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{{Map infobox
| game-type=Payload
|color = grey
| file-name=pl_goldrush
| map-image=Goldrush.jpg
| map-multiple-stages = 3
| map-environment = Desert
| map-setting = Daylight, sunny
| map-health-pickups-small = 9
| map-health-pickups-medium = 14
| map-health-pickups-large = 4
| map-ammo-pickups-small = 4
| map-ammo-pickups-medium = 12
| map-ammo-pickups-large = 14
This article is about '''Community Gold Rush strategy'''.
Nothing much to see here...sadly.
'''Note''':It is recommended that the reader first reads the Page about [[Goldrush]] in order for him/her get familiar with the names of many different locations on this map.
Execept this:
== General (All Classes) ==
And maybe this: [[User:Lolimsogreat21/Sandbox2]]
===Stage A===
====Checkpoint 1====
'''[[Blu]]''' strategy
*The Blu team has three exits to choose from in order to exit they're spawn: the ''left'' exit, the ''middle one'', and the one on the ''right'' side. In general, its a good idea for the majority of the team to push out of the ''left exit'' since it provides minimal [[Sniper]] risk and puts the Blu team in a good position to immediately take the position out of they're spawn and push out to the edge of the ''cliff''. Flanking classes such as [[Scout]] and [[Spy]] should take the ''right most exit'' since it gives them the ability to flank much of the Red team which will usually be positioned on the ''elevated tracks'' up the left side of the map.
Or perhaps even this: [[User:Lolimsogreat21/Sandbox2/Scout]]
*When the round begins the Blu team should aggressively push out of they're spawn from the ''left'' exit and try and take the space outside they're spawn and secure it as fast as possible. The Red team and they're [[Sentry gun|Sentry guns]] will often be positioned on the ''elevated tracks'' on the left side of the map so the main focus of the Blu team should be to push the Red team of those ''elevated tracks'' by either taking a couple of Soldiers who will take the right exit out of spawn and spam out the Reds on the tracks or simply taking a [[ÜberCharge|Übercharged heavy or demo]] through the left exit and letting them destroy/kill everything on the tracks. After securing the ''elevated tracks'', the Blu team can easily proceed to push to the edge of the ''cliff'' beneath which often lie more Red '''sentry nests''' and hostile enemies. However, since the Blu team is on top of the ''cliff'' and has [[High ground advantage|Height advantage]] it can easily destroy and kill anything below the ''cliff'' thus paving the way for the Cart to be pushed through the small gap in the ''cliff''.
*After destroying the defensive holdouts on the ''elevated tracks'' and beneath the ''cliff'' only one more common Red holdout remains, and that is the one in the ''hut''. At first glance, the ''hut'' may seem like a good defensive position but it really isn't. It can be easily surrounded and the Red team members who are stuck inside can slowly be killed by spamming explosives from all directions or by simply taking a Übercharged Pyro or Soldier into the ''hut'' to kill and destroy everything in it while the rest of the Blu team is surrounding the ''hut'' preventing any Red stranglers from escaping. After the ''hut'' is cleared out, the Blu team may cap the first checkpoint and proceed to the tunnel.
'''[[Red]]''' strategy
*The Red strategy on the first point of Stage A is simple, don't overcommit and don't be afraid to retreat. The first point is extremely easy to lose and even if you try really hard, even an average team with any kind of problem solving skills will be able to overcome your defenses and capture the point. As a general rule of thump, as soon as the Blu team pushes out of spawn and starts peeking over ''cliff'' and threatening anything below it, you can safely conclude that the point is already lost and you should start considering your retreat. This is because when the Blu team takes control of the ''cliff'' the only remaining ˝viable˝ defensive holdout is the ''hut'' which, as discussed earlier is is a terrible defensive holdout. So, excluding the ''hut'' there is nothing else there to stop the Blu team for pushing the cart and capturing the point. The reason why the ''hut'' is so bad is because the ''hut'' doesn't actually stay in the way of the cart and the Blu team. It merely stays on the side of the map not defending anything significant, this allows the Blu team to easily push up to the area in front of the ''tunnel'' thus effectively cutting of the ''hut'' and anyone in it from the rest of the Red team and allowing Blu team to surround the ''hut'' and take there sweet time in clearing it out. So generally, as a Red team member, when the ''cliff'' is lost, stay in front of the ''tunnel'' and and be ready to retreat to the second point as soon as the Blu team makes and pushes to capture the point. '''Remember''', its a lot better to save your life allowing yourself to organize a defense on second point which is a lot more easily defendable then to lose your life on first point for no reason.
====Checkpoint 2====
'''Blu''' strategy
*The Blu strategy for point two is really simple, take the '''''attic'''''. The ''attic'' is really important, simply because in order to reach the checkpoint 2, the cart needs to run right beneath the ''attic''. This allows Red players who are up on the ''attic'' to easily bombard any Blu players below them who will be trying to push cart to the second checkpoint.
*''Attic'' is often very well defended by Sentry guns and Red players and there is really only one way to get to the it for the Blu so taking it will almost always require an '''Übercharge'''. So, after capping first point, a small portion of the Blu players should stay on the left to push the cart through the ''tunnel'' while the majority of the Blu team accompanied by a [[Medic]] with full Über will make they're way up the small ''staircase'' in the middle and proceed to the the ''attic''. The best way to clear out the ''attic'' is to take an Übercharged [[Demoman]] up in the ''attic'' to clear it out, but an Übercharged [[Heavy]] works too.
*After the ''attic'' is secured the Blu players can relatively easily push the cart from the ''tunnel'' to the final checkpoint on this stage now that they don't have to worry about someone attacking them from above.
'''Red''' strategy
*The Red strategy is also very simple, hold control of the '''''attic'''''. As discussed earlier the ''attic'' is very important as it does a good job of preventing the Blu team pushing the cart from the ''tunnel'' to the final. Luckly for the Red team, ''attic'' is pretty easily defendabble. Positioning some Sentry guns and Red players up there will make it hard for the Blu team to capture it without an Übercharge. However, once the Blu team has an Übercharge it is very easy for them to kill/destroy everything in the ''attic'' with a single Demoman duo to its cramped nature. So to prevent this from happening, a small group of Red players, consisting of a: Medic, Heavy and a Soldier or a Demoman, should stay below the attic right in front of the ''tunnel exit'' blocking the way for Blu players who will be making they're way from the first point to the ''attic'' in hopes of capturing it. If that small group of players makes them selves a big enough threat they can force the Blu Medic to use they're Übercharge to try and clear them out making the Blu team waste they're Über which could have been employed a lot better in clearing out the ''attic''.
*If the ''attic'' is captured there isn't a lot the Red team can do to hold onto the final point except try and spam out the attic or retake it for them selves by using an Über of they're own.
===Stage B===
====Checkpoint 1====
'''Blu''' strategy
*On this stage, the Blu team has two ways to exit they're spawn. The ''left exit'' and the ''right exit''. The ''left exit'' opens up flanking opportunity's for the Scouts and Spies to sneak under the house and get to the ''snipers ledge'' thus threatening the Sniper who will usually be positioned there. On the other hand the majority of the Blu team should push out of the ''right exit'' with an Übercharge allowing them selves to establish a small foothold outside of they're spawn for further advances.
*As the Blu team is pushing out of the ''right exit'' they should be looking to take over the ''watchtower''. The ''watchtower'' is a group of elevated structures stretching on the right side of the map with a watchtower in the middle of them, this is where the majority of Red team members should be, and just like the ''attic'' on stage A, ''watchtower'' is very important since it gives the Red a '''height advantage''' over blue and a direct line of sight of the cart tracks allowing them to bombard the Blu members who will be trying to push the cart. So its imperative for the Blu to take over the ''watchtower'' before they can make any further advances. There is often a Sentry gun on the ''watchtower'' so the Blu should Über right out of the spawn and destroy the Sentry. After the sentry is destroyed and the Über fades away for the Blu team, Blu Soldiers and Demomen should [[Rocket jump]] and [[Sticky jump]] onto the ''watchtower'' and clear out remaining Red players who are up there now that the sentry is gone. Alternatively, the Blu team can choose to go out the ''left exit'' and spam out the Sentry gun from outside of this range and then go out of the ''right exit''. This way, Blu Medics can save they're Über although this strategy takes more time and can be a lot more difficult.
*After the ''watchtower'' is secured the remaining Red defensive holdout is usually in the house on the left side of the map. However, just like the ''hut'' in stage A, the ''house'' can be easily surrounded and cleared out. Usually there is a Sentry gun positioned on the perch of the ''house'' but that sentry gun can be easily spammed out if the Blu team has control over the ''watchtower''. Destroying this Sentry will usually push remaining defenders further in the ''house'' which is even more cramped then the ''hut'' and only has one exit allowing the Blu Demoman and Soldiers to spam out the house and destroy everything inside while the rest of the Blu team pushes the cart to the first control point.
'''Red strategy'''
*The Red strategy on this place revolves around holding the ''watchtower'' duo to its importance. So the majority of the Red team should be up on it with the sentry nests. After the Blu team Übers out of the ''right exit'' the sentry guns should be temporarily moved back while the Über is going so that the Blu Solders and Demomen who will be blast jumping onto the ''watchtower'' expecting that the Sentry got destroyed in the Über will be met with a surprise. Another power full thing the Red team can do is to Über right after the Blu Über fades away, preferably taking an Übered [[Pyro]] right to the the Blu spawn usually tempomarily spawn camping them. This wastes time for the Blu team and can even undo all the work the Blu Über achieved.
*Until the Blu gets another Über, the Red team should continue to stay up on the ''watchtower'' with only few exceptions, mainly Heavy and Scout and Pyro who should be playing below the ''watchtower'' on the cart tracks to either stop Übers, block the cart or just be another layer of defense.
*After the ''watchtower'' is lost the Red team can safely conclude that the point is lost and can start retreating to the second point since except the ''watchtower'' there is no other viable defensive holdouts and.
====Checkpoint 2====
'''Blu''' strategy
*We can start the strategy for the checkpoint 2 by first splitting the area leading to the checkpoint in two major areas. The '''''choke area''''' and the '''''final area'''''. The ''choke area'' is an area right outside the exit of the ''tunnel'' , it is defined by the walls of the ''battlements'' which are situated above the ''tunnel'' through which the cart passes and the ''main buildings'' which are situated right across the ''tunnel''. The area in between the ''battlements'' and the ''main buildings'' is called the '''''choke area'''''. The '''''final area''''' is the area situated '''behind''' the main buildings and in between them and the Red spawn, you could say that the ''main buildings'' are in between the ''choke area'' and the ''finale area''. The ''final area'' contains the last  stretch of tracks leading to the second point while the ''choke area'' contains the tracks exiting the ''tunnel'' and leading to the ''final area''.
* Now that we got that out of the way we can start talking about strategy. Since the ''choke area'' precedes the ''final area'', the Blu team is obviously going to have to capture the ''choke area'' first. There are two ways to do this. Simply push right through the ''tunnel'' with the cart and capture the ''choke area'' that way. However, since the ''tunnel'' is very ˝chokey˝ and there are countless good sentry spots for Red engineers to set up in the ''choke area'' pushing through the tunnel is very dangerous and almost always requires an Über to execute a successful push, but this method is the quickest and the simplest one to do. However, if your team doesn't have a Medic with Über then the other method is a better option. The other method involves occupying the ''battlements'' (which should be a relatively easy task to do since the gates to the ''battlements'' don't open till the first point is capped meaning that there should be any Red team members up there) and then attacking the choke area from both the ''battlements'' and the ''tunnel''. This way the Reds in the ''choke area'' are getting pummeled from the high ground of the ''battlements'' and the ''tunnel''. This method of attack doesn't require an Über to successfully execute but it does take more time and some coordination to pull off.
==Class-specific strategy==
=== {{class link|Scout}} ===
* On offense, your most important job is to keep the cart moving. If you are not under fire, stand near the cart as much as possible. If you are under fire, you can keep it moving longer by hopping around the cart in circles, or take cover by crouching behind the cart. If you have teammates nearby, you can also hide behind them at times.
* Although you will be on linear maps, they still have multiple paths through each area. Use your speed to your advantage by popping out unexpectedly from side corridors while everyone's attention is on the track. Then you can either pick opponents off while they are not looking, or speed in and tag the cart in order to keep it from sliding back.
* Gold Rush is a [[Sniper]] heaven, but [[Scouts]] can easily circumvent the more open areas and close the distance between them and the Snipers.
* On offense and at the final checkpoint of the last stage, there is a pathway under the map to flank the enemy, use your speed to get behind the enemy and eliminate them while they are focused on your teammates with a few well placed shots.
* If your team does not have a Medic, [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] is another way to distract a Sentry for a little while.
* [[Mad Milk]] can help your teammates when on either team with some extra health while in combat.
* Using the [[Force-A-Nature]] can push away enemies from the cart with ease and effectiveness. This also deals decent damage, making them think twice about rushing in as a Pyro.
=== {{class link|Soldier}} ===
* You can use [[jumping#Rocket jump|rocket jumps]] to get across the map and get to the cart faster, if you need to. (For example, during [[Overtime]].) To save health while doing this, equip the [[Gunboats]].
*It will help your team a lot if you use the [[Concheror]], the [[Buff Banner]], or the [[Battalion's Backup]] either while pushing or while holding off a push.
*While defending the second stage, it may be a good idea to wait up in the tower and, once [[setup]]'s over, fire continuous rockets at their spawn. However, if you do this, watch your back for Spies.
=== {{class link|Pyro}} ===
*Pyros should use their compression blast on both offense and defense to keep enemies away from the cart. Even pushing enemies away for a second can provide enough of a distraction that flanking teammates can finish them off.
*On BLU, Pyros should generally be near the cart, both helping with the push and checking for Spies. They can also use their compression blast to push RED Stickybombs out of dangerous spots.
*The [[Flare Gun]] or [[Detonator]] can be helpful in defending the choke point right after Stage A, Checkpoint 1. Long distance flare shots through the window will discourage BLU Snipers and Soldiers from camping on the second story platform accessed through the tunnel. The [[Manmelter]] well for spamming shots due to its unlimited ammo.
*On Stage 1, Point 1, there is a raised 'dune' on the right (BLU perspective) of the BLU spawn. You can get up their by using the rocks located near the cliff (See above), allowing for devastating ambushes as the attackers will not likely notice you.
*At least one RED Pyro should regularly [[Spy check]] the RED deck, the roof of the RED spawn, and the tunnel next to the RED spawn.
=== {{class link|Demoman}} ===
* A Demoman on RED should use the [[Stickybomb Launcher]] on various checkpoints and on the Payload to stop further progression of the bomb. The [[Scottish Resistance]] is a good choice for area control in this situation.
*A Demoman on BLU should use the [[Chargin' Targe]]/[[Splendid Screen]] strategy to accumulate heads and help cap the Payload. An ÜberCharged Demoman can quickly destroy multiple Engineer nests with the Stickybomb Launcher. Watch out for airblasting Pyros.
=== {{class link|Heavy}} ===
* Generally on BLU, just stay by the cart. That's where you are most needed. Don't worry about wasting ammo, as the cart acts as a moving level 1 Dispenser.
* A Heavy perched on top of the cart will function much like a Heavy by a Dispenser, but with the added bonus of staying on the front lines (and the problem of being on a higher perch). Be careful, as a skilled [[Sniper]] can easily headshot a slow moving, inattentive Heavy.
*A Heavy with the [[Brass Beast]] can stand in front of the cart. The cart will push the Heavy while shooting which is actually faster than walking with the Brass Beast.
* A BLU Heavy crouching behind the cart (preferably with the [[Fists of Steel]]) is very safe from Spies and out of sight for Sentry Guns when pushing along the narrow path in front of The Attic. This push can get the cart almost all the way to the finish. 
* On RED, hide in the various alcoves by the cart for an ambush when people come near. Stay near a Dispenser and act as a human Sentry Gun, or buddy up with a Medic. If there are no Dispensers or Medics, bring the [[Sandvich]] with you and know where the ammo boxes are for prolonged combat. If you are not constantly moving, the Brass Beast might be a better choice if available.
*On Stage 2 as BLU, it may be a good idea to ignore the cart for a little bit and take the side route right out of setup. By doing this, you can destroy Sentry Guns before they become a problem to your team.
=== {{class link|Engineer}} ===
* For both teams on the final stage, especially BLU, [[Teleporters]] are important as there are large distances to cover and for BLU team there are no forward spawn points. The ability to get your team to the front lines quickly can be a game-changing asset.
*On Stage 1, defensive Engineers can sentry jump to a small ledge overlooking most of the Payload track. Set up a Teleporter to get there and this will provide an impeccable position to attack approaching forces, especially with the [[Wrangler]].
** One small note to make of this is to beware of telefrags from incoming Spies. Keep an eye on who's coming through your Teleporter!
* On the last stage, defensive Engineers can [[Sentry jump]] using the Wrangler to get on top of the archway just outside of RED's forward spawn. Once up there, you can setup Teleporters that allow you to get behind enemies while they are pushing the cart to Point B that is relatively more safe than the ground-based Teleporters.
* Dispensers can really help your teammates on both teams when placed around a corner, hiding behind an obstacle, or generally away from harm.
*On stage B and C you may want to set up a sentry outside your spawn guarding the exits, as red may push into your spawn once the gates open.
*On defense, on the last stage on the battlements overlooking the final point, it may be advantageous to place a [[Combat Mini-Sentry Gun|Mini-Sentry]] in the corner of the ledge just to the left of the exit from the spawn below. Especially when combined with a Dispenser kept further back, it will deny BLU most of the final stretch and be hard to destroy. If it is destroyed, it can be replaced very quickly, making it very hard for BLU to get past. Pair this strategy with the [[Frontier Justice]] and the [[Pistol]] to swiftly build up revenge crits and pick off distant targets.
=== {{class link|Medic}} ===
* Medics are almost the key to winning any push, or guaranteed to be a great help. The [[Medi Gun]] [[ÜberCharge]] can help destroy Engineer nests (preferably with a Demoman), the [[Kritzkrieg]] ÜberCharge can eliminate entire groups of enemies, and most importantly, healing is a great way to keep teammates alive while pushing the cart or defending.
* Communicating with your teammates is a good way to properly activate an ÜberCharge. A simple message can make all the difference when making a push, and can prevent losing a few seconds of a precious charge.
=== {{class link|Sniper}} ===
* Use the advantage of long and narrow pathways to either prevent the cart from moving by killing the enemies pushing it; or, on offense, protect the cart from incoming enemies.
* [[Jarate]] can help defend the cart on RED by helping finish off large groups of enemies. The [[Sydney Sleeper]] is a good choice if the player is not good at head-shooting with the Jarate effect applied on hit and a faster charge rate for full-charged bodyshots.
* A RED Sniper can safely defend the Second Checkpoint on Stage A camping above the RED Spawn with the [[Razorback]]. Only Spies and other Snipers pose a serious threat up there.
=== {{class link|Spy}} ===
*On each stage it's a good idea to take out [[Teleporter]]s either on BLU or RED, as most stages in this map are very large and require a long time to get to the front lines for either team without a Teleporter. At the start of the stage, the priority target should be Engineer buildings.
*On BLU and at the final checkpoint of the last stage, there is a pathway under the map that leads behind the enemy, this is a very good path to take that puts you in a prime position for backstabbing the RED team.
*On RED and at the very first stage you can go through the building, onto the balcony, and onto a ledge that leads above and across the battlefield. This path can be useful for when the enemies have their area on [[Turtling|lockdown]].
{{Map strategy}}

Latest revision as of 08:08, 13 September 2021

Nothing much to see here...sadly.

Execept this: User:Lolimsogreat21/Sandbox1

And maybe this: User:Lolimsogreat21/Sandbox2

Or perhaps even this: User:Lolimsogreat21/Sandbox2/Scout