|Mann Co. Mağazası'ndan]] ilk defa bir [[Map Stamp/tr|Harita Pulu]] satın alan kullanıcılara hediye edilir.
  | no = Gitt til spillere etter deres første kjøp av et [[Map Stamp/no|Kartfrimærke]] i [[Mann Co. Store/no|Mann Co. Butikken]].
   | zh-hant = [[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩商店]]第一次購買[[Map Stamp/zh-hant|郵票]]即可獲得。
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy dokonają zakupu pierwszego [[Map Stamp/pl|Znaczka mapy]] w Sklepie Mann Co.
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que compraram seu primeiro [[Map Stamp/pt-br|Selo de Mapa]] na Loja Mann Co.
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat un [[Map Stamp/ro|Timbru de hărți]] din magazinul Mann Co.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили [[Map Stamp/ru|Коллекционную марку]] в магазине Манн Ко.
   | tr = Mann Co. Mağazası'ndan ilk defa bir [[Map Stamp/tr|Harita Pulu]] satın alan kullanıcılara hediye edilir.
   | zh-hans = 在曼恩公司商店首次购买[[Map Stamp/zh-hans|地图邮票]]即可获得。
  | zh-hant = 於曼恩商店第一次購買[[Map Stamp/zh-hant|郵票]]即可獲得。
| {{Table icon|Mann Co. Store Package}}
| {{item link|action items}}
| {{patch name|05|11|2012}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who make a single purchase totaling $20 or more from the Mann Co. Store.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří za jeden nákup v Mann Co. Obchodu utratí 20, či více dolarů.
  | de = Vergeben an Spieler, die für mehr als 15€ im Mann Co. Store eingekauft haben.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que hacen una sola compra de 20 dólares o más en la Tienda Mann Co.
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant acheté pour 15€ d'objets ou plus dans le Magasin Mann Co. en un seul achat.
  | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che comprano oggetti dal negozio Mann Co. totalizzando 20$ o più in un acquisto singolo.
  | ko = Mann Co. 상점에서 한번 구매로 $20 이상을 쓴 플레이어에게 수여.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die in één betaling $20 of meer uitgeven in de Mann Co.-winkel.
  | no = Gitt til spillere som utfører ett enkelt kjøp på $20 eller mer i Mann Co. Butikken.
  | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy podczas jednej transakcji w Sklepie Mann Co. wydali 20$ lub więcej.
  | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que fizeram uma compra com valor de US$20,00 ou mais na Loja Mann Co.
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au cheltuit cel puțin $20 deodată în magazinul Mann Co.
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые потратили более 1220 рублей за одну покупку в магазине Манн Ко.
  | zh-hans = 在曼恩公司商店单次消费超过 20 美元即可获得。
  | zh-hant = 在曼恩商店一次消費滿二十美金的玩家即可獲得。
| {{Table icon|Mann Co. Online Cap}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| [[Mecha Update{{if lang}}|{{common string|mecha update}}]]<br><small>{{Patch name|12|20|2012}}</small>
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players upon completion of their first purchase in the Mann Co. Store through the official Online Store or the web interface.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům po jejich prvním nákupu v Mann Co. Obchodu, skrze oficiální Online obchod nebo webový prohlížeč.
  | de = Wird an Spieler bei Abschluss ihres ersten Einkaufes in dem Mann Co. Store durch den offiziellen Online Store oder Webdienst vergeben.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que completaron su primera compra en la Tienda Mann Co. a través de la Tienda Online oficial o desde la interfaz de la web.
  | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs faisant leur premier achat dans le Magasin Mann Co. via le Magasin en ligne officiel ou l'interface web.
  | ko = Mann Co. 온라인 상점 Mann Co. 온라인 상점 에서 처음으로 상품 구입에 성공한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die hun eerste aankoop voltooien in de Mann Co.-winkel door de officiële online winkel of het web interface.
  | no = Gitt til spillere som utfører deres første kjøp i Mann Co. Butikken gjennom den offisielle Online Butikken eller internettsiden.
  | pl = Przyznawana graczom po zakończeniu pierwszego zakupu w Sklepie Mann Co. poprzez oficjalny Sklep Online lub inny interfejs sieciowy.
  | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que fizeram sua primeira compra na Loja Mann Co. através da Loja Online ou pela interface da web.
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat un obiect din magazinul oficial online Mann Co.
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили предмет из магазина Манн Ко в официальном Онлайн Магазине или через веб-интерфейс.
  | zh-hans = 通过官方在线商店或网络界面在曼恩公司商店进行首次消费即可获得。
  | zh-hant = 贈送給在曼恩商店的線上網頁版本第一次購買物品的玩家。
===== [[Account types{{if lang}}|{{lang
  | en = Premium Accounts
  | es = Cuentas prémium
  | fr = Comptes Premium
  | ro =
  | ru = Премиум-аккаунты
  | zh-hans = 高级用户
  | zh-hant = 付費玩家
    }}]] =====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Professor Speks}}
| {{Table icon|Professor Speks}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| rowspan="2"  | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| rowspan="2" | [[Uber Update{{if lang}}|{{common string|uber update}}]]<br><small>{{Patch name|6|23|2011}}</small>
| rowspan="2" | [[Uber Update{{if lang}}|{{common string|uber update}}]]<br><small>{{Patch name|6|23|2011}}</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who are named as a referrer when a player with a free account upgrades to a premium account.<br><br>Subsequent referrals increase the counter on the item.
   | en = Awarded to players who are named as a referrer when a player with a free account upgrades to a premium account.<br><br>Subsequent referrals increase the counter on the item.
   | de = Verliehen an Spieler, die als Helfer benannt werden, wenn ein Spieler mit einem kostenlosen Account auf ein Premium-Account upgraden . Nachfolgende Verweise erhöhen den Zähler um einen Punkt.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří byli jmenováni hráčem přecházejícím z free na premium účet jako jejich největší pomocník.<br><br>Více jmenování zvýší počítadlo pomoci předmětu.
   | de = Verliehen an Spieler, die als Helfer benannt werden, wenn ein Spieler mit einem kostenlosen Account auf ein Premium-Account upgraden. Nachfolgende Verweise erhöhen den Zähler um einen Punkt.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que fueron nombrados como referencia por un jugador con una cuenta gratis que pasa a ser prémium.<br><br>Cuantas más referencias, mayor será el número del contador del objeto.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs désignés en tant que parrain quand un joueur avec un compte gratuit obtient un compte premium. Si le joueur est encore cité en parrain, le compteur de l'objet s'incrémentera.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs désignés en tant que parrain quand un joueur avec un compte gratuit obtient un compte premium. Si le joueur est encore cité en parrain, le compteur de l'objet s'incrémentera.
   | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno aiutato un giocatore con un account free ad aggiornare l'account a premium. E' presente un contatore, che incrementa ogni qualvolta l'utente aiuti un altro utente.
   | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno aiutato un giocatore con un account free ad aggiornare l'account a premium. E' presente un contatore, che incrementa ogni qualvolta l'utente aiuti un altro utente.
   | ko = 무료 계정이 고급 계정으로 승격했을 때 참고인으로 언급된 사람에게 수여됨. 그 이후 추천은 아이템의 카운터를 올려줍니다.
   | ko = 무료 계정이 고급 계정으로 승격했을 때 참고인으로 언급된 사람에게 수여됨. 그 이후 추천은 아이템의 카운터를 올려줍니다.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die als verwijzer worden aangewezen wanneer een speler met een gratis account upgrade naar een premium account.<br><br>Volgende verwijzingen verhogen de teller op dit voorwerp.
  | no = Gitt til spillere som er listet som en referanse hos spillere med en gratis bruker når de oppgraderer til en premium bruker.<br><br>Ytterligere referanser hos andre brukere øker antallet vist på gjenstanden.
   | pl = Przyznawane graczom, którzy pomogą innemu graczowi z darmowym kontem ulepszyć je do konta [[Premium/pl|premium]].<br><br>Kolejne pomoce będą zwiększać licznik.
   | pl = Przyznawane graczom, którzy pomogą innemu graczowi z darmowym kontem ulepszyć je do konta [[Premium/pl|premium]].<br><br>Kolejne pomoce będą zwiększać licznik.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que tiveram seu nome como referencia na atualização de conta grátis para premium<br><br>Mais de uma referencia aumenta o contador do item.
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que tiveram seu nome como referêcia na atualização de conta grátis para premium<br><br>Mais de uma referência aumenta o contador do item.
  | ro = Dați jucătorilor recomandați de către alt jucător, atunce când acesta își schimbă contul într-unul premium.<br><br>Recomandăriile alterioare vor crește numărul de recomandări vizibil în descrierea acestui obiect.
   | ru = Можно получить от новичка, который совершил покупку в магазине Манн Ко и тем самым перешел с бесплатной версии игры на премиум, если он указал, что именно вы должны их получить.
   | ru = Можно получить от новичка, который совершил покупку в магазине Манн Ко и тем самым перешел с бесплатной версии игры на премиум, если он указал, что именно вы должны их получить.
  | zh-hans = 当拥有免费帐户的玩家升级到高级帐户时,被指定为推荐人的玩家将会得到该物品。<br><br>后续推荐将会增加该物品的计数。
   | zh-hant = 贈送給免費玩家升級成付費帳號時,所選擇對其幫助最大的玩家。之後如果再獲贈物品,會增加眼鏡的幫助者計數。
   | zh-hant = 贈送給免費玩家升級成付費帳號時,所選擇對其幫助最大的玩家。之後如果再獲贈物品,會增加眼鏡的幫助者計數。
Line 964: Line 574:
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who purchased ''Team Fortress 2'' before the [[Über Update]] on June 23, 2011.<br><br>Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of ''Team Fortress 2'' on Steam or buying ''The Orange Box''.
   | en = Awarded to players who purchased ''Team Fortress 2'' before the [[Über Update]] on June 23, 2011.<br><br>Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of ''Team Fortress 2'' on Steam or buying ''The Orange Box''.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří si zakoupili ''Team Fortress 2'' před [[Über Update/cs|Über Update]] 23. června 2011.<br><br>Lze stále získat aktivací placené verze ''Team Fortress 2'' aktivačním klíčem ve službě Steam, či zakoupením ''The Orange Boxu''.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler die eine ''[[Team Fortress 2/de|Team Fortress 2]]'' Premium Version vor dem [[Über Update/de|Über Update]] besitzen, welches am 23. Juni 2011 erschient. Kann immer noch durch das Freischalten einer alten Einzelhandelsversion von ''Team Fortress 2'' aktiviert und erhalten werden.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler die eine ''[[Team Fortress 2/de|Team Fortress 2]]'' Premium Version vor dem [[Über Update/de|Über Update]] besitzen, welches am 23. Juni 2011 erschient. Kann immer noch durch das Freischalten einer alten Einzelhandelsversion von ''Team Fortress 2'' aktiviert und erhalten werden.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron ''Team Fortress 2'' antes de la {{update link|Über Update}} del 23 de junio de 2011.<br><br>Todavía se puede conseguir al activar una copia física de ''Team Fortress 2'' en Steam o comprando ''The Orange Box''.
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant acheté ''[[Team Fortress 2/fr|Team Fortress 2]]'' avant l'{{Update link|Über Update}}, le 23 juin 2011. Peut toujours être obtenue en activant sur Steam une copie physique du jeu.
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs ayant acheté ''[[Team Fortress 2/fr|Team Fortress 2]]'' avant l'{{Update link|Über Update}}, le 23 juin 2011. Peut toujours être obtenue en activant sur Steam une copie physique du jeu.
   | it = Dato a coloro che hanno comprato o gli è stato regalato ''[[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]]'' prima dell'[[Über Update/it|Über Aggiornamento]] il 23 Giugno 2011.
   | it = Dato a coloro che hanno comprato o gli è stato regalato ''[[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]]'' prima dell'[[Über Update/it|Über Aggiornamento]] il 23 Giugno 2011.
   | ko = 2011년 6월 23일 [[Über Update/ko|우버 업데이트]] 이전에 [[Team Fortress 2/ko|팀 포트리스 2]]를 구매한 플레이어에게 수여. 지금도 소매판 ''팀 포트리스 2''를 구매하여 Steam에 등록하면 획득할 수 있습니다.
   | ko = 2011년 6월 23일 [[Über Update/ko|우버 업데이트]] 이전에 [[Team Fortress 2/ko|팀 포트리스 2]]를 구매한 플레이어에게 수여. 지금도 소매판 ''팀 포트리스 2''를 구매하여 Steam에 등록하면 획득할 수 있습니다.
   | pl = Przyznany graczom, którzy zakupili [[Team Fortress 2/pl|''Team Fortress 2'']] przed wydaniem [[Über Update/pl|Überowej aktualizacji]]. Wciąż może być przyznana poprzez aktywację na platformie [[Steam/pl|Steam]] pudełkowej wersji ''Team Fortress 2'' lub zakup [[http://store.steampowered.com/sub/469/ ''Orange Boxa'']].
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die ''Team Fortress 2'' voor de {{update link|Über Update}} op 23 juni 2011.<br><br>Kan verkregen worden door een winkelversie van ''Team Fortress 2'' te activeren op Steam of door de ''Orange Box'' te kopen.
   | ru = Выдаётся игрокам, которые купили Orange box в Steam.
  | no = Gitt til spillere som kjøpte ''Team Fortress 2'' før [[Über Update/no|Überoppdateringen]] 23. juni 2011.<br><br>Kan forsatt bli skaffet ved å aktivere en fysisk utgave av ''Team Fortress 2'' på Steam eller ved å kjøpe ''The Orange Box''.
   | pl = Przyznany graczom, którzy zakupili ''[[Team Fortress 2/pl|Team Fortress 2]]'' przed wydaniem [[Über Update/pl|Überowej aktualizacji]]. Wciąż może być przyznana poprzez aktywację na platformie Steam pudełkowej wersji ''Team Fortress 2'' lub zakup ''[[http://store.steampowered.com/sub/469/ Orange Boxa]]''.
  | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que compraram ''Team Fortress 2'' antes da {{update link|Über Update}} em 23 de junho de 2011.<br><br>Ainda pode ser obtido ao ativar uma versão de varejo de ''Team Fortress 2'' no Steam ou comprando ''The Orange Box''.
  | ro = Dat tuturor jucătorilor care au cumpărat ''Team Fortress 2'' înainte de {{update link|Über Update}}, lansată pe data de 23 Iunie 2011.<br><br>Mai poate fi obținut dacă jucătorul activează o versiune plătită a jocului pe Steam sau dacă acesta cumpără ''Cutia Portocalie''.
   | ru = Выдаётся игрокам, которые купили ''The Orange Box'' в Steam.
  | zh-hans = 赠送给于2011年6月23日之前购买了《军团要塞 2》的玩家。<br><br>目前仍可通过在Steam上激活零售版《军团要塞 2》或购买“橙盒”来获得。
   | zh-hant = 在2011年6月23日的[[Über Update/zh-hant|超能更新]]前已購買《[[Team Fortress 2/zh-hant|絕地要塞2]]》的玩家即可獲得。之後在 Steam 啟用零售版也可以獲得。
   | zh-hant = 在2011年6月23日的[[Über Update/zh-hant|超能更新]]前已購買《[[Team Fortress 2/zh-hant|絕地要塞2]]》的玩家即可獲得。之後在 Steam 啟用零售版也可以獲得。
  | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que compraram ''Team Fortress 2'' antes da {{update link|Über Update}} dia 23 de junho 2011.<br><br>Ainda pode ser obtido ao ativar uma versão comercial de ''Team Fortress 2'' no Steam.
===== {{common string|rock paper shotgun}} =====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Horace}}
| {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{Patch name|8|27|2014}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded in [[Genuine]] quality to players who support Rock Paper Shotgun through their [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ Supporter program] and redeem the promotional code sent to them.
  | cs = Uděleno v [[Genuine/cs|Genuine kvalitě]] hráčům, kteří podpořili Rock Paper Shotgun skrz jejich [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ program Podpory] {{lang icon|en}}, a aktivovali propagační kód který jim byl posléze zaslán.
  | de = In [[Genuine/de|Echter Qualität]] vergeben an Spieler, die Rock Paper Shotgun während dem [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ Unterstützerprogramm] unterstüzt haben und den Werbecode eingelöst haben, den sie erhielten.
  | es = Otorgado en [[Genuine/es|Calidad Genuina]] a los jugadores que apoyaron a Rock Paper Shotgun a través de su [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ programa de apoyo] {{lang icon|en}} y canjearon el código promocional recibido.
  | fr = Attribué en qualité [[Genuine/fr|Authentique]] aux joueurs qui soutiennent Rock Paper Shotgun via leur [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ programme de soutien] et qui utilisent le code promotionnel qui leur a été envoyé.
  | ko = [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ Supporter program]를 통하여 Rock Paper Shotgun에 후원을 한 모든 플레이어에게 [[Genuine/ko|진품]] 등급으로 얻을 수 있는 홍보용 코드가 증정되었습니다.
  | nl = Uitgereikt in [[Genuine/nl|Authentieke]] kwaliteit aan spelers die Rock Paper Shotgun steunen door hun [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ steunprogramma] {{Lang icon}} en de inbegrepen code hebben verzilverd.
  | no = Gitt i [[Genuine/no|Ekte kvalitet]] til spillere som støtter Rock Paper Shotgun gjennom deres [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ Støtteprogram] og aktiverer koden som sendes til dem.
  | pl = Przyznawany w jakości [[Genuine/pl|oryginał]] graczom, którzy wspierają Rock Paper Shotgun poprzez ich [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ program wsparcia] {{lang icon|en}} i aktywują wysłany im kod.
  | pt-br = Concedido em [[Genuine/pt-br|qualidade Genuína]] aos jogadores que apoiarem a Rock Paper Shotgun pelo [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ programa de Apoiador] {{lang icon|en}} e resgatarem o código enviado.
  | ro = Dat în calitatea [[Genuine/ro|Autentică]] tuturor jucătorilor care s-au [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ abonat] la Rock Paper Shotgun și au folosit codul promoțional care le-a fost trimis.
  | ru = Предмет [[Genuine/ru|высшей пробы]] выдается игрокам, которые поддержали Rock Paper Shotgun в рамках [http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ программы поддержки] и активировали полученный код в Steam.
  | zh-hans = 将其物品以[[Genuine/zh-hans|纯正]]品质赠送给通过[http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/supportrps/ 支持者计划]对“石头剪刀枪”(Rock Paper Shotgun)进行支持,并兑换分发给他们的促销码的玩家。
===== {{lang
  | en = Special Events
  | es = Eventos especiales
  | fr = Événements Spéciaux
  | ro = Evenimente speciale
  | ru = Особые события
  | zh-hans = 特殊活动
  | zh-hant = 特殊活動
}} =====
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Party Hat}}
| {{Table icon|Party Hat}}
| rowspan="6" | {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|8|23|2011}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|8|23|2011}}
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
| rowspan="2" | {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who play ''Team Fortress 2'' on August 24 of any year, from 2011 onwards.
   | en = Awarded to players who play ''Team Fortress 2'' on August 24 of any year, from 2011 onwards.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří hrají ''Team Fortress 2'' dne 24. srpna kteréhokoli roku (platí od 2011).
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die [[Team Fortress 2/de|Team Fortress 2]] an dem 24. August in jedem Jahr ab 2011 gespielt haben.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die [[Team Fortress 2/de|Team Fortress 2]] an dem 24. August in jedem Jahr ab 2011 gespielt haben.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que jueguen ''Team Fortress 2'' en el 24 de agosto de cualquier año, de 2011 en adelante.
   | fr = Attribué à tous les joueurs ayant joué à ''[[Team Fortress 2/fr|Team Fortress 2]]'' le 24 août de l'année, à partir de 2011.
   | fr = Attribué à tous les joueurs ayant joué à ''[[Team Fortress 2/fr|Team Fortress 2]]'' le 24 août de l'année, à partir de 2011.
   | it = Dato a coloro che hanno giocato a ''[[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]]'' il 24 Agosto 2011.
   | it = Dato a coloro che hanno giocato a ''[[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]]'' il 24 Agosto 2011.
   | ko = 8월 24일 [[Team Fortress 2/ko|팀 포트리스 2]]를 플레이한 플레이어에게 수여, 2011년부터 획득 가능.
   | ko = 8월 24일 [[Team Fortress 2/ko|팀 포트리스 2]]를 플레이한 플레이어에게 수여, 2011년부터 획득 가능.
   | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy zagrają w [[Team Fortress 2/pl|''Team Fortress 2'']] podczas urodzin gry, począwszy od 2011 roku.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die ''Team Fortress 2'' op 24 augustus 2011 en later hebben gespeeld.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que jogaram [[Team Fortress 2/pt-br|Team Fortress 2]] em 24 de Agosto de cada ano, a partir de 2011.
  | no = Gitt til spillere som spiller ''Team Fortress 2'' i løpet av 24. august, fra og med 2011.
   | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy zagrają w ''[[Team Fortress 2/pl|Team Fortress 2]]'' 24 sierpnia, począwszy od 2011 roku.
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que jogarem ''Team Fortress 2'' em 24 de agosto de qualquer ano, a partir de 2011.
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care intră pe ''Team Fortress 2'' pe data de 24 August din fiecare an, începând cu 2011.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, запустившим ''Team Fortress 2'' 24 августа любого года (начиная с 2011 года).
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, запустившим ''Team Fortress 2'' 24 августа любого года (начиная с 2011 года).
  | zh-hans = 赠送给在2011年之后的任何一年的8月24日游玩《军团要塞 2》的玩家。
   | zh-hant = 贈送給在2011年之後的任何一個8月24日遊玩《絕地要塞 2》的玩家,一人限拿一頂。
   | zh-hant = 贈送給在2011年之後的任何一個8月24日遊玩《絕地要塞 2》的玩家,一人限拿一頂。
Line 993: Line 665:
| {{Table icon|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}}
| {{Table icon|Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron}}
| {{item link|action items}}
| {{item link|action items}}
| [[Very Scary Halloween Special{{if lang}}|{{common string|very scary halloween special}}]]<br><small>{{patch name|10|27|2011}}</small>
| {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}<br><small>{{patch name|10|27|2011}}</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who played ''Team Fortress 2'' during the [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special]], or any following Halloween event. Only awarded once.<br><br>Upon using the item, the player will receive the [[Seal Mask]] and one unique costume part from the [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special#Class sets|nine released costumes]].
   | en = Awarded to players who played ''Team Fortress 2'' during the [[Very Scary Halloween Special|Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special]], or any following Halloween event. Only awarded once.<br><br>Upon using the item, the player receives the [[Seal Mask]] and one unique costume part from the [[Very Scary Halloween Special#Costume sets|nine released costumes]].
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler ,die [[Team Fortress 2/de|Team Fortress 2]] während des [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special/de|Dritten Jährlichen Wirklich Erschreckenden Halloween-Specials]] gespielt haben. Beinhaltet nach der Öffnung des Gegenstandes die [[Seal Mask/de|Robbenmaske]] und ein weiteres einzigartiges Kostümteil aus den [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special/de#Klassensets|neun Klassensets]].
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům kteří hráli ''Team Fortress 2'' během [[Very Scary Halloween Special/cs|Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special]], či během jiné libovolné Halloweenské události. Může být získáno pouze jednou.<br><br>Po použití předmětu hráč získá [[Seal Mask/cs|Seal Mask]], a jednu jedinečnou část kostýmu z celkem [[Very Scary Halloween Special/cs#Halloweenské kostýmy|devíti vydaných kostýmů]].
   | fr = Offert à tous les joueurs ayant joué à [[Team Fortress 2/fr|Team Fortress 2]] durant le {{Update link|Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special}}, ou tout évènement Halloween suivant. N'est offert qu'une fois. En utilisant cet objet, le joueur reçoit le {{Item link|Seal Mask}}, ainsi qu'un morceau d'un des [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special/fr#Ensembles_de_classe|neufs déguisements]] ajoutés au jeu.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler ,die ''Team Fortress 2'' während des [[Very Scary Halloween Special/de|Dritten Jährlichen Wirklich Erschreckenden Halloween-Specials]] gespielt haben. Beinhaltet nach der Öffnung des Gegenstandes die [[Seal Mask/de|Robbenmaske]] und ein weiteres einzigartiges Kostümteil aus den [[Very Scary Halloween Special/de#Klassensets|neun Klassensets]].
   | it = Dato ai giocatori che hanno giocato a [[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]] durante l'aggiornamento [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special/it|Speciale Molto Spaventoso di Halloween]] o qualsiasi evento Halloween successivo. All'uso dell'oggetto, il giocatore riceverà [[Seal Mask/it|La Maschera di Foca]], assieme ad un parte dei [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special#Class sets/it|nove costumi rilasciati]] in qualità unica.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que jugaron ''Team Fortress 2'' durante el {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}} o cualquier evento de Halloween posterior. Solo se obtiene una vez.<br><br>Al usar este objeto, el jugador recibe la {{item link|Seal Mask}} y una parte de uno de los [[Very Scary Halloween Special/es#Sets de disfraces|nueve sets de disfraces]].
   | ko = [[Team Fortress 2/ko|팀 포트리스 2]]를 [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special/ko|정말 무서운 핼러윈 특집]]이나 다른 핼러윈 행사 기간에 플레이한 플레이어에게 수여. 단 한번만 수여됩니다. 아이템을 사용하면 플레이어는 {{item link|Seal Mask}}과 [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special/ko#Class sets|아홉 개 핼러윈 복장]]중 한 개를 얻게 됩니다.
   | fr = Offert à tous les joueurs ayant joué à ''Team Fortress 2'' durant le {{Update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}, ou tout évènement Halloween suivant. N'est offert qu'une fois. En utilisant cet objet, le joueur reçoit le {{Item link|Seal Mask}}, ainsi qu'un morceau d'un des [[Very Scary Halloween Special/fr#Ensemble d'objets|neufs déguisements]] ajoutés au jeu.
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy zagrali w [[Team Fortress 2/pl|''Team Fortress 2'']] podczas [[Very Scary Halloween Special/pl|Bardzo strasznego Halloween]] oraz każdego innego wydarzenia Halloweenowego.
   | it = Dato ai giocatori che hanno giocato a ''Team Fortress 2' durante l'aggiornamento [[Very Scary Halloween Special/it|Speciale Molto Spaventoso di Halloween]] o qualsiasi evento Halloween successivo. All'uso dell'oggetto, il giocatore riceverà la {{item link|Seal Mask}}, assieme ad un parte dei [[Very Scary Halloween Special/it#Set per le classi|nove costumi rilasciati]] in qualità unica.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que jogaram [[Team Fortress 2/pt-br|Team Fortress 2]] durante o [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special/pt-br|Especial Muito Assustador de Dia das Bruxas]], ou em um evento de Dias das Bruxas mais tarde. Apenas dado uma vez.<br><br>Quado o item é usado, o jogador irá receber um [[Seal Mask/pt-br|Máscara de Foca]] é um cosmético dos [[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special#Class sets/pt-br|nove conjunto de itens]].
   | ko = ''팀 포트리스 2''를 [[Very Scary Halloween Special/ko|정말 무서운 핼러윈 특집]]이나 다른 핼러윈 행사 기간에 플레이한 플레이어에게 수여. 단 한번만 수여됩니다. 아이템을 사용하면 플레이어는 {{item link|Seal Mask}}과 [[Very Scary Halloween Special/ko#병과 세트|아홉 개 핼러윈 복장]]중 한 개를 얻게 됩니다.
   | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die ''Team Fortress 2'' hebben gespeeld tijdens de {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}, of één van de volgende Halloween evenementen. Maar één keer uitgedeeld.<br><br>Wanneer het voorwerp gebruikt word, krijgt de speler het {{item link|Seal Mask}} en één uniek kostuumonderdeel van één van de [[Very Scary Halloween Special/nl#Voorwerpsetten|negen uitgebrachte kostuums]].
  | no = Gitt til spillere som spilte ''Team Fortress 2'' i løpet av [[Very Scary Halloween Special/no|Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special]] eller noen av de senere Halloween begivenhetene. Kan kun skaffes én gang.<br><br>Når gjenstanden brukes vil spilleren motta en [[Seal Mask/no|Selmaske]] og én unik kostymedel fra [[Very Scary Halloween Special/no#Kostyme sett|de ni utgitte kostymene]].
  | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy zagrali w ''Team Fortress 2'' podczas [[Very Scary Halloween Special/pl|Bardzo strasznego Halloween]] oraz każdego innego wydarzenia Halloweenowego. Przyznawany raz.<br><br>Po użyciu, gracz otrzyma [[Seal Mask/pl|Foczą maskę]] i jedną unikalną część kostiumu z [[Very Scary Halloween Special/pl#Costume sets|dziewięciu wydanych kostiumów]].
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que jogaram ''Team Fortress 2'' durante o {{update link|Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special}} ou em um evento de Dias das Bruxas posterior. Concedido apenas uma vez.<br><br>Quando usado, o jogador recebe uma {{item link|Seal Mask}} e um único cosmético dos [[Very Scary Halloween Special/pt-br#Conjuntos de fantasias|nove conjuntos de itens]].
  | ro = Awarded to players who played ''Team Fortress 2'' during the [[Very Scary Halloween Special|Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special]], or any following Halloween event. Only awarded once.<br><br>Upon using the item, the player receives the [[Seal Mask]] and one unique costume part from the [[Very Scary Halloween Special#Costume sets|nine released costumes]].Dat tuturor jucătorilor care au jucat ''Team Fortress 2'' în timpul {{update link|Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special}} sau în oricare alt eveniment de Halloween începând de atunci. Nu este primit decât odată.<br><br>Când este folosit, jucătorul primește {{item link|Seal Mask}}-ul și o parte unică dintr-un costum din [[Very Scary Halloween Special/ro#Costume sets|cele nouă costume lansate]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, запустившим ''Team Fortress 2'' во время празднования любого события на Хеллоуин, начиная с [[Very Scary Halloween Special/ru|Очень страшного хеллоуинского выпуска]]. За событие можно получить только один раз. При использовании этого предмета игрок получит [[Seal Mask/ru|Маску тюленя]] и один предмет из [[Very Scary Halloween Special/ru#Наборы|девяти хеллоуинских наборов]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, запустившим ''Team Fortress 2'' во время празднования любого события на Хеллоуин, начиная с [[Very Scary Halloween Special/ru|Очень страшного хеллоуинского выпуска]]. За событие можно получить только один раз. При использовании этого предмета игрок получит [[Seal Mask/ru|Маску тюленя]] и один предмет из [[Very Scary Halloween Special/ru#Наборы|девяти хеллоуинских наборов]].
   | zh-hant = 贈送給在[[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special/zh-hant|2011萬聖節更新]]遊玩《絕地要塞 2》的玩家。使用這物品後,玩家可獲得一個[[Seal Mask/zh-hant|小海豹面具]]和隨機一項在[[Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special/zh-hant|2011萬聖節推出的套裝物品]]。
  | zh-hans = 赠送给在{{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}或任何万圣节活动期间玩《军团要塞 2》的玩家。每个玩家仅可获得一次。<br><br>使用该物品时,玩家将会获得{{item link|Seal Mask}}和随机一件于[[Very Scary Halloween Special/zh-hans#Costume sets|{{update name|Very Scary Halloween Special}}中推出的九套饰品]]。
   | zh-hant = 贈送給在[[Very Scary Halloween Special/zh-hant|2011萬聖節更新]]遊玩《絕地要塞 2》的玩家。使用這物品後,玩家可獲得一個[[Seal Mask/zh-hant|小海豹面具]]和隨機一項在[[Very Scary Halloween Special/zh-hant#裝飾品套裝|2011萬聖節推出的套裝物品]]。
| {{Table icon|Spirit Of Giving}}
| {{Table icon|Spirit of Giving}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| rowspan="3" | [[Australian Christmas 2011{{if lang}}|{{Common string|australian christmas 2011}}]]<br><small>{{patch name|12|15|2011}}</small>
| rowspan="3" | {{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}}<br><small>{{patch name|12|15|2011}}</small>
| rowspan="3" | {{lang
| rowspan="3" | {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players with [[Premium]] accounts who played ''Team Fortress 2'' during the [[Australian Christmas 2011]] event, or any Smissmas event onwards.
   | en = Awarded to players who played ''Team Fortress 2'' during the [[Australian Christmas 2011]] event or any Smissmas event onwards.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die [Team Fortress 2/de|Team Fortress 2]] während des [[Australian Christmas 2011/de|Australische Weihnachten 2011]]-Updates spielten.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům s [[Premium/cs|Premium]] ''Team Fortress 2'' účty, kteří hráli během události {{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}}, či během jiné libovolné Smissmas události.
   | fr = Attribués à tous les joueurs possédant un compte Premium ayant joué à [[Team Fortress 2/fr|Team Fortress 2]] durant le {{Update link|Australian Christmas 2011}}.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die ''Team Fortress 2' während des [[Australian Christmas 2011/de|Australische Weihnachten 2011]]-Updates spielten.
   | it = Dato ai giocatori premium che hanno giocato a [[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]] durante il [[Australian Christmas 2011/it|Natale Australiano 2011]] o qualsiasi evento Natalizio successivo.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que jugaron ''Team Fortress 2'' durante el evento de la {{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}} o cualquier evento de Navidad posterior.
   | ko = [[Team Fortress 2/ko|팀 포트리스 2]]를 [[Australian Christmas 2011/ko|2011 호주인의 크리스마스]]나 다른 크리스마스 행사 때 플레이한 [[Premium/ko|고급]] 계정 플레이어에게 수여.
   | fr = Attribués à tous les joueurs possédant un compte Premium ayant joué à ''Team Fortress 2'' durant le {{Update link|Australian Christmas 2011}}.
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom z kontem [[Premium/pl|premium]], którzy zagrali w [[Team Fortress 2/pl|''Team Fortress 2'']] podczas [[Australian Christmas 2011/pl|Australijskich Świąt 2011]] oraz każdego innego wydarzenia Śniąt.
   | it = Dato ai giocatori premium che hanno giocato a ''Team Fortress 2'' durante il {{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}} o qualsiasi evento Natalizio successivo.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores com contas [[Premium/pt-br|Premium]] que jogaram [[Team Fortress 2/pt-br|Team Fortress 2]] durante o evento de [[Australian Christmas 2011/pt-br|Natal Australiano de 2011]], ou em um evento de Inverno mais tarde.
   | ko = ''팀 포트리스 2''를 [[Australian Christmas 2011/ko|2011 호주인의 크리스마스]]나 다른 크리스마스 행사 때 플레이한 [[Premium/ko|고급]] 계정 플레이어에게 수여.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers met een [[Premium/nl|Premium]] account die ''Team Fortress 2'' hebben gespeeld tijdens het {{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}} evenement, of elk volgend Smismas evenement.
  | no = Gitt til spillere som spilte ''Team Fortress 2'' i løpet av [[Australian Christmas 2011/no|Australsk jul 2011]] begivenheten eller noe andre julefeiringer senere.
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom z kontem [[Premium/pl|premium]], którzy zagrali w ''Team Fortress 2'' podczas [[Australian Christmas 2011/pl|Australijskich Świąt 2011]] oraz każdego kolejnego wydarzenia Śniąt.
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que jogaram ''Team Fortress 2'' durante o evento do {{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}} ou em qualquer evento de fim de ano posterior.
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au jucat ''Team Fortress 2'' în timpul {{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}} sau în oricare alt eveniment Smissmas începând de atunci.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам с [[Account types/ru|«премиум» аккаунтом]], запустившим ''Team Fortress 2'' во время празднования любого рождественского события, начиная с [[Australian Christmas 2011/ru|Австралийского рождества 2011 года]].
   | ru = Выдается игрокам с [[Account types/ru|«премиум» аккаунтом]], запустившим ''Team Fortress 2'' во время празднования любого рождественского события, начиная с [[Australian Christmas 2011/ru|Австралийского рождества 2011 года]].
  | zh-hans = 赠送给于{{update link|Australian Christmas 2011}}活动或之后的任何圣诞节活动期间游玩《军团要塞 2》的玩家。
   | zh-hant = 贈送給在[[Australian Christmas 2011/zh-hant|2011澳大利亞聖誕更新]]或之後的聖誕節日時遊玩《絕地要塞 2》的[[Premium/zh-hant|付費]]玩家。
   | zh-hant = 贈送給在[[Australian Christmas 2011/zh-hant|2011澳大利亞聖誕更新]]或之後的聖誕節日時遊玩《絕地要塞 2》的[[Premium/zh-hant|付費]]玩家。
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| {{Table icon|Secret Saxton}}
| {{Table icon|Secret Saxton}}
| rowspan="2" | {{item link|action items}}
| {{item link|action items}}
===== [[Weta Workshop{{if lang}}|{{lang
  | en = Weta Workshop
  | es = Weta Workshop
  | fr = Weta Workshop
  | pt-br = Weta Workshop
  | ro = Weta Workshop
  | ru = Weta Workshop
  | zh-hans = 创意工坊
    }}]] =====
{{see also|wikipedia:Weta Workshop|lang={{if lang|non-en = {{SUBPAGENAME}} }}|l1=Weta Workshop (Wikipedia)}}
{| class="wikitable grid" width="100%" style="text-align:center"
! class="header" width="10%" | {{item name|item}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|used by}}
! class="header" width="10%" | {{common string|type2}}
! class="header" width="13%" | {{common string|released}}
! class="header" | {{common string|itt notes}}
| {{Table icon|Mann Co. Store Package}}
| {{Table icon|Dr. Grordbort's Crest}}
| {{patch name|05|11|2012}}
| rowspan="3" | {{Class link|All Classes|br=yes}}
| rowspan="3" | {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| {{Patch name|7|20|2011}}
| {{lang
  | en = Awarded to players who purchase [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack]] in the [[Mann Co. Store]].
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří si v [[Mann Co. Store/cs|Mann Co. Obchodu]] zakoupí {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}}.
  | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/de|Dr. Grordbort's Siegespaket]] im [[Mann Co. Store/de|Mann Co. Store]] gekauft haben.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}} en la [[Mann Co. Store/es|Tienda Mann Co.]]
  | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant acheté le {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}} dans le [[Mann Co. Store/fr|Magasin Mann Co]].
  | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno comprato il {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}} nel [[Mann Co. Store/it|Negozio Mann Co.]]
  | ko = [[Mann Co. Store/ko|Mann Co. 상점]]에서 [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/ko|그로드보트 박사의 필승 무장]]을 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die de {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}} gekocht hebben in de [[Mann Co. Store/nl|Mann Co.-Winkel]].
  | no = Gitt til spillere som kjøper [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/no|Dr. Grordborts Seierspakke]] i [[Mann Co. Store/no|Mann Co. Butikken]].
  | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy zakupią w [[Mann Co. Store/pl|Sklepie Mann Co.]] [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/pl|Pakiet zwycięstwa dra Grordborta]].
  | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que comprarem o {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}} na [[Mann Co. Store/pt-br|Loja Mann Co.]]
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}} din [[Mann Co. Store/ro|magazinul Mann Co]].
  | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}} в [[Mann Co. Store/ru|магазине Манн Ко]].
  | tr = [[Mann Co. Store/tr|Mann Co. Mağazası]]'ndan [[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/tr|Dr. Grordbort'un Zafer Paketi]]'ni satın alanlara verilir.
  | zh-hans = 赠送给在[[Mann Co. Store/zh-hans|曼恩公司商店]]中购买了{{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack}}的玩家。
  | zh-hant = 在[[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩商店]]購買[[Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack/zh-hant|葛保諾博士勝利裝備]]的玩家即可獲得。
| {{Table icon|Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest}}
| rowspan="2" | {{Patch name|12|15|2011}}
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players who make a single purchase totaling $20 or more from the [[Mann Co. Store]].
   | en = Awarded to players who purchase [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack]] or [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack]] from the Mann Co. Store.
   | de = Vergeben an Spieler, die für mehr als 15€ im [[Mann Co. Store/de|Mann Co. Store]] eingekauft haben.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří si v Mann Co. Obchodu zakoupí {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}}, nebo {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}}.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant acheté pour 15€ d'objets ou plus dans le [[Mann Co. Store/fr|Magasin Mann Co.]] en un seul achat.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/de|Dr. Grordbort's Superhirn-Paket]] oder [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/de|Dr. Grordbort's Mondhirn-Doppelpaket]] im Mann Co. Store gekauft haben.
   | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che comprano oggetti dal negozio Mann Co. totalizzando 20$ o più in un acquisto singolo.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} o {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} en la [[Mann Co. Store/es|Tienda Mann Co.]]
   | ko = Mann Co. 상점에서 한번 구매로 $20 이상을 쓴 플레이어에게 수여.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant acheté le {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} ou le {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} dans le Magasin Mann Co.
   | pl = Przyznawana graczom, którzy podczas jednej transakcji w [[Mann Co. Store/pl|Sklepie Mann Co.]] wydali 75 lub więcej złotych.
   | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno comprato il {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} o il {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} al Negozio Mann Co.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que fizeram uma compra com valor de $20 ou mais na [[Mann Co. Store/pt-br|Loja Mann Co.]].
   | ko = Mann Co. 상점에서 [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/ko|그로드보트 박사의 괴짜 무장]]이나 [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/ko|그로드보트 박사의 월인괴짜 갑절 꾸러미]]를 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые потратили более 600 рублей за одну покупку в [[Mann Co. Store/ru|магазине Манн Ко]] или во.
   | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die het {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} of het {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} hebben gekocht uit de Mann Co.-winkel.
   | zh-hant = [[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩商店]]一次消費滿二十美金的玩家即可獲得。
  | no = Gitt til spillere som kjøper [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/no|Dr. Grordborts Brainiac-pakke]] eller [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/no|Dr. Grordborts Månehjerne Dobbelpakke]] i [[Mann Co. Store/no|Mann Co. Butikken]].
  | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy zakupią w Sklepie Mann Co. [[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/pl|Pakiet mózgowca dra Grordborta]] lub [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/pl|Pakiet księżycowego człeka dra Grordborta]].
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que comprarem o {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} ou o {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} na Loja Mann Co.
  | ro =
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} или {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} в магазине Манн Ко.
  | tr = Mann Co. Mağazası'ndan {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} 'ni ya da {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} 'ni satın alanlara verilir.
  | zh-hans = 赠送给在曼恩公司商店中购买了{{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}}或{{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}}的玩家。
   | zh-hant = 在曼恩商店購買[[Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack/zh-hant|葛保諾博士超級金頭腦套裝]]或[[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/zh-hant|葛保諾博士金頭腦登月者雙重組合包]]的玩家即可獲得。
| {{Table icon|Mann Co. Online Cap}}
| {{Table icon|Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest}}
| {{item link|cosmetic items}}
| [[Mecha Update{{if lang}}|{{common string|mecha update}}]]<br><small>{{Patch name|12|20|2012}}</small>
| {{lang
| {{lang
   | en = Awarded to players upon completion of their first purchase in the [[Mann Co. Store]] through the official Online Store or the web interface.
   | en = Awarded to players who purchase [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack]] or Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack from the Mann Co. Store.
   | de = Wird an Spieler bei Abschluss ihres ersten Einkaufes in dem [[Mann Co. Store/de|Mann Co. Store]] durch den offiziellen Online Store oder Webdienst vergeben.
  | cs = Uděleno hráčům, kteří si v Mann Co. Obchodu zakoupí {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}}, nebo Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack.
   | fr = Attribuée aux joueurs faisant leur premier achat dans le [[Mann Co. Store/fr|Magasin Mann Co.]] via le Magasin en ligne officiel ou l'interface web.
   | de = Vergeben an alle Spieler, die [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/de|Dr. Grordbort's Mondmann-Paket]] oder Dr. Grordbort's Mondhirn-Doppelpaket im Mann Co. Store gekauft haben.
   | ko = Mann Co. 온라인 상점 Mann Co. 온라인 상점 에서 처음으로 상품 구입에 성공한 플레이어에게 수여.
  | es = Otorgado a los jugadores que compraron {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}} o {{item name|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} en la Tienda Mann Co.
   | pl = Przyznawana graczom po zakończeniu pierwszego zakupu w [[Mann Co. Store/pl|Sklepie Mann Co.]] poprzez oficjalny Sklep Online lub inny interfejs sieciowy.
   | fr = Attribué aux joueurs ayant acheté le {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}} ou le Double lot Brainaire du Dr. Grordbort dans le Magasin Mann Co.
   | pt-br = Dado aos jogadores que fizeram sua primeira compra na [[Mann Co. Store/pt-br|Loja Mann Co.]] através da Loja Online ou pela interface da web.
  | it = Assegnato ai giocatori che hanno comprato il {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack}} o il Pacchetto Astronauta del Dr. Grordbort al Negozio Mann Co.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили предмет из [[Mann Co. Store/ru|магазина Манн Ко]] в официальном Онлайн Магазине или через веб-интерфейс.
  | ko = Mann Co. 상점에서 [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/ko|그로드보트 박사의 월인 무장]]이나 그로드보트 박사의 월인괴짜 갑절 꾸러미를 구매한 플레이어에게 수여.
   | zh-hant = 贈送給在[[Mann Co. Store/zh-hant|曼恩商店]]的線上網頁版本第一次購買物品的玩家。
  | nl = Uitgereikt aan spelers die het {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}} of het Dr. Grordborts Maanhersenen-dubbelpakket hebben gekocht uit de Mann Co.-winkel.
   | no = Gitt til spillere som kjøper [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/no|Dr. Grordborts Månepakke]] eller [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack/no|Dr. Grordborts Månehjerne Dobbelpakke]] i [[Mann Co. Store/no|Mann Co. Butikken]].
   | pl = Przyznawany graczom, którzy zakupią w Sklepie Mann Co. [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/pl|Pakiet księżycowego człeka dra Grordborta]] lub Pakiet księżycowego mózgu dra Grordborta.
   | pt-br = Concedido aos jogadores que comprarem o {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}} ou o Pacote do Homem Luneural do Dr. Grordbort na Loja Mann Co.
  | ro = Dat jucătorilor care au cumpărat {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}} sau pachetul Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double din magazinul Mann Co.
   | ru = Выдается игрокам, которые купили {{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}} или {{item name|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} в магазине Манн Ко.
  | tr = Mann Co. Mağazası'ndan {{Item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}} 'ni ya da {{Item name|Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack}} 'ni satın alanlara verilir.
  | zh-hans = 赠送给在曼恩公司商店中购买了{{item link|Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack}}或葛保诺博士的发明与探索组合套装的玩家。
   | zh-hant = 在曼恩商店購買[[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack/zh-hant|葛保諾博士登月者套裝]]或葛保諾博士金頭腦登月者雙重組合包的玩家即可獲得。
Line 1,058: Line 798:
{{translation switching|en, de, fr, fi, it, ko, pl, pt-br, ru, tr, zh-hans, zh-hant}}
{{translation switching|en, es, pl, pt-br, ro, ru, zh-hans, zh-hant}}
{{doc begin}}
{{doc begin}}
This template is a list to be used in the [[Promotional items]] article and its translated variants.
This template is a list to be used in the [[Promotional items]] article and its translated variants.
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See also:
See also:
* {{tl|Expired promotional item list}} ([{{fullurl:Template:Expired promotional item list|action=edit}} edit])
* {{tl|Expired promotional item list}} ([{{fullurl:Template:Expired promotional item list|action=edit}} edit])
* {{tl|Unreleased promotional item list}} ([{{fullurl:Template:Unreleased promotional item list|action=edit}} edit])

Latest revision as of 04:07, 3 March 2025



Alien Swarm
See also: Alien Swarm (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Alien Swarm Parasite
Alien Swarm Parasite
Cosmetic items July 19, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who earn the Hat Trick achievement in Alien Swarm on Steam.

Disgaea PC
See also: Disgaea (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Prinny Machete
Prinny Machete
July 7, 2016 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase Disgaea PC on Steam.
Prinny Hat
Prinny Hat
Cosmetic items
Prinny Pouch
Prinny Pouch

See also: Gunpoint (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Crosslinker's Coil
Crosslinker's Coil
Cosmetic items June 10, 2013 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase Gunpoint on Steam.

Left 4 Dead 2
See also: Left 4 Dead 2 (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Frying Pan
Frying Pan
TF2 crosshair orange.png
All classes (except Engineer and Spy)
October 6, 2010 Patch Awarded to players who purchase Left 4 Dead 2 on Steam.
Ellis' Cap
Ellis' Cap
Cosmetic items

Octodad: Dadliest Catch
See also: Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Dadliest Catch
Dadliest Catch
Cosmetic items October 29, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who purchase Octodad: Dadliest Catch on Steam.

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad
See also: Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items August 2, 2011 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who pre-purchased Red Orchestra 2: Heroes Of Stalingrad on Steam before September 13, 2011, or players who have purchased Red Orchestra 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition.

See also: SpaceChem (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
April 28, 2011 Patch Can be crafted using the promotional SpaceChem items.
SpaceChem Pin
SpaceChem Pin
Cosmetic items
Moustachium Bar
Moustachium Bar
Crafting anvil.png
Craft Awarded to players who complete the Australium-themed levels in SpaceChem on Steam, and earn the related achievements.
Spacemetal Scrap
Spacemetal Scrap

Spiral Knights
See also: Spiral Knights (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Spiral Sallet
Spiral Sallet
Cosmetic items June 14, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who earn the Mission Accomplished achievement in Spiral Knights on Steam.


This section documents non-medal cosmetic items awarded through participation with special community groups. For lists of medals awarded through community tournaments, and other community-led events, see Tournament Medal and Community Medal.
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Lo-Fi Longwave
Lo-Fi Longwave
Cosmetic items June 10, 2011 Patch Awarded in Vintage and Unique quality to participants and winners of various KritzKast giveaways and contests.

Official Team Fortress Wiki
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Wiki Cap
Wiki Cap
Cosmetic items September 30, 2010 Patch Awarded in Community quality to valuable contributors to the official Team Fortress Wiki.


Ipecac Recordings
Item Used by Type Released Notes
What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box?
What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Box?
Action items March 1, 2017 [Item schema update] Awarded to players who had purchased Fight Songs: The Music of Team Fortress 2 from the Ipecac Recordings Music Store (out of print) or Amazon and redeemed the code that came with it.

Upon using the item after April 20, 2017 Patch, the player receives the Audio File in Genuine quality.

Mann Co. Store
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Mann Co. Cap
Mann Co. Cap
Cosmetic items Mann-Conomy Update
September 30, 2010 Patch
Awarded to players upon completion of their first purchase in the Mann Co. Store.
World Traveler's Hat
World Traveler's Hat
December 17, 2010 Patch Awarded to players upon completion of their first Map Stamp purchase in the Mann Co. Store.
Mann Co. Store Package
Mann Co. Store Package
Action items May 11, 2012 Patch Awarded to players who make a single purchase totaling $20 or more from the Mann Co. Store.
Mann Co. Online Cap
Mann Co. Online Cap
Cosmetic items Mecha Update
December 20, 2012 Patch
Awarded to players upon completion of their first purchase in the Mann Co. Store through the official Online Store or the web interface.

Premium Accounts
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Professor Speks
Professor Speks
Cosmetic items Über Update
June 23, 2011 Patch
Awarded to players who are named as a referrer when a player with a free account upgrades to a premium account.

Subsequent referrals increase the counter on the item.
Proof of Purchase
Proof of Purchase
Awarded to players who purchased Team Fortress 2 before the Über Update on June 23, 2011.

Can still be obtained by activating a retail version of Team Fortress 2 on Steam or buying The Orange Box.

Rock Paper Shotgun
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Cosmetic items August 27, 2014 Patch Awarded in Genuine quality to players who support Rock Paper Shotgun through their Supporter program and redeem the promotional code sent to them.

Special Events
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Party Hat
Party Hat
Cosmetic items August 23, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who play Team Fortress 2 on August 24 of any year, from 2011 onwards.
Noise Maker - TF Birthday
Noise Maker - TF Birthday
Noise Maker
Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron
Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron
Action items Very Scary Halloween Special
October 27, 2011 Patch
Awarded to players who played Team Fortress 2 during the Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special, or any following Halloween event. Only awarded once.

Upon using the item, the player receives the Seal Mask and one unique costume part from the nine released costumes.
Spirit of Giving
Spirit of Giving
Cosmetic items Australian Christmas 2011
December 15, 2011 Patch
Awarded to players who played Team Fortress 2 during the Australian Christmas 2011 event or any Smissmas event onwards.
Noise Maker - Winter Holiday
Noise Maker - Winter Holiday
Noise Maker
Secret Saxton
Secret Saxton
Action items

Weta Workshop
See also: Weta Workshop (Wikipedia)
Item Used by Type Released Notes
Dr. Grordbort's Crest
Dr. Grordbort's Crest
Cosmetic items July 20, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who purchase Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack in the Mann Co. Store.
Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest
Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest
December 15, 2011 Patch Awarded to players who purchase Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack or Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack from the Mann Co. Store.
Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest
Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest
Awarded to players who purchase Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack or Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack from the Mann Co. Store.

Documentation for Active promotional item list

This template is a list to be used in the Promotional items article and its translated variants.

If you wish to translate this:

See also: