Difference between revisions of "January 5, 2023 Patch/fr"

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(Translated to French)
(Not in English anymore)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 4: Line 4:
| month        = january
| month        = january
| year        = 2023
| year        = 2023
| after        =  
| after        = {{Patch name|3|1|2023}}
| source-title = {{common string|Blog Team Fortress 2 Update Released}} {{lang icon|en}}
| source-title = {{common string|Blog Team Fortress 2 Update Released}}
| source      = https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/440/view/3669903800693445918
| source      = https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/440/view/3669903800693445918
| crowdin      = yes
| crowdin      = yes

Latest revision as of 18:30, 23 March 2023

Notes de mise à jour

Team Fortress 2

  • Correction d'une fuite de mémoire lors du tir de seringues en tant que Medic
  • Correction de certains cas où les seringues étaient invisibles dans les coins et dans les transitions entre l'eau et l'air (dans les deux sens)
  • Correction des seringues qui déclenchent de faux coups sur le client lorsque les modèles de vue minimisés sont activés ou qu'un FOV de modèle de vue personnalisé est défini
  • Correction de l'Original qui utilise le son de rechargement par défaut au lieu du son prévu
  • Correction des entités qui sont considérées comme des objets statiques après de longues durées de fonctionnement de serveur
    • Correction des robots Mann vs. Machine qui n'apparaissent pas
    • Correction de la solidité occasionnelle des roquettes
  • Mise à jour des paramètres d'equip_region pour l'Onimann et le Capuchon crânien
  • Mise à jour de cp_frostwatch
    • Correction de la possibilité de se tenir dans le mur de la falaise près du point de contrôle 2 dans l'étape 1
  • Extension de la prise en charge VScript (anglais)
    • Correction des fichiers .nut comme étant des fichiers valides pour le téléchargement descendant/montant
    • Correction de la possibilité pour les clients d'exécuter certaines commandes de débogage script_* sur le serveur
    • Ajout de EmitSoundEx
    • Correction des plantages liés aux chaînes nulles passées aux fonctions
    • Exposition d'une fonction MaxClients pour obtenir la valeur actuelle de maxplayers
    • Correction de la suppression des crochets de script lors de la transition de carte

Changements non documentés

  • Mise à jour des fichiers de localisation pour le Français, Allemand, Hongrois, Coréen, Norvégien, Portugais, Espagnol (Espagne), et Chinois traditionnel.
  • Toutes les armes ajoutées dans la Mise à jour Jungle Inferno sont maintenant disponibles à la fabrication.[1]
  • Correction d'une faute de frappe qui empêchait les equip_regions de plusieurs objets cosmétiques de fonctionner correctement.[2]


Fichiers modifiés

Note: Le journal des modifications ci-dessous est généré à partir des différences entre deux révisions du jeu. Ces données peuvent être incomplètes ou incohérentes. Une partie importante de ce journal des modifications a été généré automatiquement depuis les données de GameTracking (anglais), offert par SteamDB (anglais).
Changements de la révision
Modified: tf/steam.inf
Modified: bin/AdminServer.dll
Modified: bin/FileSystemOpenDialog.dll
Modified: bin/FileSystem_Stdio.dll
Modified: bin/GameUI.dll
Modified: bin/GameUI.dylib
Modified: bin/GameUI.so
Modified: bin/MakeScenesImage.exe
Modified: bin/MaterialSystem.dll
Modified: bin/ServerBrowser.dll
Modified: bin/ServerBrowser.dylib
Modified: bin/ServerBrowser.so
Modified: bin/SoundEmitterSystem.dll
Modified: bin/StudioRender.dll
Modified: bin/bsppack.dll
Modified: bin/bsppack.dylib
Modified: bin/bsppack.so
Modified: bin/bspzip.exe
Modified: bin/bugreporter.dll
Modified: bin/bugreporter_filequeue.dll
Modified: bin/bugreporter_filequeue.dylib
Modified: bin/bugreporter_filequeue.so
Modified: bin/bugreporter_public.dll
Modified: bin/bugreporter_public.dylib
Modified: bin/bugreporter_public.so
Modified: bin/captioncompiler.exe
Modified: bin/datacache.dll
Modified: bin/datacache.dylib
Modified: bin/datacache.so
Modified: bin/dmxconvert.exe
Modified: bin/dmxedit.exe
Modified: bin/elementviewer.exe
Modified: bin/engine.dll
Modified: bin/engine.dylib
Modified: bin/engine.so
Modified: bin/filesystem_stdio.dll
Modified: bin/filesystem_stdio.dylib
Modified: bin/filesystem_stdio.so
Modified: bin/glview.exe
Modified: bin/hammer.exe
Modified: bin/hammer_dll.dll
Modified: bin/haptics.dll
Modified: bin/height2normal.exe
Modified: bin/height2ssbump.exe
Modified: bin/hlfaceposer.exe
Modified: bin/hlmv.exe
Modified: bin/inputsystem.dll
Modified: bin/inputsystem.dylib
Modified: bin/inputsystem.so
Modified: bin/itemtest.com
Modified: bin/launcher.dll
Modified: bin/launcher.dylib
Modified: bin/launcher.so
Modified: bin/libtogl.dll
Modified: bin/libtogl.dylib
Modified: bin/libtogl.so
Modified: bin/materialsystem.dll
Modified: bin/materialsystem.dylib
Modified: bin/materialsystem.so
Modified: bin/mdllib.dll
Modified: bin/mksheet.exe
Modified: bin/motionmapper.exe
Modified: bin/mysql_wrapper.dll
Modified: bin/normal2ssbump.exe
Modified: bin/pfm2tgas.exe
Modified: bin/phonemeextractors/phonemeextractor.dll
Modified: bin/phonemeextractors/phonemeextractor_ims.dll
Modified: bin/qc_eyes.exe
Modified: bin/replay.dll
Modified: bin/replay.dylib
Modified: bin/replay.so
Modified: bin/scenefilecache.dll
Modified: bin/scenefilecache.dylib
Modified: bin/scenefilecache.so
Modified: bin/serverplugin_empty.dll
Modified: bin/shaderapidx9.dll
Modified: bin/shaderapidx9.dylib
Modified: bin/shaderapidx9.so
Modified: bin/shaderapiempty.dll
Modified: bin/shaderapiempty.dylib
Modified: bin/shaderapiempty.so
Modified: bin/shadercompile.exe
Modified: bin/shadercompile_dll.dll
Modified: bin/soundemittersystem.dll
Modified: bin/soundemittersystem.dylib
Modified: bin/soundemittersystem.so
Modified: bin/soundsystem.dll
Modified: bin/sourcevr.dll
Modified: bin/sourcevr.dylib
Modified: bin/sourcevr.so
Modified: bin/splitskybox.exe
Modified: bin/stdshader_dbg.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx6.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx7.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx8.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx9.dll
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx9.dylib
Modified: bin/stdshader_dx9.so
Modified: bin/studiomdl.exe
Modified: bin/studiorender.dll
Modified: bin/studiorender.dylib
Modified: bin/studiorender.so
Modified: bin/texturecompile_dll.dll
Modified: bin/tier0.dll
Modified: bin/tier0.dylib
Modified: bin/tools/commedit.dll
Modified: bin/tools/pet.dll
Modified: bin/tools/vmt.dll
Modified: bin/unicode.dll
Modified: bin/unitlib.dll
Modified: bin/vaudio_celt.dll
Modified: bin/vaudio_celt.so
Modified: bin/vaudio_miles.dll
Modified: bin/vaudio_miles.dylib
Modified: bin/vaudio_miles.so
Modified: bin/vaudio_speex.dll
Modified: bin/vaudio_speex.so
Modified: bin/vbsp.exe
Modified: bin/vbspinfo.exe
Modified: bin/vgui2.dll
Modified: bin/vgui2.dylib
Modified: bin/vgui2.so
Modified: bin/vguimatsurface.dll
Modified: bin/vguimatsurface.dylib
Modified: bin/vguimatsurface.so
Modified: bin/video_bink.dll
Modified: bin/video_bink.so
Modified: bin/video_quicktime.dll
Modified: bin/video_quicktime.dylib
Modified: bin/video_services.dll
Modified: bin/video_services.dylib
Modified: bin/video_services.so
Modified: bin/video_webm.so
Modified: bin/vphysics.dll
Modified: bin/vphysics.dylib
Modified: bin/vphysics.so
Modified: bin/vpk.exe
Modified: bin/vrad.exe
Modified: bin/vrad_dll.dll
Modified: bin/vscript.dll
Modified: bin/vscript.dylib
Modified: bin/vscript.so
Modified: bin/vstdlib.dll
Modified: bin/vstdlib.dylib
Modified: bin/vstdlib.so
Modified: bin/vtex.exe
Modified: bin/vtex_dll.dll
Modified: bin/vtex_dll.dylib
Modified: bin/vtex_dll.so
Modified: bin/vtf2tga.exe
Modified: bin/vvis.exe
Modified: bin/vvis_dll.dll
Modified: tf/bin/client.dll
Modified: tf/bin/client.dylib
Modified: tf/bin/client.so
Modified: tf/bin/server.dll
Modified: tf/bin/server.dylib
Modified: tf/bin/server.so
Modified: tf/maps/cp_frostwatch.bsp
Modified: tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt.sig