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{{DISPLAYTITLE:유용한 콘솔 명령어 목록}}
{{update|Update sv_cheats/server operator requirements, new commands, outdated commands
[[File:Developer Console.png|thumb|400px|right|''팀 포트리스 2'' 게임 내 개발자 콘솔 창]]
해당 문서는 '''유용한 콘솔 명령어 목록'''을 다루고 있습니다. [[vdc:Developer Console|개발자 콘솔]]을 통해, 특정 조건의 게임 플레이와 그래픽 설정을 켜거나 끌 수 있고 콘솔 값을 수정할 수 있습니다. 콘솔은 게임 내 기본 메뉴의 [[Options#Options|설정]]이나 스팀에서 게임 속성에 있는 '''시작 설정'''에서 사용 가능합니다. autoexec.cfg 파일에 입력하는 명령어는 어떤 명령어든 게임에 자동으로 적용됩니다.
이러한 설정들은 ''[[Team Fortress 2/ko|Team Fortress 2]]'' 폴더 내 class-specific .cfg 파일에도 병과별 고유값 설정을 만드는 데 적용 가능합니다.
팀 포트리스2 콘솔 명령어와 변수들을 모두 확인하려면, [[vdc:List of TF2 console commands and variables|Valve Developer Wiki]]를 참고하세요.
더 많은 내용을 보려면, [[Cheats/ko|치트]] 문서를 참고하세요.
  Formatting note:
  CVars should be added using the cvar template.
> Add parameters in '<>'
>> use slashes ("/") if there are 3 or less parameters or the parameters are non-numerical
>>> Example: cl_showfps <0/1/2>
>> use dashes ("-") if there are more than 3 numerical values
>>> Example: tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg <0-255>
>> use tildes ("~") if parameters use decimals
>>> Example: hud_combattext_batching_window <.1~2>
>> use <seconds>, <minutes>, <text>, and <number> where applicable
> Describe the cvar
> Give the default value, if known.
== 유용한 콘솔 명령어 목록 ==
=== cl_ 명령어 ===
* {{cvar|cl_ask_blacklist_opt_out}} <0/1> - 서버를 짧은시간 안에 떠났을 경우 차단 목록에 추가하는 질문을 끄거나/켭니다 (기본값: 0)
* {{cvar|cl_ask_favorite_opt_out}} <0/1>  - 서버에서 오랜 시간 플레이 한 후 떠났을때 즐겨찾기 목록에 추가 하는 질문을 끄거나/켭니다 (기본값: 0)
* {{cvar|cl_autoreload}} <0/1> - 자동 재장전을 끄거나/켭니다 (고급 [[Options/ko|옵션]]에서도 변경 가능합니다)
* {{cvar|cl_autorezoom}} <0/1> - [[Sniper Rifle/ko|저격소총]] 발사 후 자동으로 줌 상태를 끄거나/켭니다 (고급 [[Options/ko|옵션]]에서도 변경 가능합니다) (기본값: 0)
* {{cvar|cl_cmdrate}} <30-66> - 초당 서버로 전송할 수 있는 패킷의 최대 한도를 설정합니다 (기본값: 30)
* {{cvar|cl_burninggibs}} <0/1> - 몸 [[Gibs|토막]]에 불이 붙는 효과를 끄거나/켭니다 (기본값: 0)
* {{cvar|cl_cloud_settings}} <0/1> - 컨픽 파일의 Steam 클라우드 동기화를 끄거나/켭니다 (기본값:1)
* {{cvar|cl_crosshair_file}} <filename> - 기본 크로스헤어 이미지를 설정합니다. " 예: "crosshair1" " ([[Multiplayer options/ko|멀티플레이어 옵션]]에서도 변경 가능합니다) (기본값: "")
* {{cvar|cl_drawhud}} <0/1> - Hides/shows the HUD - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}}이 요구됩니다'' (기본값: 1)
* {{cvar|cl_first_person_uses_world_model}} <0/1> - 전신 자각 모드를 끄거나/켭니다 (VR 헤드셋에 적용됨) (기본값: 0)
* {{cvar|cl_flipviewmodels}} <0/1> - 뷰 모델을 기본/반전(왼손잡이) 설정합니다. - ''서버에 연결된 상태에서는 작동하지 않습니다'' (고급 [[Options/ko|옵션]]에서도 변경 가능합니다) (기본값: 0)
* {{cvar|cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel}} <0/1> - HUD에 플레이어의 모델 사용 여부를 설정합니다 (기본값: 1)
* {{cvar|cl_interp}} <0.015-0.5> - 멀리 있는 캐릭터 모델 표현 방식을 설정합니다 (대상의 위치가 실제 위치보다 왜곡되게 표현됩니다) 무기 타격 판정의 적정값은 0.0303이고, 투사체/프레임의 적정값은 0.0152입니다. (기본값: 0.1)
* {{cvar|cl_interp_ratio}} <1-2> - cl_updaterate을 할당한 set interp에서 설정한 값을 기준으로 결정되며, 투사체는 1, 히트스캔 무기는 2로 결정됩니다 (기본값: 2)
* {{cvar|cl_mvm_wave_status_visible_during_wave}} <0/1> - [[Mann vs. Machine (game mode)/ko|Mann 대 기계]] 공격 중 남은 로봇 수를 표시하는 HUD를 끄거나/켭니다
* {{cvar|cl_new_impact_effects}} <0/1> - 향상된 충격 효과를 끄거나/켭니다, 해당 효과는 유리에서 제일 도드라집니다. (기본값: 1)
* {{cvar|cl_ragdoll_collide}} <0/1> - 시체의 충돌을 끄거나/켭니다 (클라이언트에서만 적용됩니다)
* {{cvar|cl_ragdoll_fade_time}} <seconds> - 시체가 사라지는 시간을 설정합니다 (클라이언트에서만 적용됩니다) (기본 소요시간은 15초입니다)
* {{cvar|cl_ragdoll_physics_enable}} <0/1> - 사격이나 폭발을 비롯한 공격에 시체가 상호작용하는 것을 끄거나/켭니다 (기본값: 1)
* {{cvar|cl_showbackpackrarities}} <0/1> - 거래 시 보관함 내 아이템 품질의 색상 적용을 끄거나/켭니다
* {{cvar|cl_showfps}} <0/1/2> - 프레임을 표시합니다 (off/real-time/rounded)
* {{cvar|cl_showpos}} <0/1> - 플레이어의 맵 좌표와 이동 속력을 표시합니다
* {{cvar|cl_spec_carrieditems}} <0/1> - 관전 시 플레이어가 장착한 무기 중 기본 무기가 아닌 무기들을 봅니다.
* {{cvar|cl_smooth}} <0/1> - 예측 오류에 대해 시각적 부드러움을 적용합니다 (기본값: 1)
* {{cvar|cl_smoothtime}} <0.01-2> - 예측 오류에 대한 클라이언트의 시각적 부드러움 적용 여부를 정하는 기준 시간 (기본값: 0.1)
* {{cvar|cl_updaterate}} <20-66> - 초당 서버로부터 받는 업데이트 패킷의 수 (기본값: 20)
* {{cvar|cl_yawspeed}} <number> - {{cvar|+left}} 및 {{cvar|+right}} 명령어 사용 시 플레이어의 회전 속력을 설정합니다.
=== addcond commands ===
{{Note|{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} required}}
* {{cvar|addcond 5}} - Gives the player a ÜberCharge effect that can be removed if healed by Dispenser, Medic or being killed
* {{cvar|addcond 11}} - Gives the player a critical effect that can be removed if healed by Dispenser, Medic or being killed
* {{cvar|addcond 19}} - Gives the player the Mini-Crit effect
* {{cvar|addcond 52}} - Gives the player permanent ÜberCharge effect.
* {{cvar|addcond 55}} - Gives the player the [[Amputator]] taunt effect. Affects nearby allies.
* {{cvar|addcond 56}} - Gives the player a critical effect that will <em>not</em> be removed unless killed or via removecond
* {{cvar|addcond 57}} - Gives the player a ÜberCharge effect that will <em>not</em> be removed unless killed or via removecond
* {{cvar|addcond 58}} - Gives the player the Vaccinator ÜberCharge effect that will be removed when killed or via removecond
* {{cvar|addcond 64}} - Player will Cloak immediately regardless of class. Used for the Invisibility Magic spell.
* {{cvar|addcond 66}} - Bots will ignore the player even if the player bumps into a bot when disguised or cloaked
* {{cvar|addcond 72}} - Gives the player an effect that enhance their reload speed, firing speed, movement speed and grants infinite double jumps
* {{cvar|addcond 73}} - Gives the player the Quick-Fix ÜberCharge effect
* {{cvar|addcond 74}} - Makes the player 10 times bigger and 10 times the health, also player will have infinite ammo but not clip size - player's melee range will remain the same
* {{cvar|addcond 75}} - Makes the player 10 times smaller; melee range and health will stay the same
* {{cvar|addcond 92}} - Player periodically regenerates ammo, health, and metal. Health regeneration rate is inversely proportional to maximum health. Used for the "Regen" powerup in Mannpower mode
* {{cvar|addcond 114}} - Enables glow outlines on friendly players and buildings
=== ent_ commands ===
{{hatnote|See [[Cheats]] for more ent_ commands}}
{{Note|{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} required}}
;Item pickups
* {{cvar|ent_create item_healthkit_small}} - Spawns in a Small [[Health|Health Kit]] where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create item_healthkit_medium}} - Spawns in a Medium Health Kit where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create item_healthkit_full}} - Spawns in a Full Health Kit where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create item_ammopack_small}} - Spawns in a Small [[Ammo|Ammo Pack]] where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create item_ammopack_medium}} - Spawns in a Medium Ammo Pack where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create item_ammopack_full}} - Spawns in a Full Ammo Pack where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create item_teamflag}} - Spawns in a white [[Briefcase]] where the player is aiming. Note: Both teams can pick up the spawned Briefcase
* {{cvar|ent_create item_currencypack_small}} - Spawns in a Small [[Credits]] Pickup where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create item_currencypack_medium}} - Spawns in a Medium Credits Pickup where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create item_currencypack_large}} - Spawns in a Large Credits Pickup where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create obj_sentrygun}} - Spawns in a level 1 [[Sentry Gun]] where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create obj_dispenser}} - Spawns in a level 1 [[Dispenser]] where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create obj_teleporter}} - Spawns in a level 1 [[Teleporter]] where the player is aiming
** Optional parameters (work with certain commands):
*** <code>teamnum <2/3></code>: Team RED/BLU (values other than 2 or 3 will spawn a BLU building that will be attacked by both teams, but if it is a Sentry it will only attack BLU)
*** <code>defaultupgrade <0/1/2></code>: Level 1/2/3 building
*** <code>spawnflags <number></code>: Examples include <code>spawnflags 2</code> for invulnerability, <code>4</code> to make the building upgradable, and <code>8</code> to give Sentry Guns infinite ammo. Adding the values of multiple spawnflags together will impart those properties onto the desired entity
*** Example: {{cvar|ent_create obj_sentrygun teamnum 2 defaultupgrade 2 spawnflags 8}} spawns a level 3 RED Sentry Gun with infinite ammo
;Neutral enemies and bosses
* {{cvar|ent_create headless_hatman}} - Spawns the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]] where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create eyeball_boss}} - Spawns a variation of [[MONOCULUS]] where the player is aiming
** {{cvar|ent_create eyeball_boss teamnum 1}} - Spawns a [[Magic spells#Rare Magic Spells|ghostly]] [[BLU]] MONOCULUS where the player is aiming for 10 seconds
** {{cvar|ent_create eyeball_boss teamnum 2}} - Spawns a ghostly [[RED]] MONOCULUS where the player is aiming for 10 seconds
** {{cvar|ent_create eyeball_boss teamnum 5}} - Spawns the boss version of MONOCULUS where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create merasmus}} - Spawns [[Merasmus]] where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create tf_zombie}} - Spawns a [[Skeletons|Skeleton]] where the player is aiming
* {{cvar|ent_create tank_boss}} - Spawns a [[Tank Robot]] where the player is aiming
** Optional parameter (work with certain commands):
*** <code>speed <integer></code> Modifies movement speed of certain entities.
*** Example: {{cvar|ent_create tank_boss speed 1}} Spawns an extremely slow tank.
*** <code>health<integer></code> Sets health of the tank.
*** Example: {{cvar|ent create tank_boss health 100}} Spawns a tank with 100 health.
*** <code>modelscale<integer></code> Sets tank scale.
*** Example: {{cvar|ent create tank_boss modelscale 2}} Spawns a big tank.
**** Example: {{cvar|ent create tank_boss speed 200 health 50 modelscale 0.5}} Spawns a fast, tiny tank with 50 health.
;Removing entities
* {{cvar|ent_remove}} - Removes the entity being pointed at by the crosshair
* {{cvar|ent_remove_all}} - Removes a specific type of entity, such as {{cvar|ent_remove_all obj_sentrygun}}
=== tf_ commands ===
* {{cvar|tf_allow_player_use}} <0/1> - Toggles the {{cvar|+use}} command on a server, useful for some custom maps. (default: 0) - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|tf_allow_taunt_switch}} <0/1/2> - Disallows/allows switching weapons during [[taunts]]. (1 = start of taunt only; 2 = at any time during the taunt) - ''server operator only'' (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_always_deathanim}} <0/1> - Forces death animation - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''.
* {{cvar|tf_always_loser}} <0/1> - Forces "loser" (humiliation) animation and puts player in third-person (but can still fire weapons) - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''.
* {{cvar|tf_avoidteammates_pushaway}} <0/1> - Toggles the ability to push your teammates by standing near or in them. (default: 1)
* {{cvar|tf_bot_add}} <number> - Spawns a number of computer-controlled bots - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|tf_bot_flag_kill_on_touch}} <0/1> - If enabled, kills bots upon picking up the Intelligence. (default: 0) - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''.
* {{cvar|tf_bot_quota}} <number> - Sets the total number of computer-controlled bots in the server, but if a player is in the server it will override a bot slot - ''server operator only'' (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_damage_disablespread}} <0/1> - Turns random damage-spread (+-10%) for weapons off/on - ''server operator only'' (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_damage_multiplier_(blue/red)}} <number> - Increases or decreases the damage vulnerability of a given team - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''
* {{cvar|tf_dingalingaling}} <0/1> - Turns weapon hit sound off/on (can also be changed from advanced options)
* {{cvar|tf_dingalingaling_repeat_delay}} <seconds> - Limits how often the weapon hit sound can play (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg}} <0-255> - Sets the pitch of maximum damage with your weapon, a lower pitch is recommended in most cases, (default: 100)
* {{cvar|tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg}} <0-255> - Sets the pitch of minimum damage with your weapon, a higher pitch is recommended in most cases, (default: 100)
* {{cvar|tf_dingaling_volume}} <0~1> - Sets the volume for hit sounds, (default: 0.75)
* {{cvar|tf_flag_caps_per_round}} - Sets the number of times the Intelligence must be captured in [[Capture the Flag]] for a team to win (default: 3) - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|tf_forced_holiday}} <0-11> - Enables holiday mode (0: default; 1: TFBirthday; 2: Halloween; 3: Christmas; 4 = CommunityUpdate; 5 = EOTL; 6 = Valentines; 7 = MeetThePyro; 8 = FullMoon; 9 = HalloweenOrFullMoon; 10 = HalloweenOrFullMoonOrValentines; 11 = AprilFools) - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|tf_matchmaking_join_in_progress}} <0/1> - Toggles whether or not [[Casual]] matchmaking will send the player into a match in progress. (Default: 1)
* {{cvar|tf_medieval}} <0/1> - Turns [[Medieval mode]] on/off, requires map change to take effect - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|tf_medigun_autoheal}} <0/1> - Turns healing without holding attack off/on (can also be changed from advanced options) (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_medieval_autorp}} <0/1> - Enables/disables automatic medieval-style text modification in the chat box (Default in medieval mode: 1, default in normal servers: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_medieval_thirdperson}} <0/1> - Toggles third person view during Medieval mode (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_mvm_jump_to_wave}} <integer> - Immediately skips to a specific wave in MvM
* {{cvar|tf_overtime_nag}} <0/1> - Turns [[Administrator responses|endless shouting]] of "OVERTIME!" in Overtime off/on - ''server operator only'' (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_particles_disable_weather}} <0/1> - Disables weather effects on supported maps (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_playergib}} <0/1/2> - Handles the frequency of gibbing. (0 = never; 1 = default; 2 = always, including attacks that normally don't gib) - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|tf_powerup_mode}} <0/1> - Enable [[Mannpower]] on the server off/on - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|tf_romevision_opt_in}} <0/1>  - Turns Romevision in Mann vs. Machine off/on (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_romevision_skip_prompt}} <0/1>  - If nonzero, skip the prompt about sharing Romevision. (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_scoreboard_mouse_mode}} <0/1/2> - Allows the user to interact with the [[scoreboard]] and right-click on player names to view a set of available actions, such as "Profile", which opens the Steam profile of the chosen user. Set to 1 to turn on at all times, and set to 2 to only turn on when the user clicks while viewing the scoreboard. (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text}} <0/1> - Toggles if players pings are represented by numbers (text) or as 'connection strength' bars (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_taunt_first_person}} <0/1> - taunts are in first person for full-body awareness mode (for use with Oculus Rift) (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_test_spellindex}} <-1-11> - Set to index to always get a specific [[Magic spells|Magic spell]] (-1 = No spell; 0 = Fireball; 1 = Ball O' Bats; 2 = Uber Heal; 3 = Pumpkin MIRV; 4 = Blast Jump; 5 = Stealth; 6 = Teleport; 7 = Ball O' Lightning; 8 = Minify; 9 = Meteor Storm; 10 = Summon MONOCULUS; 11 = Summon Skeletons) - ''server operator only'' (Default: -1)
* {{cvar|tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads}} <0/1> - Turns fixed, consistent spread for weapons like Shotgun, Scattergun and Shortstop off/on - ''server operator only'' (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_use_min_viewmodels}} <0/1> - Turns minimal viewmodels off/on, which reduces the size of weapons on screen. (Default: 0)
* {{cvar|tf_weapon_criticals}} <0/1> - Turns random criticals for primary or secondary weapons off/on - ''server operator only'' (Default: 1)
* {{cvar|tf_weapon_criticals_melee}} <0-2> - If set to 0, melee weapons will never crit, even if {{cvar|tf_weapon_criticals}} is set to 1. If set to 1, melee weapons can crit '''only if''' {{cvar|tf_weapon_criticals}} is 1. If set to 2, melee weapons can crit no matter what {{cvar|tf_weapon_criticals}} is set to. - ''server operator only'' (Default: 1)
=== sv_ commands ===
* {{cvar|sv_cheats}} <0/1> - Turns [[cheats]] off/on - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|sv_gravity}} <number> - Sets serverwide gravity (default: 800)- ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|sv_lan}} <0/1> - Allows/Disallows people on non-local networks from joining. - ''server operator only''
**{{Note|In order to host a listen (in-game) server that people can connect to over the Internet, your 27015 port must be forwarded}}
* {{cvar|sv_password}} <password> - Sets the password for a server - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|sv_pure}} <-1/0/1/2> - Determines how much custom content (HUDs, animations, sound mods) should be allowed on a server (-1: Allow all; 0: Allow all, except for Materials ; 1: Uses sv_pure.cfg; 2: Uses sv_pure_strict.cfg) - ''server operator only''
=== mp_ commands ===
* {{cvar|mp_autoteambalance}} <0/1> - Disables/Enables automatic team balancing - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|mp_disable_respawn_times}} <0/1> - Enables/Disables respawn times - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|mp_forcerespawnplayers}} - Immediately respawns all players (and bots) on the server - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''.
* {{cvar|mp_forcewin}} - Immediately wins the round for the command user's team - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''.
* {{cvar|mp_friendlyfire}} <0/1> - Toggles [[friendly fire]] (the ability to injure teammates).  - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|mp_highlander}} <0/1> - Toggles [[Highlander]] mode.  - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|mp_idledealmethod}} <0/1/2> - Chooses how to deal with idle players (0: Don't kick; 1: Move to spectate, then kick; 2: Kick directly) - ''server operator only''
<!-- mp_restarround? -->
* {{cvar|mp_restartgame}} <seconds until restart> - Restarts the round and resets the round time. - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|mp_scrambleteams}} - Initiates a team scramble immediately.
** {{cvar|mp_teams_unbalance_limit}} <number> - The team size difference at which players are forced onto the opposite team. - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|mp_timelimit}} <minutes> - The length of time that a map should last before swapping. - ''server operator only''
* {{cvar|mp_usehwmmodels}} <-1/0/1> - Disables/Enables HWM models used in TF2 Source Filmmaker shorts (-1: Never, 0: GPU-Based; 1: Always)
* {{cvar|mp_usehwmvcds}} <-1/0/1> - Disables/Enables mouth movement on HWM models (-1: Never, 0: GPU-Based; 1: Always)
* {{cvar|mp_waitingforplayers_cancel}} <0/1> - If nonzero, cancels "Waiting for players..." time - ''server operator only''
=== hud_ commands ===
* {{cvar|hud_combattext}} <0/1> - Turns the damage text above enemies off/on
* {{cvar|hud_combattext_batching}} <0/1> - Turns the damage text above players adding together within an interval off/on
** {{cvar|hud_combattext_batching_window}} <.1~2> - Time in seconds to combine damage text
* {{cvar|hud_combattext_doesnt_block_overhead_text}} <0/1> - Turns overwriting the particle effects used for critical hits and mini-crits off/on
* {{cvar|hud_combattext_healing}} <0/1> - Turns healing text above teammates off/on
* {{cvar|hud_deathnotice_time}} <seconds> - How long to display the kill feed before it fades out
* {{cvar|hud_reloadscheme}} - Used to fix various HUD-color errors or lingering Crit-effects
* {{cvar|hud_saytext_time}} <seconds> - How long to display chat comments before they fade out (Default: 12)
=== Miscellaneous commands ===
'''For players'''
* {{cvar|bind}} <key> <command> - Binds a key to a command.
* {{cvar|bind}} <key> - Displays the command the given key is bound to.
* {{cvar|unbind}} <key> - Unbinds a key.
* {{cvar|unbindall}} - Unbinds all keys.
* {{cvar|dropitem}} - Drop the flag or Intelligence.
* {{cvar|kill}} - Commit suicide.
* {{cvar|explode}} - Commit suicide by exploding into gibs.
* {{cvar|+attack}} - Forces the player to constantly use their primary fire. (Same as M1) ({{cvar|-attack}} will disable)
* {{cvar|+attack2}} - Forces the player to constantly use their secondary fire. (Same as M2) ({{cvar|-attack2}} will disable)
* {{cvar|+attack3}} - Forces the player to constantly use their tertiary fire. (Same as middle-click or M3) ({{cvar|-attack3}} will disable)
* {{cvar|fov_desired}} <75-90> - Set desired field of view (higher values show more of the battlefield at the cost of fps) (can also be changed from advanced video [[Options]])
* {{cvar|jointeam}} <red/blue/auto/spectator> - Force team. (use this if you are stuck in "dead spectator" mode when too many people attempt to join a team at the same time)
* {{cvar|jpeg}} - Take a jpeg screenshot.
* {{cvar|noclip}} - Allows the players on the server to fly through walls. - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''.
* {{cvar|retry}} - Retry connection to last server.
* {{cvar|status}} - Display map and connection status.
* {{cvar|viewmodel_fov}} <number> - Sets distance in which your weapons are drawn, higher values show more of the weapon and arms but may show missing parts. (can also be changed from advanced Options)
* {{cvar|r_drawviewmodel}} <0/1> - Turns viewmodels on and off. (can also be changed from advanced Options)
* {{cvar|r_drawtracers_firstperson}} <0/1> - Disables visuals from tracer rounds (from [[Machina]] and [[Hitman's Heatmaker]]) for your weapon only, not other players'.
* {{cvar|restart}} - Restarts the current server ''dedicated server only''
* {{cvar|find}} <text> - Displays all commands that match a string of text
* {{cvar|hurtme}} <number> - Deals a given amount of damage (can be negative for extra health) - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''
* {{cvar|zoom_sensitivity_ratio}} <0~1> - Sets the ratio of sensitivity while zoomed in with the Sniper Rifle with accordance to actual sensitivity.
* {{cvar|net_graph}} <0-4> Shows different amounts of information such as ping, framerate, lerp, and packet loss depending on the input value.
* {{cvar|thirdperson}} - Places your view in a camera behind your character - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''
* {{cvar|thirdperson_mayamode}} - If active, turning in third person does not move the camera - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''
* {{cvar|thirdperson_platformer}} <0/1> - If active, the mouse controls the camera while movement is controlled relative to it.
** If {{cvar|thirdperson_mayamode}} isn't active, walking towards the camera will 'push' your view away.
* {{cvar|firstperson}} - Return to first person perspective.
** If {{cvar|thirdperson_platformer}} is still set to 1, you will not be able to move the camera during [[taunts]].
* {{cvar|currency_give}} <amount> - Gives a specified amount of credits in Mann vs. Machine (Maximum amount of credits you can have is 30000) - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''
* {{cvar|snd_restart}} - Used to restart all sounds in any game mode.
* {{cvar|player_ready_toggle}} - Readies/unreadies the player in MVM and Competitive
* {{cvar|shake}} - Shakes the screen briefly, similarly to the shaking that occurs from a Payload cart's explosion - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''
* {{cvar|ghost_spawn}} - Spawns a [[ghost]] that moves following a set path and disappears soon after. - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''
* {{cvar|taunt_by_name}} <taunt name> - Runs a specified taunt, given the exact name of a taunt in the player's current taunt loadout, without having to open the taunt menu.
'''For moderators/admins'''
* {{cvar|changelevel}} <mapname> - Changes the map.
* {{cvar|cvarlist}} - View complete cvar list.
* {{cvar|exec}} - Execute config file from the tf/cfg folder.
* {{cvar|map}} <mapname> - Changes the map and restarts the server.
** Starts a new server if entered on the main menu - useful for bypassing the "Create New Server" dialog and map drop-down menu
* {{cvar|maps}} <*/mapname> - Display list of maps.
* {{cvar|nextlevel}} <mapname> - Sets the next map to be played.
* {{cvar|rcon_password}} <password> - gives player access to remote control commands of a server.
* {{cvar|rcon}} <command> - Executes an rcon command.
* {{cvar|rcon_address}} <ip address> - Sets the server address to send rcon commands to (if not set, console sends the command to the server that the player is currently in instead)
* {{cvar|phys_pushscale}} <number> - Determines how far player corpses can be "pushed" when killed
* {{cvar|phys_timescale}} <number> - Determines how fast props/projectiles move (default: 1)
* {{cvar|tf_ctf_bonus_time}} <number> - Determines how long (in seconds) guaranteed critical hits are enabled when the Intelligence is captured on a CTF map. 0 disables them entirely. Default is 10 seconds.
'''For recording'''
{{main|Help:Recording demos}}
* {{cvar|record}} <demo name> - Begins a demo recording
* {{cvar|stop}} - Stops a demo recording
* {{cvar|startmovie}} <moviename> - Opens up the source recorder during demo play back and allows for high quality avi format recording
* {{cvar|endmovie}} - Stops source recorder
* {{cvar|host_framerate}} <number> - Tells the source recorder to record at a constant framerate
* {{cvar|host_timescale}} <number> - Use in conjunction with {{cvar|host_framerate}} to produce a smooth video output. Can also be used alone to either speed up or slow down gameplay. Default is 1.0 - ''{{cvar|sv_cheats 1}} only''
* {{cvar|demoui}} - Brings up a toolbox for replays (shift+F2 will also bring up the tool box)
The following commands were introduced by the Demo Support feature (see {{Patch name|5|31|2016}}):
* {{cvar|ds_record}} - Manually start a recording
* {{cvar|ds_stop}} - Manually stop a recording
* {{cvar|ds_mark}} <comment> - Bookmark the current demo tick count for future reference. The <comment> is an optional descriptor you may include.
* {{cvar|ds_status}} - Report the current recording status
=== Weapon commands ===
The "use" command is used to switch to the specified weapon.
{{Template:Note|use is similar to the 'slot' commands, but cannot be used for voice commands.}}
*:{{cvar|use}} <weapon_name>
***Heavy Weapons Guy
**:To equip Sapper, use: "<code>build 3 0</code>"
*Other Commands
**<code>invnext</code> - switches to the next weapon
**<code>invprev</code> - switches to the previous weapon
**<code>lastinv</code> - switches to the last weapon used
== See also ==
* [[Cheats]]
* [[Scripting]]
== External links ==
* [[vdc:List of TF2 console commands and variables|List of TF2 console commands and variables in the Valve Developer Community]]
[[Category:Lists|Useful console commands

Latest revision as of 05:20, 25 May 2022