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(Removed fact as it's a bit of a weird one to define. The Fists of Steel have 100% melee damage vulnerability and the Detonator has 50% more self-damage from explosions. It would have to be a very specific fact for it to work)
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==Facts suggestions==
*...that a [[Heavy]]'s [[Showdown]] taunt (code-wise) kills with a wide yet invisible bullet?
*...that if you shoot an enemy in the head with the [[sniper rifle]] while you are not scoped, it will not count as a [[headshot]] even if the enemy dies?
*...that the [[Sniper]]s parents live on Adelaide Street, Australia (Red House on the left)?
*...that despite breaking upon a backstab, the promotional image of the [[Razorback]] shows it with a [[knife]] embedded in it, and very much intact?
*...that [[Pipeline]] was the first official map to take place at night?
*...that [[Sawmill]] was the first official map to feature weather effects?
*...that the [[Sniper]]'s father is more than slightly disappointed he did not become a doctor?
*...that Abraham Lincoln ''loves'' [[Arena]] Mode?
*...that a [[BLU]] [[Spy]] periodically appeared behind the [[RED]] [[Sniper]] in the Day 3 post of the Sniper Update before the Spy Update was ultimately revealed?
*...that in the [[Razorback]] update, the [[Dead Ringer]] can be seen in the 'dead' Spy's hand before it was officially announced?[http://www.teamfortress.com/spyupdate/day03_english.htm]
*...that the Spy ordered the [[Cloak and Dagger]] and [[Dead Ringer]] Spy Watches from the 'Dapper Rogue Catalogue for the Gentleman Scoundrel'?[http://www.teamfortress.com/spyupdate/english.htm]
*...that [[Sawmill]] is built on top of an abandoned [[Spytech]] base?
*...that the [[Spy]] can change his skeleton in an excruciatingly painful but worthwhile fashion using his Crab-Walking Kit?
*...that the background in the [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] page for the Scout Update revealed the [[Payload Race]] match mode before it was announced on Day 2 of the Sniper/Spy Update?
*...that on 17th May 2009, [[Meet the Spy]] was leaked onto Youtube?
*...that at the end of [[Meet the Spy]] he stabs the [[Heavy]] and [[Soldier]] to the tune of the ending flourish?
*...that in [[Meet the Spy]], the first [[hats]] for the Heavy and Sniper could be seen before they were officially revealed?
*...that the [[RED]] [[Spy]] is in a relationship with the [[BLU]] [[Scout's mother]]?
*...that [[Meet the Spy]] is the first [[Meet the Team]] video to have someone killed by their own teammate?
*...that the bore of the [[Ambassador]] has been estimated to be around [http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v401/aboojumsnark/ambassadorcaliber.jpg .88 cal?]
*...that in [[Meet the Spy]], when the [[Scout]] is flipping the [[RED]] [[Spy]]'s [[butterfly knife]], the blade hits his knuckles, although he sucks his thumb?
*...that despite having eight children, the [[Scout's mom]] somehow managed to keep her figure?
*...that by crouch jumping with the [[Scout]] you can jump on the torches in [[Egypt]]'s spawn and take damage?
*...that the [[Spy]] achievement 'Skullpluggery' and the [[Sniper]] achievement 'Self-destruct Sequence' are the first 2 achievements to have the same image?
*...that if you join [[Saxton Hale]]'s [[Jarate]] course, you also get an outline course for Drunken Boxing, Drunken Headbutting, Drunken Cry-Fighting, Drunken Apology-Making and Shaolin Drunken Knife Wrestling?
*...that [[Saxton Hale]]'s [[Jarate]] pills triple the size of your kidneys, and as a side-effect causes your organs to shut down?
*...that in the last three panels of the [[Jarate]] advert comic,  the [[Sniper]]'s hat is worn backward?
*...that the appearance of the most common [[Saxton Hale]] image and the [[Media:07_comic_large.jpg|comic in which the Sniper becomes a Jarate master]] are based on on old advertisement[http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/4156/sniperreference.jpg] endorsed by bodybuilder [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Atlas Charles Atlas]?
*...that an image of the [[Scout's mother]] is engraved on the [[Ambassador]]?
*...that the [[Medic]] was the only [[class]] not to recieve a [[taunt attack]] in his own update?
*...that some of the BLU emergency panels shown in [[Meet the Spy]] include: Depressed, Is Drunk, Lost Dracula, Is A Man, Is A Women, On Toilet, Opened Briefcase, On Break, Found Dracula, Mangled, Needs Roommate, Needs A Ride, Stole Car, Has Evil Twin, Leaked Video and Hungry?
*...that in [[Meet the Spy]], the [[BLU]] [[Sniper]] holds the [[sniper rifle]] left-handed?
*...that the [[Scout]] wears a left-handed [[batter's helmet]], despite the fact he is a right-handed batter?
*...that due to connection problems, a server can end up having low gravity, mixed-up animations or different weapons for different classes as well as mismatched textures?
*...that a [[Pyro]]s [[compression blast]] can help other [[class]]es get to places that are typically unreachable, (though the Pyro has to be on the opposing team to the recipient)?
*...that it is possible to kill a player on the winning side during [[humiliation]]?
*...that the [[Sniper]] is the first [[class]] to recieve two unlockables for the same weapon slot, as both the [[Razorback]] and [[Jarate]] are secondary weapons?
*...that even though the [[Razorback]] is said to have a car battery taped to the back, it is actually taped to the front?
*...that if a [[Medic]] is killed before activating a fully charged [[Kritzkrieg]], the Medic will be briefly surrounded with electricity?
*...that the hieroglyphs in [[Egypt]] include the [[Heavy]] with his minigun, the [[Spy]] backstabbing someone, a level 1 [[Sentry]], a [[Sapper]], and the [[Backstab]] symbol?
*...that a [[Pyro]] can set [[Huntsman]] arrows on [[fire]], adding an [[afterburn]] effect to the shot (with this also producing a different kill icon)?
*...that the security camera at the front of [[BLU]]'s 2Fort base is actually [[RED]]?
*...that a [[Pyro]]'s airblast can reflect enemy [[Jarate]] and [[Huntsman]] arrows?
*...that the [[Ambassador]] originally couldn't destroy [[Engineer]] buildings or [[Demoman]] sticky bombs?
*...that the [[Ambassador]] originally only did Mini-Crit [[headshot]]s?
*...that in the [[Meet the Scout]] video, the [[Scout]] actually [[double jump]]s off the shipping container?
*...that the [[Soldier]] is known to post on the [[TF2 Official Blog]]?
*...that the [[Sniper]] and [[Spy]] are the only classes that don't say "Boo" when they jeer?
*...that there is a one in ten chance that when taunting with the [[Disguise kit]], the Spy will do a (Spy)crab impression?
*...that the [[RED]] [[Spy]] refers to the [[BLU]] [[Scout's mother]] affectionately as "Ma Petite Chou-fleur", or "My Little Cauliflower"?
*...that the [[Sniper]] was the first [[class]] to recieve a [[taunt]] kill with a [[primary]] [[weapon]]?
*...that all classes except the [[Scout]] and possibly the [[Pyro]] have either stubble or facial hair?
*...that [[Jarate]] can hit people on the other side of a starting gate?
*...that the [[Sniper]] originally fired his [[Huntsman]] in a right-handed manner?
*...that the [[Spy]] was the first class to be able to do 2 different [[taunts]] with the same weapon?
*...that the [[Pyro]] was the only class to receive a class update without receiving a new [[taunt]]?
*...that ever since the incident in [[Meet the Spy]], the [[Sniper]] now has a scar on his face that stretches from his ear to his nose?
*...that the [[Ambassador]] was originally able to shoot through multiple targets?
*...that cylinder does not rotate when a shot is fired with the [[Revolver]] or the [[Ambassador]]?
*...that the [[Engineer]] uses a monkey [[wrench]]?
*...that the theme song has exactly nine beats at the end, the same number as there are [[classes]]?
*...that after the [[Scout]] touches the camera lens in [[Meet the Scout]], he leaves a finger print that stays there the rest of the video?
*...the the [[Meet the Spy]] video is the only [[Meet the Team]] video to be released alongside its relevant class update?
*...that the [[Spy]] is currently the only class to hold a [[primary weapon]] with one hand?
*...that Mann Co. can be rearranged as 'Con Man'?
*...that [[2Fort]] takes place at 3:07 in the afternoon, as shown by the clock in the room at the top of the spiral staircase?
*...that the [[RED]] [[Spy]] never removes his mask, not even when making love?
*...that Valve has adopted a policy against using external programs to idle (with those who didn't before the 2nd September receiving the [[Cheater's lament]])?
*...that the [[Sniper]]'s voice actor, [[John Patrick Lowrie]], is married to [[Ellen McLain]], voice actress for the the [[Administrator]]?
*...the [[Scout]], the [[Sniper]] and the [[Spy]] are the only 3 classes that do not wear boots?
*...that the [[Medic]] and [[Demoman]] are the only classes without any weapons that fire bullets?
*...that in [[Meet the Spy]], the apparant [[Scout]] touches the [[intelligence]], though in-game this would cause him to lose his [[disguise]]?
*...that the [[Medic]] is the only class holding a secondary weapon on the class selection screen?
*...that the pressure tank on the [[Pyro]]'s back is for air rather than fuel, as the fuel for the [[flamethrower]] is contained in a large kerosene gas tank inside the flamethrower itself?
*...that the [[Soldier]] and the [[Pyro]] are the only 2 classes to die of environmental death in a [[Meet the Team]] video (as both are killed by a moving [[train]] in [[Meet the Scout]])?
*...that the [[sapper]] only has one wire when being held by the [[Spy]], but gains a second wire when attached to a building?
*...that the [[Razorback]] is the only weapon that is visible at all times when equipped?
*...the [[Spy]] is the only class in the character selecetion screen to hold a different weapon in his HUD image and his character select model, with his HUD appearance holding the [[Revolver]] and his model holding a [[knife]]?
*...the class icon for the [[Demoman]] in the character selection screen is left-handed?
*...that in [[Meet the Engineer]] the back of the truck behind the RED Engineer is filled with BLU [[Intelligence]] Cases?
*...the [[Media:Killicon arrow.png|taunt attack icon]] for the [[Huntsman]] depicts a gloved right hand, though the [[Sniper]] wears his glove on his left hand?
*...the [[Sniper]] only wears a left hand glove in the world view, but wears two in the player view?
*...the [[Scout]]'s "[[Media:Scout_award07.wav|No otha' class gonna do dat!]]" line is the one time a class has actually referred to themselves as a class?
*...that the [[Pyro]] and the [[Spy]] are both voiced by the same [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0060794/ voice actor]?
*...that in "Meet the Demoman" the RED team comes out of the Attacking spawn, and BLU comes out of the Defending spawn?
*...that [[Pipeline]] matches take place at 3:07 AM, a 12 hour difference to [[2fort]]'s match time (3:07 PM)?
*...that in [[Meet the Engineer]] the 'campfire' near the truck is actually a burning BLU [[Sniper]]'s corpse?
*...that the Soldier [http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3013 has] personally killed 6,078 men in cold blood while looking them in the eye; jumped on 1,455 live grenades; and stuffed fourteen feet of his own intestine back into his stomach?
*...that the Dead Ringer does not have an in-game world model?
*...that [[Saxton Hale]] single-handedly wiped out the deadly Indonesian Berzerker Shark?
== Facts suggestions ==
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* ...that on [[Slasher]], the words "RED SMELLS" followed by the addition of "GOOD" found in the RED outhouse is a reference to the [[w:SpongeBob SquarePants|''SpongeBob SquarePants'']] episode [https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Sailor_Mouth Sailor Mouth] where SpongeBob "finishes" someone's insulting graffiti on a dumpster by adding the word "good" to it in a similar fashion?
* ...that [[Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys]] are internally called "decoder rings"?
*...that the model for the [[Engineer]] has no eyeballs, as his goggles are actually part of his face (unlike the [[Demoman]]'s eyepatch)?
* ...that the [[Atomizer]]'s 15% damage penalty also affects its [[Grand Slam|kill taunt]]?
* ...that the {{Key|F1}} and {{Key|F3}} keys are bound by default to nonexistent commands, <code>+showroundinfo</code> and <code>show_matchmaking</code>, respectively?
*...that the [[Demoman]] is the only class with visible eyes that aren't blue?
* ...that the Scout's [[Peace Out]] taunt is a reference to the [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/grant-gustin-next-to-oliver-queens-grave Grant Gustin next to Oliver Queen's grave] meme?
* ...that the [[Dead Head]] was originally called The Skullcap, but was changed due to a conflict with the [[Skullcap]]?
*...that the [[Spy]] fights with his [[knife]] in his right hand, but fences with his left?
*...that if you reload the [[Revolver]] or the [[Ambassador]] and quickly pull out the [[Dead Ringer]], the [[Spy]] will appear to have three arms?
*...that reloading the [[Force-A-Nature]] after firing one shot will throw away the second round, effectively wasting it?
*...that the Dead Ringer image in the Gentleman Scoundrel Magazine had a button on the right side, while in-game the Dead Ringer has the button on the left side?
*...that the Demoman's mother, Mrs. DeGroot, was the first of the classes' parents to be seen talking during her appearance?
*...that in the world-view, the [[Sandman]]'s ball is invisible when idle?
*...that so far, the Scout Update and the WAR! Update are the only two Class Updates released without a Meet the Team video?
*...the [[Direct hit]] is the only weapon to have a brand name imprinted on it (the words MANN CO. appear on the scope)?
* ...that the PlayStation 3 version of [[Team Fortress 2]] was published by [[Electronic Arts]]?
* ...that ''[[The Naked and the Dead]]'' reveals Scout to be at least 26 years old?
*...that [[Saxton Hale]]'s chest and scalp hair disappear when he barrel rolls into his office in his comic?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/saxtonhale/03.htm]
* ...that the [[Demoman achievements|Demoman achievement]] "Operation High Dive" and the [[Soldier achievements|Soldier achievement]] "Project Excelsior" require 1644825.6 [[Hammer unit]]s which is 1827 times the length of the [[2Fort]] bridge?
* ...that you can deal over 7 quadrillion (15 zeros) damage to a single player with the [[Mantreads]] if you land on a tower of 31 Soldiers with the Mantreads equipped at maximum falling speed?
*...the [[Eyelander]] was first shown in the comic to have a gold hilt but this has not been seen in subsequent showings?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/demo/04.htm]
* ...that the [[Medic]] is called "Mr. Ludwig" instead of "Dr. Ludwig" by the [[Non-player characters#Devil|Devil]] due to Medic losing his medical license?
* ...that there is no Pyro class in ''[[Valve's Team Fortress]]''?
*...the title outside the [[Soldier]]'s residence states 'Mr. Jane Doe'. 'Jane Doe', however, is a term given to a female whose name is not known, generally in the military and during [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autopsy post-mortems]?
*...the strangling holes in the [[Soldier]]s door disappeared when he asked who was at the door in his comic? [http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/02.htm]
*...the [[Administrator]]'s chair changes shape between the last two pages of the [[Soldier]] comic?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/05.htm][http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/06.htm]
*...the [[Soldier]] was the first class to have 4 possible unlockable items: the [[Direct hit]], the [[Buff Banner]], the [[Equalizer]] and the [[Gunboats]]?
*...the [[Pyro]] is the only class that is able to taunt attack with 2 different weapons: the [[Shotgun]] and the [[Flaregun]]?
*...it is possible to critical-hit a [[Pyro]] with the [[Axtinguisher]]? (It requires another [[Pyro]] to constantly hit the enemy [[Pyro]] with his/her [[Flamethrower]])
*...the [[Direct hit]] has a scope, but you cannot use it?
*...that the [[Pyro]] was the first class to appear wielding an unlockable weapon in a '[[Meet the Team]]' video?
* ...that the design of the Engineer class has changed the least throughout each of the ''Team Fortress'' games, always sporting a hard hat and overalls?
* ...that Engineer has a cut "Remember the [[w:Battle of the Alamo|Alamo]]!" voice line?
*...that the [[Engineer]] is the only class that can't [[Taunt]] kill?
* ...that the [[Pyro]] and [[Engineer]] have no voice lines related to the [[Payload#Carts|Payload cart]]?
* ...that in the [[comics]], the [[Classes (Classic)|''Team Fortress Classic'' mercenaries]] are hired by [[Non-player characters#Gray Mann|Gray Mann]] to hunt down the [[Classes|''Team Fortress 2'' mercenaries]]?
*...that the [[Pyro]] was the first class able to do a [[Taunt]] kill?
* ...that [[Deathcam]] screenshots {{DK|F5}} save as "[killer's name] is looking good!"?
* ...that [[Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack]] is the [[Item sets|item set]] with the most items in it at 5 different items?
*...that on the [[Soldier]]'s Buff Banner backpack there is a text over the eagle saying "Screaming Eagles" like the Screaming Eagles achivement?
*...that the [[Demoman]] is the only class who never speaks his native language of Highland Gaelic?
*...that the [[Soldier]]'s Grenade taunt attack can be survived if you have the [[Gunboats]] equipped?
*...that the [[Heavy]] holds his [[Minigun]] much higher in first-person, than in third-person?
*...that if you kill a Soldier while he is performing the [[Kamikaze]] taunt, you will be credited with the kill with the grenade icon?
*...that a [[Sentry gun]]'s rockets can damage and even kill teammates if the Sentry was destroyed after firing them?
*...that the [[Soldier]]'s [[Kamikaze]] is the only taunt attack capable of killing the user?
* ...that activating the [[Power Up Canteen#Buff types|Become Übercharged]] canteen in [[Mann vs. Machine]] as [[Engineer]] gives your [[Sentry Gun]] a Wrangler shield, that blocks 90% of damage dealt to it?
* ...that [[:Category:Items with facial flexing|certain cosmetic items]] will mimic the wearer's facial expressions?
*...that [[Saxton Hale]]'s chest hair is in the shape of Australia?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/saxtonhale/02.htm]
* ...that the [[Market Gardener]]'s name is a reference to [[w:Operation Market Garden|Operation Market Garden]], an Allied paradrop operation during World War II?
* ...that the [[Soldier]]'s alias, [[w:John Doe|Jane Doe]], is also the placeholder name assigned to anonymous or unidentified women?
*...that in the early stages of the TF2 Beta, the [[Sniper]] taunts used [[Medic]] dialogue?
* ...that the [[Backpack (weapon)|Backpack]] is a [[Unused content|scrapped]] [[Weapons#scoutsecondary|secondary weapon]] for the [[Scout]] that allowed him to pick up [[pickups]] and give them to his teammates?
* ...that the [[Candy Cane]]’s level (25) is a reference to [[w:Christmas Day|Christmas]], which is celebrated on December 25th?
*...despite constant reference to her title[http://teamfortress.com/post.php?id=3219][http://www.teamfortress.com/war/administrator/03.htm], the Administrator is still known as and called the [[Announcer]] by the Team Fortress community?
*...the chair the Administrator sits on in page 5 of the [[Soldier]] comic has the same design as the chair that sits behind the [[Media:TF2_2fort_intel.jpg|desk of 2Fort intel rooms]]?[http://www.teamfortress.com/war/soldier/05.htm]
*...a [[Sentry]] beeps once, twice or thrice according to its level whenever it switches direction in its "idle" state?
*... that a Demoman carrying an [[Eyelander]] will swing horizontally for non-critical hits and vertically downwards for critical hits in first person view, but will always swing vertically downwards in third person view?
*... that a [[Spy]] can remove his own [[Sapper]] using the console command "destroy 4"?
*...that in the Steam store, the TF2 banner pictures a RED [[Heavy]] wearing bullets on his left shoulder, yet he normally wears them on his right?
*...that the [[Engineer]]'s [[Pistol]], with 212 total ammo, has the most ammo out of any of the weapons, beating both the flamethrower and the minigun by 12?
*...that in some cases it is easier for a [[Pyro]] to kill a level 3 [[Sentry]] than a level 2, by hopping in and out of it's range and airblasting the rockets?
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== See also ==  
*...that to date, the [[Soldier]] has the most taunts in the game, having a unique taunt for the [[Equalizer]], the [[Direct hit]], the [[Rocket Launcher]], the [[Shovel]], the [[Shotgun]] and the [[Buff Banner]], making six taunts in total?
* [[Template:Did you know/Previously featured facts|Previously featured facts]]
*...that the [[Razorback]] and the [[Buff Banner]] are the only weapons that are visible at all times when equipped?
*...that to date, the [[Soldier]] has the most weapons in game? having 2 primary weapons, 3 secondary weapons and 3 melee weapons, making 8 weapons in total?
*...that the [[Pyro]], [[Heavy]], and [[Spy]] are the only classes to have taunt attacks using one of their original taunts?
*...the [[Scout]] achievement 'Foul Territory' and the Demoman achievement 'He Who Celt It' have the same image?
*...that The [[Hound Dog]] is the first hat to have the prefix "The" before it's name?
*...that The [[Hound Dog]] is the first official hat to add eyewear to a class, in this case sunglasses to the [[Heavy]]?
*...that [[Hotrod]] flips down over the [[Engineer]]'s face when he is holding a building's blueprints?
*...that [[Hotrod]] is the only hat to have movement that isn't 'jigglebone' related?
*...that in the [[Meet the Team]] videos, where it says 'Meet the Spy' for example, near the bottom right, it says 'Copyright lololol'?
*...that to date the Spy and the Soldier are the only ones who were presented as BLU in their own updates?
*...that, when not in use, the [[Engineer]] taps the pump of his [[shotgun]]?
*...that the Demoman's [[Grenade Launcher]] is based off the real life [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M79_grenade_launcher M79 Grenade Launcher]?
*...that if a Huntsman arrow collides with another arrow, they will both break in mid-air?
*...that compression blasted projectiles, when hitting a opponent, will result in a [[Mini-crit]]?
*...that the [[Mercenary]] was originally called the Weekend Warrior?
*...that after throwing [[Jarate]] upwards, it will eventually explode - even without hitting anything?
*...the [[Killer's Kabuto ]] is the only class hat to have its class wearers logo embroided on it?
*...the [[Pain Train]] is the first unlockable weapon usable by 2 classes?
*...the [[Pain Train]] is the first weapon to have 2 different taunts animations that are different depending on which class is using it?
*...that stunning the [[Soldier]] with the [[Sandman]] while he is taunting with the [[Equalizer]] will stop him from exploding?
*...that the [[Demoman]] was the first class to have four [[melee]] [[weapons]]?
*...that [[Sniper]], [[Demoman]], and [[Scout]] are the only classes that have food in their domination lines?
*...that the [[Tribalman's shiv]] was the first [[melee]] unlockable for [[Sniper]]?
*...that [[Scotsman's Skullcutter]] and [[Eyelander]] are the only weapons that can decapitate?
*...that the [[Sandman]] originally disabled double-jumps?
*...that the [[Sandman]] also had a health penalty when equipped?
*...that using the left-handed viewmodels are just complete reversals of the regular viewmodels?(Ex. Demoman's bottle is dated to year 8081, etc.)
*...that the [[Control Point podcast]] ended after 100 episodes?
*...that the [[Sandvich]] was the first item to have its own [[Meet the Team]] video?
*...that when the [[Engineer]] reloads his [[pistol]], he puts the clip in in reverse?
*...that the Team Fortress logo is rotated at a 7° tilt?
*...that the [[Scotsman's Skullcutter]] originally had the [[bottle]] sound?
*...that if you hold reload while firing the [[Scout]]'s or [[Engineer]]'s [[pistol]], the animation will reload half way, fire, then do the same thing again?
*...that outside of second spawn room in [[Granary]], a [[Pyro]] can [[airblast]] an enemy above the spawn room, giving them an overlook inside of it?
*...that if you hang out of the battlement window on either team in [[Double Cross]], you can shoot clear into the opposing team's courtyard?
*...that when you equip [[Crit-a-Cola]] in the weapons [[loadout]] menu, it shows the [[Scout]] holding a [[RED]] [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]]?
*...that [[December 11, 2008 Patch]] have a wrong date on [[119th Update]] updates list and says January 7, 2009.
*...that by [[healing]] an enemy [[Spy]] a [[Medic]] can get teamkill [[assist]]s?
*...that at a starting gate, if a [[Demoman]] places his [[sticky bombs]] directly on the bottom of the gate, when he detonates them they can injure an enemy also touching the gate?
*...that the [[Syringe Gun]] and the [[Blutsauger]] are the only projectile (non hitscan) weapons that cannot be air-blasted?
*...that the [[Heavy]] can still throw his [[Sandvich]] while he is stunned, potentially saving his life?
*...that the [[Pyro]] won't get an assist from lighted [[huntsman]] arrow killing someone?
*...that the [[Heavy]], [[Soldier]] and [[Scout]], are the only 3 classes that have met [[Saxton Hale]] in real life?
*...that the [[Golden Wrench]] is made out of [[australium]], as seen on page 9 in the comic "[http://www.teamfortress.com/loosecanon/ Loose Canon]"?
*...that the [[Hadouken]] could kill a [[Scout]] under the effect of [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]]?
*...that [[Australium]] looks almost exactly like gold?
*...that The [[BLU]] [[Soldier]], [[RED]] [[Demoman]] and BLU [[Engineer]] are the only classes that have an offical name?
*...that Robin Walkers [[Primeval Warrior]] Badge was given to him on August 24th, 1998 as seen [http://www.tf2items.com/id/robinwalker/ here]?
*...that in [[Meet the Spy]], there is no visible latch for the [[RED]] [[Spy]]'s [[knife]], yet the handles stay together until he plucks it from the [[BLU]] [[Sniper]]'s corpse?
=== Add facts below this title ===
*...that the Engineer's unlockable [[shotgun]], The [[Frontier Justice]], was teased during the [[Mac update trailer]]?
*...that before a patch, if a [[Medic]] [[ÜberCharge]]s himself, he can use the [[Übersaw]] to extend his ÜberCharge  indefinitely?
*...that you can destroy [[sticky bombs]] with [[melee]] weapons?
*...that the [[Hadouken]] and [[Fencing]] are the only tauntkills that can destroy [[Buildings]]?
*...that the [[Engineer]] is the only class to receive unlockable weapons before his update?
*...that the Engineer's grandfather, [[Non-player characters#Radigan Conagher|Radigan Conagher]] invented the Engineer's unlocks in 1850?
*...that Radigan Conagher is a part of free masonry, probably free crafting judging from the logo on the update page?
*...that the Engineer Update doesn't go by days, but uses groups of 25 [[Golden Wrench|Golden Wrenches]] as information benchmarks?
*...that when an Engineer dies and drops his [[Golden Wrench]], the skin reverts to the normal [[Wrench]].
*...that two [[sticky bombs]] can destroy any level [[Sentry Gun]]?
=See also=
[[Previously featured facts]]
[[Category:Main Page]]

Latest revision as of 20:05, 13 March 2025

Currently displayed facts

  • ...that a Scout can assist in his own death if he is hit by his reflected stun ball, and then killed by an opponent?
  • ...that the Market Gardener also crits while rocket jumping using enemy rockets?
  • ...that the Engineer's Dispenser contains the nail belt for the Scout's old Nail Gun in the ammunition holder?
  • ...that pressing the alternate fire button while constructing a building allows you to rotate it?
  • ...that a football ball can spawn when you equip with Ball-Kicking Boots?
  • ...that on the picture of the achievement Soviet Union, the Heavy on the right sports a mullet, similarly to his original design?
  • ...that a player standing on an enemy Teleporter exit when someone teleports will result in the player being telefragged?
  • ...that the numbers on the top front of the Train on Well spells '7331', which spelled backwards is '1337' (leet)?

Facts suggestions

Add new fact suggestions at the very bottom of the section below this title

  • ...that on Slasher, the words "RED SMELLS" followed by the addition of "GOOD" found in the RED outhouse is a reference to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode Sailor Mouth where SpongeBob "finishes" someone's insulting graffiti on a dumpster by adding the word "good" to it in a similar fashion?
  • ...that Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys are internally called "decoder rings"?
  • ...that the Atomizer's 15% damage penalty also affects its kill taunt?
  • ...that the F1 and F3 keys are bound by default to nonexistent commands, +showroundinfo and show_matchmaking, respectively?
  • ...that the Scout's Peace Out taunt is a reference to the Grant Gustin next to Oliver Queen's grave meme?
  • ...that the Dead Head was originally called The Skullcap, but was changed due to a conflict with the Skullcap?

See also