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瑞雪纷飞,空气中弥漫着节日气息。为了欢庆节日Gray Gravel Co.推出了新的机器人大军。它们比以前更精简,凶残而且还可能更机械化了。抓紧了!因为这场派对将会是爆炸性的!
Operation Firmware Frenzy宣传语

固件狂热行动(Operation Firmware Frenzy)是一场由Moonlight MvM组织,Pineapple.TF主持的曼恩 vs. 机器慈善活动。本活动于2023年11月19号公测,11月22号正式开启,并预计于2024年1月2号结束。


2023年11月19日,固件狂热行动正式开启公测。本次活动共有8个地图(包括官方地图Coal Town)和9个任务。许多以前社区活动的地图也回归本次活动,同时也新添了很多社区制作的地图,其中包括 Hurricane 和 Greekrock 一张Bigrock的古希腊风翻版。

该活动引入了新的难度等级“大师难度”,配备有更难打败的敌人和额外的规则。 活动于11月22号正式开启。



地图 任务 回合 任务作者
Cliffside Nemesis 7 Package O' Lies
Greekrock Broken Bones 5 Skin King
Hurricane Purple Rain 1 Package O' Lies
Oilrig Oilpocalypse PDA Expert

地图 任务 回合 任务作者
Coal Town Catastrophic Course 6 Floro
Greekrock Primeval Upheaval 7 Yoovy
Isolation Depression 5 PDA Expert
Shiverpeak Shattered Star 6 CreatorForce

地图 任务 回合 任务作者
Coastrock Coastal Cashout 7 >sleepless


玩家在固件狂热行动中共可获得5枚奖牌,其中一个可以通过完成旅程来获取,而其它四个奖牌则需要通过向慈善组织The American Heart Association(英语)捐款来获得。 当玩家完成任意4个任务后即可获得公司之星玩家徽章。

除此之外,玩家可以通过捐款(英语)或者是游戏内物品(英语)以获得捐赠者徽章。捐赠金额不少于6美元的玩家将获得Purehearted Purple捐赠者徽章,捐赠金额不少于12美元的玩家将额外获得Bountiful Benevolence和之前的捐赠者徽章,而捐赠金额不少于18美元的玩家将获得Giver in Gold和之前全部的捐赠者勋章。,最终捐赠金额不少于24美元的玩家将获得Supercritical Selflessness和之前全部的捐赠者勋章。

任何对该活动有实质性贡献的内容创作者可获得Supreme Strategist's Sigil of Status徽章。

公司之星玩家徽章重新利用了来自狂人大战机器行动的Pinnacle of Ingenuity徽章的模型。而捐赠者徽章分别重新利用了来自水壶争夺战行动的Rust Starter、Bronze Ammo、Gold Uber和Platinum Crit捐赠者徽章的模型。

每枚徽章的初始颜色并不能通过染色得到。Star of the Company徽章为亮绿色;Purehearted Purple徽章为亮紫色;Bountiful Benevolence徽章为深蓝色;Giver in Gold徽章为深度饱和的金色;Supercritical Selflessness为宝石般的翠绿色。

Star of the Company徽章有两种式样:“普通”与“仅宝石”。式样“仅宝石”会隐去其边缘的金属边框。

玩家徽章是由NeoDement Sntr Erikku sigsegv Jakapoa Pelipoika Interrobang Rev Benoist3012 kratos Nuke , Hydrogen Hyperion Pineapple Medals Bot DaanBox 、和Swordstone 投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。

捐赠者徽章是由ColtehRevSwordstoneWaveNukekratos Benoist3012PelipoikasigsegvHyperionHydrogen sedisocksSntrNeoDementStar Bright, 、和Interrobang 投稿于Steam创意工坊的作品。

Paint Splat 40FF9C.png
Backpack Operation Firmware Frenzy Star of the Company 2023.png

纯正 Firmware Frenzy Star of the Company 2023
等级 1 社区勋章
The star shines brighter as your hopes wither. Its gentle sound shall grant you immeasurable strength against the remaining waves of machines. You shall return an eternal star. Awarded to players of Moonlight MvM's November 2023 charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat F596FF.png
Backpack Operation Firmware Frenzy Purehearted Purple 2023.png

纯正 Firmware Frenzy Purehearted Purple 2023
等级 1 社区勋章
The color purple is often associated with wealth and royalty. You can now feel wealthy too with this purple hunk of scrap pinned to your chest. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's November 2023 charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat 43C6FF.png
Backpack Operation Firmware Frenzy Bountiful Benevolence 2023.png

纯正 Firmware Frenzy Bountiful Benevolence 2023
等级 1 社区勋章
Having a reward for donating to a good cause has always been a strange case. On one hand, you're being incentivized to give to a charitable cause for a reward. On the other hand, those in need aren't complaining! Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's November 2023 charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat D27800.png
Backpack Operation Firmware Frenzy Giver in Gold 2023.png

纯正 Firmware Frenzy Giver in Gold 2023
等级 1 社区勋章
To have a heart of gold is to demonstrate immense compassion for others. You can now simulate that feeling with this special canteen that turns your heart into literal gold. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's November 2023 charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )

Paint Splat 64FF82.png
Backpack Operation Firmware Frenzy Supercritical Selflessness 2023.png

纯正 Firmware Frenzy Supercritical Selflessness 2023
等级 1 社区勋章
A canteen filled with an unusual green fluid. It's said to remember the body of the user, reversing any damage dealt and effectively granting invulnerability. Unfortunately, the cap seems to be welded shut. Awarded to donors of Moonlight MvM's November 2023 charity tour!

( 不可交易或在市场出售 )


主条目: 式样
[hide]固件狂热行动 - 样式
  • 公司之星
Painted Operation Firmware Frenzy Star of the Company 2023 UNPAINTED.png
Painted Operation Firmware Frenzy Star of the Company 2023 UNPAINTED Gem Only.png
普通 仅宝石


[hide]Operation Firmware Frenzy
  • Star of the Company
  • Purehearted Purple
  • Bountiful Benevolence
  • Giver in Gold
  • Supercritical Selflessness



  • [未记载] 固件狂热行动奖牌被添加至游戏中。
