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{{main|Scout (competitive)}}
{{main|Scout (competitive)/zh-hans|l1=侦察兵(竞技)}}
* Usually [[mid approach|reaches mid]] quickly.
* 一般情况下可快速[[mid approach/zh-hans|抵达中场]]
* Can quickly capture points alone and in pairs.
* 可快速占领控制点。
* Quickly and easily moves between areas and levels of elevation, allowing for quick flanking.
* 可快速在区域之间移动,可利用二段跳越过一些障碍,使其有快速偷袭的能力。
* Has strong deathmatch capability at close-mid range and can use mobility to survive at mid-long range, both with relatively little healing.
* 在近距离时有较强的1v1能力,在中远距离时有较强的生存能力,且两种情况对生命值的依赖性较低。
* Has high damage output and many options when attacking, allowing for quick surprise picks and successful chasing.
* 有较高的伤害输出能力且有多种输出方式,使其在摘人和追击方面较强势。
* Is generally ineffective at long range.
* 在远距离时不是很有作用。
* Contributes little to spam.
* 对范围性打击的帮助甚少。
* Has trouble approaching well-guarded areas when there aren't open flanks.
* 在没有侧路供偷袭时很难突破敌方防线。
* Usually can't hold a small area for very long when under fire.
* 通常不能坚守一个小型区域,尤其在对方火力充足的情况下。
Based on map and game status, some classes can provide unique benefits over Scout sufficient to make a class change worthwhile. Utility classes other than Scout are oftentimes chosen based on the skills and preferences of the player, as very few situations occur wherein one specialist utility is clearly a better choice than all others.
All specialist utilities have the following drawbacks:
* Usually becomes suboptimal once the situation changes.
* 通常在局势变化后就不再优势。
* Cannot get to mid as fast as Scout.
* 不能像侦察兵一样快速抵达战场。
* Cannot cap as fast as Scout.
* 不能像侦察兵一样快速占点
* Causes the other Scout to lose his partner, giving him less survivability and flanking options.
* 使队伍中的另一个侦察兵玩家失去援助,增加其生存和偷袭压力。
{{main|Pyro (competitive)}}
{{main|Pyro (competitive)|l1=火焰兵(竞技)}}
The Pyro has a very specialized form of damage application and so is generally reserved for very specific competitive situations. His ability to ambush groups and cause them to become dispersed and uncoordinated is generally reserved for defense, especially on final points to counter enemy ÜberCharges.
* Can provide pressure and distraction with ambush flames if in a good position.
* 可以利用火焰和奇袭使增加对方压力并使其分心,前提是有个良好的偷袭位置。
* Can airblast people off of control points and/or high ground.
* 可以将在高地/控制点上的玩家用压缩空气吹下去。
* Can use airblast to give his team an advantage in spam.
* 可以利用压缩空气让队友在范围性打击内获得一定优势。
* Can reflect critical explosives back against the enemy team.
* 可以将一些至关重要的火箭和榴弹吹回敌方处。
* Deals very little damage if enemies intercept him before he reaches close range.
* 如果敌方在火焰兵进入攻击范围前预料到火焰兵的存在那么火焰兵的输出能力将大打折扣。
* Has a poor approach when encountering enemies head-on.
* 正面应对敌人时没什么好办法反击。
* Cannot airblast projectiles as fast as enemies can fire them.
* 吹投掷物的速度低于敌人开火速度。
{{main|Heavy (competitive)}}
{{main|Heavy (competitive)|l1=机枪手(竞技)}}
A Heavy is used most commonly to defend a final capture point, especially if he has team mates that are dead or respawning. He is ideal when mobility is not a priority and the team needs firepower to hold an area.
* Can act as an emergency [[Combo (competitive)|pocket]] if both soldiers are dead or out of reach.
* 可以作为应急[[Combo (competitive)/zh-hans|组合目标]],前提是队伍内的士兵死亡了或距离过远。
* Is very good at taking out enemy Scouts.
* 非常克制侦察兵
* Makes an ideal defensive [[ÜberCharge]] target because his ammo type and hit points alleviate the need to reload or go for cover as the Über is ending.
* 是一个很好的防守性[[ÜberCharge/zh-hans|超能冲锋]]目标,其独特的武器使其几乎没有换弹和弹药压力,因此无需考虑在超能冲锋结束时寻找掩体。
* Can defend a point with little support firepower.
* 可以几乎单枪匹马防守一个控制点。
* Can physically stand on a point to block capture for a relatively long time.
* 可以通过直接站到点上阻止占点,且还有很强的持续能力。
* Can [[knock back]] [[rocket jump]]ing Soldiers away from the point.
* 可以[[knock back/zh-hans|击退]]尝试[[rocket jump/zh-hans|火箭跳]]到控制点的士兵。
* Is generally ineffective at long and mid range.
* 在远距离时不是很有作用。
* Has an extremely slow travel time.
* 极慢的移动速度。
* Has a huge cost to speed if spun up, thus takes speed at the cost of effectiveness.
* 在机枪转动时有很大的移动速度减益,而速度通常与效率挂钩。
* Falls easily to Snipers, Spies, focused fire and [[Kritzkrieg|critical]] attacks.
* 很容易死在狙击手,间谍,集火和[[Kritzkrieg/zh-hans|爆击]]下。
{{main|Engineer (competitive)}}
{{main|Engineer (competitive)|l1=工程师(竞技)}}
An Engineer is a common choice when a team needs to defend a point and has some time to set up. His Sentry Gun takes no extra damage from critical explosives, and has very fast reaction times, allowing it to deal with Soldiers or Scouts. His Teleporters effectively reduce respawn times, which is key on large maps. An Engineer is a common choice on Payload maps.
* Has the strongest Scout area denial when his level 3 Sentry Gun is up.
* 如果成功布置一个三级步哨将有着最强的区域性反侦察兵能力。
* Can knock back rocket jumping Soldiers without putting himself at risk.
* 可以不用付出生命作为代价就击退正在火箭跳的士兵。
* Can provide health and ammo to his team in areas where pickups are rare (most final points).
* 可以在地图物品很少的区域为队友提供弹药和生命值(尤其是在最终控制点)。
* Takes no bonus damage from critical hits.
* 步哨枪不受爆击伤害加成影响,不会轻易被破坏。
* Requires extensive preparation time.
* 需要一定时间准备。
* Can be overwhelmed by a Demoman quickly.
* 可以被爆破手快速推翻。
* Cannot deal strong damage by himself.
* 本身的输出能力有限。
* Is vulnerable to Spies.
* 被间谍克制。
{{main|Sniper (competitive)}}
{{main|Sniper (competitive)|l1=狙击手(竞技)}}
A Sniper is the most common situational utility. He can be effective even if opponents are aware of him. He is an ideal choice when enemies are forced into open spaces, like most yards and the final points of maps like [[Granary (competitive)|Granary]] and [[Yukon (competitive)|Yukon]].
狙击手是最常见的专精职业。其可怕的能力在敌方注意其存在后也能发挥作用。狙击手在敌方只能在开阔区域作战时很有用,比如说[[Granary (competitive)/zh-hans|Granary]][[Yukon (competitive)/zh-hans|Yukon]]的最终控制点区域。
* Can provide area denial/support.
* 可以提供大范围打击/援助。
* Can contribute immediately upon gaining vision of enemies.
* 可以在有敌方视野时就获得输出能力。
* Rarely has to sacrifice himself when going for picks.
* 在摘人时很少需要一命换一命。
* Can instantly kill most classes with a quick headshot or a charged bodyshot.
* 可以一发爆头或一发满蓄力体狙秒杀大部分职业。
* Suffers somewhat long transit times wherein he risks being ambushed.
* 狙击枪充能需要时间,使其比较容易被偷袭。
* Has poor deathmatch.
* 单挑能力很低。
* Has trouble dealing with enemies coming from multiple directions/routes.
* 很难应对来自四面八方的敌人。
* Is not very helpful for capturing points, especially back-caps.
* 在占点上很没用,尤其是在偷点上。
{{main|Spy (competitive)}}
{{main|Spy (competitive)|l1=间谍(竞技)}}
A Spy is the most helpful for breaking stalemates, particularly during a final point standstill. Of all of the classes, he is the most handicapped when expected or spotted before striking. Because of this, Spies are generally used sparingly, oftentimes to sacrifice themselves to kill the enemy Medic in areas where a Sniper can't get a clear shot. He is considered unfavorable when immediate efficacy and combat potential are high priorities.
* Can get picks with little or no support.
* 可以单枪匹马摘掉敌方单位。
* Can reach targets that are behind cover.
* 可以偷袭到防线后方的目标。
* Can take out targets even when all flank routes are guarded.
* 可以在敌方封死侧路时偷袭特定目标。
* Is good for final point back-caps.
* 适合偷点。
* Can provide focused cleanup by watching enemy hit points and making use of his revolvers.
* 可以在注意走位和高效利用左轮的情况下补掉一些敌人。
* Provides [[Spy weapons (competitive)#Sapper|Sapper]] support when team mates are pushing into a Sentry nest.
* 可以用[[Spy weapons (competitive)/zh-hans#Sapper|电子工兵]]帮助队伍推翻一个步哨基地。
* Can use the [[Spy weapons (competitive)#Dead Ringer|Dead Ringer]] for various support roles, such as absorbing critical hits or blocking chokes.
* 可以利用[[Spy weapons (competitive)/zh-hans#Dead Ringer|死亡之铃]]辅助队伍,比如说用死亡之铃阻挡一些爆击伤害或者堵住一些咽喉点位。
* Has poor deathmatch against opponents with high health.
* 对高生命值敌人有很差的1v1能力。
* Takes a long time to set up picks that are usually far from guaranteed.
* 需要一定时间准备来摘人,且成功率和回报率很低。
* Is very likely to die once he is spotted or gets a pick.
* 在成功摘人或被发现后很难活过10秒钟。
* Spy checking is very common, making Spy play harder.
* 在敌方知晓间谍的存在后会增加间谍检查的次数,使间谍更难发挥作用。

Latest revision as of 12:33, 21 November 2023





主条目: 侦察兵(竞技)


  • 一般情况下可快速抵达中场
  • 可快速占领控制点。
  • 可快速在区域之间移动,可利用二段跳越过一些障碍,使其有快速偷袭的能力。
  • 在近距离时有较强的1v1能力,在中远距离时有较强的生存能力,且两种情况对生命值的依赖性较低。
  • 有较高的伤害输出能力且有多种输出方式,使其在摘人和追击方面较强势。
  • 在远距离时不是很有作用。
  • 对范围性打击的帮助甚少。
  • 在没有侧路供偷袭时很难突破敌方防线。
  • 通常不能坚守一个小型区域,尤其在对方火力充足的情况下。




  • 通常在局势变化后就不再优势。
  • 不能像侦察兵一样快速抵达战场。
  • 不能像侦察兵一样快速占点
  • 使队伍中的另一个侦察兵玩家失去援助,增加其生存和偷袭压力。


主条目: 火焰兵(竞技)


  • 可以利用火焰和奇袭使增加对方压力并使其分心,前提是有个良好的偷袭位置。
  • 可以将在高地/控制点上的玩家用压缩空气吹下去。
  • 可以利用压缩空气让队友在范围性打击内获得一定优势。
  • 可以将一些至关重要的火箭和榴弹吹回敌方处。
  • 如果敌方在火焰兵进入攻击范围前预料到火焰兵的存在那么火焰兵的输出能力将大打折扣。
  • 正面应对敌人时没什么好办法反击。
  • 吹投掷物的速度低于敌人开火速度。


主条目: 机枪手(竞技)


  • 可以作为应急组合目标,前提是队伍内的士兵死亡了或距离过远。
  • 非常克制侦察兵
  • 是一个很好的防守性超能冲锋目标,其独特的武器使其几乎没有换弹和弹药压力,因此无需考虑在超能冲锋结束时寻找掩体。
  • 可以几乎单枪匹马防守一个控制点。
  • 可以通过直接站到点上阻止占点,且还有很强的持续能力。
  • 可以击退尝试火箭跳到控制点的士兵。
  • 在远距离时不是很有作用。
  • 极慢的移动速度。
  • 在机枪转动时有很大的移动速度减益,而速度通常与效率挂钩。
  • 很容易死在狙击手,间谍,集火和爆击下。


主条目: 工程师(竞技)


  • 如果成功布置一个三级步哨将有着最强的区域性反侦察兵能力。
  • 可以不用付出生命作为代价就击退正在火箭跳的士兵。
  • 可以在地图物品很少的区域为队友提供弹药和生命值(尤其是在最终控制点)。
  • 步哨枪不受爆击伤害加成影响,不会轻易被破坏。
  • 需要一定时间准备。
  • 可以被爆破手快速推翻。
  • 本身的输出能力有限。
  • 被间谍克制。


主条目: 狙击手(竞技)


  • 可以提供大范围打击/援助。
  • 可以在有敌方视野时就获得输出能力。
  • 在摘人时很少需要一命换一命。
  • 可以一发爆头或一发满蓄力体狙秒杀大部分职业。
  • 狙击枪充能需要时间,使其比较容易被偷袭。
  • 单挑能力很低。
  • 很难应对来自四面八方的敌人。
  • 在占点上很没用,尤其是在偷点上。


主条目: 间谍(竞技)


  • 可以单枪匹马摘掉敌方单位。
  • 可以偷袭到防线后方的目标。
  • 可以在敌方封死侧路时偷袭特定目标。
  • 适合偷点。
  • 可以在注意走位和高效利用左轮的情况下补掉一些敌人。
  • 可以用电子工兵帮助队伍推翻一个步哨基地。
  • 可以利用死亡之铃辅助队伍,比如说用死亡之铃阻挡一些爆击伤害或者堵住一些咽喉点位。
  • 对高生命值敌人有很差的1v1能力。
  • 需要一定时间准备来摘人,且成功率和回报率很低。
  • 在成功摘人或被发现后很难活过10秒钟。
  • 在敌方知晓间谍的存在后会增加间谍检查的次数,使间谍更难发挥作用。