Difference between revisions of "Operation Galvanized Gauntlet/zh-hans"

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m ({{common strings|Painted variants}})
m ({{common strings|External links}})
(3 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 112: Line 112:
== {{common strings|Styles}} ==
== {{common strings|Styles}} ==
{{Main|Styles{{if lang}}|l1={{common string|Styles}}}}
| title = Operation Galvanized Gauntlet - Styles
| title = Operation Galvanized Gauntlet - Styles
Line 120: Line 121:
| content1 = <nowiki></nowiki>
| content1 = <nowiki></nowiki>
{{Styles table
{{Styles table
| hatnotes = yes
| image1 = Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023 UNPAINTED.png
| image1 = Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023 UNPAINTED.png
| image2 = Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
| image2 = Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
Line 127: Line 129:
| content2 = <nowiki></nowiki>
| content2 = <nowiki></nowiki>
{{Styles table
{{Styles table
| hatnotes = yes
| image1 = Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023 UNPAINTED.png
| image1 = Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023 UNPAINTED.png
| image2 = Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
| image2 = Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
Line 134: Line 137:
| content3 = <nowiki></nowiki>
| content3 = <nowiki></nowiki>
{{Styles table
{{Styles table
| hatnotes = yes
| image1 = RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023.png
| image1 = RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023.png
| image2 = RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023 Gem Only.png
| image2 = RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023 Gem Only.png
Line 147: Line 151:
== {{common strings|External links}} ==
== {{common strings|External links}} ==
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=209202 TF2官方博客上的通告]{{lang icon|en}}
* [https://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=209202 TF2官方博客上的通告]{{lang icon|en}}
* [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/440/view/3650785607774334362 Official Steam上关于“{{common strings|Operation Galvanized Gauntlet}}(Operation Galvanized Gauntlet)”的活动通知]{{lang icon|en}}
* [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/440/view/3650785607774334362 Steam官方上关于“{{common strings|Operation Galvanized Gauntlet}}(Operation Galvanized Gauntlet)”的活动通知]{{lang icon|en}}
{{Community Mann vs. Machine Operations Nav}}
{{Community Mann vs. Machine Operations Nav}}
{{Community Medal Nav}}
{{Community Events Nav|state=uncollapsed}}
{{Community Events Nav|state=uncollapsed}}

Latest revision as of 02:36, 7 January 2024

镀锌手套行动 宣传语

镀锌手套行动(Operation Galvanized Gauntlet)是一个由Potato's Custom MvM Servers组织与策划的曼恩 vs. 机器慈善活动。该活动于2023年9月4日开启公共测试,于9月12日全面开放游玩,并于2023年10月10日结束。







地图 任务 回合 任务作者
Akure Bronze and Bristle 8 Ultimaximus
Literally A Moth
Nox Enraged Emerald 7 dareaperofsouls
Shiverpeak Perfect Freeze 5 Retrowave
Skangus Operation Paiks 6 Maselia

地图 任务 回合 任务作者
Akure Gold and Grit 8 Ultimaximus
Literally A Moth
Bronx Point Of Impact 5 DaMno
Casino City Gamblers Paradise Tycoon 7 washy
Coastrock Inclusion Exclusion owo Inky
Frostwynd Medieval Madness 4 Retrowave
Skin King
Sergeant Table
PDA Expert
『Yuugi Hoshiguma』
Goldpit Race Condition 6 Crilly
Hoovydam Hydro Horsepower 5 bye
Humbridge Hampton Helix 6 Sntr
Jungleworks Euterpeprecatoriaffray 8 Cassandra
Lotus LED-Motif 6 Sntr
Nox Sapphire Tin Can dareaperofsouls
Oilrig Waters of Wrath 8 Athazar
Quetzal Aztec Aeriality 5 Pealover
Powerplant Three Leaf Takeover
Rottenburg Marathon ihaz
Sergeant Table
Munich Mugging 7 lesbians #savezundamon
Saxford Streetway Sections Andrew Xtreme
Sergeant Table
Shiverpeak Bytes And Blizzards 4 ♓Seelpit♓
Skangus Metal Scorn 6 StardustSpy
Steep Claire De L'aube Cassandra
Drill Down Disaster Sergeant Table
Tensai Drastic Dismantling botrot
Waterlogged Cryodoom 5 Mudun
Whitecliff Dover 2 7 Bazooks
Yiresa Omega Machine 6 washy

地图 任务 回合 任务作者
Akure Diamond and Dross 8 Ultimaximus
Literally A Moth
Calico Emerging Errors 5 Crilly
Cyberia Cascading Steel Swarm Cassandra
Doppler Object Oriented Obliteration 7
Humbridge Misanthrope 6 『Yuugi Hoshiguma』
Nox Rubious Ruby's Rampage 5 dareaperofsouls
Quetzal Banana Barricade 4 Andrew Xtreme
Sergeant Table
Sharp Gilead Gehenom 5 BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini
Spybase Waters of a Robot Regime 6 Sergeant Table


红队 蓝队
Opulent Ornament - Normal
RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023.png BLU Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023.png
Opulent Ornament - Gem Only
RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023 Gem Only.png BLU Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023 Gem Only.png

玩家在镀锌手套行动中共可获得4枚奖牌,其中一个可以通过完成旅程来获取,而其它三个奖牌则需要通过向慈善组织Direct Relief(英语)捐款来获得,所有捐款都将用于资助2023年夏威夷山火的相关支援性工作。 当玩家完成任意12个任务后即可获得Soldier Spoils玩家徽章。

除此之外,玩家可以通过捐款(英语)或者是游戏内物品(英语)以获得捐赠者徽章。捐赠金额不少于5美元的玩家将获得Shimmering Souvenir捐赠者徽章,捐赠金额不少于15美元的玩家将额外获得Bejeweled Bounty捐赠者徽章,而捐赠金额不少于25美元的玩家将获得所有的捐赠者勋章。

任何对该活动有实质性贡献的内容创作者可获得Potato of Labor徽章。

Soldiers Spoils玩家徽章重新利用了来自水壶争夺战行动的Iron Recall徽章的模型。而Shimmering Souvenir、Bejeweled Bounty和Opulent Ornament这三个捐赠者徽章分别重新利用了来自狂人大战机器行动的Royal Rhodonite、Grandiose Garnet、和Pinnacle of Ingenuity捐赠者徽章的模型。

四枚徽章中的三个奖牌的初始颜色并不能通过染色得到。Shimmering Souvenir徽章为亮黄色;Bejeweled Bounty徽章为翠绿色;Opulent Ornament徽章的颜色随着佩戴者的所在队伍而改变:蓝队时徽章变为牛仔蓝色,而在红队时徽章变为稍浅一点的深粉色;Soldiers Spoils玩家徽章在初始掉落时的颜色为曼恩公司薄荷色。


玩家徽章是由ColtehRevSwordstoneWaveNukekratos Benoist3012PelipoikasigsegvHyperionHydrogen sedisocksSntrNeoDementStar BrightInterrobang 投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。

捐赠者徽章是由NeoDement Sntr Erikku sigsegv , Jakapoa Pelipoika Interrobang Rev Benoist3012 kratos Nuke Hydrogen Hyperion Pineapple Medals Bot DaanBox Swordstone 投稿至Steam创意工坊的作品。

Paint Splat BCDDB3.png
Backpack Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Soldiers Spoils 2023.png

纯正 Galvanized Gauntlet Soldiers Spoils 2023
等级 1 社区勋章
This medal isn't just a symbol of duty and honor - it's also a sign of your skills on the battlefield. Wear it as a reminder of the seemingly endless army of robots you've defeated. Awarded to the players of Potato MvM's Galvanized Gauntlet event!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat E6C200.png
Backpack Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023.png

纯正 Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023
等级 1 社区勋章
Imbued with the power of the elements, this gem is said to grant its wearer unparalleled strength. In reality, it's just a really shiny rock that looks cool on your chest. But hey, at least it'll make you feel like a hero! Awarded to donors of Potato MvM's Galvanized Gauntlet event!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat 6B000.png
Backpack Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023.png

纯正 Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023
等级 1 社区勋章
Retrieved from an undisclosed mine in the heart of Australia, perfectly shaped and potentially radioactive. We're just gonna assume it's safe to wear on your chest. Awarded to donors of Potato MvM's Galvanized Gauntlet event!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat E52A6F-3349.png
Backpack Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023.png

纯正 Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023
等级 1 社区勋章
Some may tell us to put this gem in a museum, where its natural beauty can be admired by anyone. To hell with that! Your generosity and philanthropic ways are unmatched. Awarded to the highest tier donors of Potato MvM's Galvanized Gauntlet event!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )


主条目: 油漆桶
[hide]Operation Galvanized Gauntlet
  • Soldiers Spoils
  • Shimmering Souvenir - 普通
  • Shimmering Souvenir - 仅宝石
  • Bejeweled Bounty - 普通
  • Bejeweled Bounty - 仅宝石
  • Opulent Ornament - 普通
  • Opulent Ornament - 仅宝石
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 E6E6E6.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 D8BED8.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 C5AF91.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 7E7E7E.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 141414.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 2D2D24.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 694D3A.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 7C6C57.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 A57545.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 CF7336.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 E7B53B.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 F0E68C.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 E9967A.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 FF69B4.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 7D4071.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 51384A.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 2F4F4F.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 424F3B.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 808000.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 729E42.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 32CD32.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 BCDDB3.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 A89A8C.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 839FA3.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 3B1F23.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 18233D.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 B8383B.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 5885A2.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 483838.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 384248.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 803020.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 256D8D.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 654740.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 28394D.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 C36C2D.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 B88035.png Painted Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018 BCDDB3.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E6E6E6.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 D8BED8.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 C5AF91.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7E7E7E.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 141414.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 2D2D24.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 694D3A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7C6C57.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 A57545.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 CF7336.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E7B53B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 F0E68C.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E9967A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 FF69B4.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7D4071.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 51384A.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 2F4F4F.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 424F3B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 808000.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 729E42.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 32CD32.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 BCDDB3.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 A89A8C.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 839FA3.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 3B1F23.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 18233D.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 B8383B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 5885A2.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 483838.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 384248.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 803020.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 256D8D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 654740.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 28394D.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 C36C2D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 B88035.png Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023 UNPAINTED.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E6E6E6 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 D8BED8 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 C5AF91 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7E7E7E Gem Only.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 141414 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 2D2D24 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 694D3A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7C6C57 Gem Only.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 A57545 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 CF7336 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E7B53B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 F0E68C Gem Only.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 E9967A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 FF69B4 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 7D4071 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 51384A Gem Only.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 2F4F4F Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 424F3B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 808000 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 729E42 Gem Only.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 32CD32 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 BCDDB3 Gem Only.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 A89A8C Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 839FA3 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 3B1F23 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 18233D Gem Only.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 B8383B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 5885A2 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 483838 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 384248 Gem Only.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 803020 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 256D8D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 654740 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 28394D Gem Only.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 C36C2D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019 B88035 Gem Only.png Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E6E6E6.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 D8BED8.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 C5AF91.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7E7E7E.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 141414.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 2D2D24.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 694D3A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7C6C57.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 A57545.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 CF7336.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E7B53B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 F0E68C.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E9967A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 FF69B4.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7D4071.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 51384A.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 2F4F4F.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 424F3B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 808000.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 729E42.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 32CD32.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 BCDDB3.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 A89A8C.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 839FA3.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 3B1F23.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 18233D.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 B8383B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 5885A2.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 483838.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 384248.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 803020.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 256D8D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 654740.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 28394D.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 C36C2D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 B88035.png Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023 UNPAINTED.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E6E6E6 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 D8BED8 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 C5AF91 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7E7E7E Gem Only.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 141414 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 2D2D24 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 694D3A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7C6C57 Gem Only.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 A57545 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 CF7336 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E7B53B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 F0E68C Gem Only.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 E9967A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 FF69B4 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 7D4071 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 51384A Gem Only.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 2F4F4F Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 424F3B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 808000 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 729E42 Gem Only.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 32CD32 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 BCDDB3 Gem Only.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 A89A8C Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 839FA3 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 3B1F23 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 18233D Gem Only.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 B8383B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 5885A2 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 483838 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 384248 Gem Only.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 803020 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 256D8D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 654740 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 28394D Gem Only.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 C36C2D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 2019 B88035 Gem Only.png Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 E6E6E6.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 D8BED8.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 C5AF91.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 7E7E7E.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 141414.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 2D2D24.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 694D3A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 7C6C57.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 A57545.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 CF7336.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 E7B53B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 F0E68C.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 E9967A.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 FF69B4.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 7D4071.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 51384A.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 2F4F4F.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 424F3B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 808000.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 729E42.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 32CD32.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 BCDDB3.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 A89A8C.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 839FA3.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 3B1F23.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 18233D.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 B8383B.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 5885A2.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 483838.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 384248.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 803020.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 256D8D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 654740.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 28394D.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 C36C2D.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 B88035.png RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023.png BLU Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色(红队) 未被染色(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 E6E6E6 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 D8BED8 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 C5AF91 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 7E7E7E Gem Only.png
独特满桶白 颜色编号 216-190-216 沉闷乏味赭 老年胡须灰
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 141414 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 2D2D24 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 694D3A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 7C6C57 Gem Only.png
特别无色黑 晚八点 褐色 老式乡村啡色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 A57545 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 CF7336 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 E7B53B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 F0E68C Gem Only.png
肌肉男的肤色 曼恩企业橙 澳元素金 绅士商务裤的颜色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 E9967A Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 FF69B4 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 7D4071 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 51384A Gem Only.png
不公正的深橙红 闪亮的粉红色 誓约之紫 贵族帽商紫色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 2F4F4F Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 424F3B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 808000 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 729E42 Gem Only.png
石板似的颜色 贪欲黑暗绿色 平淡榄色 不容置疑的绿色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 32CD32 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 BCDDB3 Gem Only.png
苦涩的青柠绿 曼恩公司薄荷色
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 A89A8C Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 839FA3 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 3B1F23 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 18233D Gem Only.png
浸满水的实验工作服(红队) 浸满水的实验工作服(蓝队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(红队) 不朽的巴拉克拉瓦(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 B8383B Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 5885A2 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 483838 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 384248 Gem Only.png
团队精神(红队) 团队精神(蓝队) 技工的工作服(红队) 技工的工作服(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 803020 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 256D8D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 654740 Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 28394D Gem Only.png
团队之力(红队) 团队之力(蓝队) 优雅的姿态(红队) 优雅的姿态(蓝队)
Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 C36C2D Gem Only.png Painted Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuity 2019 B88035 Gem Only.png RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023 Gem Only.png BLU Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023 Gem Only.png
奶油精神(红队) 奶油精神(蓝队) 未被染色(红队) 未被染色(蓝队)


主条目: 式样
[hide]Operation Galvanized Gauntlet - Styles
  • Shimmering Souvenir
  • Bejeweled Bounty
  • Opulent Ornament
Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023 UNPAINTED.png
Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering Souvenir 2023 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
普通 仅宝石
Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023 UNPAINTED.png
Painted Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled Bounty 2023 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
普通 仅宝石
RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023.png
RED Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Ornament 2023 Gem Only.png
普通 仅宝石



  • [未记载] 镀锌手套行动奖牌被添加至游戏中。
