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{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=729288 TheTwoTonHammer]
  | forumname  = TheTwoTonHammer
  | class      = Scout
  | class      = Scout
  | hat        = Batter's Helmet
  | hat        = Batter's Helmet
  | description = You'll be batting a thousand (skulls in) when you don this red piece of plastic!<br>穿上這紅色塑膠玩意將會讓你所向披糜!
  | description = You'll be batting a thousand (skulls in) when you don this red piece of plastic!<br>穿上這紅色塑膠玩意將會讓你所向披糜!
  | link        = 16703947&postcount=92
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110623225829/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16703947&postcount=92
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=516684 PrO-bOy]
  | forumname  = PrO-bOy
  | class      = Scout
  | class      = Scout
  | hat        = Bonk Helm
  | hat        = Bonk Helm
  | description = When drinking one radioactive beverage at a time is not enough.<br>一次喝一罐放射性飲料還不夠的時候,試試這個吧。
  | description = When drinking one radioactive beverage at a time is not enough.<br>一次喝一罐放射性飲料還不夠的時候,試試這個吧。
  | link        = 16728530&postcount=238
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110425081133/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16728530&postcount=238
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=533261 Doreauxgard42]
  | forumname  = Doreauxgard42
  | class      = Scout
  | class      = Scout
  | hat        = Ye Olde Baker Boy
  | hat        = Ye Olde Baker Boy
  | description = Extra! Extra! You're frickin' dead!<br>號外!號外!你死的好慘!
  | description = Extra! Extra! You're frickin' dead!<br>號外!號外!你死的好慘!
  | link        = 16691190&postcount=15
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110425082116/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691190&postcount=15
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=821748 AndyAML]
  | forumname  = AndyAML
  | class      = Scout
  | class      = Scout
  | hat        = Baseball Bill's Sports Shine
  | hat        = Baseball Bill's Sports Shine
  | description = Everyone knows that speed is a Scout’s best friend. Why weigh yourself down with bulky hats when you can break the sound barrier without them?<br>人人都知道,速度是偵察兵的良伴。既然能夠不戴帽子就突破音障,何必還要用那堆玩意來扯你後腿?
  | description = Everyone knows that speed is a Scout’s best friend. Why weigh yourself down with bulky hats when you can break the sound barrier without them?<br>人人都知道,速度是偵察兵的良伴。既然能夠不戴帽子就突破音障,何必還要用那堆玩意來扯你後腿?
  | link        = 16696136&postcount=84
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110612060125/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16696136&postcount=84
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=572743 spam_word]
  | forumname  = spam_word
  | class      = Scout
  | class      = Scout
  | hat        = Troublemaker's Tossle Cap
  | hat        = Troublemaker's Tossle Cap
  | description = Straight outta control point.<br>完全失控的點。
  | description = Straight outta control point.<br>完全失控的點。
  | link        = 16698209&postcount=73
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110526134038/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16698209&postcount=73
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=664897 Sketch56]
  | forumname  = Sketch56
  | class      = Scout
  | class      = Scout
  | hat        = Whoopee Cap
  | hat        = Whoopee Cap
  | description = You'd have to be a jughead not to realize this cap is the pinnacle of fashion for the discerning youth.<br>誰都看得出來,這頂鴨舌帽絕對是時尚界登峰造極之作,最適合有眼光的新新人類。
  | description = You'd have to be a jughead not to realize this cap is the pinnacle of fashion for the discerning youth.<br>誰都看得出來,這頂鴨舌帽絕對是時尚界登峰造極之作,最適合有眼光的新新人類。
  | link        = 16691818&postcount=22
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624031001/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691818&postcount=22
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=820241 Man Of Faith ™]
  | forumname  = Man Of Faith ™
  | class      = Soldier
  | class      = Soldier
  | hat        = Soldier's Stash
  | hat        = Soldier's Stash
  | description = This hat does not in any way, shape or form, promote smoking or gambling.<br>無論是外型或款式,這頂帽子都不提倡吸煙或賭博。
  | description = This hat does not in any way, shape or form, promote smoking or gambling.<br>無論是外型或款式,這頂帽子都不提倡吸煙或賭博。
  | link        = 16694513&postcount=60
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110819190723/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16694513&postcount=60
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=598192 DrMelon]
  | forumname  = DrMelon
  | class      = Soldier
  | class      = Soldier
  | hat        = Tyrant's Helm
  | hat        = Tyrant's Helm
  | description = I kicked your ass so hard it went back in time and got me this VIKING HAT.<br>我把你揍了個屁滾尿流才獲得這頂維京帽。
  | description = I kicked your ass so hard it went back in time and got me this VIKING HAT.<br>我把你揍了個屁滾尿流才獲得這頂維京帽。
  | link        = 16701458&postcount=143
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424220703/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16701458&postcount=143
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=707357 cypherx82]
  | forumname  = cypherx82
  | class      = Soldier
  | class      = Soldier
  | hat        = Stainless Pot
  | hat        = Stainless Pot
  | description = Protects cranium from bullets and shrapnel. Also heats soup.<br>保護顱骨不被子彈和炸彈碎片所傷。也可以拿來煮湯。
  | description = Protects cranium from bullets and shrapnel. Also heats soup.<br>保護顱骨不被子彈和炸彈碎片所傷。也可以拿來煮湯。
  | link        = 16705785&postcount=235
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110425080249/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16705785&postcount=235
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=419386 Lamech]
  | forumname  = Lamech
  | class      = Soldier
  | class      = Soldier
  | hat        = Gentle Manne's Service Medal
  | hat        = Gentle Manne's Service Medal
  | description = Given to those few, brave soldiers whom stood guard valiantly, without sleep, nourishment, or a social life.<br>賜給不眠不休、不吃不喝、犧牲社交生活的英勇站崗士兵。
  | description = Given to those few, brave soldiers whom stood guard valiantly, without sleep, nourishment, or a social life.<br>賜給不眠不休、不吃不喝、犧牲社交生活的英勇站崗士兵。
  | link        = 16711456&postcount=33
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110928195802/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16711456&postcount=33
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=477565 f3doraman]
  | forumname  = f3doraman
  | class      = Soldier
  | class      = Soldier
  | hat        = Killer's Kabuto
  | hat        = Killer's Kabuto
  | description = A haiku for war. To defeat one's enemies. Honor the crocket.<br>戰爭之俳句。擊敗你的敵人們。爆擊火箭好讚。
  | description = A haiku for war. To defeat one's enemies. Honor the crocket.<br>戰爭之俳句。擊敗你的敵人們。爆擊火箭好讚。
  | link        = 16742747&postcount=299
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110612060137/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16742747&postcount=299
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=705579 peregrine7]
  | forumname  = peregrine7
  | class      = Soldier
  | class      = Soldier
  | hat        = Sergeant's Drill Hat
  | hat        = Sergeant's Drill Hat
  | description = This hat is a handy replacement for profanity-filled ranting when you don't feel like shouting yourself hoarse.<br>當您不想把嗓子給叫啞的時候,這頂帽子就成了好用的替代品,它會以最為不敬的豪語幫您傳情達意。
  | description = This hat is a handy replacement for profanity-filled ranting when you don't feel like shouting yourself hoarse.<br>當您不想把嗓子給叫啞的時候,這頂帽子就成了好用的替代品,它會以最為不敬的豪語幫您傳情達意。
  | link        = 16691028&postcount=19
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424220653/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691028&postcount=19
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=574512 Colonelcool]
  | forumname  = Colonelcool
  | class      = Pyro
  | class      = Pyro
  | hat        = Respectless Rubber Glove
  | hat        = Respectless Rubber Glove
  | description = It doesn't matter how much people respect you when they're on fire.<br>當那些人著火的時候,他們是否尊重你就不重要了。
  | description = It doesn't matter how much people respect you when they're on fire.<br>當那些人著火的時候,他們是否尊重你就不重要了。
  | link        = 16696827&postcount=131
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110529020231/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16696827&postcount=131
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=465737 crushilista]
  | forumname  = crushilista
  | class      = Pyro
  | class      = Pyro
  | hat        = Triboniophorus Tyrannus
  | hat        = Triboniophorus Tyrannus
  | description = At least he's still telling you to burn things.<br>至少他還會跟你說要燒掉東西。
  | description = At least he's still telling you to burn things.<br>至少他還會跟你說要燒掉東西。
  | link        = p=16714048&postcount=308
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110819190716/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16714048&postcount=308
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=821936 ASpieboy]
  | forumname  = ASpieboy
  | class      = Pyro
  | class      = Pyro
  | hat        = Vintage Merryweather
  | hat        = Vintage Merryweather
  | description = Pyro wears this in tribute to the many firefighters who have perished trying to quell his flames.<br>火焰兵為了向偉大的消防隊員致敬而配戴它;這些消防隊員皆因試圖消滅他的火焰而殉職。
  | description = Pyro wears this in tribute to the many firefighters who have perished trying to quell his flames.<br>火焰兵為了向偉大的消防隊員致敬而配戴它;這些消防隊員皆因試圖消滅他的火焰而殉職。
  | link        = 16695914&postcount=65
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424220659/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16695914&postcount=65
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=464312 JJ10DMAN]
  | forumname  = JJ10DMAN
  | class      = Pyro
  | class      = Pyro
  | hat        = Whiskered Gentleman
  | hat        = Whiskered Gentleman
  | description = The most distinguished tape-on fire-retardant facial hair available, for the discerning gentleman of conflagration.<br>市面上最吸睛的防火劑布條鬍子,最適合有眼光的打火英雄。
  | description = The most distinguished tape-on fire-retardant facial hair available, for the discerning gentleman of conflagration.<br>市面上最吸睛的防火劑布條鬍子,最適合有眼光的打火英雄。
  | link        = 16708083&postcount=15
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624033550/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16708083&postcount=15
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=641356 icenine0]
  | forumname  = icenine0
  | class      = Demoman
  | class      = Demoman
  | hat        = Tippler's Tricorne
  | hat        = Tippler's Tricorne
  | description = Three sharp corners mean one sharp hat. Don't poke your eye out.<br>三個銳利的角,成就一頂犀利的帽子。別把你的眼珠給戳出來了。
  | description = Three sharp corners mean one sharp hat. Don't poke your eye out.<br>三個銳利的角,成就一頂犀利的帽子。別把你的眼珠給戳出來了。
  | link        = 16692128&postcount=27
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624032709/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16692128&postcount=27
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=821775 Potatoblight]
  | forumname  = Potatoblight
  | class      = Heavy
  | class      = Heavy
  | hat        = Officer's Ushanka
  | hat        = Officer's Ushanka
  | description = This hat was made of bear hands. That bear was killed with bare hands.<br>這頂帽子是由熊掌所製成的。那隻熊遭人徒手擊斃。
  | description = This hat was made of bear hands. That bear was killed with bare hands.<br>這頂帽子是由熊掌所製成的。那隻熊遭人徒手擊斃。
  | link        = 16691082&postcount=21
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424102426/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691082&postcount=21
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=511525 FarazParsa]
  | forumname  = FarazParsa
  | class      = Heavy
  | class      = Heavy
  | hat        = Tough Guy's Toque
  | hat        = Tough Guy's Toque
  | description = Because when you're the toughest Mother Hubbard in the fort, nobody's criticizing your fashion sense.<br>當你是全堡壘中最難搞的混蛋時,沒人敢批評你的時尚品味。
  | description = Because when you're the toughest Mother Hubbard in the fort, nobody's criticizing your fashion sense.<br>當你是全堡壘中最難搞的混蛋時,沒人敢批評你的時尚品味。
  | link        = 16691575&postcount=21
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424215512/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691575&postcount=21
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=818733 Silentman]
  | forumname  = Silentman
  | class      = Heavy
  | class      = Heavy
  | hat        = Hound Dog
  | hat        = Hound Dog
  | description = Your opponents will be all shook up when they see these sweet shades and coif.<br>你的對手看到這些正點的墨鏡和髮型,都會大吃一驚。
  | description = Your opponents will be all shook up when they see these sweet shades and coif.<br>你的對手看到這些正點的墨鏡和髮型,都會大吃一驚。
  | link        = 16692791&postcount=45
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624033540/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16692791&postcount=45
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=524286 ravn0s]
  | forumname  = ravn0s
  | class      = Engineer
  | class      = Engineer
  | hat        = Mining Light
  | hat        = Mining Light
  | description = For Engineers with bright ideas.<br>適合創意無限的工程師使用。
  | description = For Engineers with bright ideas.<br>適合創意無限的工程師使用。
  | link        = 16725207&postcount=175
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424220716/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16725207&postcount=175
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=821797 drewhead118]
  | forumname  = drewhead118
  | class      = Engineer
  | class      = Engineer
  | hat        = Texas Ten Gallon
  | hat        = Texas Ten Gallon
  | description = Though it looks like a simple ten-gallon hat, this modern feat of engineering actually contains more moving parts than a level 2 Sentry Gun.<br>雖然外型像是一般的牛仔帽,但這現代工程的傑作其實含有比二級步哨防禦槍還要多的移動式零件。
  | description = Though it looks like a simple ten-gallon hat, this modern feat of engineering actually contains more moving parts than a level 2 Sentry Gun.<br>雖然外型像是一般的牛仔帽,但這現代工程的傑作其實含有比二級步哨防禦槍還要多的移動式零件。
  | link        = 16691913&postcount=24
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624031829/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691913&postcount=24
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=511525 FarazParsa]
  | forumname  = FarazParsa
  | class      = Engineer
  | class      = Engineer
  | hat        = Texas Slim's Dome Shine
  | hat        = Texas Slim's Dome Shine
  | description = Sometimes you just need a little less hat.<br>有時候你就是需要少幾頂帽子。
  | description = Sometimes you just need a little less hat.<br>有時候你就是需要少幾頂帽子。
  | link        = 16691465&postcount=34
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624030956/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691465&postcount=34
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=393880 Shapechanger]
  | forumname  = Shapechanger
  | class      = Engineer
  | class      = Engineer
  | hat        = Hotrod
  | hat        = Hotrod
  | description = Mock the sun with streaks of flame as the UV rays bounce harmlessly away from your eyeballs.<br>在紫外線安全地從您的眼珠上彈開時,以一條條的火焰嘲弄太陽。
  | description = Mock the sun with streaks of flame as the UV rays bounce harmlessly away from your eyeballs.<br>在紫外線安全地從您的眼珠上彈開時,以一條條的火焰嘲弄太陽。
  | link        = 16690629&postcount=9
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110819190727/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16690629&postcount=9
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=685489 foxtrot261]
  | forumname  = foxtrot261
  | class      = Engineer
  | class      = Engineer
  | hat        = Safe'n'Sound
  | hat        = Safe'n'Sound
  | description = It gets difficult trying to calculate the total external applied torque to a body's rotational motion through its moment of momentum vector while the distracting sounds of gunfire and death are all around you. Build a better, safer machine with the silence of the Safe'n'Sound!<br>當你周圍滿是讓人分心的炮火和死亡之聲時,以動量向量力矩來計算外部施加的總扭力對人體旋轉運動的比率,便顯得越發困難。快利用「安全聲機」的寂靜打造更優質、更低風險的機器!
  | description = It gets difficult trying to calculate the total external applied torque to a body's rotational motion through its moment of momentum vector while the distracting sounds of gunfire and death are all around you. Build a better, safer machine with the silence of the Safe'n'Sound!<br>當你周圍滿是讓人分心的炮火和死亡之聲時,以動量向量力矩來計算外部施加的總扭力對人體旋轉運動的比率,便顯得越發困難。快利用「安全聲機」的寂靜打造更優質、更低風險的機器!
  | link        = 16740730&postcount=320
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424220721/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16740730&postcount=320
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=476658 This_Is_Not_Spy]
  | forumname  = This_Is_Not_Spy
  | class      = Medic
  | class      = Medic
  | hat        = Prussian Pickelhaube
  | hat        = Prussian Pickelhaube
  | description = A relic from one war brought into another. Your enemy will get the point.<br>傳承於一場場戰役中的遺物。相信您的敵人會了解其意義。
  | description = A relic from one war brought into another. Your enemy will get the point.<br>傳承於一場場戰役中的遺物。相信您的敵人會了解其意義。
  | link        = 16690736&postcount=9
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624032702/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16690736&postcount=9
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=691225 CptObvious]
  | forumname  = CptObvious
  | class      = Medic
  | class      = Medic
  | hat        = Otolaryngologist's Mirror
  | hat        = Otolaryngologist's Mirror
  | description = We can't pronounce it either.<br>這名稱我們也不會唸。
  | description = We can't pronounce it either.<br>這名稱我們也不會唸。
  | link        = 16691543&postcount=16
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424215507/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691543&postcount=16
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=821997 AgentJAK]
  | forumname  = AgentJAK
  | class      = Medic
  | class      = Medic
  | hat        = Physician's Procedure Mask
  | hat        = Physician's Procedure Mask
  | description = Scrub in... things are about to get messy.<br>廢物來了...事情要開始變得棘手了。
  | description = Scrub in... things are about to get messy.<br>廢物來了...事情要開始變得棘手了。
  | link        = 16709521&postcount=23
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624024335/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16709521&postcount=23
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=821900 Esquilax]
  | forumname  = Esquilax
  | class      = Medic
  | class      = Medic
  | hat        = Gentleman's Gatsby
  | hat        = Gentleman's Gatsby
  | description = While lacking the cachet of other hats, the Gatsby nonetheless possesses its own sartorial elegance. Its understated and affable charm appeals to everyone, whether playing a round of golf with friends or performing non-elective surgery with a well-polished Bonesaw.<br>雖然沒有其他帽子所具備的威嚴,Gatsby 卻別具一番優雅的韻味。沒有人能拒絕它低調且平易近人的魅力,無論是和好友打打小白球,或是以銳利的鋸子進行非自願的手術時,都是最佳的選擇。
  | description = While lacking the cachet of other hats, the Gatsby nonetheless possesses its own sartorial elegance. Its understated and affable charm appeals to everyone, whether playing a round of golf with friends or performing non-elective surgery with a well-polished Bonesaw.<br>雖然沒有其他帽子所具備的威嚴,Gatsby 卻別具一番優雅的韻味。沒有人能拒絕它低調且平易近人的魅力,無論是和好友打打小白球,或是以銳利的鋸子進行非自願的手術時,都是最佳的選擇。
  | link        = 16741120&postcount=124
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624031839/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16741120&postcount=124
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=584151 Limeaide]
  | forumname  = Limeaide
  | class      = Sniper
  | class      = Sniper
  | hat        = Trophy Belt
  | hat        = Trophy Belt
  | description = Any old sap can pull teeth from a dead crocodile. It takes a man to pull teeth from a live one.<br>隨便一個老叩叩都能拔掉死鱷魚的牙齒。要拔掉活鱷魚的牙齒,郤要一名壯漢才行。
  | description = Any old sap can pull teeth from a dead crocodile. It takes a man to pull teeth from a live one.<br>隨便一個老叩叩都能拔掉死鱷魚的牙齒。要拔掉活鱷魚的牙齒,郤要一名壯漢才行。
  | link        = 16699324&postcount=81
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110425081127/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16699324&postcount=81
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=447107 Nineaxis]
  | forumname  = Nineaxis
  | class      = Sniper
  | class      = Sniper
  | hat        = Professional's Panama
  | hat        = Professional's Panama
  | description = A polite, efficient hat to wear when killing everyone you meet.<br>要幹掉你遇上的所有人時,就適合配戴這頂彬彬有禮又效率十足的帽子。
  | description = A polite, efficient hat to wear when killing everyone you meet.<br>要幹掉你遇上的所有人時,就適合配戴這頂彬彬有禮又效率十足的帽子。
  | link        = 16690063&postcount=3
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424220649/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16690063&postcount=3
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=527771 Magi Kavin]
  | forumname  = Magi Kavin
  | class      = Sniper
  | class      = Sniper
  | hat        = Master's Yellow Belt
  | hat        = Master's Yellow Belt
  | description = Only a master of Jarate earns the right to wear this once-white bandanna, stained yellow from the rigors of a harsh training regimen.<br>唯有瓶手道高手才有資格配戴這條曾經雪白、但歷經嚴苛訓練而染黃的方巾。
  | description = Only a master of Jarate earns the right to wear this once-white bandanna, stained yellow from the rigors of a harsh training regimen.<br>唯有瓶手道高手才有資格配戴這條曾經雪白、但歷經嚴苛訓練而染黃的方巾。
  | link        = 16690008&postcount=3
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424215457/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16690008&postcount=3
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=571467 Jinbei]
  | forumname  = Jinbei
  | class      = Sniper
  | class      = Sniper
  | hat        = Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative
  | hat        = Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative
  | description = His bullet was close. I lost my hat. My bullet was closer. He lost his head.<br>他的子彈很接近。我掉了帽子。我的子彈更接近。他掉了腦袋。
  | description = His bullet was close. I lost my hat. My bullet was closer. He lost his head.<br>他的子彈很接近。我掉了帽子。我的子彈更接近。他掉了腦袋。
  | link        = 16723126&postcount=172
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624023011/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16723126&postcount=172
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=561613 G.I.R.]
  | forumname  = G.I.R.
  | class      = Sniper
  | class      = Sniper
  | hat        = Shooter's Sola Topi
  | hat        = Shooter's Sola Topi
  | description = Perfect for exploring the outback and the inside of people's heads.<br>最適合探索腹地和別人的腦袋。
  | description = Perfect for exploring the outback and the inside of people's heads.<br>最適合探索腹地和別人的腦袋。
  | link        = 16690574&postcount=5
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624024329/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16690574&postcount=5
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=778316 Reclaimer077]
  | forumname  = Reclaimer077
  | class      = Sniper
  | class      = Sniper
  | hat        = Bloke's Bucket Hat
  | hat        = Bloke's Bucket Hat
  | description = Gone Snipin'.<br>偷偷射擊。
  | description = Gone Snipin'.<br>偷偷射擊。
  | link        = 16692146&postcount=22
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110526124735/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16692146&postcount=22
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=612694 Kenori]
  | forumname  = Kenori
  | class      = Spy
  | class      = Spy
  | hat        = Fancy Fedora
  | hat        = Fancy Fedora
  | description = This smooth, suave, silk-lined beauty can turn any amateur backstabber into a handsome rogue.<br>這頂平滑、線條柔和、絲綢襯裡的上等貨色能讓平庸的鼠輩搖身一變,成為超帥的壞壞男。
  | description = This smooth, suave, silk-lined beauty can turn any amateur backstabber into a handsome rogue.<br>這頂平滑、線條柔和、絲綢襯裡的上等貨色能讓平庸的鼠輩搖身一變,成為超帥的壞壞男。
  | link        = 16693016&postcount=50
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424102431/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16693016&postcount=50
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=710973 caeonosphere]
  | forumname  = caeonosphere
  | class      = Spy
  | class      = Spy
  | hat        = Backbiter's Billycock
  | hat        = Backbiter's Billycock
  | description = For when you wish your head was a little taller, but just as round on top.<br>適合用在當你希望頭高一點,但頭頂仍是圓形的時候。
  | description = For when you wish your head was a little taller, but just as round on top.<br>適合用在當你希望頭高一點,但頭頂仍是圓形的時候。
  | link        = 16691126&postcount=11
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424071230/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691126&postcount=11
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=663790 Codo]
  | forumname  = Codo
  | class      = Spy
  | class      = Spy
  | hat        = Camera Beard
  | hat        = Camera Beard
  | description = You wouldn't mind if I read this top secret document with my beard, would you?<br>讓我的鬍子偷看一下這份機密文件,你不會介意吧?
  | description = You wouldn't mind if I read this top secret document with my beard, would you?<br>讓我的鬍子偷看一下這份機密文件,你不會介意吧?
  | link        = 16732315&postcount=176
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624023629/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16732315&postcount=176
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=393880 Shapechanger]
  | forumname  = Shapechanger
  | class      = Spy
  | class      = Spy
  | hat        = Magistrate's Mullet
  | hat        = Magistrate's Mullet
  | description = They say justice is blind. What they don't tell you is that justice is also invisible, and also less interested in justice than murder.<br>有句話說,正義是盲目的。但你不知道的是,正義也是看不見的,注重的亦不是正義,而是屠殺。
  | description = They say justice is blind. What they don't tell you is that justice is also invisible, and also less interested in justice than murder.<br>有句話說,正義是盲目的。但你不知道的是,正義也是看不見的,注重的亦不是正義,而是屠殺。
  | link        = 16691131&postcount=18
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424215501/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16691131&postcount=18
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=589536 SoulDestroy]
  | forumname  = SoulDestroy
  | class      = Spy
  | class      = Spy
  | hat        = Frenchman's Beret
  | hat        = Frenchman's Beret
  | description = Because real espionage is an artform.<br>因為真正的間諜是一門藝術。
  | description = Because real espionage is an artform.<br>因為真正的間諜是一門藝術。
  | link        = 16714353&postcount=124
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624031834/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16714353&postcount=124
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=821748 AndyAML]
  | forumname  = AndyAML
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Cheater's Lament
  | hat        = Cheater's Lament
  | description = Though some would stop at nothing to achieve hats, you remained resolute and incorruptible in your quest for head decorations. For that, you have been rewarded.<br>有些人不顧一切地要將帽子拿到手,但你在尋找頭飾的過程中仍不屈不撓,保有正直的品德。因此,你獲得了回報。
  | description = Though some would stop at nothing to achieve hats, you remained resolute and incorruptible in your quest for head decorations. For that, you have been rewarded.<br>有些人不顧一切地要將帽子拿到手,但你在尋找頭飾的過程中仍不屈不撓,保有正直的品德。因此,你獲得了回報。
  | link        = 16697084&postcount=112
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110612060131/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16697084&postcount=112
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=821900 Esquilax]
  | forumname  = Esquilax
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Ghastly Gibus
  | hat        = Ghastly Gibus
  | description = Elegant simplicity and old-world charm combined with the heady aromas of mould and grave dust.<br>典雅古樸搭配舊世界魅力,特殊風格氣味與墳前塵土的完美結合。
  | description = Elegant simplicity and old-world charm combined with the heady aromas of mould and grave dust.<br>典雅古樸搭配舊世界魅力,特殊風格氣味與墳前塵土的完美結合。
  | link        = 16695701&postcount=65
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624033545/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16695701&postcount=65
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=529049 Duffren]
  | forumname  = Duffren
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask
  | hat        = Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask
  | description = Brown paper never looked so mildly disturbing.<br>棕色的紙從未如此讓人感到一絲不安。
  | description = Brown paper never looked so mildly disturbing.<br>棕色的紙從未如此讓人感到一絲不安。
  | link        = 16697847&postcount=87
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624031006/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16697847&postcount=87
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=325538 Calvary]
  | forumname  = Calvary
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Bill's Hat
  | hat        = Bill's Hat
  | description = Left 4 You.<br>就 4 要留給你。
  | description = Left 4 You.<br>就 4 要留給你。
  | link        = 16711985&postcount=191
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424220708/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16711985&postcount=191
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=571447 Fredrik1ST]
  | forumname  = Fredrik1ST
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Modest Pile of Hat
  | hat        = Modest Pile of Hat
  | description = Because a Gentleman is not one without one.<br>沒有帽子的紳士,怎能算得上是紳士。
  | description = Because a Gentleman is not one without one.<br>沒有帽子的紳士,怎能算得上是紳士。
  | link        = 16703909&postcount=109
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624022956/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16703909&postcount=109
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=764641 Nekopawed]
  | forumname  = Nekopawed
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Noble Amassment of Hats
  | hat        = Noble Amassment of Hats
  | description = For the Gentleman who believes even his hat deserves a hat.<br>適合那些認為甚至就連他的帽子都值得戴上一頂帽子的紳士。
  | description = For the Gentleman who believes even his hat deserves a hat.<br>適合那些認為甚至就連他的帽子都值得戴上一頂帽子的紳士。
  | link        = 16706550&postcount=86
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110425075301/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16706550&postcount=86
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=705687 Coconuts]
  | forumname  = Coconuts
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Towering Pillar of Hats
  | hat        = Towering Pillar of Hats
  | description = A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.<br>啊哈哈!你狂妄的程度和你的貧窮及愛爾蘭血統純度,還真有得比。別玷污了我高貴的「帽子之塔」。
  | description = A-ha-ha! You are as PRESUMPTUOUS as you are POOR and IRISH. Tarnish notte the majesty of my TOWER of HATS.<br>啊哈哈!你狂妄的程度和你的貧窮及愛爾蘭血統純度,還真有得比。別玷污了我高貴的「帽子之塔」。
  | link        = 16720507&postcount=238
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110425052431/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16720507&postcount=238
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=465737 crushilista]
  | forumname  = crushilista
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Mercenary
  | hat        = Mercenary
  | description = Even though you were late to the party, you were still the life of it.<br>雖然這場宴會你遲到了,但你仍是場上的最佳主角。
  | description = Even though you were late to the party, you were still the life of it.<br>雖然這場宴會你遲到了,但你仍是場上的最佳主角。
  | link        = 16712168&postcount=27
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624033555/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16712168&postcount=27
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=538562 Optimus357]
  | forumname  = Optimus357
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Soldier of Fortune
  | hat        = Soldier of Fortune
  | description = Sure, some may have been doing it longer. But you've proven few can do it better.<br>當然,有些人可能做了更久。但你證明了很少有人能做得更好。
  | description = Sure, some may have been doing it longer. But you've proven few can do it better.<br>當然,有些人可能做了更久。但你證明了很少有人能做得更好。
  | link        = 16716237&postcount=27
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624023006/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16716237&postcount=27
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=822674 SappinMySentry]
  | forumname  = SappinMySentry
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Grizzled Veteran
  | hat        = Grizzled Veteran
  | description = Display this on your chest proudly, Soldier. Each time you kill someone, they'll know they weren't the first.<br>大兵,在胸前盡情炫耀一番吧。每次殺死一名敵人,對方就會知道他不是你的第一次。
  | description = Display this on your chest proudly, Soldier. Each time you kill someone, they'll know they weren't the first.<br>大兵,在胸前盡情炫耀一番吧。每次殺死一名敵人,對方就會知道他不是你的第一次。
  | link        = 16708532&postcount=7
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110624023001/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16708532&postcount=7
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=768176 NB820]
  | forumname  = NB820
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Primeval Warrior
  | hat        = Primeval Warrior
  | description = A true warrior's medal, given to those who fought before the battle even started.<br>真正的戰士才有資格獲得這枚勳章,授與戰役開始前就已浴血奮戰的勇士。
  | description = A true warrior's medal, given to those who fought before the battle even started.<br>真正的戰士才有資格獲得這枚勳章,授與戰役開始前就已浴血奮戰的勇士。
  | link        = 16707885&postcount=7
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110612052842/http://forums.steampowered.com:80/forums/showpost.php?p=16707885&postcount=7
{{Hat description winner
{{Hat description winner
  | forumname  = [http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/member.php?u=553204 Grug]
  | forumname  = Grug
  | class      = All class
  | class      = All class
  | hat        = Alien Swarm Parasite
  | hat        = Alien Swarm Parasite
  | description = This cute little guy was once the scourge of humanity in another time and place. Now he's content to ride on your head and keep the sun off.<br>這可愛的小傢伙曾是人類的禍害。如今他很樂意騎在你的頭上幫你遮陽消暑。
  | description = This cute little guy was once the scourge of humanity in another time and place. Now he's content to ride on your head and keep the sun off.<br>這可愛的小傢伙曾是人類的禍害。如今他很樂意騎在你的頭上幫你遮陽消暑。
  | link        = 16690096&postcount=9
  | link        = https://web.archive.org/web/20110424102421/http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16690096&postcount=9

Latest revision as of 08:32, 13 November 2021

粉絲們一直不斷寄信,要求我們舉辦一次跟新物品和地圖無關的活動,現在他們能夠如願以償了。沒錯:為各位介紹第一次的 TF2 帽子敘述比賽,現在你們能夠來互相比較誰寫出的敘述最棒了。
— TF2 官方部落格

帽子敘述比賽(Hat Describing Contest)是一個在2010年8月24日宣布的遊戲活動。

由於受到了前幾次 TF2 活動的門檻太高等批評(因為許多玩家不知道怎麼製作遊戲模型),TF2 製作團隊在部落格文章中正式宣布了此次活動的誕生。舉辦此次活動的目標是要讓社群中的大多數玩家也能夠一起參與,儘管還是限制了只有擁有 Steam 論壇帳號的人才能參加。活動的主題是讓參加的社群玩家替遊戲中的多件物品想出頗具特色的物品敘述。

獲選的敘述會由 Valve 選出,並加進 TF2 中成為官方的物品敘述。


帽子敘述比賽的最後期限是2010年8月27日。提交者必須將敘述發到 Steam 論壇特別開啟的討論文章中。


  • 提交的敘述必須要簡潔且有趣,而且不得超過 75 字。
  • 提交者必須也是敘述的創作者,創作題材必須為自己原創。
  • 製作團隊會決定哪一個敘述會雀屏中選,並在 TF2 中使用。

